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08-11-2012, 09:09 AM
Good morning everyone,
Its dull and drizzling on and off here. Hooch has had an attack of the zoomies this morning so he is now tucked up all snug on his bed fast asleep. Bless him
Malka there was no need for that man to be so rude, it looks like you might have to just put fairy lights on the sofa bed and tell people it a new garden feature.
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08-11-2012, 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Chellie View Post
Morning all,

Well I'm back from a really good exhibition in Sunderland. It was a long day bough and didn't get home until 9.30pm so a bit tired this morning.

I've got to get into work early to unload the car before the next person takes it (it's a pool car) but really just want to curl back up in bed and have another couple of hours

Lots to catch up with at work today having been out of the office for two days. Roll on tomorrow when I've got a day off.

Have a good one everyone.
Morning Chellie Shame about the car and you can't just leave it all in there, hope they don't work you too hard when all you want to do is curl up in that bed. Enjoy that day off tomorrow then

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H, and all
Thought you was ill there for a minute H letting Dave have the weekend off, but then I noticed that was just off doing things to the house . You need wheels for you and Zena though so make sure you get something nice .
Kyiro was off his food all day yesterday and his tummy was gurgling. He looks quite a bit brighter today so I will give him some chicken and rice this morning. He is still limping and his foot still bleeding on and off a little, but if thats no better after his weekend in kennels then I will take him back to the vet again.
Lots of housework for me today and washing and maybe a quick trip to Tesco for some salad stuff. My holiday is drawing to an end too quickly and I have no more owed.
Hope you get some Skype time with Gordon today Lynn.
Enjoy your day everyone.
Morning Bev I think we're going for another Astra, he's seen one in our price range (cheap!) and I do love those, they're very flingable and solid with it, unlike this Focus which is very light. Sorry to hear Kyiro's still suffering with that foot bleeding a bit, and now you've got the kennels again with it still not healed, have some (((hugs)) Bev, you're really going through the mill and you should be having a break from work!

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all

I have a thumping headache this morning so staying at home today. It's one of those that makes you feel like you have one of those critturs on your head banging away with a mallet.
Usually sleeping through it gets rid of it. Hope so, I have to go out tonight with the cadets to Invergordon for a banner rehearsal.

If I get rid of it, I'm going to catch up with the ironing later.
Morning Lorraine, that doesn't sound good I know what it's like coz I have to watch Dave going through this, so shut yourself away, curl up and sleep it off. All the best, you take

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning Nechda, morning all.

Gave Pereg her SAMe tab [size of a horse pill] and as there was only one left in the blister pack of 10 that I keep in the kitchen I went into my bedroom to get another lot out of the drawer. While I was in there I thought ah, might as well use the loo here before I go back into the kitchen and then back in here, so put the blister pack on my bed and rolled into the ensuite.

Did my right shoulder in while shifting to the throne [Do Not Ask How], got back on Chair [Xanadu is on charge], back into the bedroom, through the back room, through the kitchen and into here. And remembered the SAMe was still on the bed. where it can stay until I next have need to go in there.

Right - so then I heard the loudspeaker of the truck that comes round collecting second-hand furniture and white goods, yelled out to him and pointed to the couch-wot-is-now-opened-into-a-double-bed. He did not want it. "Not good enough". So I said I would pay if he would take it and he had the bluddy nerve to say 200 shekels [£32] so I said no way and he made an obscene gesture, called me something extremely nasty in Arabic, and drove off. If I wanted to be nasty I would report it and that will be his permit to come on the Moshav cancelled for the next month. Not sure whether I want to or not though, although I know I should.

Enjoy your day everyone, and for those who work, remember that after today there is only one more day until the weekend!
Morning Grandma Oh that's a booger isn't it, fancy giving you some verbal like that Trouble is, if you do end up reporting it and stop him coming next month, there could be repercussions.....maybe? Some people are vile, and if his mouth is as foul as that, then he might have a personality to match and could do something nasty, that's just my take on it, sometimes we have to put up and shut up according to sensible Dave!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
I just wanted to say good morning to you all before I shoot off to buy some more milk - I've just spent 1/2 hour wiping/cleaning up 2 pints of milk that I managed to knock on to the floor What a start to the day

I'll post again later when I've calmed down a bit!!
Morning Jenny Oh blimey, not a good start to your day there then, and that smell will linger for ages if you don't get it all up properly - I know that when I've done it under the fridge. See ya later then

Originally Posted by Nikki123 View Post
Morning all

I think with a clutch problem you need keep the car in 2nd gear and put your foot down

I'm now in work waiting to open the pharmacy, looks like its going to be busy day

Had a lovely walk with the dogs this morning, Max was full beans bless him!

