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20-04-2013, 07:52 AM
Morning all, oh Lynn what a naughty boy
Hope Loki is better this morning , poor boy .
Bev hope the head is better
Malka hope Pereg is Ok today......

Well I thought we were making headway with Millie, but she had a turn this morning yelping out in pain,,,,jezzz she is on enough pain relief to floor an elephant as it is.

Hope everyone has a good day without any problems arising .... xx
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20-04-2013, 08:12 AM
Morning all,

Today I am really looking forward to going out. I have not been able to do this at all, spend on clothes and not worry too much. We are all in dire need of new kit.

Malka, I'm so sorry you are having a hard time with Pereg, I hope things settle for you soon.

Lynn, Dillon is determined to push it isn't he, hopefully he settles soon too.

Well once we have had breakfast and I have hung out washing I am off.
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20-04-2013, 08:14 AM
Good morning fellow members at last a proper sunny spring day which should help the leaves to come out at last. It will be great to see some green.
My DIL with the other Nanna has taken the little ones to Devon . As they are away my son is taking me out for lunch something to which I am really looking forward .

We seem to have a lot of poorly and unsettled doggy members at the moment I hope things improve for them all soon.

Enjoy your day everyone.
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20-04-2013, 08:16 AM
Morning Lynn morning all
Sorry to hear you had such a bad night with Dillon ,little monkey ,they say revenge is sweet I'd not like to be in his paws today ,hope the different walk goes well ,n you get a nanny nap later ,
Laughed at your description of liy on the bed know the feeling only to well
Hope you get the headache sorted out today at the docs hope the vet visit doesn't turn out too expensive
Lucky star
Sorry Loki s had a fit hope he recovers soon (((hugs))))
Glad to hear you've not had any more loft visitors
Labrador lover
Hope you and Amber have a great day
Crystal girl
Hope your feeling better,
Your right Spring must have finally come ,birds gathering nesting materials here new lambs in most of the fields now
Have a good day
The muppets had us up at silllly o clock asking out ,let them out ,did they do anything big fat Nojust stood there sniffing the air ,then expected b/fast no chance at that time of the morning ,so huffily went back to bed ,I'm not in their good books now
Hope today turns out like yesterday as it was glorious ,might be too much to hope for
Not much on the cards today ,work then must tackle a few jobs that need doing
Hope all 2n4legged are in good spirits all poorly get better soon everyone enjoyes there day what ever there up to
Take care all stay safe.
Sorry if I've missed anyone (you all type faster than me ) have a good day
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20-04-2013, 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
and I think I have now found the culprit anything chicken or chicken based makes him sick.
Hi Lynn and good morning (to everyone else too)

Don't under-estimate the effects of food intolerances. Rosie seems to be intolerant to anything meat based. You know the problems (and sofa nights) we had with Rosie and since we've fed only salmon and potato she's been fine.

I've tried introducing other meats (and chicken is a big no no for her), but each time, sometimes immediately, sometimes after a couple of days, we get the awful pacing and lip licking back.

Funnily enough, she's fine with fruit, small amount of milk, even small amounts of ice cream, but meat a big NO.

It makes for a boring diet, but it's better than the awful state she used to get into

I also found that giving her four meals throughout the day rather than a couple of big ones helps keep her on track. I give her the last one (smaller than the others) around 7.30 pm and that helps her settle for the night.

Might be totally different with Dillon, of course, but try experimenting a bit to see if you can find what suits him best.
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20-04-2013, 08:39 AM
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Lynn - You poor thing, it sounds as though Dillon has been leading you a merry dance. Hopefully a 'different' walk may go to tiring him out.

Bev - Sorry you are still suffering from your headache . The new vet sounds wonderful - well the price difference anyway.

LS - I'm so sorry about Loki - it's really not fair is it . I hope he settles quickly for you and remains calm. Good news that you didn't have any further loft visitors last night.

Crystal - I hope your headache has gone and you feel more yourself today.

Moyra - Enjoy your day and dog walk.

Jenny - Oh no not more poorly people and I hope your poor OH keeps that particularly nasty virus to himself.

Malka - I wish you and Pereg sleep.

Jackbox - Poor Millie - I hope she settles soon, it is so distressing seeing a dog in pain.

Lore - Enjoy your shopping spree.

