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12-01-2010, 08:32 AM
I didnt choose my first dog Jess....she chose me. I had read up on different breeds as I intended to get a rescue dog but wanted to have a vague idea of what cross breeds would be like. I decided my ideal dog would be over a year old, small to medium and no collies or spaniels.
Unfortunately the rescue centre local to us was extremely scrict on their policies at the time so i couldnt get one from there so I found out that the pound rehomed direct from there so went along to have a look.....
....2 days later i went home with Jess...a 6month old collie cross who was as mad as a hatter! but I loved her from the second I saw her! She is a fantastic dog and is 12years old now.
We have also just got a new edition that didnt go to plan either.....having again researched breeds but this time deciding on a puppy rather than a rescue (due to my bf kids visiting alot) we chose a german short haired pointer. Partly because we wanted a smooth haired dog that would fit in with Jess...went to see a litter of pups that were advertised as German pointers to find they were cross between GSP and GWP. I spent ages playing with the short haired ones to then find I was totally hooked on the only long haired one in the litter....and so sherlock, long hair and all came home with us! best laid plans and all that!
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12-01-2010, 03:22 PM
I own 2 German Shepherds.

I have never owned a different breed of dog and to be totally honest, I don't think I ever will.

When I was about 10 years old my sister's and I were told we would be getting a dog.

My parents brought us to three breeders (they choose 3 different breeds that would suit our lifestyle) a doberman breeder, a German Shepherd breeder and lastly a Corgi breeder.

We went to see the Corgi and Doberman breeders first, both had litters on the ground. You would think that with three girls all want a dog desperately that we would want to bring home the first puppy we saw, but no.

When we went to the German Shepherd breeder, I remember very vividly a head popping over their 4' fence. He didn't bark, he didn't look mean, he just was curious. That was my first dogs sire; Bogart.

When we entered the house our breeder had all 5 of her dogs lined up in a sit/stay. I was sold. These creatures were intelligent, beautiful, and so friendly.

When we went to watch the demonstration she did for us on the training feild (SchH and some obedience) with my first dogs parents, I knew this was the breed for me!

We brought our first German Shepherd home three weeks after that inital meeting.

They are the most (in my opinion of course) versitle, intelligent, strong, loyal, beautiful dogs there are!

I love them, which is why when it was time to add another puppy to my life, I went with the German Shepherd.
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17-01-2010, 07:06 PM
My first ever dog was a Yorkshire Terrier. My grandfather bred them and I was 8 years old and desperate for my own dog. When she died at 16 I looked at other small breeds. Having a relatively small house of my own it kinda dictated that I needed something small. There were a few Mini Schnauzer breeders near to where I lived then so I researched the breed and that's what I ended up with.

I moved down south with work and she came with me but I found I was leaving her a long time on her own so decided to go to Battersea Dogs home to see if we could find her a companion. She came too and we saw this very sorry looking fed up brindle coloured fella with long wirey hair. He was the only one there that we liked and we immediately enquired about him. They were introduced in a room and he wagged his tail madly. She pawed his face and I think that was it for her..... Love at first wag!!

He is a Cairn x now aged 16 (on my profile picture). His longterm girlfriend passed on at the end of 2008 two weeks before her 16th birthday. He howled for nights so I thought I would find him another love to snuggle up to. I found Lily on a Rescue site. Mini Schnauzer (ex breeding bitch puppy farm rescue) Very sad and nervous never lived in a house and needed a calm dog to show her how to enjoy life. She loved Rusty when we introduced them. One year on they are inseparable. The howling stopped immediately!!! I have kids of my own now aged 7 and 9 and the youngest wants her own dog. I have researched into family friendly dogs (not that my cairn or schnauzer are unfriendly but they are loyal to me and follow me everywhere) Seems a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is the one and hopefully we will have one soon. I live in a much bigger house now so can accommodate 3 dogs.
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19-01-2010, 04:37 PM
Or first dog was a Lancashire Border Collie we called him Ben, apart from a few mishaps when he was a puppy,he was so easy to train. He was a wonderful dog and companian, he loved people and children and was well known where we lived . We lost Ben 5 years ago aged 16yrs I still miss him, and often shed a tear oops like now...but will never forget him.. We now have an English Bull Terrier, well he is suppose to be Sons dog, but I seem to be doing more with him.. He is going to be a lovely dog, he is good natured now, but he is only just over a year old, so lots of training needed, a different type of dog indeed..Maureen
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19-01-2010, 09:09 PM
well i have always owned alsations and boxers . but i was talked into getting the dog that i own now by my 2 sons.
which is an american bull dog . after reading up on the breed i went a head and bought him . hes a smasher very big but as soft as a brush i wouldnt trade him for the world
hes so loyal and a pleasure to be around. he was eight wks old when we got him hes now 4 and never once did i regret
getting this placid giant. when i work out how to up load a pic i will put one on
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BrendaMarie is offline  
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05-05-2010, 08:45 AM
My first dog is my BC mix. I moved in with my boyfriend and his allergies restrict him a lot. He found that he can live happily with my dog because she didn't bother his allergies at all. I got her because one of my friend's sister's dog had puppies and they were looking for homes, I didn't even see her before I picked her out, I just wanted the female, and there was only one left. She has been the BEST dog ever!!

