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moetmum is offline  
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11-12-2012, 08:16 AM
Morning H and all

You sound like you are falling to bits H! The joys of getting older. Thanks for reminding me I am running out of time for christmas, it's the same every year.

I am glad Pepsi has stopped throwing up, such a worry these dogs!

I hope Gary doesn't miss his trip and is recovered soon.

Don't float away Malka!

I am dashing about today, meeting up with my good friend who I hardly get to see these days, we both work part time and have other commitments. We are having an impromptu lunch to celebrate our 60th birthdays, hers was September and mine is next week. I need to buy myself some new trousers for our works do on Thursday, quite a large number of us out for a meal, didn't know that many people worked at the park!

Have a good day all!
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madmare is offline  
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11-12-2012, 08:17 AM
Morning H, and all,
Very heavy frost this morning and the paths were very icy so only took Lily up the road and back as didn't want to risk slipping over. It won't hurt her as she has her outing to the vets this morning with kyiro who is there for his regular foot check and bandage change. Lily loves accompanying him and conning everyone at the vets to give her lots of fusses. Having her there also helps Kyiro who is absolutely terrified of the vets.
Its 3 years ago today that Kyiro came to live with us, its gone so quickly, and do you know I have never once had to raise my voice and tell him off for anything, he has always had been impeccably behaved. I do love that boy so much
H, you take care now do you hear. Don't want you doing anymore damage to yourself.
Malka sorry you have a leak hope it doesn't cause too much of a mess for you or any damage, but like you say you need the rain.
Take care all and enjoy your day.
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Berger is offline  
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11-12-2012, 08:22 AM
Morning all

My good H you poor thing. Be good to yourself today and take it easy.

Im in the same boat myself. My back is in bits. I was clearing out my youngests room with him on Sunday, getting rid of some of the toys just to make room for more, like you do!! and low and behold couldn't move yesterday and not much better today.

On a brighter note, we got word that the vizla bitch we are expecting a litter from was mated successfully and puppies and due on the 28th December. Hopefully there will be enough puppies to fulfill quota and we will be able to take one. The breeder is keeping two, one is going to the states and one to Italy. Trying to to get too excited.

Have a good one all,

Nic xx
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Meg is offline  
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11-12-2012, 08:45 AM
Good morning fellow members a very cold morning with the fields white with frost which is good because the mud has frozen so Chloe didn't get covered on our morning walk.

Baby Hannah will be here any moment. We are having a late start today because her Mummy is having a day off but Hannah will still have her Nanna day .

Enjoy your day everyone
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Kazz is online now  
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11-12-2012, 09:06 AM
Morning all.

Its crisp and bright here, been out with Sal who is as I type charging round the back garden she has always been a cold weather girl. Already been out for her first walk and she is now considering settling down for a few hours.

I am off to get a new ext cable to plug lights in for outside. And pop christmas cards in the post box. I brought stamps yesterday too and needed a chair to sit down - Good lord.

Work tomorrow night till Saturday so making the most of today.May get a few more Christmas fillers may even wrap things.

Not sure what to have for dinner tonight. Thinking caps on.
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Jackie is offline  
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11-12-2012, 09:14 AM
Morning all, a lovely cold crispy morning here walking when its like this.

H, what a mess you are in, a easy day on the cards for you me thinks.

I hope everyone manages to do everything they need to day,

Nic , congratulation on your forthcoming baby Vizsla , did you see my photo thread on all my friends .

Take care of yourselves folks, and have a good one. sickness from Millie in the night after her little feast yesterday
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Lynn is offline  
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11-12-2012, 09:37 AM
Morning Helena, morning all.
Helena do take care please no tripping over tree roots too.

Terrible night here well from 5am. Dillon did hid usual need to go out bark that's ok as he does his business then comes straight back in sometimes has cuddle sometimes not and settles straight back down again and I go back to bed for an hour or two. Not today bark, bark, bark at 5am indoors or out and although he needed to go he wouldn't there was also another dog somewhere on the estate barking. He wouldn't settle at all pacing about and panting. Gorden walked him round the block at 6-45 he wouldn't settle after that either or after eating.
I took him out for an hour at 8ish and he was a nightmare every little smell had to be sniffed so something in the air and with his raging hormones it is getting the better of him. Quite likely a bitch in heat another one as we just seem to of got over it for few days and off we go again. He is laying by my feet snoring now little monkey.
Please tell me this settles down.

