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30-04-2013, 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post

Its a happy-to-be-alive day with the sun shining, no breeze and the birds singings - I love mornings like this.


How right you are Jenny
Another day in the garden me thinks.
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30-04-2013, 07:47 AM
Good morning fellow members at last a really lovely spring morning, sunny skies without being freezing cold.

Only a brief visit, I have Hannah today and she is waiting for me to go and help with the play dough . I think we are taking the twins to the nature reserve after they leave play group at lunch time so a busy day in store...

Enjoy your day everyone..
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30-04-2013, 08:06 AM
Morning all

Was lovely and sunny first thing, Ive got all my washing on the line but now the dark clouds are gathering. Hopefully they will blow over smartish.

Off to clean and shop for step father and then call in nursing home to visit my aunt, so out all day.

Have a good one everybody
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30-04-2013, 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Good morning Helena. I am glad this appeared before I go out again. I am in serious 'summer mode' now - setting off with Bella before 7am today before it gets too hot. She enjoys it more and so do I and we can walk further too. When we got back she had a nice bone and is now zonked out so I will scarper shortly and get some bits done in town.

Happy that you've woken to a nice day with the birdsong. We were followed by dozens of swooping swallows on our walk. Catching all the insects in the air.

Yes get your fencing fixed as a priority. Don't want to be reading posts from you down the line about problems with neighbours!

What can I say? Hope today is at least no worse than yesterday!

Fingers crossed for some positive stuff about the house selling.

Hope the mum visit goes well

LINDA and all other 'keepers' of dogs with problems - sending good vibes to you and to them.

I can't actually remember what I had to go out for now?
So I will just go anyway and hope it comes back to me!

I will leave you with a piccie of me on a Camel. (Why they put my daughter and her pal on the little one and me on the big one I dunno - no comments about load bearing tho please!)

Morning Pat, as for the picture "no comment" Bet that was uncomfortable, but nice to see you're doing the tourist bit even though you're a resident.

Hope you remember what you went down the town for by the time you get there, but I'm sure you will come back with something, just try not to break it

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good morning Helena and all those to follow. As you say another lovely day. Having a quick cuppa before I take Amber for her walk. Was hoping my hair would dry out a bit before going but I shall put a scarf over it, I must get it cut it is right down my back now and not easy to control. We have just been out and topped up the birds for the day. Got to make some Coconut fat/seed cups as they are getting through them two a day. Best fed starlings round here. The blue tits get to clean the fat off the branches of the lilac as do the gold crests.

Malka I hope you and Pereg had a good night and Lynn you and Dillon too. Helena after your excitement this morning you better have a quieter day. Well this wont do. Have a good day all. God bless.
Morning Moyra. I think the beauty of having really long hair like yours is the fact that you don't really have to do it, you can just tie it up, but the drying of it must be a long, boring process, it's bad enough drying my short hair. Enjoy a lovely walk in the sunshine with Amber.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Enjoy your walk Lablover - you will look like the Queen with your headscarf on. Every time I see pics of her walking her dogs she is wearing one!
Lol, yes so do I!

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena, morning all.

Another lovely sunny day here too and I think it may be warmer hopefully. I won't be fighting any triffids today to help keep me warm.
I have to find my back door key and gate key that I had in my pocket when out the front. Will do that when I have walked Dillon will have to take the spare door keys and leave the gate on the latch this morning.
They will either be in the shed with all the bits I brought back round or the compost bin or the recycling bin. Not a lot of choice then.
I was adamant the agent should come and take the photographs again but now i'm thinking let Gorden do them he will do them so much better and I will still have my day saying to the agent we are redoing them and will be emailing them to you as having all the lights on did the inside no justice and the outside is now drastically different to the first photo you took.

Helena what a fright and just what you don't need this time of the morning, well any time of the day but first thing in the morning when you're trying to wake up is not good.
Glad all is well.

Pat I was going to say nothing. Lovely photo.

Linda I hope Loki is still on the road to improvement.
Jenny have a safe journey and have a nice day with your mum.
June sending (((hugs))).
Moyra enjoy your walk.
Bev I hope that headache has eased today.
Everyone else hope you are feeling well and all your furry friends too.

