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17-06-2009, 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by labradork View Post
People can't on one hand moan about the health problems in pedigree dogs and then think owning a crossbreed from untested parents will suddenly make all the problems disappear. That is the false illusion that some owners of Doodles appear to be under. Unless Doodle breeders fully health test their breeding stock, all claims of 'hybrid vigor' are just rubbish.
Again, your prejudice. I read another poster here with a doodle bred from tested parents, and I have a good friend on her 7th Cockapoo (over 35 years) from a breeder who uses a Ch Toy Poodle stud - also fully health tested.

As to the false illusion that SOME owners of Doodles appear to be under, what about the false illusion sold here continuously that "purebred and registered" automatically means quality.

There are a HUGE amount of people who put a lot of stock into that piece of paper believing registries wouldn't entertain registering poorly bred purebreds and litters from stock not health tested. What about putting a message out about that illusion?

I am continuously amazed that posters will rail against the doodles with blanket statements while simultaniously forgetting to mention the fact that the vast majority of purebreds are bred and registered without health testing behind them. (OFA stats bear this out).

We should not be dividing. A good breeder is a good breeder and a bad one a bad, no matter what it is that they breed.

We need to start by getting the message out about farm/mill bred dogs no matter from what heritage.
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17-06-2009, 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by rubylover View Post
Again, your prejudice. I read another poster here with a doodle bred from tested parents, and I have a good friend on her 7th Cockapoo (over 35 years) from a breeder who uses a Ch Toy Poodle stud - also fully health tested.

As to the false illusion that SOME owners of Doodles appear to be under, what about the false illusion sold here continuously that "purebred and registered" automatically means quality.

There are a HUGE amount of people who put a lot of stock into that piece of paper believing registries wouldn't entertain registering poorly bred purebreds and litters from stock not health tested. What about putting a message out about that illusion?

I am continuously amazed that posters will rail against the doodles with blanket statements while simultaniously forgetting to mention the fact that the vast majority of purebreds are bred and registered without health testing behind them. (OFA stats bear this out).

We should not be dividing. A good breeder is a good breeder and a bad one a bad, no matter what it is that they breed.

We need to start by getting the message out about farm/mill bred dogs no matter from what heritage.
I actually completely agree with you here.

I put breeders of purebred dogs that breed solely for profit or other ridiculous reasons ('I want my child to see the miracle of birth!') right up with all other irresponsible breeders...purebred, crossbred and otherwise.

But, I hope you can see the point I am trying to make about Doodles. Some Doodle breeders/owners seem to believe that they are producing overall healthier dogs (and I dare say drill this into their puppy buyers as a selling point) but have no way of proving this as they do not health test.
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17-06-2009, 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by rubylover View Post
On page 7 you posted "Exactly, breeds where bred for a purpose, there is already a breed to suite every purpose anyone would ever need."

Yes, and is`nt there?? is there not already a breed of dog to suite every porpose ..including family pets already.

On page 9 you posted "The only step that is being made in the movement of cross breeds is to make money.. nothing more nothing less."

And what other reason would someone come up with a silly name like a doodle for... other that to make money by duping peopel into believing they have a new breed[

These broad sweeping statements tell me that you do have something against purposely bred crosses and mongrels - as you refuse to believe, despite other poster's explanations, that there could be very legitimate reasons for these crosses.

I think I already said that.. nothing against the dogs, plenty against the breeders who do it.

As someone who has grown up with xbreeds.mongrels, I can hardly have an aversion to them....there is no prejudice against them.... a dog is a dog , and wil give complete love to its owner no matter its breeding.

But as ther are many thousands of x breeds in rescues across the country.. needing homes.. why add to that wieght by purposely breeding more Xbreeds ...

As this is my heritage and the tradition in my own family I am insulted by that. It is a very pompous attitude, but I can see you own it without reservation. I happen to disagree with it which is why I posted. Each to their own as there will be no convincing either way I'm sure.

As we seem to have a major cultural difference and attitude to dog , I guess we never will see it eye to eye.

