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07-09-2011, 07:36 PM
Ahhh thanks Layla, missed these posts when I was replying earlier, will go check tthem out. They've got him on 227mg of previcox & 900mg of flexivet per day.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Hugs for the Lollop. Tell him I love him very much.
Aw I will do Malka, thankyou x

Originally Posted by Tassle View Post
I'm so sorry to hear this.

((huge Hugs)) for you and him.

See what the specialist says...
Thanks H,after seeing the state of his xrays tonight, I'm now thinking the specialist is the way to go x

Originally Posted by smokeybear View Post

Well there are loads around especially combination products.

The constitutuents you are looking for (or single products) are:

Hylauranic Acid
Green Lipped Muscle
Fish Body Oil (plus Vitamin E)
Vitamin C
Devils Claw

Acupuncture is an option
Magnets work for some

None of the above are CURES but they can manage the progression and keep the dog balanced and mobile.
The vet has mentioned physio & hydrotherapy, but told me to check insurance first. Hes also said there were alot of supplements. Thanks for the list x

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Afraid I have no suggestions as when I thought this may be the way to go with Ollie it wasn't so didn't get to make any decisions or choices or do any research. Not sure what difference thre is like you say in the joint supplement food to the joint supplements themselves. I would say the supplements would be a better choice as the foods as far as I am aware do not carry near enough supplement especially for a large dog.

Although I can offer no real helpful contribution I am here to offer support to you and to offer (((hugs))) which I feel you are going to need a lot of.
Thankkyou Lynn, I have a feeling you are very right there xxx

Originally Posted by cava14una View Post
Really sorry you have had this news{{{hugs}} Good that they have faxed x rays to specialist I think one day at a time is the way to go at the moment.

You are totally knocked sideways at the moment take time to come to terms with it and then think about the way ahead
Ive got that much running through my head I didnt even phone the insurance company tonight for fear of talking aload of rot! Thanks Cava xx

Originally Posted by angelmist View Post
I am so sorry to be hearing this, I really hoped it wouldn't be as bad as they expected. Big hugs to you both.

You say you know the breeder, do you know the lineage of his Northern Inuit half?
Thanks AM, we don't know 'for sure' what Khals parents were, I have piccies of his mum who was a german shephard x saarloos apparantly, but as Layla said if the pic of the husky they sent was his dad then her tupac is a we're still totally in the dark bout his dad xx

Originally Posted by Deb/Pugglepup View Post
I am so, so sorry for Khal and you. We know you will know exactly what to do for him.

I am sure that your vet will have LOADS of suggestions this afternoon when you pick him up.

Sending LOADS of positive vibes your way.

Debs xxxxx
Heres hoping I manage tofigure out the right route to take, thanks Deb xx

Originally Posted by lisa01uk87 View Post
oh no poor khal {hugs} you xx
Thanksyou Lisa xx

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
I think it would be money well spent quite honestly Bev, and should be around £100 or so (ish?) When we see a specialist it's about £150 quid, and boy, do they know their stuff compared to a gp, so it'll be the same with a canine specialist in whatever field. My friend had a serious problem with her dog when it was injured during play, and all the vets at our RCVS animal hospital couldn't even get it right until she saw that specialist, who honed in on it straight away, afterall, that's what they do "specialise"!

I know your head must be in a twirl, no wonder you couldn't read what you'd written down when the vet rang you, but when you're all quiet at home tonight, write down all the questions you want to ask for that specialist, or if you're not taking that route, then ask them to your vet.

Don't forget also, what you vet sees in the x-rays is not necessarily what the specialist will see, he could have seen this a hundred times over, and will have valuable experience and knowledge to pass on to you about how to cope with it from his experience with previous dogs.

Poor boy, so young, you must be heartbroken that he won't be able to chase those seagulls anymore Something will come up Bev, I'm sure there's a way to cope with this, control it, and keep him pain free, and hopefully improve things along the way. All the best mate.xxxx
I have decided to go ahead with the specialist, Thanks Mrs B, I'll explain all below. It is hard that he is so young & so full of energy having been told no hardground off lead exercise I am totally heartbroken, he just loves running & running & running! xxxxx

Originally Posted by Bitkin View Post
Oh heck - all I can offer is vast amounts of sympathy and cuddles.