Stay safe and have a good Tuesday.
Morning Lynn, hope you find your keys, and that's a much better idea getting Gorden to do the new pics, I do hope it works for you.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Got 5 minutes before I have to get going. I think I'll have a normal day at if I could just remember what I have!

Tonight I'm hiding in our room again and working on the assignment, I have so much to do that I have to get moving on it and get it done tonight so tomorrow I can get some stuff done tomorrow.
Morning Lorraine, busy, busy, busy again today then and tonight by the looks of it, stay sane Lorraine

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Three of the things marked down to do today have been done already and it is not even 9.30am yet! Bloomin' water delivery guys disturbed my back-to-bed snooze after pilling Da Booger - she heard the truck pull up so woke me in time to open the front trissim and yell that I was coming - just enough time to pull a robe and a snood on and get to the door before they did. I got a couple of sniggery looks but so I was still in bed at 8am, so what? It is [or always was] marked on the delivery sheet not to deliver before 8.30am and I was sorely tempted to let Da Booger have an air-snap at the ankle of the one she did last time.

However, my decent nature got the better of me so I kept hold of her rope [I had to clip it on before opening the door] and he sidled past her - which was when I gave a couple of sniggery looks!

[Thinks - why did I not read through this thread to see who was around and who had posted what before I replied? ]

Hope Lynn gets loads of viewings. Hope Bev's head is better. Hope Loki's legs are not so wobbly. Umm - what else. Ah yes, hope you have a good walk with Zena, Nechda! Anyone and anything I have missed, hope you are all OK.

Have a good Tuesday everyone, and do not forget that today is the last Steam Mop Bonus Day of April!
Morning Malka, why do they do that when they know not to deliver before you've said Anyway, at least you've got it now and can maybe nip back into bed for a while.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and fellow members,

Its a happy-to-be-alive day with the sun shining, no breeze and the birds singings - I love mornings like this.

Helena - what a shock that must have been with Zena half over the fence. The fact that she hadn't been dragged over
by the neighbours' dogs tells you that she is boss ..... the other dogs were probably 'bricking' it. Not nice for you either having to sprint up all those stairs . As you say, the fence is yet another job to add to the list ....... these lists never stop, I'm sure you realise that. . I hope you enjoy your walk this morning.

Pat - Loved the photo of the frog last night ..... that's how I feel most of the time The photo of you on the camel is so funny - only because I find camels such funny creatures - you look quite elegant in your black dress astride that HUGE camel. Are you sure you didn't push your passenger off to get a better view?

Moyra - Bless you making the seed/fat cups for the birds. I'm not surprised they are getting through two a day - I would imagine the word has spread and they are queueing up for them.

Lore - I hope your work day goes well and you do get the chance to push-on with your assignment this evening.

Lynn - I think taking your own photos has got to be the route to go Enjoy your walk with Dillon and I hope you locate those keys. Enjoy your day.

Malka - You've had a busy morning but isn't it nice to 'tick' jobs off. Thanks for the steam mop reminder as I would have forgotten

Bev - I hope your headache has subsided.

I'm off to visit my Mum once I have given the dogs a good walk (they'll be coming with me) and it should be easier today as I'm meeting my brother there.

I hope any poorly dogs or members are feeling better today.

See you later.
Morning Jenny, be careful on that M25, there's a massive hold up I think between J 4 and 5? Can't be sure on that one but just heard it on radio sussex so check it out before you set off this morning Jen. Oh yes, it's a really great to be alive day today that's for sure.

Those blooming dogs next door, one is a labradoodle and he has no training, he barks at anybody when I'm out on the drive, he'd eat the postman alive, and he goes manic at the fence when he knows Zena is about, so she has no choice but to race up there and retaliate. To see her hanging over the fence like that was very scary I nearly gave meself a heart attack racing up there to unhook her! She knew she did wrong cos she sloped off into her bed, but of course, she's fine now that we've been out and I've made it up to her for my shouting. I'm going to rig something up between the apple tree and our back fence to stop her getting to that low bit. Trouble is, THEIR side it's an 8ft drop if she did get over it, hence my headless chicken appearing. Have a lovely trip to your mum Jenny.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,

So far so good with the head this morning, its not aching just feeling a little light headed. Its the start of a very busy 10 days for me today so I cannot afford for it to give me problems.