I'm going to discover dogs on saturday so planning my journey
Morning Nikki Thanks for that tip, I'll try it out this morning when I climb that first hill then, or maybe you mean when it's finally died on me, I'll try it then too! Good luck with the planning for Saturday, something exciting to look forward to there

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Well, the hot water saga continues. The plumber can't come until late Friday/Saturday morning because his supplier won't have a new one in until then for him to exchange the faulty one <sigh> - thank heavens for electric showers . He's also 'found' a couple of jobs that need to be done when he fits it to make sure it's not something else wrong that is causing the clocks to give up the ghost. In other words, he's found a couple of jobs so that he can charge for his journey to change the clock. I'm a bit miffed, but he is a good bloke and doesn't charge the earth so I guess I'm stuck with it.

Making the most of today's walk because oldest lad is going with us tomorrow - he tends to moan and gripe a lot. We'll probably go about 11 am.

Rosie got me up at 5.45 am this morning so I let her have her wee then got me head down on the sofa for a couple of hours.

Nothing else much planned. Bit of washing maybe, but other than that, the day's my own

Have a good 'un all
Morning Chris No, you can never win with those plumbers, nor the electricians, nor the builders..... Offer him some tea and biccies and you'll be awarded a few brownie points for next time you have a problem

Well, had a beautiful walk in the sunshine with Zena just now, walking through all the DRY, crispy leaves in the woodland, I really love that, and so did Zena, she was charging around through the trees with a big smile on her face and her tail whizzing around like a propellor - why do they do that? Is it coz they're happy I wonder??

Off to start my day now then, at least Sainsbury's will be full of oldies instead of all those kids last week so that's a bonus
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08-11-2012, 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by lynnb View Post
Good morning everyone,
Its dull and drizzling on and off here. Hooch has had an attack of the zoomies this morning so he is now tucked up all snug on his bed fast asleep. Bless him
Malka there was no need for that man to be so rude, it looks like you might have to just put fairy lights on the sofa bed and tell people it a new garden feature.
Morning Lynn Nice to see you this morning Oh Lol at you there with Malka's couch out the front Nice idea though Zena had the zoomies like your Hooch this morning, but sadly, even after an hour's walk, she doesn't tuck herself up in her bed, she gets the ball at at home for me - one day, I'm gonna calm this dog down, Dave blames ME!!!!???? He says I wind her up??? Nah, not me!!!!
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08-11-2012, 09:38 AM
'morning Helena and everyone

Dry here so must get out in the garden and finnish putting stuff away in readiness for the dreaded snow

Hope you all have a good day

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
so we can go and look at some estate cars for me and Zena before my Focus dies on me.
I'm sure Dave will find something nice for you H - my only suggestion would be look at some of the smaller people carriers, take the middle row of seats out and you have a wonderful mobile kennel for Zena, and they are just as easy to drive as an estate car once you get used to them. Ours even has a sliding window so they can look out at people when parked which Bara loves to do.
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08-11-2012, 10:08 AM
Howdy doody All,

It's not very warm (but not cold either here), blue skies, bright sunshine, a few white fluffy clouds deceptively dotted about with a very slight breeze - perfect for the dogs to have a run in the park to let off some "silly" energy. it reduces the zoomies later on I've found and since having both wrists in splints and before that, a broken rib, they didn't get as much exercise as they were used to.

Still waiting for a call back from the Police re the piece of filth from next door but no doubt that will be a long time coming. The Housing Officer has stated that I HAVE to attend mediation with these vile, racist pieces of scum and there''s nothing she can do unless I do.
I reminded her that I attended a meeting in the summer with her tenants which resulted, as has been seen, in myself and my 8 year old not only being verbally abused but also racially and physically abused now. Funnily enough, she had no answer to that!