He will be getting done soon if this carries on for his peace of mind and mine. Also when we have some money in the New Year.

So after my mammoth rant I am doing my other two christmas cakes today.

I hope everyone that has problems they solve themselves today for you and any aches and pains disappear and all the poorly doggies and humans soon feel well again.

Take care out there.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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11-12-2012, 10:05 AM
OMG Helena, be careful out there today Asda do a very good tablet called Pain Relievers and they work very fast and last a long time as well, I know they are a combination of paracetamol and something else, they are really good and take the edge off it all. You should go and get yourself checked out and then you will know which bits are the dodgy ones and then you can pace yourself accordingly. Horrid being old on the outside and still yourself on the inside, I hate it
Cariad is being a bit over sniffy at the moment, everything is being carefully examined and sniffed over and then back again to make sure she hasn't missed anything. I feel mean that she is getting no proper walks at the moment so am letting her because her walks are brief compared to what she is used to, maybe the ice and cold have something to do with it and animals passing in the night like foxes for instance may be leaving scent that lingers in this weather.
Babies not out at night yet Helena, they had their first taste of the great outdoors for the afternoon and will be out again today. Went to take Lona and Mab's brekkie out this morning and lying in the yard is the dustpan from the brush and dustpan set I bought to clean the Puppy Palace, she is a nightmare, I have no idea how she gets to things, but get them she does, no sign of the brush, but I am sure it will turn up (chewed up) buried in shavings or paper when I go to clean out
Car wouldn't start yesterday so got a new battery on order, fingers crossed it comes today because I have Things Planned that need to be done and with all the dog walking and puppy cleaning I need to faff about on buses like I need an extra hole in my head. Should be heading off on the bone run in a while, but no car so have had to ring to say expect me when you see me.
Puppy Fix today is Sooleawa
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Jackie is offline  
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11-12-2012, 10:37 AM
Awww puppy fix, nothing like sleeping near your dinner
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Helena54 is offline  
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11-12-2012, 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H and all

You sound like you are falling to bits H! The joys of getting older. Thanks for reminding me I am running out of time for christmas, it's the same every year.

I am glad Pepsi has stopped throwing up, such a worry these dogs!

I hope Gary doesn't miss his trip and is recovered soon.

Don't float away Malka!

I am dashing about today, meeting up with my good friend who I hardly get to see these days, we both work part time and have other commitments. We are having an impromptu lunch to celebrate our 60th birthdays, hers was September and mine is next week. I need to buy myself some new trousers for our works do on Thursday, quite a large number of us out for a meal, didn't know that many people worked at the park!

Have a good day all!
Morning Gerry Yes, I am indeed falling to bits, and quicker than I'd like! You have a lovely time with that friend of yours celebrating your ummm, yes well, your special birthdays!

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H, and all,
Very heavy frost this morning and the paths were very icy so only took Lily up the road and back as didn't want to risk slipping over. It won't hurt her as she has her outing to the vets this morning with kyiro who is there for his regular foot check and bandage change. Lily loves accompanying him and conning everyone at the vets to give her lots of fusses. Having her there also helps Kyiro who is absolutely terrified of the vets.
Its 3 years ago today that Kyiro came to live with us, its gone so quickly, and do you know I have never once had to raise my voice and tell him off for anything, he has always had been impeccably behaved. I do love that boy so much
H, you take care now do you hear. Don't want you doing anymore damage to yourself.
Malka sorry you have a leak hope it doesn't cause too much of a mess for you or any damage, but like you say you need the rain.
Take care all and enjoy your day.
Morning Bev I hope you've got rid of those niffles of yours, and how lovely to hear what a good boy Kyiro is for you, and I can honestly say, I have the same with Zena here, I've never had to shout at her ever (unlike someone else I had once, gone but never to be forgotten!) I do hope the vet is pleased with the healing of that pad when he takes that bandage off, it could well be the end of it all for you Bev I do hope so anyway.