H, that must have been very scary this morning and got your heart racing, still at least you got to her ok.

Lynn I think you will be better off getting Gordon to do the pics and i hope you find those keys.

Jenny have a nice time with your mum and brother.

Malka you are certainly busy this morning. Don't overdo it.

I had better get on as have to be out in 30 mins and loads to do here.
Enjoy your day all.
Morning Bev, glad to hear there's no headache this morning and if you get it back later after being out in your car, then I would get that exhaust checked cos mine is making me the same, but mine is broken somewhere and I can smell the fumes.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H and all

I can just imagine the panic with naughty Zena hanging over the fence, they are good at causing heart stopping moments aren't they.

Lynn I hope you get some stunning pics put on your estate agent details. My friend has just moved (yesterday) and had to push the estate agents all of the time.

Malka, I am still sat in bed atm, 3 tasks completed already slow down there!

Any news on Bev and the drop in centre?

I feel a bit out of the loop atm with the internet problems. I was able to use my kindle yesterday but not computer so delved into the settings on the computer (not a clue what I was doing) but fingers crossed it seems to be working now!

I managed to cut the grass and sort loads of rubbish yesterday so was quite happy.

Today will be dogs and cousin. We may take cousin to Hayling Island where the family used to holiday, they had a static caravan there. I quite like it too as we lived there for a number of years. I do miss walking on the beach with the dogs.

My virtual hospital appointment is a phone call. It is to discuss the scan I had recently. It's a good idea rather than traipsing to the hospital and waiting for an hour, struggling to park not to mention pay for the privilege. There is no need to be face to face.

Have a good day all.
Morning Gerry, oh I love Hayling Island too, such a lovely, quiet place isn't it, you just wouldn't know it was there really would you. Good luck with that hospital phone call, let's hope it's good news all round for you Gerry.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

How right you are Jenny
Another day in the garden me thinks.
Morning Jen, If you're out in the garden again today, can you please make sure that cute little supervisor of yours is comfortable before you start!!!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members at last a really lovely spring morning, sunny skies without being freezing cold.

Only a brief visit, I have Hannah today and she is waiting for me to go and help with the play dough . I think we are taking the twins to the nature reserve after they leave play group at lunch time so a busy day in store...

Enjoy your day everyone..
Morning Mini, it's lovely that you have Hannah so often, and I'm sure you love getting involved with whatever she wants to get up to, especially the play dough! Go on, admit it Mini

Had a lovely, lovely walk, sun was glistening on the sea down below, nobody about, then we came home and I put some water in Zena's pool, so she could scrabble herself clean, but she drank some of the cold water and then proceeded to vomit it back up So strange that she can never drink cold water Anyhoo, once she settled, I made her a bowl of warm water, which she drank and was very grateful for, cos she licked my face clean I love this dog!!!!

Off to do whatever today, I must bank that cheque first port of call, and then I might nip over to TK Max for a summer dressing gown. I love their dressing gowns, they're a bit more special and more comfortable and most of all, a lot cheaper than anywhere else! Oooops, shouldn't have told you lot about that bit should I, it might mean I have less choice next time around cos you've all been buying them.

Enjoy your day, I'll be back lunchtime.
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30-04-2013, 08:47 AM
Morning everyone

Thanks for all the good wishes for Loki. He's fine - a bit quiet this morning but doing well.

Helena - Loki would have been exactly the same. We used to have a couple of small dogs the other side of the fence that would bark at him and you could see him sort of examining the fence trying to find a way through, over or under. It's a high fence though, so he couldn't actually lean over.

Lynn - I hope you get some nice photos today.

Jenny - I hope all goes well with your visit to your mum.

Tangutica - That's a great photo of you all on camels.

Bev - I hope your head is okay today.

Mini - Have a lovely day with the children.

I cycled with Carys to school this morning - for some reason I found it really hard on the way home so I just pretended that I wanted to go that slow.

I think I'll visit my parents this morning.

Take care everyone.

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30-04-2013, 09:45 AM
Had a nice walk with Dillon up the field through the woods and back down the field we had company some of the way.
My neighbour with his black Cocker Spaniel Poppy. have one arm longer than the other as Dillon was on his long line and Poppy free roams. Don't trust Dillon 100% at the moment not to follow his nose or get silly and run into a tree or into someone he did knock into Roby'ns knee's at one point.