We just got a 9month old Husky and she's excelent too!! both dogs are strangely laid back until we want to play or go out side and they play, usually Storm (the Husky) initiates the playing. They get along excellently!

I love both breeds! 2 dogs is enough for right now though. If we move out to the country like we're planning, I'd like to get more
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vincent smith
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07-05-2010, 09:31 PM
we have had colies,yorkie as well but now we have two huskys boy&girl they get on great love there big garden and going scootering&boat pulling as well we just love huskys
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Jenn~n~Luke is offline  
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18-10-2010, 12:15 PM
I have a Great Dane.
I don't really know why I've always had such an obsession with this breed. It's kind of odd really. I know that my parents had two when I was very young, ((baby to age 2 or 3)) but I never actually remembered them. I remember stories though, as I grew up.
Yet for years, right up until I got Luke last year, I had vivid dreams ALL of the time about this one black great dane male. Which is also strange considering if it was somehow prompted by the dogs we used to have, because they were fawn and brindle.
Anywho, when I was younger, the dreams were only once in a while, but each year, they came more often. Each one was basically the same,had the exact same dane in it. My mother unfortunately was a person who got animals, then got rid of them, over and over again. I was always the one who took care of them, trained them,etc. I bonded with each of them but they were never that dog, if that makes sense.
Anyway, the past few years or so, the dreams became more frequent. To the point where I now felt like this dog was actually a part of my life. I did ALOT of research over the years, but for the past two, it had almost become an obsession. I drove my partner nuts lol. I spent hours online looking at pictures of danes, reading eveyrthing I could get my hands on, lurking in GD forums. I looked at every puppy picture the internet had I think.
Then one day...I seen a picture, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I mean someone booted me in the gut. I took one look at Luke's picture and I just knew without a shadow of a doubt, that HE was THE DOG. The one I'd been dreaming about for years. I don't even believe in this sort of thing, yet there it was, no denying it no matter how crazy it was. I started bawling my head off, ((something I don't do lol)) because here was THE dane that was supposed to be mine, yet I couldn't see how I could possibly have him.
I called my partner, told her, by this time she's so sick of listening to me talk about this dog, she says "Call the landlord Jenn, ask him if you can have a dog. If he says yes, I'll get you the damn dog. Maybe THEN you'll be happy and shut up about GD's" LOL
Well...everything just sort of fell into place. It was meant to be, and things just started happening that normally wouldnt that I could bring my boy home. I darn near had a stroke with all the emotions and from finally, after all these years, realizing that my dreams were really about to come true.
So then comes the day I go to pick him up at the airport. I was so excited I thought I was going to be sick. The cabdriver that took me there waited for me so he could drive us back home and he was laughing at me lol. They brought him out in his crate, and the moment was don't know how to describe it...that the attendents told me that they had the eeby jeebies. It was instant...this connection. BAM, it was like lightning hit me. I looked into Luke's eyes..he looked into mine, and we just knew we belonged.
The whole drive home, we just stared at one another in the back seat, him trying to stick his toungue out of the crate bars to kiss me lol. We got home, and here's the real creepy part.
I let him out of his crate so he can pee. Now, at my place, there were three doors/three stairways going into the apartments. Mine was the last one. He walks to MY stairs, walks right up them, in the door and straight up onto the couch as if he'd been there his whole life.
There was no crying for his adjustment period, no nervousness. It was like "We're home...let's snuggle". We've been totally inseperable ever since...and every day he has proven to me that I was not crazy..he truly IS that dane in my dreams. I hadn't just wanted "A" dane...I had been waiting for him specifically, and I've found him.
His personality fits me to a T. There is nothing about him that doesn't click with me. Nothng he does bothers me. He's been the very best puppy I've ever known. Never had a moment's troubel with him. We just mesh so well it's almost unreal.
I adore this breed, they are my passion...but I'm also pretty sure that when my time with Luke is over, I'll never have another. It just wouldn't be him..wouldnt be the same.
Oh dear I rambled. Forgive me lol.
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Lorna is offline  
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18-10-2010, 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Jenn~n~Luke View Post
I have a Great Dane.
