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19-08-2013, 08:12 AM
Helena good luck I hope the hairdresser behaves!
Jenny good luck with the car.
Lynn Good luck with the gasman, washing, feeding, and packing
Cacoli I hope you have a wonderful holiday, going anywhere nice?
Chris sounds like an expensive week for you I hope Rosie is ok.
Morning Mini Ooooo plums, please can I have some?
My day with my SiL today so it will be a sore throat and coffee induced hyper activity later

Bev how did I miss you?? We are all as excited as you about your move
Frankjames, sorry you snuck in as I was typing. Look after your wrist
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19-08-2013, 08:33 AM
Morning folks, the wanderer returned home about one in the morning. He will be talking fish now for a few days. His telly is on and he is watching a fishing programme. £200 he spent on bait!!! Even though he took a fair amount with him. oh well never mind he said he was tempted to stay another week but couldn't really afford to.

Have a good day everyone. God bless.
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lore is offline  
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19-08-2013, 08:44 AM
Morning all,

Helena, hope Dave doesn't end up too sore.

I'm up earlier than normal, trying to sort out my routine. So housework going to be started after I have breakfast.

Going for a walk after, then a run tonight. Feel like I really need the exercise.
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19-08-2013, 09:25 AM
Morning Peeps
Gorgeous day....
OH has left me 101 things to do,will grab a coffee,then I'm off!!
Maggie has a slow puncture so garage first Then bank,builders merchants,tax the van,grocery shop,buy a hoover(Henry died )post office,accountants then back to do the tip after the weekend Don't you just love Mondays!!
Hope everyone is good,have a great day all
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19-08-2013, 09:26 AM

Still having major problems getting onto Dogsey - on Firefox, Chrome and also IE, so cannot post much. I do not even know if this will post - it took me over half an hour to get to the Reply pane. I do not have any news in any case. Also still unable to get out and I have now been told that the top third of my ramp has to be dug up because the pavement is now so much higher, and the ramp re-built going right across to the side of my neighbour's yard so it can be angled upwards to the pavement without being too steep.

No idea when but in the meantime the concrete they put on the top of my ramp to get to the pavement is for people on foot only - there is now nearly a metre length 45° upwards slope which is far too dangerous for me to attempt - my chair would tip over backwards.

I hope you all have a good day.
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19-08-2013, 09:48 AM
Morning everyone who has posted after me.
Gas man been all fine but our carbon monoxide detector is out of date they have a shelf life apparently and when we checked it ran out in May.
The nice BG man tried to sell us one for £35. We politely declined.

Malka your post has appeared. Sorry to hear you are still having troubles with the internet and the ramp.
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19-08-2013, 10:43 AM
Morning all.
You are in a pickle Malka what with the Internet & the ramp. Hope you get sorted soon.
Good luck at the hairdressers Helena.
Busy day for you then Eileen. Don't work too hard.
£200 on bait Moyra. You should have give him a sliced loaf & told him to use that.
Glad the gas is ok Lynn. One less thing to worry about. My daughters boiler has packed up so they have had to keep boiling kettles for hot water. The man is due to come today. She thinks its the fan gone again - it's gone a few times before & after Sept they can't get spare parts for it so it looks like a new boiler is on the cards before winter. They have had this one for nearly 20 years so its not done too bad.
Just one back from Costo to stock up on a few bits & get a free coffee & cake & then called to the butchers for some meat that's better than Costco's stuff & a big marrow bone for you know who. Spent £90 in less than an hour
I'll have to attack the ironing later but apart from that & walkies nothing much else on.
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19-08-2013, 11:02 AM
Afternoon all, I am much refreshed after a better nights sleep, Roodee's off to the vets for a check up later on.

My thumb is starting to go all the shades of the rainbow, isn't painful unless I try to bend it, good job it's my left hand

The dogs have some huge bones given to me by a friend for thid afternoon's treat-will keep them quiet

Hope everyone else is OK
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19-08-2013, 11:24 AM
Well I fell asleep again, bother.

