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05-06-2013, 07:04 AM
Morning H and all,
Well I can't say it was lovely being back at work yesterday, I really do need to find a rich husband.

Charly is having a really tough time health wise at the moment so I am rather worried about her.

Lynn sounds like Dillon could certainly hear something you couldn't last night which was worrying him.

H have a nice shopping trip today, are you actually going to somewhere other than Dunelms , I hope that doesn't send them bust as they must rely on you .

Gerri I hopeyou can get that Sat nav registered ok. Mine has free lifetime updates but last time I went to update it, it failed halfway through. I must try it again.

Lynne enjoy your holiday

Norma good luck with all that laundry. I don't envy you that.

LS hope that meeting goes well at Steves work and his job is safe. You never know it may even be to his benefit.

Thinking of the two Jenny's today.

Have a good day all and take care.
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05-06-2013, 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena.

Well done on the commission and enjoy your walk and your trip to Debenhams that's your commission spent then.

Morning Lynne what a along day yesterday now you can relax and enjoy your holiday.

What a night here last night. Went to bed at 10pm not feeling great and by 10.15pm Dillon wanted to go out that's ok he comes back in and settles. Not last night every time I thought he was settled he started barking to go out again patrolled the fence lay down outside then would come in again I thought he had settled and within minutes he wanted out again to repeat what he had just done.
At 2.15pm I gave up and went to bed thinking he had at last settled down and he started barking again so we left him for 15 mins but had to give up so Gorden came down till 4am. By 4 he came in got on the sofa and went to sleep and is now very sleepy as are we and Gorden has to go to work this morning.
No idea what it was but something was disturbing him. He wasn't noisy in the garden just patrolling then sleeping for a short while out there. I did at one point hear a bloke give one of those threatening type loud shouts seemed to be a way away but Dillon did react to that.
Maybe there was something kicking off somewhere and he could hear it and pick up on it and felt the need to stay one step ahead of it.
I will be nanny napping on and off all day.
Eldest brother going to visit mum today so I will get feedback on how she is settling in and if he thinks the home is a nice one. Not that I had a lot of choice but I still worry in case anyone has well the boys really have negative things to say.
Its a big responsibility having to make the decision for us all.

Jenny hope the family can begin to get their heads round the news today and see a way forward which by the sounds of a lot of people who have had experience with relatives or friends who have had the same happen seems there is. (((Hugs))).
jenny I hope the boys are ok this morning and a safe journey to see your mum and I hope you find her today more how you remember her.
To everyone else have a good Wednesday and stay safe.
If you hear any snoring its me.
I can understand your worrying that other family members might start criticising your choice of home for your mum - BUT - easy for them to criticise when they didn't have to do the groundwork and make the decision isn't it? Anyone can be a 'critic'.

I am typing this quietly so it doesn't wake you up! Oh boy what a blerdy night you've had? What are you going to do if it just continues? I am assuming your reason for just not letting Dillion 'bark it out' or stay outside or whatever is that there are neighbours who will complain?

Just that it occurs to me that the in, out, in, out, up, down stuff might become entrenched behaviour - and more of a habit or even a game to him?

I remember when I moved to a house with my cats and hadn't yet had a catflap fitted. My oldest cat used to spend most of her time outside if not raining. She only used to use the catflap about 4 times a day. Well when there wasn't one she HOWLED TO GO OUT AND IN about every five minutes. It drove me nuts until I could get someone to put one in and then she settled back to normal. I still have no idea if not having free access bothered her or whether she just liked the idea that I had to GET UP AND DO SOMETHING FOR HER. Probably the latter.

It seems to me that they just know when you 'can't ignore them' and I couldn't ignore this loud howling (part siamese) and anyway she'd come and start nipping the backs of my legs or whatever if I did ignore it!

I do hope things settle down in this respect. Sounds like it is really disrupting 'normal family life' (whatever that might be!)
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05-06-2013, 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
Well I can't say it was lovely being back at work yesterday, I really do need to find a rich husband.

Charly is having a really tough time health wise at the moment so I am rather worried about her.

Lynn sounds like Dillon could certainly hear something you couldn't last night which was worrying him.

H have a nice shopping trip today, are you actually going to somewhere other than Dunelms , I hope that doesn't send them bust as they must rely on you .

Gerri I hopeyou can get that Sat nav registered ok. Mine has free lifetime updates but last time I went to update it, it failed halfway through. I must try it again.

Lynne enjoy your holiday

Norma good luck with all that laundry. I don't envy you that.

