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19-02-2010, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
Not on any medication at the mo, they are monitoring my thyroid every 6 months, (I had a partial thyroidectomy 16 months ago), but blood tests show that it is catching up so they don't want to start the thyroxin unless I really need it. I think it is probably more hormonal than anything, I'm 47 now and experiencing all sorts of problems so think the change is just around the corner, well I hope it's just around the corner

My skin has always been quite supple and I haven't any stretch marks with this extra weight...if I could be given the quick fix I would do anything required exercise wise to get into shape
I think you need to change the doctor or at least get a second opinion! When I was diagnosed I was in and out of hospitals every three months with regular blood tests. I think it's irresponsible for them to let you wait for six months especially when your body is going through so much change.
The problem is that thyroid and pituitary gland control most of the hormone production in the body and they certainly affect adrenal glands and ovaries - I know as I was diagnosed with endometriosis as well as thyroid problem, and have had thyroid condition for almost 20 years. So it's all interconnected.
Make sure your doctors check ALL thyroid hormones including TSH as there are some drugs that affect both of those, they are more likely only to prescribe tyroxine as it's cheap, TSH replacement is not as widely prescribed and you would need to ask to get it checked. Get ALL the hormones tested including adrenals, if you are in constant state of stress your body will store fat.
I don't trust doctors anymore as I've been misdiagnosed and fobbed off far too often and had to insist on certain things to be checked. If you already have symptoms of thyroid hormone deficiency (weight gain, depression etc) there is no reason why they shouldn't start you off on a small dose of hormone.

Regarding the skin - the weight loss will be too fast for your skin to catch up - you'd be losing muscle tissue too and tone is really skin holding onto muscles.

Sorry for the rant about doctors... really don't trust them!
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19-02-2010, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
I am overweight but I am sure mine is down to eating and not being able to exercise enough.
I wouldn't consider a gastric band though as I think the risks are far too high and if I value my health its up to me to put in the effort to cut back my eating and do something myself, which I am now trying.
If your weight is caused by thyroid and not overeating then I can't see a gastric band would help as that is just to reduce food intake and so calories.
I know being overweight gets you down, it does me, but in your case let your body settle first and get the right treatment for your thyroid, hopefully along with a good diet that will help you.
Thanks Bev, I suppose I see it as a quick fix...I was so sure that my little op at Christmas and the new hormone releasing coil was going to sort me out once and for all that it is getting me down that nothing is happening, well it is happening but the opposite to what I expected

The thyroid, although not perfect, isn't showing as particularly underactive or overactive so I can't really blame that, although the docs keep mentioning it when I ask them about my weight, they seem to be blaming it on pre-menopause more than anything..but that can go on for years, can't it. I just assume the fact that they keep mentioning the thyroid means it could be a factor in my weight gain

I thought by having the band I would need to eat less sweet stuff to satisfy the cravings
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19-02-2010, 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
I've tried shakes etc., but they don't stop the craving for chocolate or sweet stuff, I don't eat that because I'm hungry but because my body is crying out for it and I can't seem to pacify it
Are you allowed to eat the sweet stuff after a gastric band?
I've seen a lot of programs with people who've had the op, and i'm sure they aren't allowed sweet stuff?
Sorry if i'm wrong!

Also, don't forget gastric bands can stretch, so if you do over eat - you might end up back in the same place
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19-02-2010, 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by fluffymummy View Post
I think you need to change the doctor or at least get a second opinion! When I was diagnosed I was in and out of hospitals every three months with regular blood tests. I think it's irresponsible for them to let you wait for six months especially when your body is going through so much change.
The problem is that thyroid and pituitary gland control most of the hormone production in the body and they certainly affect adrenal glands and ovaries - I know as I was diagnosed with endometriosis as well as thyroid problem, and have had thyroid condition for almost 20 years. So it's all interconnected.
Make sure your doctors check ALL thyroid hormones including TSH as there are some drugs that affect both of those, they are more likely only to prescribe tyroxine as it's cheap, TSH replacement is not as widely prescribed and you would need to ask to get it checked. Get ALL the hormones tested including adrenals, if you are in constant state of stress your body will store fat.
I don't trust doctors anymore as I've been misdiagnosed and fobbed off far too often and had to insist on certain things to be checked. If you already have symptoms of thyroid hormone deficiency (weight gain, depression etc) there is no reason why they shouldn't start you off on a small dose of hormone.

Regarding the skin - the weight loss will be too fast for your skin to catch up - you'd be losing muscle tissue too and tone is really skin holding onto muscles.

Sorry for the rant about doctors... really don't trust them!
Thanks for all this information, it is really helpful...Clive is of the opinion that I really need to keep badgering the docs to sort me out, but I'm not that kind of person

I moved to Northampton 18months ago to be with Clive so changed docs then, that doctor was the one who got me into have the cervical cyst removed as the docs in Lincolnshire wanted to leave it until after I had the throat tumour operated on and the all clear on that. Then they said I could leave it be as it wasn't causing any trouble, the doc in Northampton disagreed, hence my op at the end of December. We moved to Bucks in October and I have seen this doctor twice, and admittedly, I do feel a bit fobbed was wait and see for the coil to take effect and wait and see about my thyroid tests...I think I will have to go down again on Monday and maybe ask to see a different one, (they have several there so don't think I will have to see the same one).

