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30-11-2009, 06:53 PM
Hope Zena is Ok today and i really hope you get sorted out with a vet that can help you.
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30-11-2009, 07:42 PM
I'm appalled Helena. When Hal was dying in the vets, and I sat with him for his final hours, as crazy as this sounds, I remember thinking to myself how clean he was, and how much respect they had obviously shown him. He was in a terrible state, with drips coming out of him and all sorts, but the mother in me SO appreciated the clean bedding, kennel area and Hal himself. I would have been even MORE devastated had he been filthy.

I am not sure whether this posting is very helpful, but it comes from the heart ... you bloody well kick **** girl !!
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30-11-2009, 07:58 PM
OMG Helena, what a dreadful state of affairs.
I am inclined to agree with Dave but the other way of looking at it that Zena/ Georgie could end up there again and you won't have done anything to rectify matters. Then how would you feel.
I think as you say a calm factual letter setting out the problems you have encountered might be better than a rant!
Good luck anyway and huuuuuge hugs to Zena
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30-11-2009, 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Thanks guys! I'm sick and tired on my bladdy vets and I am going to write a letter of complaint, I don't give a monkeys that they're an RCVS Hospital, and in actual fact, I think I'm going to go over their heads and actually write my letter of complaint to the RCVS toboot!!!

It's a long story, but when you find yourself with TWO dogs, both of whom have come out of their operating theatre stinking to high heaven from head to toe, so much so in fact, that you wrench yourself when you put them in the car, so much so the FIRST time (with Georgie a year or so ago) that you find yourself having to pick up the telephone and speak to your vet there and then, and tell them how appalled you are at the condition your dog came back in, is it any wonder that when you pick up your 2nd dog from the same place, having had surgery itself, but this time being a one year old, sleek, soft silky furred puppy smelling like a rose, handed back to you in the very same stinking, claggy furred condition, is it any wonder that you get an infected wound??? Nah, don't think so!!! Once is acceptable after an apology, but twice, no, and if things had gone pretty smoothly I would have kept my big gob shut, but not this time, oh no, not this 2nd time, not with what my poor Zena has gone through in one week!!! I'm going to write a letter now.... It'll be a long one!!!!

Please don't ask I've lost the will and the inclination, suffice to say, Zena is fine now, I've just got to wait another week to see if half the stitches don't "pop" open (apparently, due to a reaction, apparently ), the other half have already knitted themselves together (apparently ).

Now I've had some dogs in my time, most of which have had operations, my last bitch Cassie was in the vets for an entire week, her life having being saved after eating poison, one whole week, and yet she came out of another vets smelling as sweet as she did when I took her in there, so you tell me, WHY, my dogs have to be claggy coated, half wet, and reeking to high heaven when I pick them up from this place then??? I never said anything before, I was more concerned that I had at least got her back in one piece, and well under the way to recovery, but that was before Thursday night when I stupidly took her back for a check-up, and I wish I could turn the clock back! I think this place has serious cleanliness issues!!! Who in their right mind has a bladdy great big carpeted MAT in the waiting room of a sick dog's surgery anyways??? Have YOU ever seen that? I wonder how often that gets cleaned??? Hmmmmm!

Oh I'm not happy and if there are any further "complications" with my dog then they're gonna have real worries when I get on the case!!

She's fine, she's fine, please don't think she's taken a turn for the worse, it's ME who's done that! Lol! I'm on the case again then..... this'll be a long one by the looks! If nothing else, I want at the very least an answer from them as to WHY both my dogs came out of there smelling like they've been in a nursing home for a month without a wash!!!!! Coz they did, believe me they did, and that's not on from a very big RCVS hospital in my book!

Rant over, sorry!!! So will they be when I've done my letter!!!!!
my goodness i am stunned!!!! i think i know the vets you are talking about as you mentioned they have another branch. think i'm correct in saying they have the main one on a roundabout???

oh helen that is just awful and it seems that given all this zena has got away lightly.

i think you're doing the right thing but i'm just so sorry that you've all been through this!!

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30-11-2009, 08:12 PM
Thanks guys, I have taken your advice onboard, so I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow, when I see how Zena is doing, not a let else I can do really, I'm having to play the waiting game with her now, for another week, and if she's still the same, then I have to take her back I'm afraid, I'm VERY afraid of that!!!