Mini - Have a lovely lunch with your son - nothing like having them all to yourself.

Norma - You must have realised by now that we are all slaves to our dogs and are expected to attend to their every whim

Another beautiful day and my brother is coming down for the weekend which is lovely as he's great company .... although I have to admit I thought I was having a weekend to myself

Off to buy a paper before I walk the dogs. I hope all poorly people and dogs improve today.

Morning Helena - I hope you have a nice weekend with Dave and as stress free as possible.
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20-04-2013, 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Hi Lynn and good morning (to everyone else too)

Don't under-estimate the effects of food intolerances. Rosie seems to be intolerant to anything meat based. You know the problems (and sofa nights) we had with Rosie and since we've fed only salmon and potato she's been fine.

I've tried introducing other meats (and chicken is a big no no for her), but each time, sometimes immediately, sometimes after a couple of days, we get the awful pacing and lip licking back.

Funnily enough, she's fine with fruit, small amount of milk, even small amounts of ice cream, but meat a big NO.

It makes for a boring diet, but it's better than the awful state she used to get into

I also found that giving her four meals throughout the day rather than a couple of big ones helps keep her on track. I give her the last one (smaller than the others) around 7.30 pm and that helps her settle for the night.

Might be totally different with Dillon, of course, but try experimenting a bit to see if you can find what suits him best.
Morning Chris - I'll second what you say about diet. One of mine cannot tolerate chicken, beef, pork, cheese (treats) or any cereals. He only does well on fish and veggies.

Enjoy your day.
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20-04-2013, 09:36 AM
Major storms here - keep losing all power [and of course internet].

Jackie, so sorry Millie is bad again. Hope Linda's Loki is OK. Really cannot think straight because Pereg is still driving me nuts because she is still post-ictal and the only thing that shuts her up is food. But she is not supposed to have too much protein now but that is all that shuts her up. She demands food and she demands protein so I have no choice.

Have nothing sorted for me but it does not matter as long as Pereg is OK. But I think she is not doing well so think we are back to square one.
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20-04-2013, 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Oh my goodness Lynn he really has pushed his luck hasn't he. Its bad enough if they behave like that during the day, but at night . Its probably his protest at having nobody downstairs with him and like you say he may be getting hungrey.

It took me a while to position Lily on the bed last night so i could get some room and some of the quilt, eventually I got her on one half of the bed, but had her bottom right by my nose, which could have ended up fatal if she got wind, after a while she did turn round and thankfully put her head on the pillow and laid with her back to me, just wanting a cuddle, so I fell asleep with my arm round her.

This morning I am taking Lily to see a different vet, Martin, about 20 miles away, a few of my greyhound friends use him, he is a one man practice, but excellent with greyhounds and very cheap.
Lily needs her teeth descaled and my vet quoted me for a scale and polish between £300-£400 plus extra if she needs any teeth out. Martin charges around £140 for scale and polish and up to 5 teeth out, so we have a consultation with him this morning, which is £20 so I can meet him and he can have a good look at her teeth, give me a price and also I will get him to check her cracked pads.

I still keep getting this headache so if no better later I may take my self to the walk in center. Its been so bad the last couple of days I havn't been to work so I can't afford not to go in next week. I've had this headache a week now as it started last weekend.

Hope you all have a good day, its very Frosty out there at the moment but the sun is shining.
Morning Bev oh yes that could of been a dreadful state of affairs if Lily had had wind. I hope that headache subsides soon but I do think you are wise to go to the walk in centre.
Good luck with the new vet.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

Oh dear Lynn, what an awful night you had. You must feel groggy now today after that. Perhaps you might get a chance for a nap later? I would be looking forward to a revenge wake-up call for Dillon.

No loft visitors - perhaps it was a bird because it was there around the time the birds started their dawn chorus. I wonder if a little bird slept in the loft and woke up to go and join his mates.

We still got woken up around that time though because Loki had a fit this morning. I suspected he'd start fitting because he's been a bit out of sorts this week and it's been four weeks since the last lot. I think we will need to think about increasing the meds again but I hate doing that.

It's a beautiful morning - I hope everyone is having some much-needed sun today.

Take care.
Morning Linda sorry to hear Loki has fitted again.
Glad you have had no loft visitors though the night.

