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Helena54 is offline  
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03-03-2014, 10:17 AM
Hi again everyone, just a quick appearance before I head off for the dentist, but at least it'll be a painfree visit cos I want denture work done, so I only have to sit in the chair and watch them being poked and prodded about, I'm sure it won't hurt

Thanks for the good vibes for Dave, he's up and about, but he says he can't do anything in the bathroom about the new extractor, cos it means going up in the attic and probably getting stuck and he doesn't feel up to it atm.

Just had a phone call from the Your Dog Mag, finalising some bits and pieces, cos I'm definitely being included in the where to stay guide which I think they hand out at Crufts don't they? Shame I'm almost full up

Lynn, Dave said you will be find on 4 nuts, and hopefully those brakes will be done by the time you get there.

Linda, sorry to hear about Loki chewing those feet, I had so much of that with Goergie, he'd eat them red raw at times.

Malka, glad to hear about Pereg, and you need to get yerself a set of plastics in yer gob, it's absolute heaven, no pain now and a beautiful smile once more upon my face here, plus I can even eat crackling!

Moyra, enjoy your walk with Amber this morning.

Jen, nice quiet day, maybe a little stroll out with Red Adair is on the cards today? At least it's not raining!

Off to dentist now after making one more phone call and I'll catch up later.
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03-03-2014, 10:18 AM
Morning Jenny Nippy, Moyra, Malka and Linda.
Enjoy your not much planned day Jenny.
Morning Moyra.
Malka good news about Pereg not good news about your lack of sleep.
Morning Linda sorry about Loki,s paws I hope the cream works. Good luck finding the dress.
Em sorry forgot to say hope the foot isn't too bad. I had a horse many years ago big heavy horse stand on my big toe the nail has never been right since.
Lorraine good luck with the brakes today.

My saga sort of continues. We rang the motor factor shop in the next village he doesn't stock any kind of locking wheel nuts but gave Gorden a number and an address of a spare parts place. Gorden rang the place doing the brakes saying we needed to take one with us so we got the right size they said ok the ramp was free today so it could stay while we did that, then Gorden remembered he thought he saw some nuts in one of the little compartments so they checked and yes they were there so they are going to break the locking wheel nuts its the key they broke and put the old wheel nuts back on. And charge us for it. I am fuming Gorden says its because it was old but I am not convinced I am staying outside when we pick it up I cannot trust myself to keep quiet. I am soooo maddddd.
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Lacey10 is offline  
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03-03-2014, 10:23 AM
I'm all confused..MALKA,you're back up and running,yes?Sorry thought you were still having probs,should have checked on here first
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03-03-2014, 10:49 AM
Lynn, that's a bit naughty re the nuts still at least you will be back on the road again. Maybe in time you will come across a new set of lockables when you are least expecting it.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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03-03-2014, 10:54 AM
Well I couldn't get back on at all last night, kept getting it stuck at page 5.
Today I can get on by usig Today's Posts, if I try New Posts it takes me back to yesterday on page 5.
I am going to see if I can see last night's stuff by clicking on Today's Posts again.
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03-03-2014, 10:56 AM
Jenny is having problems too. That kept happening to me last night but mine did clear during the evening and is working fine this morning.
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03-03-2014, 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Lacey10 View Post
I'm all confused..MALKA,you're back up and running,yes?Sorry thought you were still having probs,should have checked on here first
Azz undid whatever it was that he had done, and eventually everything came back as normal for me - just before it was my bedtime!
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03-03-2014, 01:17 PM
Good afternoon all...

So sorry haven't read all what went on over the weekend....but it is lovely and sunny here and the cats are in their run and the dogs are all lazying outside and I have all the doors open, so am at peace...for a few mins

Did I miss anything important I gather Lynn has a problem with her nuts... stamped toes, new fences, and problems logging on not good.

Do you want to put our "ladies that do" until next week Lynn, if you are having a problem with your car?

I have a new washing line up and have actually got some washing on it, all in order first time in what seems like months.... I have ripped my nail and it is sore, thankfully have got the housework done, so will keep it plastered for a couple of days.

Had a decent weekend with eversuffering husband, and we had a bit of a duvet afternoon yesterday

Will nip in later, enjoy the sun, if you have it in a spot near you....
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03-03-2014, 01:39 PM
Hi June, that's what I was getting first thing this morning, but I'm ok now, I can see new posts again and I don't get stuck anywhere now, which is always a bonus.

Hi Elaine, glad the washing is all in order on the line, we can't have clothes out of place or the wrong coloured pegs, oh no indeedy It must have been something that happened in your childhood, it's all in that bit of the mind that we don't think we use anymore, can't remember the word for it now oh yes, subconscious, the bit that the hypnotists and the likes would tap into, but don't go there, it really isn't worth it, cos we won't tell and if you're happy, then so be it I'm like this with bathroom towels, they have to hang straight and exactly in half lol!

Hi Eileen, I'm sure Malka is grateful for your help either way. Are you spinning or wobbling today???

Hi Lynn, well, Dave's answer to your post again is "pain in the a*se locking wheel nuts* and he said he would charge you too cos it's not their fault that your locking wheel nuts are old and seized up, and I kind of buy him there. You rant away at them anyway, and you might get the charge knocked off. Hope it's all sorted later cos that's all you want really isn't it, but make sure you do something about the other nuts if they haven't cos you're going to have the very same problem next time.

Hi Jenny, hope you've managed to sort out your problems on here, or maybe you're out in the glorious sunshine with the boys.

Dentist went well, totally painfree, just as expected. Loads of impressions, blimey, no less than 5 top and bottom, but I'm having a new chrome partial at the bottom and some teeth put on a top denture from when I had those fronts out last September, so I shall be all sorted in my gob by the time I've visited her no less than 5 more times. Oh joy!

Beautiful, bright sunny day darn sarf, I can't believe just how loudly the birdies are all singing today, it could be cos they've just been given another currant bun and digestives, or maybe it's the soaked multi seed brown that I've left up on the wall which they are tucking into.

All jobs jobbed now, Dave has loaded his car with all his stuff for moving back into his van tomorrow, and I'm off for a well earned nanny nap soon.

Bit worrying watching the news about Kiev, I just hope we don't do what we did for Poland all those years ago. Didn't I hear a while ago that we get most of our gas from Russia? It wouldn't be a good idea to have a major fall out with them would it, but if the US steps in, then you can bet yer bottom dollar we will swiftly follow. Awww gaaaawd, summat else to worry about then, just when I thought I could relax!

Enjoy the rest of the day everyone and I'll catch you all later.
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03-03-2014, 01:50 PM
The car is meant to be done today Elaine Gorden has told them we need it back today still waiting though.
Will update later on that score.
I shall wait outside Helena Gorden is in agreement with Dave I am cross they have broken my car and when anyone damages my car even though it is old I get very protective.
It never gives me much trouble and to be honest I am fuming they didn't order both sets of break pads for Saturday never had this problem anywhere else before.
They were the ones banging on about Saturdays being premium and us having to at least pay a deposit never come across that either before and then they get it wrong.
So not a happy bunny.
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