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30-03-2013, 09:04 AM
Labrador Lover
Sorry I missed you hope you n Amber have a great day
Take care stay safe
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30-03-2013, 09:10 AM
Morning all.

Nice sunny day here but still cold.
Take care everyone.
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30-03-2013, 09:11 AM
Good morning all.

A night on the sofa for me last night as Rosie had an hour's pacing last night . She managed to grab a couple of chips off the floor at Mcdonalds so I half expected it. With the kids off, the ground was carpeted with them and by the time I realised, she had grabbed and eaten a couple. I'm going to have to start carrying her in and out of there when we go.

Got up to a snow shower this morning, medium sized flakes, but, thankfully, it was only playing at it so it hasn't stuck. The ground is wet, but now the sun is starting to come out - such strange weather.

We were going to go early today, but I think we'll brave the crowd and wait until the sun has (hopefully) settled in the sky and things have dried up a little.

Have a good 'un all whatever you are up to and watch out for the traffic on those busy bank holiday roads xx
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30-03-2013, 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

I should have logged on earlier as I've been up sometime - an early morning call from the dogs Good luck with the wall papering today. With any luck with your house looking so good it will 'fly' once on the market.

Rucksack is still very unsettled but fortunately doesn't get amorous with us ..... yet

Busy day for me today. Walking the dogs with a friend this morning before going to buy a few small chocolate eggs for tomorrow for my Mum and brother who I forget when buying a few eggs last week

Overcast here too (needless to day cold as well) and it looks but rain but hopefully it won't.

Have a good day and see you all later.
Morning Jenny lets hope Rucksack keeps the amorousness to himself.
You might find the eggs a bit cheaper today as the shops will be shut tomorrow and Monday.
Enjoy your walk today if its anything like here it is sunny and pleasant.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Jenny and everyone

Lol at Dillon this morning, but you've gotta admit, it's a far better option than the barking and pacing I spose

Morning Jenny, enjoy your walk, hope the sunshine appears for you, and fancy forgetting to buy an egg for your mum! Have a good visit if you're seeing her today, I hope she's still in good spirits and laughing, bless her. I hope Rucksack doesn't drag you round that walk at 90mph, and I did laugh at you when catching up on last night's thread about lobbing something at the cat!!! Tcht!!!!

I don't envy you with all that papering today, hallways and up the stairs, have got to be the worst place to do, that long drop, and they go on forever, and we only painted ours at the old house! Hopefully, that'll be the end of all the touch ups Lynn and you'll look around and won't want to move

We've got a big Wicke's delivery today, all the stuff for Dave for his project next week-end, so I might send him out on his own with Zena to do the walking, and I will stay here to take charge of the delivery. I like a bit of a break now and again from all this walking, it does my hips and legs good to have a rest, as these hills do take their toll on this poor old body of mine.

Going to try and have a quiet day again, must pop to Mr S for some bits, roast chicken for lunch, swiftly followed by a nanny nap. We've got so much on next week-end and the following 2 weeks that I told Dave we'd better chill out this week-end to prepare ourselves.

I watched that Britt Eckland interview last night with Piers M, and have to say, it was one of the best ones I've seen. She was so darned honest throughout it, so genuine, and a lot more intelligent than I gave her credit for, so she's now gone up in my estimation, I really like her, I think it did her imagine the world of good, unlike most of the others he's interviewed who remained as false as I thought they were.

Anyway, moving on, hope everyone is well this morning, along with the doglets. Clocks go back tonight, british summer time starts tomorrow You never know, maybe it will though

Enjoy your day everyone
Morning Helena hope you manage that restful day today.
We are only papering the bottom half of the walls under the dado rail. Gorden did the long drop yesterday up the stairs with emulsion.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning lynn and all,

Its snowing hard here this morning and lily and I got covered on our walk, but luckily it doesn't seem to be settling on the roads yet and I hope it doesn't. I am so not looking forward to standing still outside in that showground tomorrow and Monday all day, its going to be freezing, but I suppose if it helps home some greyhounds and raises their profile as pets its worth it.

I have another cold coming, so unlike me to get more than one cold a year, so I have this morning started on the Enichacea to try and stop it in its tracks.

Charly and Ash arrived safely in Devon last night, they had a longer than normal journey as there was lots of big hold ups on the road. Everyone must be holidaying down there for the bank holiday because its warmer down there.

Sounds like you are doing well getting everything done in the house Lynn, bet you will be so glad when its all over and on the market.
Glad Dillon let you have a lie in this morning.

Hope you all have a good day, apart from going and paying some bills and getting petrol for tomorrow I am going to have a lazy day doing a jigsaw in the warm and having Lily cuddles.
Morning Bev. Snowing
Glad to hear Charly and Ash arrived safely enjoy your restful day and hope the cold goes soon.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Before I forget, Nechda Sheli, the clocks go forward and not back! Remember the old saying? "Spring forward, Fall back"! Must be an American saying as they say Fall for Autumn. Maybe it is because it is when leaves start falling?

