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21-11-2012, 09:08 AM
Morning all, throwing it down here

Tesco and Laura Ashley for me today, then got loads f ironing to do later

Take care x
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21-11-2012, 09:09 AM
Absolutely precipitating down here, has been all night. The fields are just awash round here. This is my last day at home recovering from the norovirus, back to work tomorrow provided I have a further 24 hours of no vomiting or diarrhoea. Ate some rich tea biscuits yesterday, and just had a couple for breakfast. No ominous signs as yet, although if I suddenly disappear, it will be for hygiene reasons!!

OH is having to walk the boys along the canal where there is hard cinder towpath otherwise they just make my house absolutely filthy. I am trying to persuade OH to let me get a small garden shed, turn into a kennel for them with sawdust on the floor or possibly straw into which they are put when they come back soaking wet and filthy dirty, there to stay until they are dry. They can then have a quick brush and rub down with a towel to remove the loose dirt and in they come. He won't even consider it, says they would howl the place down and the neighbours will complain. I've got to the stage where I don't really care, I cannot cope with working full time, with a 2 hour travelling time every day to a stressful job as a medical secretary, and coming back to a house that is filthy dirty - OH considering that housework is woman's work ... ggggrrrr!!

I think I shall just purchase a shed in the January sales and have done with it!
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21-11-2012, 09:15 AM
Morning Lynn, Morning All

Chucking it down here as well. Max and I have been out for our walk, I have three client's dogs to walk later so am hoping it will dry up a bit.

Seems like I have missed some things on Dogsey, Chris and Malka, I hope that you are both ok.

Have a good day all
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Chellie is offline  
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21-11-2012, 09:43 AM
Morning all,

We have persistent rain too, so much for cleaning the car

My daughters graduation went well after all of the drama of getting us all there. The awards were given out by Lord Robert Winston who decided that she was a friendly face and kept her up on stage asking her about her job etc it was a lovely moment for her, one I'm sure she'll remember for a long time.

I've got the day off today, trying to sort out some bits I've got behind on whilst I've been travelling for work so ironing and general housework on the agenda.

Hope everyone has a good one.

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Meg is offline  
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21-11-2012, 09:54 AM
Good morning fellow members except it isn't

The rain is tippling down and I am surrounded by floods, I am not feeling at my best and my appointment to see a specialist has been moved back 6 weeks, there is the mess of my neices wedding to sort out as she has switched venues after my lot had already booked rooms in the same hotel as the wedding and paid a deposit.
It is tempting to go back to bed and pull the duvet over my head

Still these are small worries when compared to the things some people are going through..
Chris I was pleased to hear your son is improving and I hope there is more positive news today..

Malka you and Pereg stay safe...
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Fondly Remembered
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21-11-2012, 10:10 AM
'morning Lynn and all above

Very dull here, feels like rain on it's way. Hope you are all well.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
He said for someone who claims to of travelled the globe she doesn't know much about another country's cultures or can't be bothered to research and find out.
I have said to him keep away from her and her faux pars else you'll end up in jail alongside her.
Very good advice Lynn, sounds to me like she's one of these people who just fly in for a few days holiday and never get to know the country at all. To really understand a place you have to live and work there and be very careful at the start to make sure you don't offend any traditions. I saw it so many times in Saudi with people who thought they could not only make home made liquor but sell it as well - crazy idiots.
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21-11-2012, 10:13 AM
Good morning all.

I'm having a day off . My sister and brother in law are going to visit Gary on both sessions today and although the guilt trip is already kicking in, I really need to recharge a little

All the drips are out - yay!! However, they did want to put the feed drip back in this morning because he won't eat (mind you, he's on a soft diet and yesterday's offerings were less than appealing). He refused point blank to have the feed tube put back so I've told them my sister will take in some pot noodles and some salmon sandwiches on soft baps and we'll see how he goes with them. They are fine with that but asked if she can go in for 12 o'clock for lunch time. NO, she can't! She looks after my mum and has already made alternative arrangements for someone to pop in tonight. Me thinks the hospital forget that we have to travel to get there which means we are there from 2-8.30 pm without a break. It takes my sister over an hour to get there and me two and a half hours. Surely, they could relent and get a sandwich from the cafe to try to tempt him

Yesterday, he was a nightmare. All he wants to do is sleep and all the advice is to try to get him up into the chair little and often to start to get him moving. He goes dizzy when he gets up and all the colour drains from his face. No wonder he was grumpy is there . Apparently, with head injuries the grumpiness is fairly normal.

