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honeysmummy is offline  
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16-07-2009, 09:19 AM
H chewed a lot of things when she was younger. But the worst was when she chewed my OHs brand new PDA computer thingy to bits! Worst thing was his work only gave it to him day before and he had to go in next day and explain that the dog ate it!!!!....He had to take it in as evidence cos they thought he flogged it, lol!!!
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Dale's mum
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16-07-2009, 09:34 AM
Dales worst happened when he was about 6 months. It was quite late at night and I thought he was sleeping in his crate in the kitchen, not shut in because he still had to pay a last visit to the garden.
Well while we sat drinking coffee I heard a burglar alarm going off and assumed it was next door. It had happened before, but this time it kept going. I muttered about how inconsiderate it was to let the noise go on so late at night and eventually wandered through to the kitchen.
It was our alarm. Dale had chewed throught the wire. However to reach it he'd had to lift the new vinyl and of course ripped it. Then not wanting to leave the job half done kept going until he's wrecked the lot. Only took him about half an hour.
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Woodstock is offline  
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16-07-2009, 09:55 AM
When we first rescued our poodle he was an appalling food thief. I have always put this down to the fact that he was so badly treated and starved he obviously had always had to grab what he could just to survive. Thankfully he is a lot better these days but two class examples spring to mind - the first is stealing the christmas turkey! I had put the turkey in the dining room ready to carve and but my husband, probably after a few pre-dinner sherries managed to shut said poodle in the dining room with the turkey rather than outside it!!!!!!
The other is when I had taken a lasagne out of the oven and placed it on the counter top, turned around to shut the oven and when i turned back he had his face shoved in it. Had to take him to the vets to make sure he didn't have any burns as the thing was nuclear hot!!
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Misty-Pup is offline  
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16-07-2009, 09:57 AM
I've been quite lucky with my dogs really!

Misty chewed the 'L' button off the laptop, about a week after we got her! (The laptop was new as well, it was my OH's b'day present from his parents & Misty was mine from OH, We share a b'day you see!)

Midge chewed the carpet in our old house, he just got bored!!! We are now in a battle with his ex employers about money and final wages! Thanks Midge!!

I remember when Mum got her 1st dog, Bonnie the Golden Retriever! My Mum used to have a massive St. Bernard teddy, it was about 2/3ft tall!! Well, it was the first day Bonnie had been left loose for like ten mins while Mum got me and my sister from school. We came home to little polystyrene (sp) balls EVEYWHERE!!!!!!!
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16-07-2009, 10:07 AM
Right, where to begin. LOL.

The Lab has:

1. Found a soiled nappy on the beach and proceed to consume said nappy. He ran away with it each time I came near. That same day I believe he also scoffed a tub of Dairy Lea soft cheese that he also scavenged.

2. Caught and ate a pigeon that was flying low. The bird was obviously ill or something, but still.

3. Climbed on top of a HUGE, enormous pile of manure when we were walking on the South Downs. He would NOT recall from the pile which he was scoffing with pure delight. Then unfortunately I, not realizing that the manure wouldn't be hard like mud, went to physically remove him. Of course, I sunk straight into the manure that was like quick-sand and got my boots stuck. The manure went OVER my boots. Luckily there was a group of hikers behind me and, through my embarrassment, they helped pull me out. Not my finest hour. I should add that my Lab continued eating the poo whilst I was stuck. And I had to walk about 4 miles back to my car walking in boots filled with manure.

4. Disappeared into an old grannies garden on a walk. There was a large stream between us and the houses (this walk is along the back of fields) so I thought nah...he'd be fine. Wrong. He crossed the stream, into the grannies garden, and started going through her bins. Granny eventually came out brandishing a stick and waving it at him. He of course thought that this was great game and started running around her barking. Needless to say, granny was NOT a happy bunny at the big chunk of a dog that invaded her bins.

That is just naming a few. The girls haven't done anything bad...yet.
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inkliveeva is offline  
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16-07-2009, 10:10 AM
My lap top, Toro ate it, and I laughed couldn't do anything else I knew she'd have it one day, she hates me being on it lolllll 2 house phones 3 mobile phones, she likes her electrical goods does Toro xx
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IsoChick is offline  
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16-07-2009, 10:17 AM
Oh, Max also ate a packet of my contraceptive pill

Murphy has also killed 2 of next doors chickens (that were in our garden), plus numerous pigeons etc
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esmed is offline  
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16-07-2009, 10:34 AM
Lol, these are brill! I'm sat at my desk chuckling away to myself!

Seems monty isn't as bad as I thought!!

I had forgotten about his cheese thieving incident though! He once ate a massive lump of port salut cheese and a second lump of extra mature cheddar. Was obviously too much as he bought it all pack up and left me a nice cheese fondue style pile in the kitchen floor.

What's worse is that the next day he emptied the bin and gave the cheese another go even though it had been through him once! Gross!
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16-07-2009, 10:38 AM
When my whippet was young she was once left for 40mins . In that time she forced her way out of a crate on loan from the vet and chewed right through a door

When she was 14 she managed to get a whole box of Thorntons toffee off the table ( it was just after Christmas ) she then ate it all . We came home and she looked extremely sick and promptly was sick all over the carpet !
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16-07-2009, 12:13 PM
Merlin is for the most part very good although he managed to get one of our girls chocolate birthday cakes (made by her friend) of the kitchen side and eat the was a big cake...had to keep a close eye on him for a bit after that incase he was very ill.

It's Nanuq the pup that's a nightmare, he will chew anything that is left within reach when we go out...he is left with Merlin in the kitchen. One time part of a bag was hanging out the bottom of a cupboard which he pulled out and eat the 3 baking potatoes that were in it...frothy poops..not nice. He got into the cupboard under the sink that was left open by mistake and took everything out and ate the boot polish.

he has also eaten:

2 bar stool's
1/2 a Yuka plant
several sink protectors
3 dog beds (currently atempting number4)
various plastic tubs
to many scrubers to mention (their his favourite)

And he is only 8 mth old.
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