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Loki's mum
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18-04-2010, 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post
I never suggested you were harming your dog, just that they may well use their whiskers and so why cut them

I have long nails usualy, if one breaks it feels odd for a while, I have to remember I dont have a nail there, I do 'use' my long nails. I get used to not having one in a wee while, it dosent harm me to have one broken - but I prrefer to have the use of them

So in the great big scheme of things it prob isnt a big deal to cut the dogs whiskers - but why do it?? Why on earth would a breed standard have that in it - it dosent help the dogs working ability

I was thinking about the other grooming things
1st, I think its wrong the way humans manipulate animals for nothing more than fashion so they are unable to care for themselves and need human help - its cruel when the animals find themselves in situations where they are not cared for
not just dogs but all animalss

I think if you are grooming to remove hair then you are hiding something - the judge dosent get to judge the whole dog - as has been said in this thread there could be anything in the ring from totaly hairless CC to powderpuffs but they are clipped to look the same
Why not just show them natural, if the excess hair causes skin problems then thats a fault - and should be corrected in the breeding

I know many will disagree with me - fine - its my opinion

I dont think everyone who shows is cruel, I dont think all the dogs are badly treated but if for winning a show a dog has to have an unatural life (hair in papers) if its grooming means a huge unatural haircut - some even with extra hair added to make them more poofy
Thats not right IMO

If dogs are underexercised for fear their coats will loose condition
If the dogs are benched for a full day

and lots of other things - That is wrong!
totally agree with this -I know someone who has TTs who exercises her dogs daily even though they are in full coat, and they are still treated as dogs. She was telling me about another TT exhibitor whose dogs are only ever walked before a bath. So sad. You will find though that such behaviour is frowned upon by most show people. As for benching, at a show, mine will spend a lot of the day on benches, especially on a hot day as the tents are cooler. They wouldn't appreciate being taken round the stalls and walked around all day believe me! On a normal day they spend most of the day snoozing in their kennel at work (which is indoors in the same room I work in) and that is their routine. I like to keep to the same routine otherwise they will become unsettled and will not show as well.

Most show people try to do their best by their dogs. A few bad apples are in every bunch, but they are the minority. Most pet dog owners never walk their dogs or interact with them at all. We, on Dogsey are the minority of dog owners. I bet people think we are nutters for how much we put into our dogs! Most show people are just dog owners who are passionate about showing their dogs and would always put their dog's welfare first.
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18-04-2010, 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Tassle View Post
We loves our Whiskers

I understand the theory about the dog not 'needing' them....but I'm afraid I like the whiskers....I do have a couple of dogs I cut where the owners specifically want the face shaved which is their choice at the end of the day. I am sure the dogs cope fine....but not something I like doing.
Good picture and super view of whiskers. I wonder if the fact I have never noticed them on our twoyounger dogs is because being white so are the whiskers and its odd our older girl has none but then I wonder if thats because of her thyroid disease
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18-04-2010, 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by random View Post
On the whiskers note, my girls whiskers are tiny and short and close to the face, all of the girls, hardly noticeable and Bear's even more so, they are hardly here nor there. Charlies are huge like cat whiskers. Point is, could the whiskers be 'evolving' away anyway, they are nothing like a wolfs, but then a domestic dog is nothing like a wolf...

For those saying it's cruel, shows how little you actually know about showing.

On the OP, sorry I know diddly squat about CCs.
That's the Spaniel in him Kel, they're all the same!

Ever since Isla was spayed she's started growing a moustache. Reminds me of me Gran!
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18-04-2010, 07:22 PM
Yet they go out and by purebred dogs or mongrel
A mongrel is a dog of unknown parentage, the poodle crosses are just that - a poodle crossed with another purebred dog

I didnt say you were running mongrels down, bless them, my nephew has a brilliant little mongrel and a real wee "man" he is

What I was trying to point out was that you had put people who bought the crossbreeds had bought a crossbreed and not a mongrel, crossbreed being a cross of two pedigree dogs not of the same breeds
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18-04-2010, 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Velvetboxers View Post
A mongrel is a dog of unknown parentage, the poodle crosses are just that - a poodle crossed with another purebred dog

I didnt say you were running mongrels down, bless them, my nephew has a brilliant little mongrel and a real wee "man" he is

What I was trying to point out was that you had put people who bought the crossbreeds had bought a crossbreed and not a mongrel, crossbreed being a cross of two pedigree dogs not of the same breeds
Sorry i dont do all this technical stuff..Cross breed, mongrel, what ever you wish to call it, it all means the same to me.
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18-04-2010, 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by AllyLambell View Post
At the end of the day nothing I say will change people's misconceptions about crossbreeds and the whole reason we are all on here is because of our dogs... pedigree, crossbreed or mongrel they are all dogs and pedigrees only came about because of human interference; luckily dogs don't have any conception of bias towards pedigrees or against crosses and mongrels. I didn't get a poodle type looking doodle because if I wanted a poodle I would have got one; I wanted what we got, 2 f1s who are health tested and healthy. More importantly, they are happy and well loved; they will live with us forever and they will get the best they deserve. We don't clip their whiskers off nor cut them into poncy styles; we don't show them as they are our pets and we prefer dogs to have the life of a dog - end of...we are entitled to our opinion as are everyone else and as no-one has managed to explain why their dogs are epilatored, shaved, whiskers cut off etc then I have no reason to change my opinion.
Why should people explain how they present there dog for a show, it doesnt harm them .. so whats it to anyone else?
Plus maybe you would like to exaplain how your two dogs are now from decent breeders when before you have said one was brought from the back of a shed, from a breeder that didnt care let alone test! no you dont need to explain to us, as its nothing to do with us! Just like how people present there dogs has nothing to do with others!
what makes me laugh is these people that think they know everything about dogs shows yet havent attended, maybe you should all come to a show and see how much people really love there dogs and wouldnt see anything done to harm them!
Until then people need to stop judging, yes have an opinion on what you THINK you know, but to judge everyone on something you no nothing about is disgusting! I guess all labradoodle breeders are back yard breeders? no didnt think so, not every show person keeps there dogs cramped in cages or only cares about winning either.