One good thing (I hope) is that now they have got him to agree to try some new medication for his epilepsy. The bad news is that after such a severe head injury, his fits are likely to increase.

If he starts eating, they are looking at moving him to Boston hospital which will be far easier for me for visiting. It's a couple of hours round trip, but it does mean that one of us can do the afternoon visiting and the other the night one and that we'll still have a little time to get other things done too.

I'm still not caught up on everyone's news so I generalise and wish all poorly doggies and people better and hope all those not poorly have success and fun with what they are doing.

Malka - I hope you are staying safe and looking after yourself. Keep that chin up in these troubled times. x
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Fondly Remembered
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21-11-2012, 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by majuka View Post
Seems like I have missed some things on Dogsey,
Yes Jane, but it's no big deal really, from past experience on other forums my bet is many of them will be back Big hugs for Max
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Fondly Remembered
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21-11-2012, 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
The bad news is that after such a severe head injury, his fits are likely to increase.
I am truly sorry to be reading all this about your son, I don't comment much because there's not a lot I can add to what others have said, but I do read your posts and think about you and him.
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21-11-2012, 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone

Crickey, no pc this morning Let's hope it was just a blip and it won't happen again. Poor Gorden, fancy having to work alongside somebody like that, so instead of concentrating on what he's gotta do, he's concentrating on what she *might* do, I wouldn't like that.

I got up in the dark, woke up at 6 am, but that's good, it means I can get out earlier when I can get outta this place! I'm off up to the van to face the music with all the cleaning and I quite enjoy cleaning that little van, its so small, might live in one eventually as it's such low maintenance, but not now, I love this house too much.

Although it's not raining outside atm, it has been overnight, so it's yet another muddy walk in the woods for me. I might try and get the overalls on her, but if it stresses me out, she can get the hose as it's not cold yet.

Be back later for a little lookey, hope Jimmi's paw is good this morning and Kyiro's, and still thinking of you Chris with your poor son in Hospital, I do hope there's been some more improvement with him.

Enjoy your day folks
Monring Helena enjoy the cleaning. I hope Mr Bodgit hasn't left it too messy.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn, H and all

I hope you get the computer sorted Lynn, my mac is also out of action so I am using my other laptop. Poor Gordon, as if struggling with the language and the menu aren't enough!

Have a lovely day cleaning the caravan, I much prefer it to housework. I hope the sink is now fitted correctly.

I hope your son is making a good recovery Chris and Malka and Pereg are staying safe.

Hugs to Kyiro, I hope he is feeling more comfortable now.

It's horribly wet here, short soggy walk today! I was off sick yesterday, literally came over feeling very sick (OH probably trying to poison me) but was ok in the end. I had to deal with someone on Sunday who felt very ill, got her a seat to sit on and a glass of water, I remember thinking please don't give it to me, so maybe I was fighting something off. I am usually robust and can't think of when I was off sick in the last 12 years!

I hope you all have a lovely day.
Morning Gerri.
Pleased to hear you are feeling better. Maybe you caught it after being a good Samaritan.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Morning you two
Absolutely lashing down here, has been all night. Good job I had planned a day in doing housework.
I'm still loving reading about Gordens adventures. I will miss it when he gets home
H I don't envy you your day the drive alone would put me off. Hate driving not that I do it anymore.
I will pop back in later when I have a break from the hoovering
Morning Jen.
I know what will I talk about when he's back.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Good morning all,
It is pouring down here I'm so sick of walking in the wet/mud as I'm sure you all are too.

Chris and I hope your poor son continues to make a good recovery. You must be emotionally exhausted. (((hugs))).

I hipe Kyiro's paw is improving with the higher dose of antibiotics.

Malka, I hope you had a calm night and managed get some sleep.

The ground is just so wet now that we and are neighbours are hoping for a week or so of no rain. We live on flood plain and are sandwiched between two rivers which understandably are starting to rise.

