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View Poll Results: Which CM methods do you use on your dog?
Do you make sure your dog has enough exercise? 26 68.42%
Do you use "calm Energy" when handling your dogs? 7 18.42%
Have you ever used Foot tapping for attention? 1 2.63%
Have you ever used Foot tapping for correction? 0 0%
Have you ever used "tsstg" for attention 1 2.63%
Have you ever used "tsstg" for correction 1 2.63%
Have you ever used the "hand bite" for attention 0 0%
Have you ever used the "hand bite" for correction 0 0%
Do you use prong collars 0 0%
Do you use the illusion collar, or other NONslip slipcollar 0 0%
Have you ever used flooding to overcome your dogs fear 0 0%
Have you ever pinned your dog to the floor 1 2.63%
Have you ever pinned your dog to the fllor for any reason other than aggression 1 2.63%
Do you alpha roll your dog? 0 0%
Voters: 38. You may not vote on this poll - please see pinned thread in this section for details.

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06-10-2009, 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by cordie View Post
do you antis
I can't speak for everyone, but the term "anti" is being bandied about a lot on here and personally, I do find it rude. Sorry to bring this up on your post Cordie, that comment is not directed at you but is meant to be a general comment

think for one minute, that american pca, and other animal orgs, plus sky tv and the media, would all stand back and let the coverage of his progs be shown uninterrupted, and why isnt it on the news and in the newspapers???? they would make a mint headlining the supposed cruelty,
If an owner tried his extreme methods in the UK they would be doing something illegal. Dog trainers have been prosecuted for less than what he does on tv.


http://www.[a social network].com/note.php?not...9559&ref=share letter from American Veterinary Society to Merial

"The executive board of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior is deeply troubled to learn that Merial, a leader in the veterinary healthcare industry, is using Cesar Millan in a promotional campaign for Heartgard and Frontline" DW approach more harmful than helpful

"The training tactics featured on Cesar Millan's “Dog Whisperer” program are inhumane, outdated and improper, according to a letter sent yesterday to the National Geographic Channel by American Humane, the oldest national organization protecting children and animals"

"Several instances of cruel and dangerous treatment -- promoted by Millan as acceptable training methods -- were documented by American Humane, including one in which a dog was partially asphyxiated in an episode. In this instance, the fractious dog was pinned to the ground by its neck after first being “hung” by a collar incrementally tightened by Millan. Millan’s goal -- of subduing a fractious animal -- was accomplished by partially cutting off the blood supply to its brain".

[i watch cm most days, i dont see what you all see, but there again, im openminded,
Most people who dislike his methods are also open minded but they are very often dog trainers (not pet owners) who understand and can see exactly what goes on, are not taken in by his manner, (or his looks for that matter! ) and who know a lot about the science of training and learning theory. We also see a choking dog as a choking dog, we do not say the dog is doing it to itself, nor do we make excuses for abusive behaviour of the person doing it.

I think, too, that the dogs cannot speak for themselves, they do need people to be brave enough to stand up and be counted as being against such extreme methods as choking, for example....and alpha rolling which can be dangerous for owners as well as frightening for a dog.

My major dislike is that he sets dogs up to fail, fight and give up (break the spirit).

i dont force my opinions on others, everyone is entitled to their opinion, i think it would be boring if everyone agreed all the time, and i enjoy a friendly argument, as long as it doesnt get nasty, so please can we not get nasty, and keep the thread open? and bear in mind that the dogs featured on the progs, are ones that everything else has failed for, and the owners are ASKING cm for help as a last resort.
I do not believe most of them are last resort cases . Yes some may be, but I know from talking to people in the UK who have been involved in dog programmes that very often what you see is nothing like the reality. I also know from trainer and behaviour lists in the US that it is not unusual for the owners to ask for help after the CM programmes, from another trainer, because CM method did not work.

I think the thread's OK at the moment (as CM threads do get very heated) ....