When my ex-husband brought Oscar back last night I asked that for the forseeable, that he bring Oscar home rather than dropping him back at my Mom's. Because of an abusive history he's not allowed to come to my house, but I know the fool next door won't do anything, he won't even look in our direction if there is another man about. Fortunately, we've been getting along much better and can actually communicate properly now so that's a big help.

I have contacted several Councillors and also the Director (acting) of Housing. I have requested that she take on the case herself as clearly she cannot trust her staff to do their jobs properly. A clear case of maladministration (big word that ALL public authorities are afraid of) and I have warned that I am now going to the media.

So we'll see what happens.

Right, I'm now off to find Yiannis's favourite tennis ball. He's quite happy to go on a walk without it but he loves to carry it with him, drooling along the way.

Back later with an update.

Laura xx

Anyway, the dogs are happily playing in the garden at the moment.
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08-11-2012, 10:24 AM
Morning everyone.

Had a lovely walk in the sun with Loki this morning - I'm sure he has improved since the last few days, so that put a smile on my face. It's lovely and warm too.

Those horrible people are still busy cutting down the trees in the field. Poor Loki didn't understand why his usual way through was blocked with a big metal fence thing and stood there, refusing to budge, expecting me to move it for him so he could go to his field.

Off to see my mum and dad now; best hurry because I'm due in 6 minutes and I'm not ready yet.

Hope everyone has a lovely day today.
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08-11-2012, 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Chris No, you can never win with those plumbers, nor the electricians, nor the builders..... Offer him some tea and biccies and you'll be awarded a few brownie points for next time you have a problem
He's had plenty of work from us (when we renovated the bungalow and son's flat) and more work from the recommendations we've thrown out (in fact, most of the street use him now ). He gets tea (literally put a tea bag in a cup, pour water and take out tea bag as quickly as possible - YUK!!). In fact, I think that's half the problem. He has so much work now that he really is too busy. He's a nice bloke, but 'scatty'. It'll get done and done well, but what I'm mainly miffed about is that if the extra work needed doing why didn't do it when he came to change the clock first time round and, if it don't need doing then why is he doing it now <sigh>.

Think I'm just going to have to bite my tongue though because he's the best plumber we've found here
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08-11-2012, 11:06 AM
Good morning fellow members my you are a busy lot I am having trouble keeping up

Well that's the weekly shop done and put away and I popped to Argos and changed my faulty kettle for a new one all done with no quibbles.

Now there is the ironing to tackle before I go baby sitting this evening so the children can go to a ball,I feel like the fairy godmother . I am only doing part of the evening though having done my fair share of babysitting already this week and there is more to come tomorrow.

Right I am off to try the new kettle by making some coffee.
Enjoy your day everyone.
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08-11-2012, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Helena and everyone

Dry here so must get out in the garden and finnish putting stuff away in readiness for the dreaded snow

Hope you all have a good day

I'm sure Dave will find something nice for you H - my only suggestion would be look at some of the smaller people carriers, take the middle row of seats out and you have a wonderful mobile kennel for Zena, and they are just as easy to drive as an estate car once you get used to them. Ours even has a sliding window so they can look out at people when parked which Bara loves to do.
Morning H Although by the time I've typed replies to this last lot, it'll probably be afternoon I hope you don't get your snow too early there, I know how hard it is for you with all that digging yourselves out. Any suggestions about a people carrier like you are explaining there please H, because I decided on a 4x4 but Dave said most of them are soft roaders now, there's no point, and if he went down that route, he'd want a proper one, so we're now back to an estate, although he did mention people carriers, and I like the sound of what you're saying there.

Originally Posted by Cassius View Post
Howdy doody All,

It's not very warm (but not cold either here), blue skies, bright sunshine, a few white fluffy clouds deceptively dotted about with a very slight breeze - perfect for the dogs to have a run in the park to let off some "silly" energy. it reduces the zoomies later on I've found and since having both wrists in splints and before that, a broken rib, they didn't get as much exercise as they were used to.

Still waiting for a call back from the Police re the piece of filth from next door but no doubt that will be a long time coming. The Housing Officer has stated that I HAVE to attend mediation with these vile, racist pieces of scum and there''s nothing she can do unless I do.
I reminded her that I attended a meeting in the summer with her tenants which resulted, as has been seen, in myself and my 8 year old not only being verbally abused but also racially and physically abused now. Funnily enough, she had no answer to that!

