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Helena54 is offline  
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26-02-2007, 01:53 PM
I don't quite understand what you mean there Mahooli???? If it wasn't for all these people we wouldn't have the NHS??? What people?? Surely you don't mean these scumbags who are currently draining it??? They've never paid a penny towards it in their life. These people are the takers in life, never the givers!! People who pay towards it are the only ones who end up helpless - or dead!!!
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26-02-2007, 01:56 PM
That's a good idea in itself GSD, but I can't see how they can enforce it? Supposing someone is found drunk and injured, whisked off to hospital in an ambulance and gets abusive. Right, they get one strike. Next time they're picked up, maybe in another Town, how will they KNOW, that they can leave them there coz they've been struck off??!! No, it would end up like the people who aren't supposed to own animals anymore through previous abuse, they just carry on buying them don't they, it's never enforced, especially if they move out of an area. I would love to see it, good idea, but I really don't think it would work somehow?
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26-02-2007, 02:01 PM
Yeah, yer right. Most are too drunk to give their name so there would be no way of checking. Dirt bags.... I agree, the fact they may have contributed to the NHS does not give them a right to openly abuse it.

P.S. I never saw this many sparks on Guy Fawkes night!
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26-02-2007, 02:04 PM
I agree with all thats been said and if its not "life threating" i would refuse to treat the drunks. I also have a one strike and your out policy unless the hospital/surgery says different. But i also think the nhs should look at the behaviour of some(minorty) of its staff, as i was quite ill a few years ago and saw one man ask nicely how long he would likely to be waiting as he is feeling dizzy now (had a cut head), to which the nurse snapped you will be seen when we have time so dont ask agian, he said agian calmly i dont think there is any call for that attitude, she then said if he continued to be a like this she would call sercurity. I though it may have been a one off but when i was rushed back a few days later i hear a male nurse say snap at one woman, " we will see you now, the wait didnt kill you did it. A bit of a poor choice of words in an A&E department imo. I know they are under a lot of presure, and most do an outstanding job but these to cases made me wonder for the first time not all everything the happens there is black & white.
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26-02-2007, 04:49 PM
I totaly agree, the abuse they get is disgusting. I have been in hospital lately and there were quiet a few oldish men there that weren't exactly abusive but it could have been classed as, they used to shout at the nurses if they didn't do exactly what they wanted. One wanted a nurse so pressed his call button, a few minutes later a nurse not connected with the ward went past, he picked up his walking stick and aimed to get her arm, thankfully he missed, he cursed and swore. Another man, he was ill - terminal, he used to swear and all sorts at the staff, they did there utmost to help him but he still was nasty. So it isn't only drunks and drugies that are causing harm.

On the subject of paper work, there is way too much, I was talking to one nurse and she was filling in a fall report, it required her to fill in 5 lots of forms, I said that they do more clerical jobs now than nursing and she totally agreed.

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26-02-2007, 04:53 PM
Just to add, I think tonight's Panorama programme is all about this subject. Perhaps we can take a look at it and come back tomorrow, same time same place!!!
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26-02-2007, 05:00 PM
You got a date. lol I shall be cussing at the screen tonight, mark my words! I make Victor Meldrew look like a child when I get going!
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26-02-2007, 05:01 PM
Lol! Yes, I shall don my cap and raincoat too - Dave will be putting his headphones on to watch the tv tonight!!! He gets so annoyed with my rantings that he can't actually listen to the programme! Might have to come round yours GSD!!!!!!
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27-02-2007, 09:51 AM
Helena - I did a longer comment, almost word for word as yours, but I edited it down My mistake not yours, I'm a newbie on the Blog scene & I was not sure if there was a system imposed word limit. Obviously not, well said BTW
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Helena54 is offline  
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27-02-2007, 01:23 PM
Great minds then Losos! I don't know about blog rules either, I just tap away on here until I've said what I have to say! Same on paper, I'm not capable of writing a short note, it's always 2 pages long!!!!

The Panorama programme wasn't on last night? Maybe it was Sunday and we missed it? Maybe it's next Sunday - I will look up on it. So I'm standing you up GSD!!!!
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