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09-11-2009, 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Emrad View Post
not sure if dogs should have bread as they can be allergic to grains etc,
According to Ms. Bruno (The Italiian vet. and author of several books on the Newfoundland breed) dogs should not have bread simply because their digestive system does not deal with it well. She did write in one book that if the bread is toasted it's OK I'm not sure how toasting it makes any difference but I pass it on FWIW

Sheree, I know less than anyone on medical matters so sorry I can't really advise you, your logic on the AB's seems faultless to me but maybe vets have other things to consider. Bara's tummy is not perfect of that I'm certain, she has bouts of runny pooh, and then it gets better, only to go runny again a few weeks latter, and our vets can't really find anything wrong with her.

I hope you can get Leon back to full health he's such a lovely looking dog.
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09-11-2009, 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
According to Ms. Bruno (The Italiian vet. and author of several books on the Newfoundland breed) dogs should not have bread simply because their digestive system does not deal with it well. She did write in one book that if the bread is toasted it's OK I'm not sure how toasting it makes any difference but I pass it on FWIW

Sheree, I know less than anyone on medical matters so sorry I can't really advise you, your logic on the AB's seems faultless to me but maybe vets have other things to consider. Bara's tummy is not perfect of that I'm certain, she has bouts of runny pooh, and then it gets better, only to go runny again a few weeks latter, and our vets can't really find anything wrong with her.

I hope you can get Leon back to full health he's such a lovely looking dog.
Thanks so much Harvey. I also wondered about the bread, although mine have always enjoyed their scrambled eggs and soldiers with no ill effects, but the vet said it was fine to give it to him, and if he is bad then he has it as dry toast if I can't get him to eat anything else.

I understand that some dogs do have intolerances, maybe Leon could have developed something along those lines, or IBS and the bread is agravating things. I'm just at a loss, as it seems you are when Bara has her bad tummy..if Leon didn't experience the terrible pains when he is poorly I would possibly wean him off the ab's and see how he goes, but he goes downhill so rapidly that I just can't do it to him, poor little chap.

He is a picture of health at the moment so I am hoping it really is nothing more that this awful build up of bacteria in the gut and that it will respeond eventually to the long term ab's.

Thanks again for your support
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09-11-2009, 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
It's now been three months since my boy was rushed to the vets and put onto a drip, followed by weeks of diarrhoer (sp) and cowpats, blood and faecal tests, plus ongoing antibiotics.

He had a relapse last month when he finished his course of ab's but, since then, has been quite good and responded well to the ab's. He was on Noroclav, Metronidazole and Predno Leucotropin which was prescribed to help with his arthritis as well as the bad tummy.

His results again came back inconclusive, they know that all his organs are working well, thank goodness, but they still can't grow anything on the culture and all they can say with some degree of confidence is that he has a high volume of bacteria in his gut.

He has lost over 10 kilos in weight since 9th August and although he probably looks and feels better being that much lighter, (he is a heavy boned lad so has never been skinny), I am concerned that he is still losing weight and he will eventually succumb to something serious.

He last went to the vets three weeks ago when he was taken off the noroclav and given another 10 days prescription of the metronidazole. The vet was thrilled with his progress and said that he hoped that he was on the road to recovery and that some dogs have to be on ab's for up to 6 months when they have this sort of problem. I had another lengthy discussion about him being able to have panacur wormer, just incase it was giardia despite it showing as negative, but the vet said that he is too ill to be given that, his stomach lining is far too sensitive but that is why he has been prescribed the metronidazole as it has, apparently, one of the same ingredients as the panacur wormer so would kill off the giardia if he did have it.
Since his bad bout of last month Leon has been on the up and up, you wouldn't know he had anything wrong with him, he looks healthy enough and is enjoying life to the full, he even managed to do a few solid poos towards the end of two weeks ago.

He finished the metronidazole last Monday and the vet said I was to monitor him and let him know how he was, he still was having one of the predno tablets a day for his arthritis but nothing else. After a couple of days his eyeballs went bright red again, (apparently that is the mucus membranes enflaming and he had that last time), and he started straining when trying to pass motions and often didn't pass anything. I waited until Thursday morning and then phoned the vets to let them know what was happening.

We had another lengthy discussion over the phone, the vet suggested they operate to remove some of the tissue in the gut so they can get a clearer picture of whats going on in there. Now, maybe I'm wrong but I feel that to cut him open at this stage, when there is all that bacteria laying around is just asking for trouble and I refused to have it done. I would do anything for my boy but I feel that it is totally the wrong time to go down that route, how can his wound heal itself with the bacteria at the level it is?