Yes Claire, I'm sure you too have heard a few stories about the place maybe? I've been trying to search to see whether I can view their complaints list at all? I wonder if I can do that somewhere? That friend of mine with the flatcoat who was wrongly diagnosed by them and sent to a specialist who actually said they should have KNOWN the problem without even sending him all the way up to Dorking!!!! She was none too impressed with them either, so I might have a word with her too, see if I can round up some peops who have greivances perhaps and we can all club together.

The good news is, I managed to spray some Savlon antisceptic dry spray on her wound which the vet recommended and she's bright as a button again tonight, but then that's how it goes, one minute we're up next we're down again atm, I hope this week flies by for me, then I'll know for sure, but let's hope she just stays as good as she is, that's all I want.xxxxxx Thanks guys.xxxxx
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30-11-2009, 08:26 PM
Good idea to sleep on it first Aitch. You'll know what to do about it in the morning. xx
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30-11-2009, 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post

Yes Claire, I'm sure you too have heard a few stories about the place maybe? I've been trying to search to see whether I can view their complaints list at all? I wonder if I can do that somewhere? That friend of mine with the flatcoat who was wrongly diagnosed by them and sent to a specialist who actually said they should have KNOWN the problem without even sending him all the way up to Dorking!!!! She was none too impressed with them either, so I might have a word with her too, see if I can round up some peops who have greivances perhaps and we can all club together.
i have helen and i started typing it out but i then thought i shouldn't tell you until zena is totally back to normal. it's nothing to do with a spay but i don't think you need any more stress about that place at the moment!!!

it's incredible given the 'reputation' they profess to have. i used to go to the PDSA in brighton and they treated my lurcher like a king. a charitable organisation and they truly couldn't have done more for him. they actually did save his life when a 'regular' vet failed to follow up the danger signs.

it's so scary because like doctors, we put our total trust in these people with the most precious thing we have.

did you give her any arnica? i know you've been rushing around like a loon but honestly the difference in leo was incredible once he was on the homeopathic stuff!! xxxxx
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30-11-2009, 08:48 PM
Oh, I'd be VERY interested to hear about that one Claire, maybe at the week-end hopefully when I can see that Zena is 100% recovered perhaps? We can chat on the phone! It would appear that I am right then??

I suppose people don't want to complain for the very reason I'm holding back now hey?! I know of quite a few others too, a bloke with a goldie who spent a few days in there on a drip, and he had some horror stories to tell me, but that was years ago and I've forgotten now!

Thanks Jackie and everyone else of course.xxxx A good night's sleep I hope then, I'm back upstairs, so I'll miss my little night time kisses that I've got so used to downstairs in Dave's bed, Lol, not from HIM of course, he's upstairs, but from Zena!!!!! xxxxxxxx
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30-11-2009, 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Oh, I'd be VERY interested to hear about that one Claire, maybe at the week-end hopefully when I can see that Zena is 100% recovered perhaps? We can chat on the phone! It would appear that I am right then??

I suppose people don't want to complain for the very reason I'm holding back now hey?! I know of quite a few others too, a bloke with a goldie who spent a few days in there on a drip, and he had some horror stories to tell me, but that was years ago and I've forgotten now!

Thanks Jackie and everyone else of course.xxxx A good night's sleep I hope then, I'm back upstairs, so I'll miss my little night time kisses that I've got so used to downstairs in Dave's bed, Lol, not from HIM of course, he's upstairs, but from Zena!!!!! xxxxxxxx
that would be brilliant helen! i just didn't want to add to your already frazzled mind with more horror stories about them!

love the night time kisses comment! aww, is there anything nicer than a little kiss from a sleepy pup!! xxxxx
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30-11-2009, 11:39 PM
I think it is SO important to have a vet that you trust and respect!! I really like mine- the reception staff are great and love Werm, and she came out clean, happy, they had put her jumper back on all neatly, offered her special food, and when they went to get her i could hear th nurse chatting to her all the way down from the cages to where i was waiting.
We were back for check up today and they all remembered her and were so sweet!!

KICK!!!!! what you have been through is just not on!!
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