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labradork is offline  
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10-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Well, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't let your off lead dogs approach one that was on lead. It doesn't matter WHY the dog was on the lead; the point is that it was and you should have respected that. Many small and toy breed owners keep their dogs on leads not because their dog has a problem, but to protect them from much larger off lead dogs. A large off lead dog bowling into them could seriously injure (or even kill) a very small dog. Remember, YOU know that your dogs are friendly but others do not.

You own breeds that are not always looked favorably on. Dropping a load of f-bombs won't exactly help your cause either.

Was the woman a bit of a drama queen? probably. Were you totally blameless? no.
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10-12-2009, 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Hali View Post

I'm sure as a trained army dog handler you must appreciate that there are circumstances when an owner would not want other dogs to approach but it doesn't mean that they're not entitled to use the park.

I totally agree, but surely if she had thought this then why walk within 10ft of me with two loose dogs when there was an entire park to walk in? its a big park and we were the only people in it, she could have stayed about 100m away at all times if she wanted.
My theory is that she's............A moron! LOL
Because it is a public park and people can walk where they want?
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10-12-2009, 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by labradork View Post

Because it is a public park and people can walk where they want?
They can but then so can the OP and his dogs. There is no law that says an owner must not allow his dogs to approach an on-lead dog. It is, instead, an ettiquette, a consideration and a mutual one at that.

The owner of the on-lead dog has a perfect right to approach the OP's dogs but shouldn't then complain about their proximity.

Having said that, if the on-lead dog's owner actually stayed around to hear the tirade which the OP unleashed, then she would also have stayed around to hear a more measured (and probably more effective) critique. Bull breeds are the victim of stereotyping. Their owners are too and this may have been a missed opportunity to challenge those stereotypes rather than reinforce them. But I admit, when confronted by morons, it is sometimes all we can do to resist the temptation to club them into insensibility.
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10-12-2009, 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by johnderondon View Post
They can but then so can the OP and his dogs. There is no law that says an owner must not allow his dogs to approach an on-lead dog. It is, instead, an ettiquette, a consideration and a mutual one at that.

The owner of the on-lead dog has a perfect right to approach the OP's dogs but shouldn't then complain about their proximity.
I agree totally.

And the air would probably been alot bluer if it had been me she met on the wrong day.
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10-12-2009, 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by johnderondon View Post
They can but then so can the OP and his dogs. There is no law that says an owner must not allow his dogs to approach an on-lead dog. It is, instead, an ettiquette, a consideration and a mutual one at that.

The owner of the on-lead dog has a perfect right to approach the OP's dogs but shouldn't then complain about their proximity.
Not 'law', but as you say, it is un-written code so to speak. If both dogs are off lead, fair game. But allowing two big dogs to approach a very small dog on lead isn't going to be best appreciated.
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10-12-2009, 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bnescollick View Post
I know this thread will start arguments, therefore i apologise now if anyone should take offence to my comments.

I was out this morning walking my two "erberts" before work. Jake (EBT) was sniffing around happily when something caught his attention, seconds later Jack stopped what he was doing and also looked in the same direction. I looked over to see what was so interesting and noticed a lady walking a Minature Terrier of some sort on a lead in the distance, By now my two had lost interest and where carrying on with their business. so i returned to my coffee and practicing my jedi mind tricks on the boys to do their thing so we could head back home.
A couple of minutes goes past and this lady walks past me with her dog, my boys started to amble over to say hello when all hell broke loose! This women starts screaming "NO NO NO NO YOU DON'T!" She picks her dog up and then to my complete astonishment turns to me and says i'm reporting you to the council for having out of control dogs!

If you saw from a distance that there was a dog approaching you on a lead why did you allow your dogs to "amble" over to it? You had plenty of time to react and call your dogs in before she got to you. As others have already said, you should not have allowed your dogs to approach another on-lead dog without checking with the owner. The onus is on you to keep your dogs under control not on her to avoid walking near you in a public park.

There have been many threads on this site where members have been in exactly the same position as that lady. But I am not attempting to excuse her screaming or quoting the tabloids at you. Between you, with her screaming and your swearing and ranting it must have been quite entertaining to watch!
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10-12-2009, 01:22 PM
Little old ladies and there dogs are funny things and often a law unto themselves.Its such a shame that so many of them seem to have Terriers but treat them like thay are made of glass. Its just as bad with big dogs though . . .

