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25-08-2005, 08:28 PM
what you have got to remember at big shows people get very nervous, and can look a bit standoffish because they are cracking up and trying to get their acts together I know when I fist started I was a wreck, not because of worrying if I had a decent dog or not it was more, will I look stupid running round the ring, what if I trip all these type of things over time you learn to take things in their stride(well I have) but I know many experience dogshowers that still get butterflies before going into the ring.

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25-08-2005, 08:55 PM
Showing is no different to any other competition you get the same type of people involved, those that are deadly serious and those that are out for a day out with their dogs and everything in between I hope that Im nearer the latter than the former but must admit its nice to do well. As someone else said the best ones always come home with me with or without any rosettes

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25-08-2005, 09:06 PM
I have been showing for 10yrs at 1st it was just somthing to do at weekends, then when i got my 1st cavalier i became more involved with it, meeting lots of new people ect, even though we never won it didnt matter. Once Reeno came along we started to do the CH shows and Crufts, we were out 2-3 times a weekend every weekend. Yes he did win alot and still does when hes out and about, but that didnt matter, there were shows when he were kicked out but as long as Reeno likes to show then he wil keep on going. He is now 7yr old, I havent been to a show for a while due to fam comitments but when he does go again i know he will love his days out.
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25-08-2005, 09:24 PM
To be honest after showing dogs nearly all my life (note nearly, not whole!) I still get a buzz from going into the ring, having eyes on me and my dog and feeling the dog go round the ring like running on air!

Why does a footballer love football?

I just love my hobby and love spending time with one of the best animals (IMO)
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25-08-2005, 09:31 PM
I have nothing against people who show their dogs but it's definatley not my cup of tea. I may be very ignorant but from what i've seen a few people take it far too seriously and give others a bad name.

A dog is a dog in my book whether it be black white and purple KC registered or mixed breed. It doesn't make it anymore special in my book just because some judge say's so.I feel some people get far too obsessed with showing their dog and I personally feel that's unhealthy. However each to their own what rocks your boat and all that. Just not for me.
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25-08-2005, 10:20 PM
For many people who attend dog shows, the judging and winning of prizes is just a part of their reason for doing so.
Most 'show people' are serious breeders intent on retaining the qualities of their breed and producing fit and healthy puppies, without these breeders where would people go to buy puppies of their chosen breed?

Where else other than a dog show can you go and see so many examples of your breed , make comparisons , learn to identify faults, view prospective stud dogs, view new dogs and breed lines, compare notes with other breeders ,browse the stalls and see what is new in doggy essentials and have a good day out looking at some fantastic dogs?

I think my favourite among shows was the one that used to be held at Bolton on New Years Day, I don't know if is still used to have a special atmosphere all of its own
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25-08-2005, 10:31 PM
i show because i like to meet new people that love dogs like me,meet up with people i know in my breed and see the pups again. like mini said to learn the good points and bad in our breed also ask silly questions to people who have years behind them to learn.
yes you get a buzz if your placed because you can say thats my baby! plus the dogs enjoy all the attention in and out the ring they get.
if i get placed as a newbie to the breed compaired to most great but i like the whole thing the day out,the people,the dogs and being able to catch up with friends.
club or breed shows are a great way of catching up with the latest things in your own breed untill you have a trained eye what to look for.
i get a buzz when im in the ring because it shows little old me can handle/move a dog like toby which i hope shows some size doesn't matter its how you work together and the bond you have.
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25-08-2005, 11:11 PM
Well, i've only been showing for about 3 months! Though i have had show ponies years ago when i was very young and i have found the two suprisingly similar.

I've found that you get a LOT of very rude and ignorant people who are obsessed with being seen as the best and will do anything they think can help them to win..

BUT.. I've also seen people who show all different breeds who, like me, are doing it just because its a great day out and the dogs love it and it really is fun! I've never got particularly nervous (probably from all those years showing ponies!lol) but it is always worrying thinking about whether im going to go round a corner and my big, clumsy baby Riley will just knock me over or something

I've had a few good results, though we haven't done enough shows for a genuine comparision with results lol and we've been kicked out a few times But the dogs dont know whether they've come first or last. They love the attention, and being in a place iwth all those other dogs to play with!! Its definately been good for them!

I also will mention that i've found the ringcraft classes and the actual showing better than any training class i've been to! It teaches the dogs to walk and run nicely on a lead and to concentrate on you and what commands you're giving them, not to jump up at people, and is a great way of socialising them with people and other dogs
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26-08-2005, 07:12 AM
Long but you did ask, where else can you spend a day watching hundreds of lovely dogs all around you, I go to shows as often as I can, with or without my own dogs, I love the atmosphere, I love the dogs, I love spending all day talking dogs, I enjoy learning about other breeds, finding out about products I have never used or sometimes never heard of. Then there are the cures and treatments for injuries and illnesses that are new to you, and, of course, chat about who is dating who and who is breeding what and why.

Then there is the excitement when you, or someone else shows a puppy you really like, will others like it too and if not why did you get it wrong, watching dogs in the ring and learning how dogs within a breed differ, watching them move and starting to understand how a dogs conformation effects their movement. Trying to understand why some dogs are never placed and some always are, trying to understand why a judge is doing what they are, do they have a different idea to you about a dog and if so can you see what it is they like or dislike, and if you can’t you ask.

There is the pleasure of actually showing your own dog, the tension before you enter the ring, how will your dog go, even the best trained dogs surprise you, will the judge like your dog? Will you be able to do your best for it? It you win you are delighted and it carries you through a few days on cloud 9, if not you leave the ring either pleased that you and the dog performed well, pleased because you always liked the dog that did win, or you take another look at your dog and wonder how you can improve your results, go home and set about planning how you can go about getting the judges to appreciate your dog. There is also that very special bond that grows between you and any of your dogs that you show.

The first thing I do when I return from a show is to search for shows to enter, then prepare the dogs for the next show already entered and if a weekend is coming up when I have not entered I am phoning up to see if I can steward and if not I still go and take the camera.

There is a downside to showing dogs, apart that is from the expense and time and that is trying to leave the house without a dog, they are convinced that at least one of them should be going and let it be known in no uncertain terms that your behaviour is not what they expected or had hoped for. Anyone who thinks that dogs do not enjoy it should speak to my OH about the wail of disapproval when I leave the house without them.

Last paragraph and I have not even touched on the shear pleasure of judging a ring full of lovely dogs that strain your concentration to it’s limits, or judging at a show when everyone is in good spirits and laughing your way through the time it takes to complete your judging and then being too late for lunch because you have lingered too long chatting to those you have just placed or chucked out and sharing laughter over the many incidents that always happen at a dog show.
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26-08-2005, 09:07 AM
I can echo what you say Jackie

I also judge obedience I take pleasure in seeing dogs & handlers take the test I have set to assess them apart & some handlers leave me speechless either because they are so good or so bad.

The dogs are the main reason I go to shows my dogs are my life & like Jackie says the relationship you build with your dog is my reward I know when I am in the ring my dogs concentrate on me & their trust in me is total

The other side is when the public come round & my dogs fuss & respond to them in a positive way, showing the good side of dogs

I've only had my puppy for just over 3 weeks but by training him for the showring(be it conformation & obedience or only obedience)I know that our close relationship will get even closer that most(please note I wrote most ) pet dogs have with their owners, because we have to have a solid working relationship in order to compete

Yes there are people who are obsessed with dog shows but then there are also pet owners who have dogs simply as assessories(The breed rescues are full of dogs from owners like this
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