Lynn - I am glad Dillon did not get you up at stupid o'clock, and jenny I feel for you that your two did. Da Booger got me up at 4 something but that gave me a chance for a quick loo visit then it is straight back to bed and sleep - until I wake and see oh oh, done it again and late for her pill - still got in another hour and a bit of zonk though until she did the jumpy jumpies on me as she needed out.

I do not envy you with the decorating Lynn although I always preferred wall-papering to painting - probably because the results showed quicker!

Bev - I am glad that Charly and Ash arrived safely in Devon and I hope you can take it easy today for once and that your cold does not develop any more.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning Malka. Oh dear up at 4 this morning.
At least you got back to bed for a while.
I am sick and tired o decorating now.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, a lovely one here as yet.... not doing much today, might do a bit of painting later (a side table) but will see.

Have a good one folks, and enjoy your Easter Saturday xx
Morning Jackie enjoy your day whatever you get up to.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members there was a very heavy frost last night brrrr.

Another day another coat of paint and I am on to the glossing now so the end is in sight and not too soon. I think I am getting too old for decorating

Enjoy your day everyone.
Morning mini good luck with that decorating. It is tiring isn't it.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good morning everyone, Malka you sound a bit brighter this morning hope all your bruising is subsiding now. ~take it easy. Have a good day everyone.
Morning LL.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Lynn morning all
Hard frost here though the suns trying hard to shine hopefully turn into a nice day
Glad Dillon gave you a bit of a lie in ,your house is going to be top notch with all the decorating
Take care n wrap up warm tomorrow ,glad the family arrived safely for their holiday ,expect the roads are busy ,folks getting away for a few days
Did I read your post properly you having a quiet w/end bet you'll be a busy bee as usual
Minihaha / Jackbox
Decorating too .puts me to shame cos useless with a paint brush
Thanks for the reminder re clocks change
Poor Pereg being called De Boooger
Jenny g
Enjoy your walk its always nice when you've got sone company ,
Sorry if I've missed anyone ,enjoy your day what ever your all up to
Not to busy here to day ,up the plantation with the girls first then with Fritz ,as they need a good run n we won't meet any other dogs
Have a good day all take care stay safe xxxx
Morning Norma. Enjoy your run with dogs. Or is that watching the dogs run.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
They landed safely last night. All settled into newly disability converted apartment. Mon's already been out for a very long run (shorter one with Bella first) then set set off again and went right past the old Kamares aqueduct (she is like a cyborg!) and the weather is lovely and ... they are CLEANING THE POOL - it's nearly empty already!

All my dreams come true in 24 hrs lol!

Bella is ecstatic and in lurve with the new toy skunk Mon bought her.

I've got huge box luxury Choklits and Martin says we must buy me some nice new clothes!
Morning Pat. Glad they arrived safely. You are going to have a lovely time together enjoy.
How is Martin after the traveling ?

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Morning all.

Nice sunny day here but still cold.
Take care everyone.
Morning weather about the same here too.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

A night on the sofa for me last night as Rosie had an hour's pacing last night . She managed to grab a couple of chips off the floor at Mcdonalds so I half expected it. With the kids off, the ground was carpeted with them and by the time I realised, she had grabbed and eaten a couple. I'm going to have to start carrying her in and out of there when we go.

Got up to a snow shower this morning, medium sized flakes, but, thankfully, it was only playing at it so it hasn't stuck. The ground is wet, but now the sun is starting to come out - such strange weather.

We were going to go early today, but I think we'll brave the crowd and wait until the sun has (hopefully) settled in the sky and things have dried up a little.

Have a good 'un all whatever you are up to and watch out for the traffic on those busy bank holiday roads xx
Morning Chris. I hop Rosie settles today hopefully she will if it was only a couple of chips.
I hope that snow decides to move on for you.

Dillon makes a lovely lap top table.
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30-03-2013, 10:20 AM
My friend text me and she won't be here 'til 10.30 for our walk so thought I'd have a quick catch up on here.

Helena - I really hope your 'chill-out-weekend' materialises and good luck with the Wicks delivery.

Bev - SNOW I hope that doesn't reappear again. You and Lily are really going to have to wrap up for tomorrow - you poor things but as you say, its for a really good cause.

Malka - You sound more chipper this morning that I've heard you in a while - I think we are getting the 'old' Malka back again ...... I don't mean old in years!!

Jackbox - I hope the painting goes well and enjoy your weekend.

Moyra - Morning Enjoy your day, keep warm and have good walk with Amber.

Mini - Good luck with your glass painting - I hate gloss paint but as you say your're on the home run now.

Norma - The Plantation sounds very exotic Enjoy your walks and keep warm.

Pat - Your excitement comes over in your post Enjoy your time with your family and how sweet that little Bella is in love .... with a skunk

Nippy - Hi Enjoy your day and keep warm.

Chris - I hope Rosie has no further ill-effects from the chips I've threatened my two that if they keep hoovering up everything they find they'll have to wear muzzles. Enjoy yourself and keep warm.

I can't believe how many people are decorating at the moment. We could start a lucrative business called the Dogsey Deocrators

I've been out to the shops - not a nice experience as too many horrible people around My car told me that it was only 2 degrees out there - about 18 degress down on what it was this time last year!!