Originally Posted by Berger View Post
Morning all

My good H you poor thing. Be good to yourself today and take it easy.

Im in the same boat myself. My back is in bits. I was clearing out my youngests room with him on Sunday, getting rid of some of the toys just to make room for more, like you do!! and low and behold couldn't move yesterday and not much better today.

On a brighter note, we got word that the vizla bitch we are expecting a litter from was mated successfully and puppies and due on the 28th December. Hopefully there will be enough puppies to fulfill quota and we will be able to take one. The breeder is keeping two, one is going to the states and one to Italy. Trying to to get too excited.

Have a good one all,

Nic xx
Morning Nic See, we do these things not thinking and end up in trouble the next day, when will we learn hey! Hope yours isn't too painful, mine has miraculously been cured after my morning walk, well, it's a lot better, but before I went out, I held my left foot behind my back for a few seconds and the stretching really helped it I think. Try it with yours if you can. Oooooh exciting, I didn't know about the little baby vizla, hopefully, that will tie in nicely with losing our little cherubs of June's

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members a very cold morning with the fields white with frost which is good because the mud has frozen so Chloe didn't get covered on our morning walk.

Baby Hannah will be here any moment. We are having a late start today because her Mummy is having a day off but Hannah will still have her Nanna day .

Enjoy your day everyone
Morning Mini Awwww is it nanna day again already, soon comes round doesn't it - won't be seeing you this evening then, you'll be flaked out Mini

Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Morning all.

Its crisp and bright here, been out with Sal who is as I type charging round the back garden she has always been a cold weather girl. Already been out for her first walk and she is now considering settling down for a few hours.

I am off to get a new ext cable to plug lights in for outside. And pop christmas cards in the post box. I brought stamps yesterday too and needed a chair to sit down - Good lord.

Work tomorrow night till Saturday so making the most of today.May get a few more Christmas fillers may even wrap things.

Not sure what to have for dinner tonight. Thinking caps on.
Morning Kazz LOL I like that "thinking about settling down for a few hours bit"!!! It's absolutely fantastic to hear how well she's doing, and we're still thinking of her and got good vibes on constant. Do you mean you had to sit down in the post office in the queue?? I wish they'd put a chair in my post office with the length of that queue I had to stand in. Hope you think of something tasty for your dinner tonight, I'm having liver and bacon for lunch but that's a bit like Marmite isn't it to some people!

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, a lovely cold crispy morning here walking when its like this.

H, what a mess you are in, a easy day on the cards for you me thinks.

I hope everyone manages to do everything they need to day,

Nic , congratulation on your forthcoming baby Vizsla , did you see my photo thread on all my friends .

Take care of yourselves folks, and have a good one. sickness from Millie in the night after her little feast yesterday
Morning Jackie I managed a morning walk without further injury, and back is better, knee is all wrapped up with a sports thingie, bit tight, but hey ho, it does the job and hasn't yet clicked out of place. Enjoy your walk in this lovely crispy weather, it's absolutely glorious out there this morning, long may it continue

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena, morning all.
Helena do take care please no tripping over tree roots too.

Terrible night here well from 5am. Dillon did hid usual need to go out bark that's ok as he does his business then comes straight back in sometimes has cuddle sometimes not and settles straight back down again and I go back to bed for an hour or two. Not today bark, bark, bark at 5am indoors or out and although he needed to go he wouldn't there was also another dog somewhere on the estate barking. He wouldn't settle at all pacing about and panting. Gorden walked him round the block at 6-45 he wouldn't settle after that either or after eating.
I took him out for an hour at 8ish and he was a nightmare every little smell had to be sniffed so something in the air and with his raging hormones it is getting the better of him. Quite likely a bitch in heat another one as we just seem to of got over it for few days and off we go again. He is laying by my feet snoring now little monkey.
Please tell me this settles down.

He will be getting done soon if this carries on for his peace of mind and mine. Also when we have some money in the New Year.

So after my mammoth rant I am doing my other two christmas cakes today.

I hope everyone that has problems they solve themselves today for you and any aches and pains disappear and all the poorly doggies and humans soon feel well again.