I am sure that when you are able to think rationally you will start to find the right positive routes to take.
Thankyou, I'm hoping that the insurance will cough up for everything I want to do for him..

Well, I picked him up from vet at 5:30, the vet told me that the X-rays were the worst he'd seen in a long time in such a young dog. He showed me the xrays of a healthy dog & then Khals...& all I can say is wow poor boy. There is no ball joint in either hip & everytime he does anything strenous it looks like the left one has been dislocating, as its worn down a part of the cartlidge that should never be touched & has started making an indent.

The vet is more worried about the arthritis as he says it has a good hold on his legs & once that takes hold with a vengance then there is very little they can do.

The vet told me to check my insurance policy tHen mentioned referring Khal for hydrotherapy & physiotherapy aswell as the supplements etc and also mentioned the specialist. He recommended I go see him for a chat, even if I get nothing done there, the specialist can maybe 'think outside the box' for extra treatments. They had faxed over the xrays but the specialist hadnt had time to take a look at them. He doesnt recommend Khal has a hip replacement done as it wouldn't benefit him in the long run with the arthritis.

The specialist is in Christchurch, not sure where that is as havent googled yet. They've got Khal on 227mg of previcox & 900mg flexivet which I think is glucosamine?(sp). I have to see how he goes on these tablets & we have another appointment on the 20th Sept. Plenty of short onlead walks, a very soft comfy bed of some form & try to keep him off the cold floors, that shouldnt be hard as he spends more time on the settee than I do!

Thankyou so much for being here for us guys, its gonna be a long haul & we needs ya all...

Big kisses & lapdog hugs from the big fella xxx
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07-09-2011, 07:48 PM
Well at least he's home Christchurch appears to be in Dorset
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07-09-2011, 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by cava14una View Post
Well at least he's home Christchurch appears to be in Dorset
Ahh thankyou, thats about 250 miles from me. Ok so at least I know where we'd be headed to yes he is certainly home & as you can see, very comfy x
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07-09-2011, 08:07 PM
Oh bless his sweet heart Bev, it's just not bladdy fair is it It happens though. My brother lost is beautiful german shepherd at only 4 years old due to this, and he had done everything right, the dog came from fantastic lines in Germany where he was living, it's just sod's law sometimes.

A friend of mine had hip problems when she was approaching 40, and she had x-rays and was booked to see a specialist. There she sat in his consulting room waiting for him to appear, and a bloke poked his head around the door, and then apologised and said he was in the wrong room. Ten minutes later, he came back, and said he WAS in fact in the right room, but he expected to have seen a 90 year old woman sat in the chair instead of somebody her age from the state of her x-rays and her hips!!! So there ya go, she came from good stock too, you just can't odds it.

Give him a big cuddle and tell him you are going to do your very best for him, which if I know you, you most certainly will.xxxxx
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07-09-2011, 08:24 PM
Oh my god, I've only just caught this thread as I've been on holiday. How bloody unfair. Poor Khal, its just not right. You've been amazing, you've turned his life around. And to then find out such awful news must be heart breaking. Im so sorry. I have no advice as luckily never been through it. But there has been some great advice from others and I hope it helps you decide which path to follow. I know you will do the best for the big man. Big hugs for Khal and for you too. Sounds like you need them right now. Tilly and Gracie send healing licks too. xx
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07-09-2011, 08:48 PM
So sorry to hear this, but it's not always as bad as it first seems.
I had Teagans hips x-rayed, and my vet said she had HD and arthritis, her hips were full of spurrs, put her on medication for life, and only on lead walks 15 pers day for life (she was just over 1 1/2), and said she needed double hip replacement.

I asked for a referal to an ortho specialist, and also sent her x-rays off for scoring. Scores came back at 86 (very high), and we went off to the specialist - it wasn't cheap - about £1k for consultation.
They looked at x-rays, did their own, manipulated, felt etc etc, and said yes she has very bad HD & arthritis, no she doesn't have any spurrs, no she doesn't need medication forever, nor does she always need onlead exercise, and especially not a hip replacement.

They said keep her nuscle tone up (was already good), and give her supplements.