Judging a book by its cover and branding all show people the same is for small minded people.
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18-04-2010, 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Ripsnorterthe2nd View Post
Dogs didn't evolve naturally though did they? We made them the way we wanted them, big, small, long, short, short faces, long faces, prick ears, drop ears and so on. It doesn't benefit the dog, but it's not detrimental to them either - I have proof of that in my Springer. I do it because that's what I choose to do and considering it's not harming my dog I'd continue to do it if I choose to.

I'm willing to bet if it had never been mentioned and you saw a dog without whiskers you wouldn't even notice. I've never had anyone comment on the fact my dog has no whiskers and only 1 lay person comment on the fact my Spaniel is in a show trim as opposed to left natural.

So no, I don't think it looks weird at all, she looks blimmin' gorgeous, but then I'm biased!

Have to agree with that bit!! I wonder how many would actually notice a dog with clipped whiskers to one that is not.

Originally Posted by chaz View Post
Is there any reason apart from the breed standard that you'd cut the wiskers, and is that a good enough reason?
No breed standard requires whiskers to be clipped, it grooming Chaz, pure and simple, just like any other form of grooming, some dogs have more whiskers than others,

Have to ask Chaz, how many dogs have you actually seen and noticed if they have whiskers or not.

Originally Posted by AllyLambell View Post
At the end of the day nothing I say will change people's misconceptions about crossbreeds and the whole reason we are all on here is because of our dogs... pedigree, crossbreed or mongrel they are all dogs and pedigrees only came about because of human interference; luckily dogs don't have any conception of bias towards pedigrees or against crosses and mongrels. I didn't get a poodle type looking doodle because if I wanted a poodle I would have got one; I wanted what we got, 2 f1s who are health tested and healthy. More importantly, they are happy and well loved; they will live with us forever and they will get the best they deserve. We don't clip their whiskers off nor cut them into poncy styles; we don't show them as they are our pets and we prefer dogs to have the life of a dog - end of...we are entitled to our opinion as are everyone else and as no-one has managed to explain why their dogs are epilatored, shaved, whiskers cut off etc then I have no reason to change my opinion.

Maybe if you find someone who uses an epilator on their dogs coat, you may get your answer..but the rest shaving /trimming, has been explained to you on numerous occasions.

I think you are reading bias where it is not one is biased against mongrels /crossbreeds.. please find any post that states this.

What some are against is the deliberate breeding of crossbreeds for what is simple monetary gain.

What makes me find a little hard to understand is your outrage at show people grooming their dogs for the ring, your misconception that the dogs are not treated well, are locked away when they are not showing, they dont have the life of a normal dog.... yet you champion the breeding of deliberate crosses , that are purely done because they fetch silly amounts of money.. from breeders that have had no thought to health , temperament , type...testing their breeding stock... you say your dogs are f1`s and health tested.. I am not sure if you understand , but its not the offsprings that need health tested...(unless you plan to breed them) but the parents of your f1`s... where they health screened for any genetic or hereditary conditions. for both breeds... now that would be interesting to know. have you seen certificates of hip and other screening of both your dogs parentage.

Because other wise it sounds rather hypercritical that you are calling out the show dog owner who grooms and clips their dogs, but have little condemnation of the indiscriminate breeding of the doodles, you say yourself you and others like them because their is no uniformity to them, you like the fact they are all indevidual.... in other words, people are breeding crossbreeds with no thought to what they look like, and stick a silly name to them.

I think the house you are in , needs to get itself in order, before you critisise others ,
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18-04-2010, 09:39 PM
"Originally posted by Jackbox"

Have to agree with that bit!! I wonder how many would actually notice a dog with clipped whiskers to one that is not.

What about our Rosie who has none? I wonder if she is the only dog who hasnt got any - unless of course other hypothyroid dogs are all whiskerless!

Could you tell a naturally [I say naturally loosely as obviously its not natural] whiskerless dog from a clipped one

Originally posted by DevildogZ

Cross breed, mongrel, what ever you wish to call it, it all means the same to me.

Well you are of course entitled to your opinion - not everyone will agree with it
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18-04-2010, 09:45 PM
and thats fine i dont ask everyone to agree..- what i will say though, is i never refered to a labradoodle as a mongel, like your making out! Infact i didnt refere to any particle dog as a mongrel.

there are many opinions on here i dont agree with..but hey you cant please them all )
Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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18-04-2010, 10:25 PM
I have to say I loves the whiskers too
I cant get a decent foto but both mine have lovely whiskery eybrows, full whiskers on the nose and a couple out the bottom of the chin like a catfish - I love em!
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