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22-11-2010, 01:16 PM
Battersea Dogs Home does not have 43% SBT PUPPY residency - they are unwanted adult dogs and 43% residency is abnormally high for one particular breed of dog.

The topic is (see REMINDER) are they more aggressive than other dogs? I don't think so - I think it is the public's perception due to Breed Specific Legislation which is all hype.

Whether they are popular or not would be another thread altogether.
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22-11-2010, 01:32 PM
very interesting thread.... as the owner of staffs im very used to people being cautious of my dogs, although none of mine are dog or people aggresive, i dont mind people being `cautious` but i hate people instantly assuming staffs are nasty aggresive dogs. I think being cautious around any dog, regardless of breed, is sensible.... i`ve had the total opposite where people have bent down and shoved their face into Ronnie ???? Ronnie being Ronnie was fine but what if he hadnt been? he would have been blamed if he had bitten that person and yet again it would have been `another dangerous staffy story`... im totally aware of the ability my dogs have to inflict serious injury on other dogs and people ( as much as i believe i know my dogs i would never trust them 100% as i would never trust any dog i owned 100%, i cant read their minds unfortunately), so me being aware means i keep my dogs safe and other dogs and the general public safe. I dispise all these chavvy idiotic bull type owners who want their dogs to be/appear aggresive they are a menace to society and are by no stretch of the imagination dog lovers as they are risking their own dogs lives just so they can look hard.... ............... must say that i know many staffy owners who do not fall into the `chav` catagory and they have well balanced dogs its not all bad news x yes Staffies can be dangerous in the wrong hands but surely so can any dog......
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22-11-2010, 07:07 PM
My wee staff was socialised from day one with my six other dogs, dogs I trained and in my obedience classes so I don't agree it is all about how they are brought up. I also introduced her to horses, cows, took her to the train station, oh and into the shopping centre in a puppy bag!!One of the litter was returned to rescue and am sure if my wee one had gone to a less experienced owner she may have been returned. However on a positive note she is 100% better and begining to respond. She has taught me a lot also. Like some humans she just has a shorter fuse than some. I just need to be aware of her potential. She is gonna be a cracking agility dog, loves to work. As said previously all dogs have the same potential given the right stimulation. As responsible owners we just need to be honest about our furry friends temperament.
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22-11-2010, 07:20 PM
I don't have a Staff but there are plenty around and I think its right to be slightly cautious around new dogs/dogs you dont know, probably all not just staffies though?

I do think its wise to ask if they are ok with dogs and if yes fine, if not then just as well you asked. I dont think people will take offense and assume that you think their dog is a 'dog killer' I think given what Staff's were bred and used for its sensible to be cautious, just because you are cautious dosnt mean you are being insulting, means your being sensible, surely? I would think if their dog is dog aggressive then they will be glad youve given them the space and respect and not allowed your dog over then had a 'situation'.....and if not then great, both you and the other owner know they can greet each other in future.
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22-11-2010, 07:32 PM
We had a lovely calm well-trained one in the top class with us at our training club but the majority of the ones we meet now are dog-aggressive or hyper and the owners have no control over them.

Parker doesn't like them now and I will leash him if I see someone coming with a Staffy. He won reserve best in show this year at a terrier show and the best-in-show was a Staffy so we didn't feature on the photograph as Parker was making "I want to kill you" noises at the Staffy because he felt threatened being too close and on a lead unfortunately! He looked really aggressive (Parker not the Staffy) and normally he is an extremely sociable dog. Very embarrassing.

We had one at our agility club that was agraphobic and the trainer was told this was because the breeder was trying to breed out aggression. The poor dog just wanted to hide in the corner all the time.

I personally don't like the owners they seem to attract in the main (is it prejudiced to say this-just being honest!) as they seem to think they can let their dogs do what they like and it doesn't matter, like the time a bloke with 2 large Staffies let them off his boat and they both charged Cherry and he said we were over-reacting! The Staffy owners we meet let their dogs charge Cherry from the other side of the field where we walk (she is on-lead, partly-sighted) and then have a go at me when I say she is fear-reactive and say I should leave her at home! No, I think-she has 2 obedience trophies and is under control-why don't you train your dogs but I don't waste my breath!
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22-11-2010, 09:03 PM
i have a 2 year old staffy x who is the softest dog i have met. he loves to meet other dogs and play. It annoys me that ppl look and treat me different as i have a staffy. I often walk on the beach with my mother who has 2 collies.both of which can be aggresive to other dogs! 1 is very aggressive and therefore she walks him in an area where other dogs are not present to reduce his stress and so as not to put other ppl in danger.
I agree that staff's have a reputation, that has been bought about by irrisponsible owners. but my main point is that ANY dog CAN be aggressive, through illness, the way bought up,or that is just thier nature.
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22-11-2010, 09:31 PM
I meet and train loads of staffies. Have to say one of the nicest breeds going. I see a few with dog aggression issues (considering I specilise in aggression and off lead control no suprise there) But I see just as many gsds with the same issue, probably a higher percentage of gsds with DA for example.

I find it no harder to fix than any other breed. Sometimes owners seem to give up and just accept it though, sort of breed predujice.
I remember doing a case with a ott staff, I asked why the dog wasn't getting much exercise and they explained he was DA, I pointed out I had a dog in the car (another case) and would they like to have a dog fixing it, after some persuasuion they did and we had the dogs playing in 15 minutes! He was off lead in the park two sessions later.

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22-11-2010, 09:58 PM
I posted to get others views but mainly to get a bit support from like minded people. Instead because I have a staffy I am not liked. I can happily say as a dog lover there is no breed I do not like, some breeds I wouldn't pick but if a rescue needed a home and I had a space I would take it. No wonder the breed gets a hard time if people who are dog lovers have a negative response when they should have the knowledge of our cainine friends to know better. Oh I love my non jugemental furry friends.
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23-11-2010, 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Glenalco View Post
I posted to get others views but mainly to get a bit support from like minded people. Instead because I have a staffy I am not liked. I can happily say as a dog lover there is no breed I do not like, some breeds I wouldn't pick but if a rescue needed a home and I had a space I would take it. No wonder the breed gets a hard time if people who are dog lovers have a negative response when they should have the knowledge of our cainine friends to know better. Oh I love my non jugemental furry friends.
What did I miss?
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23-11-2010, 11:52 AM
The bit about not liking the type of owners staffys attract!!
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