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16-11-2012, 08:39 AM
Morning all,

Hoping for a phone call today from the police to say they are not taking anything further. I don't want to drag Davie through the whole interview and bringing everything back up again.

I'm not at work today as a result so the plan is to get on with the ironing, although I may get onto playing with the watercolours to see how I get on. I need to study as well, so will get into that too.

After that, no idea. Might go for a run to take my mind off things.
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16-11-2012, 08:47 AM
morning everyone
Lynn I was here at 7am wanting to be the first to say hello but then had to do "things" and missed you
Lucky Gorden, I love snow, hope we get some soon.

Malka, please keep coming in to let us know how you are, we are all following the news. I heard something about a cease fire for a time this morning but I'm not sure it is where you are.

Helena it must be something in the air, our baby Kyla fell out of bed last night, frightened everyone to death by all accounts

Today I will be making my Christmas cake. I'm way behind its usually done and soaking in brandy by now

Dull and miserable here but I hope you all have a good day
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16-11-2012, 08:49 AM
Morning all

Well its finally friday!

I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend! I no plans and hoping to catch up on sleep!

Hope you all have a good day
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16-11-2012, 08:57 AM
Mornin all

Food shopping and hairdressers for me today.

Have a safe one everyone
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16-11-2012, 09:30 AM
Good morning all.

Malka - stay safe my friend.

Helena - the only time I tripped over a sleeping dog (my precious Sam, bless him) was over 5 years ago and I still get pain from it. I broke my ankle, but it's the lasting damage to the tendon (which I'm sure happened when they tried to set the damned thing) that gives me grief. Also get twinges from the plate/pins when it's bad, but whenever the pain comes I'm reminded of my precious lad who's now waiting at the bridge

Hope Kyro is on the mend this morning.

Gorden sounds to be having a real adventure out there, Lynn

Son's dreaded new mattress will be delivered some time today. Get ready for the new saga boys and girls

Dull and overcast here, but it's dry so not too bad.

Have a good 'un all and stay safe
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16-11-2012, 09:32 AM
Good morning fellow members a cold and grey one unfortunately.

I have a busy day today, ironing to do, son coming for lunch and a spot of babysitting later.

Another week gone, time seems to go faster and faster when one gets older .

Malka stay safe ..

Have an enjoyable day everyone..
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16-11-2012, 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

My first thoughts this morning are also with Malka, hoping and praying she and Pereg are safe. I will not settle until she has been on.

Good news here. After a very worrying night because Kyiro hadn't peed since 6.30/7am yesterday morning, he finally went this morning. I have never been so relieved to see a dog pee as I didn't want to be running up more bills at the vets. He did seem like he was hallucinating a bit last night as he seemed scared of the garden and kept crying and staring around but not focusing. It was probably the anesthetic and Tramadol combined. He even whinged when I left him behind while I walked Lily and he has had a drink and some food now too.
Lynn I bet they manage to keep things clearer of snow and ice out there than this country can do and its nice to hear you say you are looking forward to having the house to yourself today, although I bet Dillon will keep you entertained.
I'm off to do mums shopping this morning then her housework, then its off to work this afternoon. Thank goodness its Friday.
Hope you all have a good day.
Morning Bev. Pleased to hear Kyiro is recovering.
Goodness what a busy day you have please try to rest over the weekend.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn, Sal. H Bev and all

I have also been thinking of Malka and Pereg, I hope they are safe and not too scared.

Gorden sure keeps us all entertained with his menus!! I don't think they would cope with me not eating meat. I hope you get a good connection this afternoon.

Thank goodness you didn't hurt youself or Zena H, she was probably on guard duty.

Poor Kyiro, anaesthetics have a strange effect on some dogs, Kia cried and cried when she only had a premed!

It's foggy here today and looks like it's going to hang around for most of the day. I am working this afternoon so will be busy this morning getting the dogs out, why we start work at 12.30 is a mystery, it's such a difficult time, I have my lunch at about 11.30.

Have a good day all.
Morning Gerri Our weather was like that here yesterday.
Today it is overcast and has the feel of rain in the air.

Gorden does certainly keep us entertained not sure what I will write in the morning posts when he returns home.

What a horrible time to start work.
Hope you aren't too busy.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning all - just sticking my head round the door to let everyone know that Pereg and I are OK before I rush across to the macolet for some bread.

We had a fairly quiet night but the Color Red Alert sirens started howling at maybe 7.30am and it has been noisy with sirens and/or the dull booms of the Iron Dome going off since then.

I will be back later.
Morning Malka. Good to see you and know you and Pereg are safe.
I hope the ceasefire continues and isn't just for the benefit of some visiting dignitary.
Look forward to seeing you later.
Take care.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Glad to hear you are safe, we are hearing on the news about a ceasefire as some VIP type person is visiting.
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Good morning Lynn and all,

A grey dank morning here but at least it is promised to be dry Long walks for the dogs today as tomorrow looks dire

Food shopping and more housework - it never ends!

Everything crossed that Malka and Pereg remain safe and have a peaceful day. The news has just stated that right now there is a ceasefire, due to a meeting of the heads, but how long will it last? Cyber ((hugs)) being sent to you Malka and of course, the gorgeous Pereg.

For all of those who work, Friday's must surely be the best day of the week.

Lynn, Gorden's breakfast sounds as disgusting as ever. He'll probably lose weight while away ...... perfect place for a diet

I hope Kyiro is settling in himself and has a peaceful day after his trauma yesterday.