Enjoy your day and keep warm
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30-03-2013, 01:27 PM
Thank you for the good wishes for Rosie, but she is right as ninepence today. It seems to be fat that's the trigger. She can eat potato without problem, but, of course, chips are fried. We've also noticed that even the smallest amount of fried bacon gives her horrific wind, whereas she can have boiled ham without a problem.

Slowly, but surely we are finding out her 'triggers'. I can stop her picking things up with a 'leave' command when I see things first, but it's easy to get distracted (especially when Gary is with us) and then she's hoovered up a couple of things before I catch her (as with the chips yesterday).

We usually stop for a coffee at Mcd's even when we're not eating there, but from now on I'll carry her in and out. Good job I did today and there were more chips on the floor than in the kids who were supposed to be eating them. Nice and quiet is out for the next week until the little darlings go back to school - scream, scream, scream is all we've heard today. I really don't get it - when mine were little they had to sit and eat their meals and then not bother other people while we were in (or outside) cafes. Parks and play areas are for letting off steam, cafes for eating.

Mmmm, me thinks I'm getting to be a crotchety old grump
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30-03-2013, 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Slowly, but surely we are finding out her 'triggers'. I can stop her picking things up with a 'leave' command when I see things first, but it's easy to get distracted (especially when Gary is with us) and then she's hoovered up a couple of things before I catch her (as with the chips yesterday).
Good job I did today and there were more chips on the floor than in the kids who were supposed to be eating them. Nice and quiet is out for the next week until the little darlings go back to school - scream, scream, scream is all we've heard today. I really don't get it - when mine were little they had to sit and eat their meals and then not bother other people while we were in (or outside) cafes. Parks and play areas are for letting off steam, cafes for eating.
Mmmm, me thinks I'm getting to be a crotchety old grump
Hi Chris, I'm the same as you with young children now. Obviously some parents are still excellent and make their kids sit and behave when eating but there will always be those parents that really can't be bothered what their children are up to. I too made mine sit quietly and have good table manners - and yes I too am getting less tolerant as I get older

I had a lovely walk with my friend Polly and the dogs enjoyed it too No sun today and we had snow flurries earlier but they have fortunatey stopped now. Rucksack is still feeling very horny and pacing and crying a lot. He took a liking to my sons duvet this morning so that room is now out of bounds He's even walking a bit like John Wayne as I think the return of his testicles is just so alien to him He likes nothing more at the moment than sit on my lap for a cuddle - I think this testosterone surge is just too much for him.
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30-03-2013, 02:25 PM
Lovely and sunny here, but still a cold wind. Got Cariad and Keshi out onto the land by the river and they had a good run about, then we went onto a bit where you can go down onto the river and Keshi went for a paddle, but wasn't really that impressed with it all, so she came out quickly, Cariad likes to paddle but won't swim. I got the cheese out when Keshi was a good distance away when we were walking back to the car, and my goodness she can hear the bag rustle a mile away, head turned, ears up and she came running up and sat in front of me without me even having to call her, so she got some cheese, got Cariad to do a sit, down and stand and she got some cheese, leads on and back into the car and home. Took Lona and Mabs onto the towpath, and unlike yesterday it was deserted until near the end when I saw a guy with a pointer, and he put him onlead when he saw me, I knew Mabs would be OK, put Lona onlead because she is protective of Mabs sometimes, had a nice chat with him, like everyone else he wanted to know what my dogs actually were it made a change to meet a normal person after the last few days and he agreed
Just having a bacon and egg sandwich then out to get some pet mince for the girls.
You have motored on that house of yours Lynn, how quick is this I think it would take me months to get where you have got in a week, housing market usually picks up around Easter so fingers crossed for you to get a quick sale.
Sorry to hear Rosie has been poorly again, but you know what it is now and what to expect if she has anything fried by the sound of it, could be worse, you could be still trying to find out what it is.
Hope everyone's having a nice day without too much stress, but then again isn't Helena supervising a Wickes delivery, that is absolutely bound to go pear shaped
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30-03-2013, 02:39 PM
Well I certainly havn't had my restful day. My dad has had another fall while out with mum and an ambulance had to be called. I have just got back from the hospital. He is a right mess.
Because he is on blood thinners and his skin is like tissue paper it has ripped right open on both hands and round his wrist, he also has a big gash to his head and a massive black eye where he cracked his head on the pavement. His jacket doesn't have a spare inch that is not soaked in blood and my poor mum was really shaken up again.

Two nurses were trying to put steristrips on to stop the bleeding (his skin is too thin too stitch) but couldn't get them to stick because it was bleeding too much so someone else came and done them and bandaged him quick and then discharged him .

My brother-in-law has been and picked him up and taken them home, but I am surprised after that bang on the head and the amount of blood he lost he was sent straight home, but perhaps thats what they do now.
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30-03-2013, 03:06 PM
Blimey Bev your poor Dad. It's a bad week for falls on here. Hope he is going to be ok.
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