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi Lynn,Sorry to hear,when mydogs have become unsettled,the pup would pace and make a noise whichwould result in a bark,I keep long life goats milk,warm it in the microwave,and sit with them,they have the warm milk,and graduallyeverything is calm well nearly,the dogs gone to sleep me cant settle,so I then have camomile tea.crystalgirl
Morning CG might give the goats milk try if he doesn't settle. Or the chamomile tea. I hope your head is feeling better today.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Oh dear Lynn what a night. Not a lot one can say but empathize with you. And you too Bev as that headache is something that is going round. A lot of my friends have described having a headache for a week or more.
I take it Malka has had some problems with Pereg I have missed that so must go read back on yesterday's thread or maybe another thread somewhere. Take care all and have a good weekend all. God bless.
Morning Moyra. Enjoy the lovely sunshine.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Lynn what a little monkey, I hope you can catch up on your sleep later.
LS I hope that Loki will be ok, poor old thing.

Well the Noro virus hit here yesterday, hubby has been in the loo since yesterday afternoon
Thats all we need.
Morning Jenny oh no poor OH I hope he gets over this bug soon and you don't catch it.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Just signing in. Sorry but I am too shattered to talk and so upset Loki had another seizure - Pereg says she hopes he was not copying her.

She is still not back to normal but somehow both she and I have to get some rest. Otherwise I do not know what we will do..

Sorry everyone but I cannot concentrate so hope everyone is OK. Forgive me please.
Morning Malka sorry to hear Pereg is still not back to her old self. I do hope she settles soon so you can have some much needed rest.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, oh Lynn what a naughty boy
Hope Loki is better this morning , poor boy .
Bev hope the head is better
Malka hope Pereg is Ok today......

Well I thought we were making headway with Millie, but she had a turn this morning yelping out in pain,,,,jezzz she is on enough pain relief to floor an elephant as it is.

Hope everyone has a good day without any problems arising .... xx
Morning Jackie good job I love him although not sure if I did in the early hours.
Sorry to hear Millie isn't good again.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Today I am really looking forward to going out. I have not been able to do this at all, spend on clothes and not worry too much. We are all in dire need of new kit.

Malka, I'm so sorry you are having a hard time with Pereg, I hope things settle for you soon.

Lynn, Dillon is determined to push it isn't he, hopefully he settles soon too.

Well once we have had breakfast and I have hung out washing I am off.
Morning Lorraine enjoy that shopping trip you work hard enough so really go for it.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members at last a proper sunny spring day which should help the leaves to come out at last. It will be great to see some green.
My DIL with the other Nanna has taken the little ones to Devon . As they are away my son is taking me out for lunch something to which I am really looking forward .

We seem to have a lot of poorly and unsettled doggy members at the moment I hope things improve for them all soon.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Morning Mini have a lovely well deserved lunch with your son.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Lynn morning all
Sorry to hear you had such a bad night with Dillon ,little monkey ,they say revenge is sweet I'd not like to be in his paws today ,hope the different walk goes well ,n you get a nanny nap later ,
Laughed at your description of liy on the bed know the feeling only to well
Hope you get the headache sorted out today at the docs hope the vet visit doesn't turn out too expensive
Lucky star
Sorry Loki s had a fit hope he recovers soon (((hugs))))
Glad to hear you've not had any more loft visitors
Labrador lover
Hope you and Amber have a great day
Crystal girl
Hope your feeling better,
Your right Spring must have finally come ,birds gathering nesting materials here new lambs in most of the fields now
Have a good day
The muppets had us up at silllly o clock asking out ,let them out ,did they do anything big fat Nojust stood there sniffing the air ,then expected b/fast no chance at that time of the morning ,so huffily went back to bed ,I'm not in their good books now
Hope today turns out like yesterday as it was glorious ,might be too much to hope for
Not much on the cards today ,work then must tackle a few jobs that need doing
Hope all 2n4legged are in good spirits all poorly get better soon everyone enjoyes there day what ever there up to
Take care all stay safe.
Sorry if I've missed anyone (you all type faster than me ) have a good day
Morning Norma. At least your muppets were quiet.
Enjoy your day after work and the jobs at home.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Hi Lynn and good morning (to everyone else too)

Don't under-estimate the effects of food intolerances. Rosie seems to be intolerant to anything meat based. You know the problems (and sofa nights) we had with Rosie and since we've fed only salmon and potato she's been fine.