I wish you all a safe day.
Morning Jenny.
Snap housework and shopping for me too in a bit.
He may of lost weight he did need to shed a few pounds as did I. Walking Dillon every day for an hour is shifting my excess pounds. Good job he has earnt some money I need some new clothes now.
Tis a long way to go though to lose weight.

Originally Posted by DaisyD0g View Post
morning all, just popping in to say Goodnight, 12.30am here, just got home from seeing the Red Hot Chillis, which were excellent, quick cup of tea and wind down for the dogs(who get over excited when we get home) then off to bed!!

Happy Friday all and pleased to hear from you Malka & Pereg x
Morning DD. Glad you had a good time.
Have a nice snooze. See you later.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Hoping for a phone call today from the police to say they are not taking anything further. I don't want to drag Davie through the whole interview and bringing everything back up again.

I'm not at work today as a result so the plan is to get on with the ironing, although I may get onto playing with the watercolours to see how I get on. I need to study as well, so will get into that too.

After that, no idea. Might go for a run to take my mind off things.
Morning Lorraine I seemed to of missed something but whatever it is I hope it goes in your favour.
I would say enjoy your day off but it sounds like you will be very busy so good luck with all you need to do.
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
morning everyone
Lynn I was here at 7am wanting to be the first to say hello but then had to do "things" and missed you
Lucky Gorden, I love snow, hope we get some soon.

Malka, please keep coming in to let us know how you are, we are all following the news. I heard something about a cease fire for a time this morning but I'm not sure it is where you are.

Helena it must be something in the air, our baby Kyla fell out of bed last night, frightened everyone to death by all accounts

Today I will be making my Christmas cake. I'm way behind its usually done and soaking in brandy by now

Dull and miserable here but I hope you all have a good day
Morning Jenny.
Sorry about that. Hope you got the jobs done and now can spend all day on Dogsey.
(((Hugs))) to baby Kyla. Ooohhh christmas cake luvverly. I have to make some too but am way behind.

Originally Posted by Nikki123 View Post
Morning all

Well its finally friday!

I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend! I no plans and hoping to catch up on sleep!

Hope you all have a good day
Morning Nikki.
Enjoy your nice relaxing weekend.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Mornin all

Food shopping and hairdressers for me today.

Have a safe one everyone
Mooring Jackie.
I always snooze in the hairdressers while they are washing my hair.
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16-11-2012, 09:51 AM
Just a quickie to say that if there was a ceasefire I nothing has stopped and the sirens are howling as I type. Count, 1, 2, 3, etc waiting for a thud... and b-r-e-a-t-h-e.

What happened was that Egypt's PM Hisham Qandil was in Gaza for three hours, during which time he talked to Palestinian politicians and visited a hospital. The IDF had agreed to stop firing during his visit, but only if Hamas militants also stopped their rocket attacks, but missiles and rockets continued to be fired so more air strikes were launched.

So for now the sirens and explosions are still ongoing, and Pereg is still outside completely unfazed! Bless her

Anyone have any idea how much I love that girl of mine?
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16-11-2012, 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning all - just sticking my head round the door to let everyone know that Pereg and I are OK before I rush across to the macolet for some bread.

We had a fairly quiet night but the Color Red Alert sirens started howling at maybe 7.30am and it has been noisy with sirens and/or the dull booms of the Iron Dome going off since then.

I will be back later.
Hi everyone

Amazing breakfast choices, Lynn. It's fascinating to hear about how other people eat. I hope you enjoy your day - a spot of pampering perhaps?

I hope you have a good day with Tom, Sal.

I'm so glad to hear about Kyiro, Bev. I hope your day is stress-free.

Great to see you Malka. I hope things will calm down soon - Tony Blair was on the news last night giving his 'calm' message as the envoy. I'm not sure he said much of any substance to be honest. Keep safe and give Pereg a hug for us.

Argh schools! So much money is going to them at the moment for various things - school photos and Christmas Fayre related stuff, not to mention clubs. (Broke icon ).
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16-11-2012, 10:42 AM
Nice sunny day here and is dry, so will be getting Lona and Mabs out for a walk later on, Cariad will no doubt trash the kitchen whilst I am out. I bought a new sweeping brush yesterday, but it will be kept out of her way whilst she is in a strop. Babies are growing so fast now, I have put a board up at the front of the crate because little (big) Humpty is climbing out of the box I put them in whilst I change the bedding and is off round the kitchen, so there will be a mass exodus of the crate when I am not there if I am not careful.
Their eyes will be open any day now, and that is when the Trouble starts (why am I laughing )
Not seen the news or heard it this morning, but saw Tony Blair on last night, and really he was just voicing platitudes and nothing constructive came out, so nothing's changed has it really!! Glad to hear you are both OK Malka, please take care of yourselves.
So glad they found the problem with Kyiro's foot and it is now on the way to complete recovery and Kyiro is peeing normally.
Off to the library after dog walks and firewood run to load more piccies and will put the Fix up then.
Lucky, had a disturbing phone call last night, NC is back in circulation, with a new name. Will be doing a new thread about it, have put it up on Stop Press on our Breed Forum, it is pretty bad news, she has a degree in Canine Nutrition apparently and is working with dogs again as an holistic therapist. Pity she never learnt how to clean or feed her own dogs, oh yes and she has a Utonagan she is going to breed
Helena, can't believe you fell over that poor girl of yours, how careless of you not to provide a bed for her in the Exact Place she needed it, also going to the loo when She Needed Her Sleep
These breakfast choices get weirder by the day, yeah I bet they cope with snow loads better than we do, this country is hopeless, you'd think no one had ever seen snow before, tell him to Wear His Hat (is it one of those furry ones with ear muffs)
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