As for being pompous.. well I see it from what we see here in the UK.... to many Designer breeds being bred from unhealth tested dogs, ending up in rescue, not what it is claimed to be on the box...with buyers being exploited by unscrupulous breeders.. if that makes me pompous , so be it

No different that the price and ethics of why the vast majority of purebred dogs are bred (especially here as they are a rare commodity).

Well in the UK they are not in such decline... you have to remeber we have a huge population of pedigree dogs here, along with plenty of mutts and accidental crosses....

Ethics should be at the forefront of any breeder.. and that is where the designer ones fall down.. well at least here any way.

The majority of dogs are bred to become people's companions. That is how it should be. People will spend out of pocket whatever they think that is worth to them and it is entirely their choice if they want a mix or a purebred dog.

Most People who own mixed breeds in this country will have either got one from a shelter.. or from a accident mating... but the difference is that they are under no illusions as to them being anything other....and more importantly will not be paying silly prices for them, we also have many working terriers of mixed heratige.. they are bred to work... but that is not the same as disgner breeding.... they are whaty is written on the box... working terriers/lurchers...

Keep in mind the Cavalier is a rare breed here rising in popularity (in a similar situation to some doodle types) If you would like I'll link you to threads on breeder forums where Cavalier breeders who claim they are reputable explain their high price tag. Frankly, I don't buy their explanation, but many do and therefore wait on waiting lists and travel far to find their high priced purebred from their "reputable" purebred breeder.

But not here, so keep in mind, we will not be able to see it from your point of view..we will comment on what we know...

This is a great example of the fact that there are some purebred breeders just as ready to gorge the public as some of the crossbred breeders. Oh, but they can justify their price . . . of course.

People who buy the "fad" doodle and believe false claims are the same idiots that'll buy the "in fad" purebred from the mill without at first researching their traits.

How can you buy a "fad" pedigree... a fad is something that is in one minute and gone the next.

You are making no improvements in the dog situation by slamming mixbred breeders and dogs and slating them all as the same when we a know that there are some who are doing as good a job (if not better) than any purebred dog breeder

that may be so in Canada... but here it is a different story

You talk here of random crosses, again showing your prejudice as not all crosses are random. When crossbred breeders are using good stock and doing the proper pedigree research and health testing it is no more pot luck than the poor health that goes with many of the purebred dogs.

Most of these designer breeds will be the result of F1 matings... you cant get any more random that that.... you cant pick and choose what you want and what you don't want in the resulting puppies...

Health testing is another matter.... if you test your stock for ALL of the genetic breed ailments... you are not playing Russian Roulette....

The poor health in these pedigree dogs, will not miraculously disappear in the resulting X breeds..

You will have to remeber , that the majority of members on this board are from the UK..and as such will give opinions on what we know...

If your culture is different , you may need to take that on board, and not take things as a personal insult ..

We speak on what WE see here and the results of such breedings
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17-06-2009, 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by labradork View Post
I actually completely agree with you here.

I put breeders of purebred dogs that breed solely for profit or other ridiculous reasons ('I want my child to see the miracle of birth!') right up with all other irresponsible breeders...purebred, crossbred and otherwise.

But, I hope you can see the point I am trying to make about Doodles. Some Doodle breeders/owners seem to believe that they are producing overall healthier dogs (and I dare say drill this into their puppy buyers as a selling point) but have no way of proving this as they do not health test.
I do see that point, and it is true of many, not just some, just as it is true of many of the purebred breeders.

My problem is that by blanket condemning those that breed mixes we are teaching people not to look at "how" dogs are bred but to look at "what" is being bred.

That is at cross purposes to the message that should be sent out. I cannot begin to tell of the horrid socialization conditions I faced in two mills (both selling Canadian Kennel Club registered dogs) that I came across while looking for my spaniels. If I had not noticed how completely unsocialized the pups were and insisted on going back to the barn at both these places I would have fallen for the breeders claim that they were breeding well (both showed and had champions and health tested).

I am older and had some experience especially with pups. I hate to think of all those less experienced who are taken in.