I don't really know why I've always had such an obsession with this breed. It's kind of odd really. I know that my parents had two when I was very young, ((baby to age 2 or 3)) but I never actually remembered them. I remember stories though, as I grew up.
Yet for years, right up until I got Luke last year, I had vivid dreams ALL of the time about this one black great dane male. Which is also strange considering if it was somehow prompted by the dogs we used to have, because they were fawn and brindle.
Anywho, when I was younger, the dreams were only once in a while, but each year, they came more often. Each one was basically the same,had the exact same dane in it. My mother unfortunately was a person who got animals, then got rid of them, over and over again. I was always the one who took care of them, trained them,etc. I bonded with each of them but they were never that dog, if that makes sense.
Anyway, the past few years or so, the dreams became more frequent. To the point where I now felt like this dog was actually a part of my life. I did ALOT of research over the years, but for the past two, it had almost become an obsession. I drove my partner nuts lol. I spent hours online looking at pictures of danes, reading eveyrthing I could get my hands on, lurking in GD forums. I looked at every puppy picture the internet had I think.
Then one day...I seen a picture, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I mean someone booted me in the gut. I took one look at Luke's picture and I just knew without a shadow of a doubt, that HE was THE DOG. The one I'd been dreaming about for years. I don't even believe in this sort of thing, yet there it was, no denying it no matter how crazy it was. I started bawling my head off, ((something I don't do lol)) because here was THE dane that was supposed to be mine, yet I couldn't see how I could possibly have him.
I called my partner, told her, by this time she's so sick of listening to me talk about this dog, she says "Call the landlord Jenn, ask him if you can have a dog. If he says yes, I'll get you the damn dog. Maybe THEN you'll be happy and shut up about GD's" LOL
Well...everything just sort of fell into place. It was meant to be, and things just started happening that normally wouldnt that I could bring my boy home. I darn near had a stroke with all the emotions and from finally, after all these years, realizing that my dreams were really about to come true.
So then comes the day I go to pick him up at the airport. I was so excited I thought I was going to be sick. The cabdriver that took me there waited for me so he could drive us back home and he was laughing at me lol. They brought him out in his crate, and the moment was don't know how to describe it...that the attendents told me that they had the eeby jeebies. It was instant...this connection. BAM, it was like lightning hit me. I looked into Luke's eyes..he looked into mine, and we just knew we belonged.
The whole drive home, we just stared at one another in the back seat, him trying to stick his toungue out of the crate bars to kiss me lol. We got home, and here's the real creepy part.
I let him out of his crate so he can pee. Now, at my place, there were three doors/three stairways going into the apartments. Mine was the last one. He walks to MY stairs, walks right up them, in the door and straight up onto the couch as if he'd been there his whole life.
There was no crying for his adjustment period, no nervousness. It was like "We're home...let's snuggle". We've been totally inseperable ever since...and every day he has proven to me that I was not crazy..he truly IS that dane in my dreams. I hadn't just wanted "A" dane...I had been waiting for him specifically, and I've found him.
His personality fits me to a T. There is nothing about him that doesn't click with me. Nothng he does bothers me. He's been the very best puppy I've ever known. Never had a moment's troubel with him. We just mesh so well it's almost unreal.
I adore this breed, they are my passion...but I'm also pretty sure that when my time with Luke is over, I'll never have another. It just wouldn't be him..wouldnt be the same.
Oh dear I rambled. Forgive me lol.
awww I think that is a lovely story
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Insomnia is offline  
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11-01-2011, 12:37 PM
Really great to see how people came to their breeds/dogs
Lovely story to Jenn n Luke

I have a Greyhound. I came to the breed after looking at several breeds I wanted (Rottweiler, Schnauzer, Airedale, etc) and when I got married, I was limited to breeds by allergy. He even reacted a little to Schnauzers. I joined a Greyhound forum as they'd been in the back of mind and I was won over by their gentle nature. We fostered Axel for 2 weeks in May last year to vet hubbie's allergies - NOTHING!
So as of our 1st wedding anniversary (June13th) he was officially ours. I do wonder about the future and if I'd have another breed, maybe I will but I think I'll always have a Greyhound. Axel is everything we could hope for and more...I wouldn't swap him for anything. Greyhounds have so much to give and want for so so little.
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