In the park the other day there was an older lady with a JRT running round off lead. I didnt see the dog so could give the 'leave' command in time (he was a bit small and it was misty!) but Ela did and shot off to meet him (pain in the bum day she was having).

She was a good girl and stopped about 6ft from him and lay down wagging her tail, the JRT began to approch and then sat so a stand off began of wagging and edging closer. All was fine the dogs were happy and going to go do there own thing. The whole time the woman was screaming at her dog to get back here and shooting me dirty looks.

Anyway she scooped him up walked away a few feet then put him back down again!! She really didnt help me get ela back though as she keep throwing his bloody ball close to us and everytime he went shooting after it ela would stop and want to join in again so all you could hear was me going Ela come - LEAVE - Ela come - LEAVE!

I think the problem is some people have forgotten what it is they have on the end of the lead. Dogs will behave like dogs and not people or some moving doll.
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10-12-2009, 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by labradork View Post
Well, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't let your off lead dogs approach one that was on lead. It doesn't matter WHY the dog was on the lead; the point is that it was and you should have respected that. Many small and toy breed owners keep their dogs on leads not because their dog has a problem, but to protect them from much larger off lead dogs. A large off lead dog bowling into them could seriously injure (or even kill) a very small dog. Remember, YOU know that your dogs are friendly but others do not.

You own breeds that are not always looked favorably on. Dropping a load of f-bombs won't exactly help your cause either.

Was the woman a bit of a drama queen? probably. Were you totally blameless? no.
I accept that anyone is welcome to go anywhere they like in the park, but surely someone who has concerns as to the behaviour of a certain breed/size of dog would consider this before approaching them in a large open space? As i mentioned my dogs didnt BOWL or sprint over to her dog in fact they are pretty unconcerned with other dogs out of a 10metre area. If they are interested will jog over with tails wagging, Not before i have checked out the owner to which i tell them it's ok. Not sprinting with tails stiff which i accept would warrant her reaction. She came into our area knowingly, from behind me, the boys were already off lead, she had clear sight of the scene well in advance. At what point do i have be answerable to someone else's negligence?
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10-12-2009, 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by johnderondon View Post
They can but then so can the OP and his dogs. There is no law that says an owner must not allow his dogs to approach an on-lead dog. It is, instead, an ettiquette, a consideration and a mutual one at that.

The owner of the on-lead dog has a perfect right to approach the OP's dogs but shouldn't then complain about their proximity.

Having said that, if the on-lead dog's owner actually stayed around to hear the tirade which the OP unleashed, then she would also have stayed around to hear a more measured (and probably more effective) critique. Bull breeds are the victim of stereotyping. Their owners are too and this may have been a missed opportunity to challenge those stereotypes rather than reinforce them. But I admit, when confronted by morons, it is sometimes all we can do to resist the temptation to club them into insensibility.
Right, because ranting like a lunatic (below) is being a GREAT ambassador for those breeds:

"You have no (F word) idea how to be a responsible dog owner, i'm a trained Army dog handler and take great pride in having two very well behaved and balanced dogs who as you can see are perfectly calm and happy, where as you haven't got a (F word) clue what your dog needs or wants and can't even get him to recall. He's in your arms now struggling to get down but it's already to late because if you did put him down now he's so hyped up HE would start a fight, all he knows is these dogs arrived and then you picked him up, therefore something is wrong and these dogs are the only possible cause. Your a (F word) idiot who is destroying what could be a lovely dog. Go and get some training lessons for you then take him along aswell!"

...I don't think so. Rather than attempt to educate, the OP went off on one.
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10-12-2009, 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by maxine View Post
If you saw from a distance that there was a dog approaching you on a lead why did you allow your dogs to "amble" over to it? You had plenty of time to react and call your dogs in before she got to you. As others have already said, you should not have allowed your dogs to approach another on-lead dog without checking with the owner. The onus is on you to keep your dogs under control not on her to avoid walking near you in a public park.

There have been many threads on this site where members have been in exactly the same position as that lady. But I am not attempting to excuse her screaming or quoting the tabloids at you. Between you, with her screaming and your swearing and ranting it must have been quite entertaining to watch!
I didn't allow my dogs to amble over to it, we carried on with our walk the way we were going with our backs to her. She walked to us then reacted. Sorry if i didnt' make that clear.

Can i ask why you quotation marked amble?

And why should i call my dogs in? they were doing nothing wrong.
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