Well she's now 7 1/2, still not had any medication, runs offlead, goes up and down stairs.
I put her on Arden Grange food as it had the supplements in, I also gave her extra supplements, took her swimming whenever possible, and let her decide when enough exercise was enough (orthos advice).
She's dying of cancer now, but her hips don't cause her problems!
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07-09-2011, 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Oh bless his sweet heart Bev, it's just not bladdy fair is it It happens though. My brother lost is beautiful german shepherd at only 4 years old due to this, and he had done everything right, the dog came from fantastic lines in Germany where he was living, it's just sod's law sometimes.

A friend of mine had hip problems when she was approaching 40, and she had x-rays and was booked to see a specialist. There she sat in his consulting room waiting for him to appear, and a bloke poked his head around the door, and then apologised and said he was in the wrong room. Ten minutes later, he came back, and said he WAS in fact in the right room, but he expected to have seen a 90 year old woman sat in the chair instead of somebody her age from the state of her x-rays and her hips!!! So there ya go, she came from good stock too, you just can't odds it.

Give him a big cuddle and tell him you are going to do your very best for him, which if I know you, you most certainly will.xxxxx
Thats so true H, I certainly wouldnt have bet on Khal having dodgy hips, after everything hes been through already you would have thought the lad would have deserved a bit of slack to enjoy life to the max wouldnt ya.
I guess its sohard to come to terms with as I was expecting to let him live life to the max, be it chasing seagulls, running through the water at the speed of light , had this vision of a superfit, extra happy boyo...& now I've had to come to the stage of deciding on treatment for him as opposed to 'where can I take him for his next off lead jaunt!' does that make sense by any chance? lol I love him totally , wether hes on lead , off lead, well, poorly, grumpy, doped up to the eyeballs, chewing stuff...whatever!! xxx

Originally Posted by tillytheterrier View Post
Oh my god, I've only just caught this thread as I've been on holiday. How bloody unfair. Poor Khal, its just not right. You've been amazing, you've turned his life around. And to then find out such awful news must be heart breaking. Im so sorry. I have no advice as luckily never been through it. But there has been some great advice from others and I hope it helps you decide which path to follow. I know you will do the best for the big man. Big hugs for Khal and for you too. Sounds like you need them right now. Tilly and Gracie send healing licks too. xx
Thankyou, there has been great advice...& lots of hugsssssss!!! Keep em coming, we sure need them. I hope you enjoyed ur holibobs xxx
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07-09-2011, 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Hevvur View Post
So sorry to hear this, but it's not always as bad as it first seems.
I had Teagans hips x-rayed, and my vet said she had HD and arthritis, her hips were full of spurrs, put her on medication for life, and only on lead walks 15 pers day for life (she was just over 1 1/2), and said she needed double hip replacement.

I asked for a referal to an ortho specialist, and also sent her x-rays off for scoring. Scores came back at 86 (very high), and we went off to the specialist - it wasn't cheap - about £1k for consultation.
They looked at x-rays, did their own, manipulated, felt etc etc, and said yes she has very bad HD & arthritis, no she doesn't have any spurrs, no she doesn't need medication forever, nor does she always need onlead exercise, and especially not a hip replacement.

They said keep her nuscle tone up (was already good), and give her supplements.

Well she's now 7 1/2, still not had any medication, runs offlead, goes up and down stairs.
I put her on Arden Grange food as it had the supplements in, I also gave her extra supplements, took her swimming whenever possible, and let her decide when enough exercise was enough (orthos advice).
She's dying of cancer now, but her hips don't cause her problems!
Thankyou for that Hevvur, at least that gives us some glimmer of hope. Khal doesnt have any muscle tone at all, the vet asked would I know why & I said we had started off lead walking/training/running etc when I firts got him here,but he was suffering with limping so kept him onlead, but other than that he hasnt had any offlead walks or proper runs prior to him coming to me.
I iwll have a look at Arden Grnge aswell as all the supplements that are available.
If I left it to Khal to decide when it was enough he'd never stop...hes like that, typical stubborn fella!
Sorry to hear about Teagans cancer xx
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07-09-2011, 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Rubster View Post
If I left it to Khal to decide when it was enough he'd never stop...hes like that, typical stubborn fella!
Sorry to hear about Teagans cancer xx
Teagan doesn't either lol
On holiday once we walked for 9 miles, got back to the B&B and she wanted to play in the field they had!

I hope things go well, and we're all here for you
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07-09-2011, 09:10 PM
Oh no! So sorry Poor boy, and poor you! (((hugs)))
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