I'm going to make a note of the things you have written to see if I can get tested for them. Thanks again
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19-02-2010, 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
What do you think of these and would anyone elect to have one fitted?

From a personal point of view I have been saying I want one for ages, I'm really struggling with my weight and although the docs says its my hormones and thyroid and I just have to wait it out, I'm getting to the point that I'm concerned about my health because I am extremely overweight and seem to be gaining more every day. I've always been big frame, I knew I would never be a ballerina , but I've always been supple and toned, never like I am at the moment

I don't necessarily over eat and I do get plenty of exercise taking Leon out, but when my hormones are as they are I need to eat sweet things, then I get depressed about it so eat something else, so then I don't eat proper meals because I've been picking. These hormonal days are getting more frequent rather than less..a vicious circle and its all my own fault

The doctors say I have to wait for my body to adjust to the things that have been happening, but my sleep apnoea and torn ligament in my knee are badly agravated with this extra weight.

I suppose I'm at the end of my tether really and, if I had the money I would book myself in today, despite my parents and Clive being dead against it.

I just wondered whether anyone else would consider it and why, or why you would be dead against it.
I think Sheree if your weight is hormone and thyroid related, not sure a band will help you.

You need to get that confirmed first , then see about it.

Regards the GB my stance is , if you feel you need it and your health is suffering , go for it.

I have a cousin, she has been obese overweight from a very young age, she is 5 ft and weighed around 20 stone she had one fitted a few yrs ago, as her doctor told her she would not be around to see her sons grow up, the best thing she ever did.

Of cause its not easy , its a complete life change.. but she is now in a size 14 and is much happier.

its always easy for those who are not overweight to say things like , eat less exercise more, we know that's the truth of it, but as in all things, if it was only as simple as that.
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19-02-2010, 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Hevvur View Post
Are you allowed to eat the sweet stuff after a gastric band?
I've seen a lot of programs with people who've had the op, and i'm sure they aren't allowed sweet stuff?
Sorry if i'm wrong!

Also, don't forget gastric bands can stretch, so if you do over eat - you might end up back in the same place
Oh, I didn't know that...maybe it wouldn't be the right thing for me then, I wouln't want to go through all that and still have those cravings to contend with
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19-02-2010, 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
Thanks for the pointers, I shall pop down to the chemist and see what they've got in...I did mention to Clive about supplements maybe helping...I've nver heard of Chromium though

I don't use artificial sweetener or add salt to my meals, I'll have to find out how I can add protein to my diet..I've been a veggie for many, many years and just couldn't eat any meat or fish, even if it helped me
Chromium picolinate is the supplement. Get a good make, as in not Holland and Barrett.
You need to also avoid broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower as they interfere with thyroid hormone production. I'd suggest soya for protein but it's not very good for hormones.

Did they check your ovaries by any chance? That constant bloating sounds just like my endo? And polycystic ovarian syndrome also piles on the weight.
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19-02-2010, 10:34 AM
my hairdresser had a gastric band a few years ago as she struggled with her weight to the point she started to get agrophobic.

the weight dropped off BUT her skin is really saggy so shes now battling with another problem.

she can only eat very small meals now, the amount you;d give a 2yr old.

i wouldnt have one for all the above reasons.

could you try aqua aerobics?

on the sugar cravings.....carbohydrates not protein are the best for stopping these. they are the energy foods that release sugar slowly and keep you fuller for longer. pasta and wholemeal breads/cereals are best.
a word of warning tho.....if your not used to eating wholemeal you will get windy for a while but this does settle down. LOL.
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19-02-2010, 10:35 AM
since i became ill with my conditon 4 years ago my weight has gone really bad
BUT.............................i have an appointment on the 9th April with the diet team at a hospital in Liverpool to talk about a gastic band
my weight was really depressing me so my lovely doctor referred me to the clinic, although he did say it would take months to get an appointment it came through for April so i will let you know how i get on
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19-02-2010, 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
I think Sheree if your weight is hormone and thyroid related, not sure a band will help you.

You need to get that confirmed first , then see about it.

Regards the GB my stance is , if you feel you need it and your health is suffering , go for it.

I have a cousin, she has been obese overweight from a very young age, she is 5 ft and weighed around 20 stone she had one fitted a few yrs ago, as her doctor told her she would not be around to see her sons grow up, the best thing she ever did.

Of cause its not easy , its a complete life change.. but she is now in a size 14 and is much happier.

its always easy for those who are not overweight to say things like , eat less exercise more, we know that's the truth of it, but as in all things, if it was only as simple as that.
Thanks Jackie

We saw a lady on the tv this morning who looked wonderful, I think she had gone down from 20 stone to 10 stone, this is why I did the thread as I would love to look as she does now.

I'm 5'7" and big boned so I will never look skinny but I think I weigh around 14 stone now, I've never been so heavy in my life and apart from being embarrased and upset about it, I worry about the health knee is bad and I can't blame it, having to carry all this about The doctors, despite my weight, haven't mentioned anything about health issues, they just said that my sleep problem and my knee woudl be better if I lost some weight. I would have thought they would be trying to scare me into stopping eating or at least asking me about my diet.

Your cousin must be so proud..I know I would be
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