Found the keys looked through the recycling bin the shed the compost bin and was totally stumped. Checked the front garden up the side of the house round the back path near the back gate. Still no luck.
Postman came so went to get the key to open the post box and the keys were hanging up I usually put them in a drawer.

Rang the agent told him we will be emailing some more photos without the lights on indoors this time as it will be nice weather and hopefully people will not be thinking the house is dark all the time. That the house is now different out the front. They will go onto right move almost immediately when we have emailed them and the front of the house one and view in the paper next week. Cut off day is Monday.
I did say you told Gorden you would be back for the outside photo when the weather improved he said I can come out if you want me too see different again to Saturday. I declined and said no we will do them.
Again the neighbour I walked with today said he is surprised no one has been and said as far as he is aware we are regarded as a sought after area still.
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30-04-2013, 10:24 AM
Good luck with that then Lynn.

In no particular order. Never did remember what it was I wanted to get today. Never mind it will come back to me when the shops are closed. Bought cushions and sheets and a sundress instead! Agonised over lovely flowering plants but they struggle this time of year and need watering all the time. My huge hydrangeas are a sorry sight already.

I've got LOTS of 'camel' photos! We LOVE the Mazotos Camel Park. I'm such a frequent visitor with guests in summer that they let me in for nothing AND allow me to take Bella in too! They have a pool there as well. And waiter service round the pool mmmm

My daughter has informed me that she is taking me to a treat in London the day after I arrive in July. Dim Sum Afternoon Tea Party at the Crazy Bear restaurant in Fitzrovia. She said we can shop for a wedding get up for me too if we haven't found one the day before in Reading.

After her race yesterday she apparently hurts everywhere! She said she can't even pee or cough without it hurting!

Bella has just moved off the sofa and flaked out on the cooler tiles. That's the first time I've EVER seen her lie down on the tiles! She is a bit of a 'cushion princess'!
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30-04-2013, 10:50 AM
I've just been rearranging the greenhouse to make way for some plants I have potted on.
What I thought was a lump of compost unfurled 8 long legs and scampered off
I screamed, arrrgggggggh, Pepsi came running jumped all over me and the greenhouse shelf and now I don't know where the flippin thing is!
I won't be going back in there in a hurry!
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30-04-2013, 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Had a nice walk with Dillon up the field through the woods and back down the field we had company some of the way.
My neighbour with his black Cocker Spaniel Poppy. have one arm longer than the other as Dillon was on his long line and Poppy free roams. Don't trust Dillon 100% at the moment not to follow his nose or get silly and run into a tree or into someone he did knock into Roby'ns knee's at one point.

Found the keys looked through the recycling bin the shed the compost bin and was totally stumped. Checked the front garden up the side of the house round the back path near the back gate. Still no luck.
Postman came so went to get the key to open the post box and the keys were hanging up I usually put them in a drawer.

Rang the agent told him we will be emailing some more photos without the lights on indoors this time as it will be nice weather and hopefully people will not be thinking the house is dark all the time. That the house is now different out the front. They will go onto right move almost immediately when we have emailed them and the front of the house one and view in the paper next week. Cut off day is Monday.
I did say you told Gorden you would be back for the outside photo when the weather improved he said I can come out if you want me too see different again to Saturday. I declined and said no we will do them.
Again the neighbour I walked with today said he is surprised no one has been and said as far as he is aware we are regarded as a sought after area still.
I hope this MayBank holiday brings you a few viewers and then a buyer..........
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30-04-2013, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
I've just been rearranging the greenhouse to make way for some plants I have potted on.
What I thought was a lump of compost unfurled 8 long legs and scampered off
I screamed, arrrgggggggh, Pepsi came running jumped all over me and the greenhouse shelf and now I don't know where the flippin thing is!
I won't be going back in there in a hurry!
Most likely it ran into the house Lynn while Pepsi was jumping all over you. Don't worry about it, I am sure it has found somewhere comfy inside to live ... behind the loo, up inside your bedroom curtains, under your favourite chair? Oh! Shoe cupboard? They like shoes!
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