Looking forward to getting back to a routine tomorrow. Back to work and back to cadets.
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19-08-2013, 12:36 PM
Afternoon everyone

Lynn, don't they just have a battery in that co2 detector that you can change? I have these up at the vans and I just change the batteries, I didn't know they also have a "shelf life" so I'd better check up on mine Glad you're getting all the bits and bobs together to send off to the solicitors, it'll soon come around, better start packing methinks!

You too Bev I do hope you find yourself a nice little cushy number to earn a crust when you've moved.

Jenny, Hope that car of yours is now fixed. Sounds a very odd type of noise. I had this on a Mini once but it was the rubber thingies that the engine sat on, they'd gone all hard and made the engine clonk sometimes as it moved and banged back down, but I think we've moved on from those days, I'm talking 1970 here

Moyra, glad your son is back home again, you need somebody there for a bit of support and company atm. He can keep that bait well out of earshot though cos it stinks to high heaven doesn't it. Some friends of ours used to run a bait company and jeeesus Christ, I walked into their garage one day where they kept it all and I actually heaved and ran out

Dyanne, hope Roodee's now recovering well with that eye, I couldn't believe it when I read that

Nice to see some new faces in here today, a very warm welcome to you, and nice to see you back again Chris. Your week sounds like a normal week for me nowadays, and how I envy your same old same olds. I do hope this doesn't mean your weeks will now turn into mine!!!

Well, hair went fantastically well, because I got out my FOUR pictures of how I wanted the back, and the one of how I DON'T want it which he gave me last time. Then I left one picture spread out in front of me so he could keep referring to it The amount of interruptions I had, the phone kept going, he answered it each time, people came in to book, he saw to them each time cos his daughter was busy doing a colour I thought to meself, this is bound to be another disaster, but it wasn't, it's good. When he saw how pleased I was with it after he had ironed it he said thank God for that cos he can't stand whingers on a Monday morning. I replied that surely he wanted happy customers, but he said, no, he didn't care I believed him, cos I told him my husband is like that at his garage nowadays. The woman who was having her hair coloured was having a good old laugh at the pair of us, so I left on a happy note, which is good, cos I'm back in there next Friday for a colour.

Came back and did some housework and bed changes, and I've managed to tidy up the top of Dave's dressing table, which all of you living alongside a man, will surely know, is usually full of alan keys, screws, bits of papers, receipts, washers, etc. etc. etc. Anyway, I bought him this "man tin" for his birthday and it says on it "MAN TIN, for leads, screws, bits, and all the other pointless stuff that I really must keep" I love it!!! Sorted! Got some great stuff in the little curiosity shops in the Old Town I'm looking forward to having a really good rummage down there tomorrow with my pals.

Zena's been licking her paw, it's bright pink, so I've slapped on some more ab powder on it. Most unusual for her cos she's been very good at leaving it alone. I wrapped it for our walk this morning I want to keep it clean. Talking of walks, I seem to have got a result with that numpty in the horse field!!! This morning, the owner of the yard was up there doing his horses, and this woman was doing hers, and her daughter had 2 dogs ONlead sitting down in the field with them just sitting there as I walked past. Couldn't believe my luck! The 3rd dog must have been left in the car. Now I don't know whether this was all because the preservation society have acted upon my e-mail of last Friday OR whether it was because the owner of the yard was there this morning and they didn't want him to know what they let their dogs do in that field when he's not there. I will know tomorrow, because it's unusual they're up there at the same time. Hopefully, it's because she's had a good, stiff talking to by the owners of the field!

Now I've gotta sort out the boiler cos the plumber went up there, the park gave him my key which doesn't fit the van so he couldn't get in there He said he changed the gas over cos he thought the one that it was running from was full of vapour and would have caused that pilot light to go out. I don't buy that, cos how come they've been able to cook with gas (from the same bottle) since Saturday morning if that was the cause. Nah! He's wrong there, but we shall see.

Catch you all later.
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