Take care out there.
Morning Lynn Oh deary me, what are we gonna do with that norty boy of yours! I'm sure you're right, it must be a bitch in season somewhere, especially if you heard another dog barking. Just make sure when you take him out he doesn't drag you all the way to her house lol! I have no miracle cure, cos I myself have tried just about everything with Zena with her visitors, but shutting her in a room and telling her to be quiet has helped tremendously, she has kind of learned that once she's shut in my bedroom, she can see through the glass door that I'm with somebody, all is quiet and that's happened on the last 2 occassions now, even though they stayed a good hour almost Can't quite believe it myself, but you just gotta find out what works for you, and the best of British!

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
OMG Helena, be careful out there today Asda do a very good tablet called Pain Relievers and they work very fast and last a long time as well, I know they are a combination of paracetamol and something else, they are really good and take the edge off it all. You should go and get yourself checked out and then you will know which bits are the dodgy ones and then you can pace yourself accordingly. Horrid being old on the outside and still yourself on the inside, I hate it
Cariad is being a bit over sniffy at the moment, everything is being carefully examined and sniffed over and then back again to make sure she hasn't missed anything. I feel mean that she is getting no proper walks at the moment so am letting her because her walks are brief compared to what she is used to, maybe the ice and cold have something to do with it and animals passing in the night like foxes for instance may be leaving scent that lingers in this weather.
Babies not out at night yet Helena, they had their first taste of the great outdoors for the afternoon and will be out again today. Went to take Lona and Mab's brekkie out this morning and lying in the yard is the dustpan from the brush and dustpan set I bought to clean the Puppy Palace, she is a nightmare, I have no idea how she gets to things, but get them she does, no sign of the brush, but I am sure it will turn up (chewed up) buried in shavings or paper when I go to clean out
Car wouldn't start yesterday so got a new battery on order, fingers crossed it comes today because I have Things Planned that need to be done and with all the dog walking and puppy cleaning I need to faff about on buses like I need an extra hole in my head. Should be heading off on the bone run in a while, but no car so have had to ring to say expect me when you see me.
Puppy Fix today is Sooleawa
Morning June Ahhhhhhh, a nice, early puppy fix today, and I have to say June, it's gonna be pretty heart wrenching for us now, let alone yourself, when these little treasures leave the nest. Is mum usually pleased to see them go I wonder? Not been through it myself you see, but I wonder if they let them go easily? Thanks for the tip about the pills, I'm taking myself off to Asda tomorrow morning now that I know how to find it! Good luck with that car, you've gotta have a set of wheels with all the running about you do each day, I can't imagine you lugging all that wood and stuff onto a bus!!!

Had the most glorious walk in the frost and sunshine, Zena was an absolute loon skidding through all the thick blanket of leaves in the woodland chasing that ball, I love seeing her so happy and well. She's even left me alone this morning to get the beds changed, the bathrooms cleaned and lunch put in the slow cooker, so she more than deserves a long second walk at lunchtime.

Back is much better, phew, and knee hasn't "gone" on me yet, but I've strapped it up with one of Dave's athletic bandages, which is very thick and had a hole in it, so it's probably an ankle one, hence the reason it's so tight around me knee lol, but it's doing the job of holding it together.

I've fed the birdies and done their water and now they're swarming around the feeders in the apple tree up the top. I've got 2 robins who sit on the top step together every morning and I'm hoping they'll be nesting nearby in the Spring when I shall order some live mealworms for them. Sad I know, but I love my little birdies.

Now I know I keep harping on about how my dear old mum must have found me this place, and along with it, she's managed to sort out just about everything nearby that I need or love to have around me (God rest her soul), and she's now put in the final piece of her offering for me! Next to Sainsbury's was a Focus store which was all closed down when we moved here in May, and they've been working on it ever since, but with no inclination of what it was going to be, so I just assumed another B&Q or something. On driving past it yesterday, there in great big letters on a banner outside was printed "Dunelm Mills, Opening 1st January 2013" WELL!!! She knows that's my most favourite shop of all for browsing, so I'll be first in that queue. My nearest one used to be a few miles from where I lived before and I really missed it, so I put in a request to mum! Lol! True!!!
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