I went in and saw the vet on Friday, he has agreed that he can have another 10 days of both the metronidazole and the noroclav, he has to come off the pred for his joints as he feels that could be aggravating his stomach and he has now given him cosequin ds which has has to have 3 times a day for 30 days, reducing to 2 tablets daily thereafter.

I'm not a vet so am only going on gut instinct but surely, if his tummy is fine when he is on the ab's then it can't be anything more sinister that the bacteria overgrowth. The vet is again suggesting mal-absorbtion and said that the reason Leon isn't skin and bone is because I've kept on top of things and got him to the vets for treatment as soon as there has been any sign of anythign wrong. He has also suggested bowel disease, one of the reasons he wants to give him a GA and take a sample, but would ab's keep that at bay as well as they have done? Surely if you have bowel disease there's only one way to cure it and that is to remove the diseased part.

He has his Purina EN complete food once a day with either chicken, fish or eggs, and he has toast or bread with some fish, chicken or eggs for breakfast and lunch time so he can take his tablets. He has the odd custard cream too but only maybe one or two a week, other than that he isn't haveing any treats, just so I can make sure his tummy is tolerating what he is being given.

I've cried so much lately over him and the others but am now just getting desperate to sort him out. As I said, he is in no pain or discomfort, in fact he is enjoying his walks so much he has me out about 5 times a day and we walk for about a mile and half each time...possibly another reason he has lost weight.

So, neither I or the vet really know whats wrong with him, just that when he's on the ab's his toiletting is normal, within days of coming off them he is straining and either passing nothing or cowpats...and his eyes look enflamed too but calm down as soon as he is back on the ab's.

We're now up to £700 in costs, we've not had any money back yet from the insurance company and although he will still receive any treatment he needs, I just wonder if the insurers can decide they aren't going to cover him, especially if the vets can't actually give a firm diagnosis.
He is WRONG!!!! Tell him to phone MY vets who are a RCVS Hospital, I'm sure they'll be willing to tell him that Metronidazole does NOT cure giardia, as I'm sure you must have by now read 100 times over on t'internet as well Sheree!!!!!! I have already told you both my dogs were EXTREMELY ill, poor little Zena passing neat yellow water with bits of chicken in it and blood, and poor Georgie was almost unable to move he felt so ill, but my vet STILL prescribed the equivalent of Panacur which worked and twice!
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09-11-2009, 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
He is WRONG!!!! Tell him to phone MY vets who are a RCVS Hospital, I'm sure they'll be willing to tell him that Metronidazole does NOT cure giardia, as I'm sure you must have by now read 100 times over on t'internet as well Sheree!!!!!! I have already told you both my dogs were EXTREMELY ill, poor little Zena passing neat yellow water with bits of chicken in it and blood, and poor Georgie was almost unable to move he felt so ill, but my vet STILL prescribed the equivalent of Panacur which worked and twice!
I know Helena, I've read and re-read the details on the internet, told him about your two and begged him to try it but he won't prescribe the Panacur and I'm scared to try to get it from somewhere else just incase it makes Leon worse, I would never forgive myself if that happened. He told me that one of the ingredients in the Metronidazole is exactly the same as in the Panacur which is why he prescribed that in the first place. I'm banging my head against a wall here but I daren't change vets just yet, especially as Leon is doing well at the moment. I popped his claim form in this afternoon and have asked for the vet to ring me when he has finished his surgery as I am going to ask him to refer Leon to a specialist. If they tell me the same then I'll have to accept it but at least I won't feel that I'm being fobbed off.
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09-11-2009, 04:07 PM
Sorry to hear about leon, sheree.

I have to say, his symptoms are INDENTICAL to my yodas. I went ahead with surgery to take biopsies from his gut and personnally i would never, ever do this again.
I dont believe there is any need for surgery of this type- it is just to confirm or not confirm the bacteria in his gut...if he responds to treatment then i dont see the need for it.
Yoda had this surgery- the tests came back inconclusive and they treated him just how they wouldve done if they had not operated...only the stress from the operation caused him to lose 12kg and he was skinny anyway. I very nearly lost him afterwards.

Yoda was on the same medication as leon, but was on high dosage.
He was treated for guardia by the vet with metronidazole, and this was ruled out as a cause.
The eventual diagnosis was Inflammatory bowel disease.
In the end, the vets got to the stage where they could offer no more treatment than that he was already on..I was given his medicationto take home, but took him off all medication(mainly steroid he was on at that point, as he lost so much weight on it) as soon as i dtopped the prednisalone he gained weight and had bouts every now and then but i would just put him back on to steroids and AB's to manage it(under guidance from vet) for a few days until it passed.
We then had 5 months of him in 'remission' and he was happy and healthy, until unfortunately i lost him to condition un related to his bowel problem.