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06-10-2009, 07:18 AM
There are people on these forums who have rehabilitated a `red zone` dog. Without these bullying methods. I suggest you do a bit more research, CM peeps!
The dogs are not in a win-win situation. Anyone can terrorise a small animal- it`s not hard. But at the end that`s what you have - a shut-down dog desperate to appease. Kinder and more intelligent methods allow the dog to re-learn his way of coping with life.
There are trainers in the UK who help people retrain extremely aggressive dogs - I`m going to see one tomorrow (though not about aggression BTW ) Only she doesn`t appear on TV so she`s not a `celebrity`.

TV programmes are for entertainment, not education. And because the guy has built a career on the back of it doesn`t make him any less of an entertainer. I mean - would you let Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen paint your house?
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06-10-2009, 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
There are people on these forums who have rehabilitated a `red zone` dog. Without these bullying methods. I suggest you do a bit more research, CM peeps!
The dogs are not in a win-win situation. Anyone can terrorise a small animal- it`s not hard. But at the end that`s what you have - a shut-down dog desperate to appease. Kinder and more intelligent methods allow the dog to re-learn his way of coping with life.
There are trainers in the UK who help people retrain extremely aggressive dogs - I`m going to see one tomorrow (though not about aggression BTW ) Only she doesn`t appear on TV so she`s not a `celebrity`.

TV programmes are for entertainment, not education. And because the guy has built a career on the back of it doesn`t make him any less of an entertainer. I mean - would you let Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen paint your house?
I'd like ANYONE to paint my house!

OTOH I am more fussy about my dogs!

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06-10-2009, 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by rune View Post
I'd like ANYONE to paint my house!

OTOH I am more fussy about my dogs!

Ah but did you see the chess-board floor and bordello-red walls that made the owner of the house burst into tears? (OT, sorry)
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06-10-2009, 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by scarter View Post
Most of us have attended modern, positive rewards based training classes (the approach given as a better and kinder alternative to CM's methods). Most of the dogs that go to these classes leave the clubs with the problems they started with. Dogs that have been trained since pups using these methods frequently go on to develop serious problems - sometimes problems that lead to rehoming and euthanasia.
That's quite a statement/claim. Do you have evidence to back this up? I'd say that's your opinion, rather than fact.

If it were as you say, it would not make sense even from a business point of view.After all like anyone, trainers want owners to come back!

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06-10-2009, 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Promethean View Post
Yesterday I saw him and he was talking about a dog that was ANXIOUS AND BECAME FEARFUL WHO THEN BECAME DOMINANT. Than people can swallow these snake oil explanations is beyond me.
That comment from him is a bit silly... to put it mildly.

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06-10-2009, 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by scarter View Post
I think it's almost certainly the case the the Dog Whisperer Show airs the programs that show the methods working.

But how is that different from anyone else?

Most of us have attended modern, positive rewards based training classes (the approach given as a better and kinder alternative to CM's methods). Most of the dogs that go to these classes leave the clubs with the problems they started with. Dogs that have been trained since pups using these methods frequently go on to develop serious problems - sometimes problems that lead to rehoming and euthanasia. Do the fans of positive, rewards based training methods publicise this fact? Or course not. And why should they. Do they blame problems on user error? Of course, and why shouldn't they?

Many people will argue that the dog whisper show does not demonstrate methods working. They claim that they aren't working at all and really making matters worse. If that's what they think you can't really argue with them. They are entitled to their opinions. But by the same token many people will argue that the rewards based training promoted by so many on this thread is complete pants. It doesn't work for most dogs. You can't really argue with them because it's their opinion based upon their experiences and observations.

It really comes down to finding what works for you and your dog.
I volunteered at a local rescue in my spare time for 15 months. During all that time there were several aggressive dogs which came in. Of all of these, one had been trained by someone with the same misunderstanding of positive training as you - with the same results you had with your boy - and as the dog was a great dane, the situation was quite serious (but he was successfully turned round).

But ALL of the other aggressive dogs were hand shy, indicating that they had been hit/physically abused.

Yes, many of the non-aggressive dogs had no manners/discipline - perhaps their owners had attended training lessons once a week - but I don't believe that they practiced what had been taught in between and I'm damn sure that you can't blame whatever the weekly training session taught in 1 or 2 hours each week.

I think you are missing a couple of key points regarding training and people's comments on CM.