When my ex-husband brought Oscar back last night I asked that for the forseeable, that he bring Oscar home rather than dropping him back at my Mom's. Because of an abusive history he's not allowed to come to my house, but I know the fool next door won't do anything, he won't even look in our direction if there is another man about. Fortunately, we've been getting along much better and can actually communicate properly now so that's a big help.

I have contacted several Councillors and also the Director (acting) of Housing. I have requested that she take on the case herself as clearly she cannot trust her staff to do their jobs properly. A clear case of maladministration (big word that ALL public authorities are afraid of) and I have warned that I am now going to the media.

So we'll see what happens.

Right, I'm now off to find Yiannis's favourite tennis ball. He's quite happy to go on a walk without it but he loves to carry it with him, drooling along the way.

Back later with an update.

Laura xx

Anyway, the dogs are happily playing in the garden at the moment.
Morning Laura, it's such an ongoing thing for you, must frustate you a lot, but let's hope the police give you an answer

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone.

Had a lovely walk in the sun with Loki this morning - I'm sure he has improved since the last few days, so that put a smile on my face. It's lovely and warm too.

Those horrible people are still busy cutting down the trees in the field. Poor Loki didn't understand why his usual way through was blocked with a big metal fence thing and stood there, refusing to budge, expecting me to move it for him so he could go to his field.

Off to see my mum and dad now; best hurry because I'm due in 6 minutes and I'm not ready yet.

Hope everyone has a lovely day today.
Hi Lucky That's really good news to hear about Loki this morning after the thread you put up yesterday, so maaaaaybe, just maaaaaybe, she is wrong! Not such good news about that friggin fence though stopping access to Loki's field Might you think about moving now they're going to ruin your view?

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
He's had plenty of work from us (when we renovated the bungalow and son's flat) and more work from the recommendations we've thrown out (in fact, most of the street use him now ). He gets tea (literally put a tea bag in a cup, pour water and take out tea bag as quickly as possible - YUK!!). In fact, I think that's half the problem. He has so much work now that he really is too busy. He's a nice bloke, but 'scatty'. It'll get done and done well, but what I'm mainly miffed about is that if the extra work needed doing why didn't do it when he came to change the clock first time round and, if it don't need doing then why is he doing it now <sigh>.

Think I'm just going to have to bite my tongue though because he's the best plumber we've found here
I've had that before Chris with other tradesman too. In fact, the guy who fitted the new toilet suite in the caravan yesterday is going back today to "finish it of" and bearing in mind he didn't even start the job until mid-day, when I asked him how much it's going to be he replied his daily rate Fathom that one out then! You can't get a good plumber for love nor money and my proper plumber who does the van boiler is now £200 a day!!!! Can you believe that!! Hence the reason I've chosen this odd bod builder to do the bathroom up there. If you find a good one, you're lucky, so as you say, you just have to bite that tongue sometimes. Good luck Chris.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members my you are a busy lot I am having trouble keeping up

Well that's the weekly shop done and put away and I popped to Argos and changed my faulty kettle for a new one all done with no quibbles.

Now there is the ironing to tackle before I go baby sitting this evening so the children can go to a ball,I feel like the fairy godmother . I am only doing part of the evening though having done my fair share of babysitting already this week and there is more to come tomorrow.

Right I am off to try the new kettle by making some coffee.
Enjoy your day everyone.
Morning Mini Lol at you with the fairy Godmother tonight, but I'm sure you make a lovely one! Enjoy the babysitting tonight, maybe they'll be nice and quiet for you and won't wear you out

Well, done the Sainsbury's run,and I really want to get out the front and tackle some leaves, BUT, Zena is pestering me now that I've put the shopping away, so I've given in, and decided to walk her AGAIN first Will this dog ever gimme a break! She doesn't realise how old I am I'm sure of it as she races on ahead up these steep hills, stopping and giving me that "look" to get a move on

Hopefully, I can do it when I get back, but then again......
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08-11-2012, 11:54 AM
Morning all.
Late on parade today, sorry,...........I'm ill
I reckon it is the shock of being so early the other day

My throat has a thousand razor blades in it, my head a thousand hammers and all my muscles have been jumped on and pummelled.

I'm not doing a thing today except reading Dogsey
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