Have a good day all. I've got to get the dogs out for a decent walk as I'm meeting 4 friends for lunch today ..... I'm not 'a lady that lunches' by the way

Take care, good luck and keep safe.
Morning Jenny.
That sound worrying lets hope this wet weather stops soon.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning all

A very wet windy morning here,we have a lake forming in the back garden Dogs went out and it was the fastest toilet trip ever

Not up to much today,may cut Luke's hair later.

Chris,I hope your son is a little better today,

Malka,hope you & Pereg are safe & well x

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal. Good luck with that river in the back garden.
Mums garden does this I am hoping it has stayed away as completion takes place tomorrow don't want them backing out now.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

Eugh it's horrid here, I don't fancy a walk this morning -Loki doesn't look too into it either.

Oh no Lynn, not the hard drive! Mine went months back on the big pc and I've never been able to get it to work properly again, not even with a new hard drive.

I hope there are no muddy boots prints to clean up in the van of yours H!

Moetmum - hope you feel better today.

Hugs for Kyiro, Chris, Jimmi and Malka

See you all later.
Morning Linda.
I think it may be sorted.
Will update in my bit on the end.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone. Its very mild and although the ground looks damp outside its not raining (yet).
I'm having computer problems too Lynn. I put it on in the morning and it takes ages to fire itself up ready to go, then it shuts itself down and restarts saying it was protecting you from a serious blue screen error or something. You then have to wait an age for it to get going again so you can use it, it then works ok. I'm convinced it doesn't like mornings as it will start up slow but fine at any other time of the day.
Not much for me today except work and a quick trip to get some bananas.
Thank you everyone for Kyiro's good wishes. He is still very sore but hopefully the higher dose of abs will kick in soon. He must be so bored being on strict bed rest .
Good luck at the van today H.
Chris I hope your son is continuing to improve and Malka I hope you and Pereg are safe.
Have a nice lunch Jenny.
Lynn I think you are going to have to send Gordon back to work there after christmas for our entertainment if nothing else
Have a good day everyone.
Monring Bev.
Pleased to hear Kyiro seems a little better this morning.

Originally Posted by Nikki123 View Post
Morning everyone

Pouring down in bristol here too

I've just got soaked getting into work my feet are freezing!

Hope you all have a good day even with this horrible weather
Morning Nikki, I hope your feet warm up soon.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, throwing it down here

Tesco and Laura Ashley for me today, then got loads f ironing to do later

Take care x
Morning Jackie.
Ha ha that woan in Laura Ashley is going to get a shock I would love to see her face today. I bet its her day off.

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Absolutely precipitating down here, has been all night. The fields are just awash round here. This is my last day at home recovering from the norovirus, back to work tomorrow provided I have a further 24 hours of no vomiting or diarrhoea. Ate some rich tea biscuits yesterday, and just had a couple for breakfast. No ominous signs as yet, although if I suddenly disappear, it will be for hygiene reasons!!

OH is having to walk the boys along the canal where there is hard cinder towpath otherwise they just make my house absolutely filthy. I am trying to persuade OH to let me get a small garden shed, turn into a kennel for them with sawdust on the floor or possibly straw into which they are put when they come back soaking wet and filthy dirty, there to stay until they are dry. They can then have a quick brush and rub down with a towel to remove the loose dirt and in they come. He won't even consider it, says they would howl the place down and the neighbours will complain. I've got to the stage where I don't really care, I cannot cope with working full time, with a 2 hour travelling time every day to a stressful job as a medical secretary, and coming back to a house that is filthy dirty - OH considering that housework is woman's work ... ggggrrrr!!

I think I shall just purchase a shed in the January sales and have done with it!
Morning Gnasher.
Sorry to her you have been unwell lets hope the positive signs keep continuing. Only trouble is when you are better you have to return to work.

Originally Posted by majuka View Post
Morning Lynn, Morning All

Chucking it down here as well. Max and I have been out for our walk, I have three client's dogs to walk later so am hoping it will dry up a bit.

Seems like I have missed some things on Dogsey, Chris and Malka, I hope that you are both ok.

Have a good day all
Morning M.
It seems to be raining everywhere today.
It has been a bit lively on here.

Originally Posted by Chellie View Post
Morning all,

We have persistent rain too, so much for cleaning the car

My daughters graduation went well after all of the drama of getting us all there. The awards were given out by Lord Robert Winston who decided that she was a friendly face and kept her up on stage asking her about her job etc it was a lovely moment for her, one I'm sure she'll remember for a long time.