I've tried introducing other meats (and chicken is a big no no for her), but each time, sometimes immediately, sometimes after a couple of days, we get the awful pacing and lip licking back.

Funnily enough, she's fine with fruit, small amount of milk, even small amounts of ice cream, but meat a big NO.

It makes for a boring diet, but it's better than the awful state she used to get into

I also found that giving her four meals throughout the day rather than a couple of big ones helps keep her on track. I give her the last one (smaller than the others) around 7.30 pm and that helps her settle for the night.

Might be totally different with Dillon, of course, but try experimenting a bit to see if you can find what suits him best.
Thanks Chris I had thought about giving 3-4 meals again like he use to have. He has nature diet and seems he can tolerate the flavours that don't contain chicken give him one with chicken in and he brings it back up after a few hours. He also has a bit of kibble fish and veg JWB and the steamed fish I had been giving him with potato and rice mixed in but I am not keen feeding just the fish potato and rice as it doesn't have the necessary vits and minerals he needs or I worry it doesn't.
Enjoy your day.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Lynn - You poor thing, it sounds as though Dillon has been leading you a merry dance. Hopefully a 'different' walk may go to tiring him out.

Bev - Sorry you are still suffering from your headache . The new vet sounds wonderful - well the price difference anyway.

LS - I'm so sorry about Loki - it's really not fair is it . I hope he settles quickly for you and remains calm. Good news that you didn't have any further loft visitors last night.

Crystal - I hope your headache has gone and you feel more yourself today.

Moyra - Enjoy your day and dog walk.

Jenny - Oh no not more poorly people and I hope your poor OH keeps that particularly nasty virus to himself.

Malka - I wish you and Pereg sleep.

Jackbox - Poor Millie - I hope she settles soon, it is so distressing seeing a dog in pain.

Lore - Enjoy your shopping spree.

Mini - Have a lovely lunch with your son - nothing like having them all to yourself.

Norma - You must have realised by now that we are all slaves to our dogs and are expected to attend to their every whim

Another beautiful day and my brother is coming down for the weekend which is lovely as he's great company .... although I have to admit I thought I was having a weekend to myself

Off to buy a paper before I walk the dogs. I hope all poorly people and dogs improve today.

Morning Helena - I hope you have a nice weekend with Dave and as stress free as possible.
Morning Jenny enjoy your day with your brother. I am also wondering if Dillon has another testosterone surge and if there are any bitches in season about as it was also very similar to the last episodes. The vet did say he would not start to feel the effects of the castration for at least 6 weeks and for the testosterone to be fully out of his body it could be 6 months as he is classed as an adult almost.
Time will tell I am sure he will settle he has had his routine turned upside down recently.

We had a lovely walk we have not done this walk before it is a place called Baas hill common it is near the vet we take Dillon too. Dillon loved it lots of new smells and although we didn't let him have a flat out run Gorden held on to his long line he did manage some cantering along and the odd spurt and Gorden following like he was holding an out of control kite. He also found some nice fresh horse pooh and rabbit droppings and is now sleeping. We want to tire him out today if possible so he hopefully sleeps during the night.

On the way home we stopped at Jollyes Gorden stayed in the car with Dillon as he was mucky from his walk so the paw will need a wash and there was the most adorable staffie in there with a lady and he was looking for a new home his name is Storm if I didn't have Dillon I would of signed up for him there and then. He was so friendly and gentle and gave lovely kisses I do hope he finds his home soon.
He is in the mutts in distress kennels in Hallingbury near Bishops Stortford. I am going to put him on the private rehome section in a minute.
Well it is a beautiful day and I did through the house before we took Dillon out in the hopes we may of got some viewings or just one would be nice. I saw a couple up the lane yesterday evening looking down at the houses and this morning when we got back we watched a couple on the field who seemed to be looking they had been to the shop over the road then walked up the field and through the woods possibly to the estate up that end. But not a dickie bird and they are closed tomorrow. Still no board if it isn't up by Monday I will chase it again.
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20-04-2013, 11:47 AM
Thanks for all the wishes for Loki. He's doing well - we just got back from a long walk over the fields and he was racing around like a youngster. You'd never know he had a fit.
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