LS hope that meeting goes well at Steves work and his job is safe. You never know it may even be to his benefit.

Thinking of the two Jenny's today.

Have a good day all and take care.
Now listen! You don't just need a RICH husband you need one who is GENEROUS! No good finding a rich bloke if he is as tight as the duck's proverbial! And quite a lot of moneyed people are lol!

I do hope Charly picks up soon. Such a shame at what should be a very happy time in her life for her.
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05-06-2013, 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning Helena. Well done on the commission. You will have to use the iPad. I'm addicted to mine. & it's so easy to take out with me so I don't miss what's going on on here.
Up early this morning as I can't sleep in a strange bed the first night we couldn't have nicer weather if we'd ordered it specially. A very long day yesterday. Only got to the Hotel at 9pm & straight in for Dinner before we'd even been up to the room. By the time that finished it was 10-30 so we went for a stroll round the village after sitting down all day. No rush this morning though we only leave at 10 to have a visit to Cobh & Jamiesons Whisky place. Seeing as neither of us can stand Whisky it's probably not worth us going in though. Have to see if there is anything else going on there..
After all the travelling I can't remember who's doing what but I hope everybody & their relatives are well xx
Good morning TM Wassup, waiting for the restaurant to open so you can enjoy a nice cooked brekkie this morning?? You'll need to line that stomach first before setting off to a whisky factory Not for me either I'm afraid, I can't stand the smell of the stuff cos my mum and dad used to reek of it when I was a kid (nuvver story!) Have a lovely day, and I hope the o/h keeps up with you today.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

Yawn! Very tired this morning. Steve has come back with Loki and I am about to get the kids up. There's a Corpus Christi procession at school this morning and I still haven't decided whether to go. It's a bit chilly!

There's a meeting today about restructuring at Steve's work - I hate that word 'restructuring'. Fingers crossed all will be okay.

Have a lovely day everyone and big hugs to all that need them.
Morning Linda, oh dear, another sleepless night for you by the sounds of it. Good luck with the restructuring for Steve, I don't like the sound of that either, but we'll have everything crossed that his job is

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H, Taffsmum and all

Well done H on your sales techniques! You're obviously a natural! Enjoy your walk, hope it's a peaceful one!

Enjoy your hols Taffs mum.

I hope the two Jenny's are ok, along with everybody else.

It's sunny here but a cold wind blowing, we may go out after the school doggies have strolled up and down the track today.

Still having trouble with registering this satnav for it's lifetime maps and 3 years live service, last two emails no reply, telephone call on an 0845 number advice was charge it for 6 hours, how that will help register it or get a response from customer services I do not know. It is going back today, I will be having to jump up and down as they are non returnable.

I am looking forward to having my hair cut today, just wish I was braver and could go for a complete change.

My cousin was happy to see me yesterday, I took him shopping for his dvd's and brought him home for a cup of tea and a hair cut. He is not looking too good and was very unsteady on his feet. I am almost sure he has parkinsons, my dad had it so have seen it before. He is such a worry!

I hope you all have a good day.
Morning Gerry, hope the haircut goes well, and be brave, have a nice graduated bob you'll be surprised just how easy it is to handle. Sorry to hear about your cousin, but at least he's up and about again now, so it could be worse.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Helena morning all
Well done on your commission ,we,ll know where to come when we're all skint enjoy your walk ,great when it feels you've got the world too yourself
Enjoy your holiday ,being thick as two short planks ,I still can't get to grips with I pad
Hope you have a good day and all goes well at Steve's work
Do hope you get the Satnav sorted out
Go on be brave and have a complete change it can grow again if you don't like it
Jenny g
Do hope your 2boys are ok today ,and get on to those painters regarding the spillage
Big hugs to you and your son thinking of you both
Dry here but no sun yet any going spare please send it this way
Same old same old 10rooms worth of laundry to do today ,1of the dryers playing silly boogers could be a long day
Muppets walked and gone back to bed lazy monkeys
Hope those poorly get better soon those with worrys are only weenie ones
Everyone has a great day
Take care stay safe xxxx
Gland everything now appears to be working camera n printer wise
Morning Norma, blimey 10 bedrooms to strip and make there. I remember it well from our guesthouse days, and sometimes I was very norty with the one nighter's cos I'd just change the bottom sheet and turn the quilt over lol Don't do this at home though Norma!!!

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
LOL! Mine comes in handy for yelling from the back verandah 'OI! get outta that swimming pool - you don't live here and some of you are too young!'