I've got the day off today, trying to sort out some bits I've got behind on whilst I've been travelling for work so ironing and general housework on the agenda.

Hope everyone has a good one.

Morning Chellie.
So glad you had a lovely day yesterday.
Don't worry about the car the rains doing the job for you.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members except it isn't

The rain is tippling down and I am surrounded by floods, I am not feeling at my best and my appointment to see a specialist has been moved back 6 weeks, there is the mess of my neices wedding to sort out as she has switched venues after my lot had already booked rooms in the same hotel as the wedding and paid a deposit.
It is tempting to go back to bed and pull the duvet over my head

Still these are small worries when compared to the things some people are going through..
Chris I was pleased to hear your son is improving and I hope there is more positive news today..

Malka you and Pereg stay safe...
Morning Mini.
Sorry to hear everything is going wrong I know that feeling well today. I too feel like getitng back under the duvet.
Maybe we should have a Dogsey duvet day.
(((Hugs))) I hope things improve through the day

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Lynn and all above

Very dull here, feels like rain on it's way. Hope you are all well.

Very good advice Lynn, sounds to me like she's one of these people who just fly in for a few days holiday and never get to know the country at all. To really understand a place you have to live and work there and be very careful at the start to make sure you don't offend any traditions. I saw it so many times in Saudi with people who thought they could not only make home made liquor but sell it as well - crazy idiots.
Morning Harvey.
Some people just do not possess the sense they were born with do they ?

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

I'm having a day off . My sister and brother in law are going to visit Gary on both sessions today and although the guilt trip is already kicking in, I really need to recharge a little

All the drips are out - yay!! However, they did want to put the feed drip back in this morning because he won't eat (mind you, he's on a soft diet and yesterday's offerings were less than appealing). He refused point blank to have the feed tube put back so I've told them my sister will take in some pot noodles and some salmon sandwiches on soft baps and we'll see how he goes with them. They are fine with that but asked if she can go in for 12 o'clock for lunch time. NO, she can't! She looks after my mum and has already made alternative arrangements for someone to pop in tonight. Me thinks the hospital forget that we have to travel to get there which means we are there from 2-8.30 pm without a break. It takes my sister over an hour to get there and me two and a half hours. Surely, they could relent and get a sandwich from the cafe to try to tempt him

Yesterday, he was a nightmare. All he wants to do is sleep and all the advice is to try to get him up into the chair little and often to start to get him moving. He goes dizzy when he gets up and all the colour drains from his face. No wonder he was grumpy is there . Apparently, with head injuries the grumpiness is fairly normal.

One good thing (I hope) is that now they have got him to agree to try some new medication for his epilepsy. The bad news is that after such a severe head injury, his fits are likely to increase.

If he starts eating, they are looking at moving him to Boston hospital which will be far easier for me for visiting. It's a couple of hours round trip, but it does mean that one of us can do the afternoon visiting and the other the night one and that we'll still have a little time to get other things done too.

I'm still not caught up on everyone's news so I generalise and wish all poorly doggies and people better and hope all those not poorly have success and fun with what they are doing.

Malka - I hope you are staying safe and looking after yourself. Keep that chin up in these troubled times. x
Morning Chris.
Sounds like you need the rest. Trynot to feel too guilty if you are taken ill with the stress and are worn out you will not be able to visit at all.
Wishing him well soon and that he is able to be moved to a more convenient hospital soon too.
Try to make the most of your day of rest. I am sure little Rosie wil love having you around today for cuddles.

Well my morning has gone from bad to worse.
Got in the car to run Michael to the tube and the car wouldn't start.
So we drove Gordens car round to jump start it and somehow have drianed Gordens car battery in the process.

He has now gone up to his friends to see if they have a battery charger we do have one somewhere in the organised chaos of the shed. But netihe rof us felt like standing in the cold and rain looking for it.
I do have breakdown cove but not sure if it has homestart if we get stumped we will have to ring and ask. Fingers crossed.

The macs problem Michael has looked up and it seems I may of had my finger on the mouse or a finger on the keyboard when I switched it on. I really don't know.
Its working so thats the main thing although I am a bit nervous of turning it off.
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