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Mandyuk1 is offline  
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07-11-2016, 02:58 PM
Hello everyone,
Been out visiting my friend this morning, took Rosie out quick when I got back cos it's started raining.
I've made a cottage pie for tea, whilst listening to the new Bon Jovi album
I'm off to the doctors shortly, well nurse. Think it's swabs they taking.
No work this week so the snow can stay away
Be back soon
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tawneywolf is offline  
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07-11-2016, 03:14 PM
Took Cariad and Lona out first for a nice peaceful walk without Zen leaping about, then Mabs,Kesh and Zen. They enjoyed leaping about, running after the ball and play fighting, so were well and truly tired when we set off back for home. Checked Zen and she's not in season, so will take them on the country park on Wednesday, just wanted to see how she was going out with her mum and Kesh as its a good while since I had those 3 together. Zen's been fine today, got a telling off from her mum because she pretended not to hear me calling her back when she headed for the manky grass cuttings, Kesh and Mabs turned immediately, she didn't, and her mother didn't half give her a thick ear. Her best friends mummy from training rang me to find out about what went on yesterday, and she couldn't believe it, especially when I told her about Zen getting on her hind legs and boxing the guy, she was taller than he was, so must have been scary for him. He's used to seeing Zen lay at my feet not bothering, so were having a laugh about it, although we know its serious stuff, its still hard to believe this quiet little mouse could turn into a fire breathing dragon in the blink of an eye. It nice that everyone wants to help and sort it out with me I think.
Yard and kennels cleaned up and fresh bedding down.
Been for LPG for the car, got the fire lit, missed Doctors but saw some new thing or other, that had Peter Barlow in it while I had a butty and a brew. Fire's lit, washers on, sun is out but its flaming cold out there. Going to get girls tea sorted out then the rest of the afternoon I may have a siesta
Certain People with Full Tummies may well be already giving it zeds
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gordon mac
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07-11-2016, 03:36 PM
Good day citizens.
I see all is trundling along nicely - hope everyone is having a good day of it.
Forecast says snow for us tomorrow. Not that it matters much for we are used to filling every bit of space with either food or fuel by the time November gets here - just in case! Got a bit of a let off last year but really think, myself, that we are overdue a bad 'un.
Got finished up early today I have an appointment with an ENT Specialist at 7.20pm. He is to inspect and photograph the inside of my throat for they suspect that when my kidneys collapsed four and a half years ago there was some damage done to my larynx by the surgeon who cut into my carotid artery to put pipes into my throat for the necessary haemodialysis. (Apologies for the graphic detail but it doesn't make much sense without it). Heaven alone knows what they will do if it is scarred - wouldn't have thought there is much can be done. At the time the op saved my life so can't complain at all. There is no pain with it and the only residual effect is I can no longer sing as it has reduced the range of my voice. Some might say this is a benefit! lol !
No sign of Griff - hope all is OK with you and the animals.
May follow the medicos by going for late dinner/supper in Manchester, so my appearance later will by necessity be quite late evening.
Take care and keep warm everybody, bye fer now.
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Fondly Remembered
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07-11-2016, 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Moyra View Post
I am afraid I have lost a lot of my sociability.
Hi Moyra, yes me too, never mind we've got each other

It does amuse me to look back and think how we used to do anything to get together with other humans.

In retrospect it seems a pointless waste of time now, none of the things we talked about have changed, some things are worse now than they were in those far off days, if anyone doubts that then just read the report about armed Police attending a bonfire night in Lancing.
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07-11-2016, 05:57 PM
Well, hope will be ok with you all. I am going to turn in, take care all, do be careful and find love all. God bless. m.
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Fondly Remembered
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07-11-2016, 06:13 PM
Twice today both Lara and Casey have earned themselves some brownie points

First was on one of the fields at Sapiston which is adjacent to the field with lots of sheep. Two of the sheep had 'escaped and were the 'wrong' side of the gate, at first I thought that the gate had been left open which has happened due to some muppets around here.

But no, gate was shut, so I hooked the leads around small tree and went to open the gate and get sheep back but they ran away from me, past the dogs, and into some undergrowth **

Casey & Lara stayed sitting as I left them, didn't bark or get excited at all, it's the first time I've had an opportunity to see how they would react to sheep close up and I think they did well. (Had Baruska still been alive we'd be having Lamb cutlets for dinner tonight )

Then latter back home they were both on the lawn at the front and a man came to the gate, I think he was selling something, anyway Lara & Casey barked, as they do man took one look at them and walked away Fact is, had he entered, both would have gone up to him for a cuddle, but he didn't know that did he.

** Just for the record I phoned the estate farm office to let them know two sheep were 'exploring' where they shouldn't be
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07-11-2016, 06:19 PM
Hope you have a good rest Moyra.
I am permanently unsociable these days
Good luck with your procedure LG.
Haha Losos I'm not sure that Pepsi would have been that good. She looks quietly at them through a gate, but if they were close too and moving ..... a different story I think.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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07-11-2016, 06:59 PM
Mine are fine with sheep passing the field, however the minute the sheep see the girls, then they start milling about,girls are immediately attracted to this and get very interested.They have been in the same field as cows and horses, and never bother, horses trot and canter past them and they don't turn a hair.
Well....LG has been given duff info, we now have snow and sleet forecast, its changed again
Cold here tonight, girls already in bed with lights out. Heat lamps are out, I need to clean them up a bit, girls will be fine at present but if the cold nights continue then I'll put their heating on for them
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07-11-2016, 07:16 PM
Evening everyone.
Glad lunches went well and hope procedures later go well to.
What good dogs Casey and Lara were.

Gorden had a work from home day today so I went over to Essex to see Gill we visited the graves and had lunch and a good catch up. She is at the hospital tomorrow to discuss more chemo and if and when she will start.
Did my first solo journey in the car and a bit further than Harlow Gill still lives where we originate from Brentwood. It went like a dream and on the way back I was travelling the back roads in the dark.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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07-11-2016, 07:32 PM
Really pleased the car is at long last doing what you want and is reliable.
Hoping Gill gets some sort of good news at her appointment,
Wonder where Griff is, hope nothings happened to Dex
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