Im not saying this will work for leon or not- but just thought id let you know what i went through with yoda, and things can and do get better.
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09-11-2009, 04:12 PM
Just a thought sheree, have you tried hills(or science plan..cant remember which brand) XD version...specifically for dogs with inflammatory bowel disease...
I tried it with yoda-it did make him worse but he was unlucky!! friends have used it with their dogs with the same problem and its a god send for them.
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09-11-2009, 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
I know Helena, I've read and re-read the details on the internet, told him about your two and begged him to try it but he won't prescribe the Panacur and I'm scared to try to get it from somewhere else just incase it makes Leon worse, I would never forgive myself if that happened. He told me that one of the ingredients in the Metronidazole is exactly the same as in the Panacur which is why he prescribed that in the first place. I'm banging my head against a wall here but I daren't change vets just yet, especially as Leon is doing well at the moment. I popped his claim form in this afternoon and have asked for the vet to ring me when he has finished his surgery as I am going to ask him to refer Leon to a specialist. If they tell me the same then I'll have to accept it but at least I won't feel that I'm being fobbed off.
Well what about the one my vets gave me which isn't actually Panacur, but an EQUIVALENT of it, with similar ingredients, maybe that one is kinder to the stomach? The only reason, I keep banging on and banging on about this, is the fact that BOTH my dogs had the same thing, exactly the same as you described time and time again with poor Leon, Georgie was just squatting and straining too, most of the time throughout the day, only to produce a "blob" of something nasty. SO, having TWO dogs with the very same condition they couldn't fob me off with scans, biopsies, blah, blah, blah, coz I said to them, that just isn't possible that both dogs have the same condition, it's GOT to be something they've both picked up, or something they've both got, and they had to agree with me! I have to say Sheree, I saw THREE different vets and each one of them, said that they HAD to rule out giardia even though all my tests came back negativel, and none of them had any hesitation whatsoever in prescribing it even with the state both my poor dogs were in, and as I said, I've never looked back, it had an instant effect!

We can only rely on what our vets are telling us, but hopefully, if you DO get to see that specialist, at least he might have the sense to prescribe you the medication to at least rule it out! Why put Leon through all of that unnecessarily for the sake of a fiver, if the specialist says it IS safe. Blimey, you can give this stuff for THREE DAYS on the trot to puppies UNDER 6 weeks old so how safe do they want it????!!!

What about the EPI test, what did that come back as saying, what was the tli count on that then?????? Again, having had a dog with EPI for 7 years, these are also the identical symptoms with this intermittent bloody diarrhea, etc. because they cannot tolerate any food other than the special foods for that condition, i.e. the Royal Canin sensitivity control diet (which my dog tolerated) or the digestive low fat (which she also could tolerate), but with the special pancreatic powder on top!

You're going to have to do an exclusion diet (which MY vets also talked about until I kept telling them how could both my dogs possibly have the SAME problem with their gut!!!!) You must cut out all treats for now, everything, and maybe choose a food the vets say is ok which will be something he has never had before, but I doubt very much this will do any good quite honestly, I thought about it myself and dismissed it, when she said venison. What about the Hill's ID why hasn't the vet put him on that then or has he? If he has, then again, you mustn't give him anything else.

Another question, why then, when Leon bounced back on the Metronidazole (which I said would work whilst he was ON them) did the vet not do as he said before, i.e. he would be able to give him the Panacur or the equivalent of it? That in itself is telling you something, the fact that the Metronidazole is working, it's killing off all the bad bacteria in the gut, BUT, if the dog's got giardia, back it comes again, and it's not the dog who has the sensitive tummy, it's that very thing which is causing that!

All the best, get to see a specialist, these vets will have every test going done on Leon if he's insured, just like they would have done with mine if I'd let them, but thankfully, the powders worked and to this date, we still have perfect poo's around here, but as I said before, it has to be done twice to actually kill it all off.

Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, p*ssed off Lol, but everytime I read one of these Leon threads, I just see everything I saw with my two and I worry for your poor Leon having to go through this, plus more tests, more money out of your pocket, but why, when you could rule it out at the very least???? Good luck, let's hope the boy gets better somehow or other, this can't go on, if it is what I suspect through my own experience, then untold damage can be done with it left like this!

I wish Gnasher would see one of your threads coz she'd tell you too! I think Layla had a similar thing too, but I don't know whether she did the Panacur thing, but you could ask her?
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