*don't want to make you TOO jealous but I get all my Clinique and other lush goodies for nowt from my lovely daughter in law whose family have a chain of cosmetic shops in Poland! Haven't bought anything for years - not even a lipstick!
Morning Pat, oooooooh, shall I get a list ready for your dil then????!!! I don't blame you yelling at those kids in your pool, I would be doing the same, but not from the balcony, I'd be down there dragging them out!

Morning Lynn, it didn't pick you up, but sorry to hear you had such a bad night there with Dillon, I wonder what was going on there then, he must have heard something and wanted to guard his garden, Zena would be the same. Poor Gorden though, typical that he's working today isn't it.

Just back from my walk, Zena's had her scrabble in the pool and got herself nice and clean for me, and now I'm waiting to feed her before venturing down the town. No kids off school, so at least it'll be quiet, although we do have lots of students visiting this town but then I suppose it's because of all the history, being 1066 country and all that.

Enjoy your morning and I'll be back lunchtime.
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05-06-2013, 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
Well I can't say it was lovely being back at work yesterday, I really do need to find a rich husband.

Charly is having a really tough time health wise at the moment so I am rather worried about her.

Lynn sounds like Dillon could certainly hear something you couldn't last night which was worrying him.

H have a nice shopping trip today, are you actually going to somewhere other than Dunelms , I hope that doesn't send them bust as they must rely on you .

Gerri I hopeyou can get that Sat nav registered ok. Mine has free lifetime updates but last time I went to update it, it failed halfway through. I must try it again.

Lynne enjoy your holiday

Norma good luck with all that laundry. I don't envy you that.

LS hope that meeting goes well at Steves work and his job is safe. You never know it may even be to his benefit.

Thinking of the two Jenny's today.

Have a good day all and take care.
Morning Bev, yes, Pat is right there, the rich one's are really tight a*sed, so go for a middle of the road man if I were you, a soft touch type It would be the icing on the cake for you this year Bev, so we'll have to see what we can do

Oh dear poor Charly, hope she gets herself sorted soon, maybe the exam results will perk her up when they arrive.

Blimey Pat, you're chatty this morning aren't you, and there was me thinking you weren't a morning person, more of a nightowl like our Sally Make mine a laaaaarge one please
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05-06-2013, 07:22 AM
Morning Norma got any matchsticks.
Sorry to hear about Charly Bev.
Pat it wasn't the same behaviour we had when he was getting us up at 5am every morning due to hormones and people having their in season bitches nearby. It was a couldn't settle behaviour because he must of sensed something around.
In their native Switzerland they stay on the pastures with the cattle and are watch dogs not guard dogs so they bark to alert the farmer and if he is not around they charge but stop before making contact to frighten intruders off.
When Dillon senses something that he is not happy with he kinds of lifts both front legs off the ground and is standing on hind legs but not to his full height then barks in the direction he thinks the threat is coming from then trots around the fences. He only barked that once when he heard the shouting in the distance. He did bark after a few minutes each time after coming in the house to be let out to be in the garden as he couldn't seem to settle indoors.
He was otherwise just laying down out there one ear cocked one eye open and dozing with the other eye and ear. Sometimes he would get up and check the fences then come in for a minute then hear something and trot back out again then lay back down in the garden for a while.
Gorden said all of sudden he came in and settled straight down so something he was not happy about was hanging around.
We don't let him bark partly because of the neighbours partly because he doesn't shut up he needs to make sure he is there doing his job and won't let up till allowed too do it.
He never barks if anyone knocks at the front door he gets excited though.
Hopefully it will be a more settled night tonight. It is very unusual.

Gill said much the same over the home the boys once again didn't give any real help and left it to me so if they are not happy they will have to relocate her this time somehow I don't see that happening.
Too much hard work.
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05-06-2013, 07:23 AM
Sorry about all the individual replies. I gave up with the multi quote thing today - it all went like spaghetti!

I got out early with muttley. I have to either phone a few utilities or (perish the thought) visit their offices as I had trouble paying bills online yesterday. So I did not get all the boring adminny stuff out of the way.

Moneth (spit and wash my mouth out!) paid her rent yesterday (that would be LAST month's rent, not this month) I am quite sure she only did this because I'd told her the owner is over here now and will be calling round.

But - best bit of all - she asked me if I had any paper English money and could I give her a ten pound note for ten coins. Yes I can. Did that and then she said 'would you be able to change up more for me - from euros to sterling as I want to send 100 to the Phillipines.