(1) both positive and negative training can go wrong if implemented incorrectly (or no training at all given outwith the weekly training class). However, I know of no cases where positive training correctly applied have resulted in an aggressive dog whereas I know of many where negative training has.
(2) When people are saying that CM methods are cruel and likely to be counter productive, they are talking about the things specific to him. The methods that you describe as using, which are basically just being confident around your dog and enforcing discipline without any physical punishment is not specific to CM. Yes you may have got the idea from him, but you would have got it from other trainers just the same.
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06-10-2009, 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by scarter View Post
Wys, I get the impression that your intentions are good.
Why, thank you so much

I *think* (forgive me if I'm mistaken) that you mentioned elsewhere that you advised your students not to use CM's techniques?
Yes, I do advise that - referring in the main to his more exreme methods. For good reason. Dogs have had to be put to sleep as a direct result of owners watching CM. Owners have come to me bitten due to watching his techniques and attempting to use them.
Think about what you've just said,
I have, whilst I was writing it
and bearing in mind that (again, I think) I remember you saying that you approved of the way I raise my dogs (based upon what I'd told you).
I can't recall that actually, although I'm not saying I didn't.
That would of course have been in context.... I usually avoid making too personal comments about how anyone on here looks after their dog. Can you show me please? as otherwise I am just guessing.

Now consider that very many people that watch CM and use his methods are using the very same bits that I and others on this thread find work so well.
This is too vague again: can you be exact in what you refer to? I guess you are referring to the exercise/discipline/affection but as you've not clarified I have no idea...

The advise that CM gives out for normal dogs isn't really anything that your average trainer would dissaprove of - UNTIL you tell them that the advice came from CM.
I'm an "average trainer" and I think, from remembering reading Cesar's Way that I do disagree with some of it but I'd have to read the book again to double check. For me the relationship is first and foremost because owners can't do much without it.

If you start ranting on to me
I guess you do not mean "me" as such, but it does read that way ... I can assure you, I don't usually rant, as I can back up anything i say and prefer to be polite, when posting. More people will respect you and listen to you.
about CM's techniques being cruel I just assume you need your bumps felt
What the heck does that mean? I can only presume you are talking about feeling my mammary area , but I can't believe that is what you mean I guess it is a local experession but I've never heard of it ... can you explain please?

I know that what I do is not by any stretch of the imagination cruel and I know that it does work.
Can you clarify concisely what you do do? I think you have mentioned claiming space before, but you've also mentioned other methods which in your posts came out as confusing to several posters here (at least, the way you posted about them was confusing) because you seemed to say they were confrontational.It would be good if that could be cleared up totally as then people can sing from the same hymn sheet.

Others might be more willing to blindly follow the advice of the teacher at their local training club.
There are many different types of local training club - some advice is good, some is appalling. Local clubs vary hugely so again, you'd have to clarify what you mean exactly.

In which case, think about what you're telling them is cruel:

1. Exercising their dog.
2. Having rules, boundaries and limitations
3. Being a firm and consistent leader
4. Treating them like dogs rather than children

...and so on.
You are saying that I say some of these are wrong? Again, you've used the word "you" so I am assuming you are really directing this at me, without clarifiying any of what i say to my clients ...
It might not be the message you intend to convey, but if you aren't entirely honest and spell out what you think is good and what you think is bad you will misslead your students and that could be harmful to their dogs.
Scarter, if you don't politely enquire about things and clarify them, rather than assume, you are going to annoy people, and not be taken seriously.

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06-10-2009, 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post
?? As far as I know people go to training classes to learn how to train the basics or to socalise puppies.

If you have a problem with your dog you dont go to a training class to fix it - you get a behaviourist in - or at least you talk to the trainer outwith class and devise a training programme for you and your dog

Good post there
I've bolded bits I particularly agree with.

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06-10-2009, 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by scarter View Post
Sure, but as you pointed out, if you have a behavioural problem (or want to better understand dog behaviour) you go to a behaviourist - not a clicker trainer.
Behaviourists often are clicker trainers - the clicker is used in behavioural work, including aggression.

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