I did notice that I missed a couple of your bolded points from the page before.

"Even dogs bred to be companions, which are the majority, should come from health tested stock."


Most small breeds require eye/patella tests. Most large breeds require eye/hip tests. That would be a starting point for mixed bred dogs.

'Better' breeders are by far the minority though! trawl through the local free-ads in your local many are 'designer' crossbreeds? the majority are over here. I see more ad's for 'designer' crossbreeds than purebreds. Not one of the ad's mentions health testing of any sort.

Unfortunately here purebreds are as well represented as mixed, but the purebreds fetch the highest prices. (At 10% of the dog population they hold some prestige.) As the vast majority of pups born in Alberta are mutts, people are less prepared to pay a high price for one (designer named or not) than a purebred.

I believe our bigger enemy are those unethical that are pitching their purebreds as more valuable as buyers can then go on and breed from them and make some money themselves - "hump and dump breeders" I believe the Terrierman calls them. These are the breeders who have my ire, and there are lots of them.
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17-06-2009, 07:31 PM
i have recently seen advertised "sprorkies"...... yep Springer x yorkie..... springer being the mum. am intrigued would they be little like yorkies and look like a springer or viceversa??
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17-06-2009, 07:44 PM
I did want to mention before I left for work that Jackbox, you seem to be of the impression the purebred here is on the decline. Not true. It has just never caught on. We've always been a mutt loving country.

In the USA, as well, I read that only 25% are purebred. I can't see there ever have being more. This speaks to obviously a large cultural difference in our view of dogs and dog breeding.
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17-06-2009, 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Most of these designer breeds will be the result of F1 matings... you cant get any more random that that.... you cant pick and choose what you want and what you don't want in the resulting puppies...

Health testing is another matter.... if you test your stock for ALL of the genetic breed ailments... you are not playing Russian Roulette....

The poor health in these pedigree dogs, will not miraculously disappear in the resulting X breeds..

You will have to remeber , that the majority of members on this board are from the UK..and as such will give opinions on what we know...

If your culture is different , you may need to take that on board, and not take things as a personal insult ..

We speak on what WE see here and the results of such breedings
Very good post and very true.

Originally Posted by rubylover View Post
I did want to mention before I left for work that Jackbox, you seem to be of the impression the purebred here is on the decline. Not true. It has just never caught on. We've always been a mutt loving country.

In the USA, as well, I read that only 25% are purebred. I can't see there ever have being more. This speaks to obviously a large cultural difference in our view of dogs and dog breeding.
Rubylover, I'm always intrigued by your posts. We going to be immigrating your side (Alberta) in the next few years and I'm curious to know what the dog situation is out there as we'll probably get our second (if we do) when we're there rather than take two over.

Back on topic though, excellent thread people, really interesting PoVs, Becky that post/quote is excellent and sums up what I've been thinking/feeling all along.

My only concern on this is that a) they are not only ''potentially'' being bred un-ethically for high prices (yes, I do accept that isn't just designer dogs) but that b) does anyone truly no the long term health implications of these ''breeds''?

Yes, they are all cross breeds from way back, but that was years and years ago and (despite the un-ethical mumbos) generally the health issues have all been identified and in time, I hope will be eradicated. OK, wishful thinking, but I think generally Becky's quote says it all in terms of ''can of worms''.
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17-06-2009, 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Tassle View Post
There is a lady who does HtM (she has also trained it to be her assitance dog) with a smooth haired one....I always point people towards her when they say that they always come out with the poodle coat
She was the first and only Labradoodle I have seen in the flesh, I thought she was a Saluki cross
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17-06-2009, 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
Ewwwwwwwww, that name needs changing for sure............conjured up thoughts of a big infected spot ready to burst

I'd always heard that particular cross as a Puggle!

Actually i think you'll find a Puggle is a Pug crossed with a Beagle

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17-06-2009, 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Skyesmum View Post
Actually i think you'll find a Puggle is a Pug crossed with a Beagle

Someone posted a picture of one on here a while ago. It was bloody gorgeous, I have to say.
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