Well that's RICH coming from someone who is to date 400 in arrears with rent?

I did mention to her that she would not be getting £100 it would be more like £85 for 100 euro. She looked totally baffled by this. Anyway I am really tempted, if she does come round with an extra 100 to take it and say 'thanks that clears the 100 arrears from April now when are you going to pay THIS month's rent' lol! (act stupid like she does whenever I try to pin her down!)

Swimming pool wars have started here already. I don't actually mind neighbourhood kids using the pool if they behave and do leave when asked to. (I object loudly if they keep their clobber on and start throwing the pool furniture in for a laff)

But some of the miserable gits here object strongly to anyone who doesn't live here using it and it's usually the residents who NEVER use the pool who make the most noise about it.

One likes to nap in the afternoon and says it disturbs his nap! Well tough - sleep at the front. I went to see him yesterday and forewarned him that I will have FOUR grandkiddies here in August and if he dares even whisper to them I WILL KILL HIM. He smiled and said well you can tell them to be quiet. NO DOROS! 'Tis you who must be quiet while they are here! This guy actually locked the pool gate last year while Monny was here. I almost dragged him out of his apartment, DEMANDED the key to the lock, told him he wasn't getting it back and his lock was going in the bin and if he ever DARED lock that pool again I'd drown him in it!

Stupid thing is only about 3 residents out of 45 flats ever use the pool. I'm one of them. I told him yesterday that the best way to ensure non residents don't use it is to use it yourself. They never come in if anyone is in there.

Miserable sods. We have to pay for the cleaning of it twice weekly. What's the harm with others using it while it's sitting there?

Off me soapbox now!
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05-06-2013, 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Bev, yes, Pat is right there, the rich one's are really tight a*sed, so go for a middle of the road man if I were you, a soft touch type It would be the icing on the cake for you this year Bev, so we'll have to see what we can do

Oh dear poor Charly, hope she gets herself sorted soon, maybe the exam results will perk her up when they arrive.

Blimey Pat, you're chatty this morning aren't you, and there was me thinking you weren't a morning person, more of a nightowl like our Sally Make mine a laaaaarge one please
Being two hours ahead I am up before this thread goes up most days. Out with the dog at 7am today (5am for you!)

I always leave it until later to see if it has appeared with a few responses but sometimes there's PAGES of responses by the time I look again!

Not so much a 'morning person' as a person who has never needed much sleep since she was a teenager. Most nights I get 5 or 6 and am fine with that. Some nights not even that much but then I don't have STRENUOUS stuff to do in the days - if I did I'd probably need a bit more.

(I watch TV for ages after I go to bed too!
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05-06-2013, 07:35 AM
I wondered how Moneth was doing. No better then and just as a cheeky.

Oh blimey not what you want disruptive kids using the pool and miserable old gits then locking all children out even the well behaved ones and especially your Grandchildren.
Good luck with phoning or visiting the Town Hall I avoid it like the plague if I can. Haven't set foot in the place for years.
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05-06-2013, 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
I wondered how Moneth was doing. No better then and just as a cheeky.

Oh blimey not what you want disruptive kids using the pool and miserable old gits then locking all children out even the well behaved ones and especially your Grandchildren.
Good luck with phoning or visiting the Town Hall I avoid it like the plague if I can. Haven't set foot in the place for years.
Town Hall? lol! Oh no matey - we still have the antiquated separate utility offices spread all over outside the town. All of them hell to park at and queues going outside the doors from before they open and they all only work until 1pm! Semi Govt Organisations all of 'em (a lot of the reason why Cyprus has gone skint!)

They make it very difficult for you to pay at a bank (and it costs) or online. You have to go thro' a 'gateway portal' to do it and payment is not confirmed immediately. I'm boring myself to death even talking about it!

Just remembered it's Wed and early closing which means everywhere is busier than usual. This will now have to wait until tomorrow unless I can manage to get them to let me pay by phoning with Visa card number.

We have a sort of 'mickey mouse' town hall - it's in an apartment above the KFC on the tourist strip! That one only opens until 12.30 lunchtime and only takes payment for municipality charges (rubbish removal). Then there's another whole separate building just for paying your dog licence lol! That one is a laff coz hardly anyone bothers to pay it! I've only ever seen BRITS in there paying and the funniest bit of all is the woman doesn't speak any English!

They have a huge poster on the wall behind them with all the dog breeds on it and then query Mini Pinscher 'den katalaveno' they don't understand! I have to go to the poster and POINT TO IT lol!
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