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akitagirl is offline  
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07-04-2010, 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by jesterjenn View Post
I would be fuming if I was in your position and the other owner had a go at me for using corrector spray if their dog went for mine.

Hope your dogs are ok!
They're fine thanks, it does nothing for their confidence though does it The reason we keep Keisha on a lead in busy-ish fields is althought she is ok with friendly dogs, if she feels threatened by a noisy or fast offleader approaching she will retaliate, luckily just threaten, noisily.

Zeke the male is fine offlead with other dogs - he avoids aggressive ones and like tonight trots off very fast, well fast for him with his bad limp poor thing.

I was fuming but quite upset really.
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07-04-2010, 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Tupacs2legs View Post
oh i know this one,every single day i walk to work past a hairdressers,they have two shih tzu's ever since Tupac was 12 weeks they have flew at the glass at him,they watch the dogs and dont do a thing,he is now 16months the other day one finally got out towards Tupac,as he was on the lead he started reacting back(finally!) and did they come and get him? not till i requested angrily that unless the dogs have a death wish they had better get it(they dont know he spends his day with a cross shih poodle lol)
now if my dog had reacted it would of been my dog that would of been branded the 'aggressive' dog .......sadly its a size thing imo.
Oh dear, it's awful isn't it, almost not fair really?

Stupid owners, don't they care?!

Ha! interesting! The dog in my post flies at it's lounge window when we walk past in the morning with our two, really crazily, like something possessed hitting his head and things, is it ever corrected, distracted...? No, his owners just giggle, even wave sometimes!!!
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07-04-2010, 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by akitagirl View Post
Oh dear, it's awful isn't it, almost not fair really?

Stupid owners, don't they care?!

Ha! interesting! The dog in my post flies at it's lounge window when we walk past in the morning with our two, really crazily, like something possessed hitting his head and things, is it ever corrected, distracted...? No, his owners just giggle, even wave sometimes!!! :evil:
yip! same here
suppose its better they have the little uns eh?
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lozzibear is offline  
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07-04-2010, 11:18 PM
i wouldnt be angry... i would know it was my fault. if a dog did that to jake, then i would do that to them coz i have to protect him. i think people need to understand how they would feel if it was the other way around, and therefore i just couldnt be annoyed.
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08-04-2010, 02:14 AM
It seems a fair response to me when charged by a dog being aggressive and better than the dog receiving a a kick, whack with a walking stick/lead or spray of something harmful in its face. When you don't know the dog, you can't judge if it will bite or will just threaten so its better to get the dog to back off than risk any vets bills.
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mishflynn is offline  
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08-04-2010, 05:59 AM
The dog should never ever be in that position. So no one has the right to be angrey.
If my dogs are being attacked i will protect them however i see fit.
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08-04-2010, 07:03 AM
Yes I would be angry - but not with the other owner...with myself for letting my dog get in that situation and making the other owner feel they have no choice but to defend their own dogs.
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08-04-2010, 07:11 AM
I met a lady & her daughter the other day with their little 4 month old JRT off lead & having a lovely time. The puppy jumped up at my dogs but they're very tolerant of youngsters & didn't mind at all. We stopped to chat & the puppy jumped up at me ~ immediately the owner used a pet corrector spray. Unfortunately the nozzle was facing me, not the dog, so I got the full force as I bent down to remove puppy's muddy paws from my legs!

The owner was very apologetic but I did ask her why she was using it on such a young, small dog. Apparently she had been shouted at by other people in this same country park when her dog jumped up at them & felt so awful that she couldn't think what to do to stop him, other than keeping him on a lead (which she really didn't want to do the whole time) or using the pet corrector spray. It was having absolutely no effect on the puppy's behaviour at all & she was rarely close enough to use the spray at the correct time.

We ended up having a nice chat & a lesson on how to stop her puppy jumping up at people. Within 5 mins her puppy was running up to me & sitting for a treat. I just hope that she can continue the training with other "volunteers" to generalise it. But using a pet corrector spray completely ineffectively was a complete waste of time in this case.

But I don't have a problem if someone else used it on one of my dogs if they were being a nuisance & I was nowhere near ~ but the fact is it doesn't happen because I don't let it. I have had people drag Barney off their in season bitch before (when he was entire) & bring him back to me though!
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08-04-2010, 07:13 AM
Its only a blast of air and a very good choice....better than a kick!!!
I would not be angry at that.....just with myself at the situation.
I dont let Benson off lead as his recall is not great and he loves other dogs........they dont always love his boisterous energy
The other day was walkin past an elderly couple who didnt have much control of their border collie (on lead) and I wanted to pass by and he started wavin his walkin stick at us and shouting "shoo" was their dog not under control!
I had to politely ask him to stop waving his stick at us so that we could pass!
That did make me angry!!!
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08-04-2010, 07:18 AM
Both my dogs would react aggressively if attacked - by a person or a dog. I know this, which is why they are well-socialised and recalled if it looks like trouble. So I`m confident any incident would not be instigated by my dogs.
If something did kick off (stuff happens you know?) I`d be absolutely livid if someone was aggressive to my dog - in any way.
Being aggressive to someone else`s dog (I include spraying, kicking, hitting and PCing) is foolhardy. You`d be better off putting some distance between you and the threat.
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