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Do not walk your dog here!

...has received 117 comments (page 10)
Dogsey Veteran
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01-06-2014, 11:31 AM
Antisocial behaviour is a crime that the Local Authorities act on through the courts not just the police.

TW you have had a bad experience of poor policing which is now the leadership of the police force. if no action the answer is to go higher than the officers dealing with the case, if that fails keep going higher until the matter is resolved
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01-06-2014, 11:43 AM
Not only my experience unfortunately. I do know of some excellent police officers, the community guy around here is lovely, and after stuff that happened to me last year, checks I am OK whenever he sees me.
It is all too easy for the charge of racism to be levelled at you in these cases, all they have to say is that there was some sort of racist remark to justify the attack or verbal abuse, so no I have little or no faith in our 'Justice' system these days, just leaves you in a situation where you could face 'retribution'
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Dogsey Veteran
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01-06-2014, 12:04 PM
joedee; that is quite the most superficial, intolerant and naive post ever. it really is. you are not reading what we are saying and your mind is closed totally.

dangerous policy so deeply thankful you are not in any position of authoritiy.

bigoted re anyone who thinks differently; snide re Christians too

MY ! What a revealing post about you!
useless to respond as your eyes and mind say CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED

Iam a devout Christian, living my faith daily and hourly. welcoming all always but obeying the Lord Jesus always. maybe you should read His words. start at matthew 5

You can love without approving. most parents know this

Feel very sick andirty after this and have no intention of returning to this thread which epitomises the very worst of internet forum behaviour.
if you have any manners you will not respond to this and i iwill not read it anyway!

tw again i applaud your wisdom and awareness of reality. bless you!
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Dogsey Veteran
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01-06-2014, 12:04 PM
I think the main problem is that our boarders are now open and we are very much over tolerant to others.

When it comes to councils not allowing public Christmas trees, St Georges flags being raised etc,then it really is a step too far with even the most tolerant and non-racist amongst us objecting and then being levelled with calls of racialism.

We are a relatively small island that is starting to burst at the seams. The 'open door' policy of the moment means that it is impossible to integrate those flooding through our boarders because there are simply too many in too short a time without any increased facilities to accomodate them let alone integrate them properly into the society into which they hope to belong.

It is not racialist, in my opinion, to say that those coming onto our lands should adapt to our way of life, nor to say that we need some breathing space to accommodate those that have already arrived before allowing more to enter.
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Dogsey Senior
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01-06-2014, 12:12 PM
Interesting, so only "foreigners" who are "non Christian" defraud the public purse & cannot speak the Queen's English properly, I hate to disillusion you but in my past life as a Fraud investigator country of origin/race/religion didn't come into it. The vast majority of offenders were born & bred English(as I was based in England)white people who would I presume thought of themselves as Christians as well.

I, as a non Christian, dual nationality, was frequently on the end of obscene language & unintelligible comments from criminals who had never been outside of England. I frequently couldn't understand what they were saying & they had a definite lack of the "Queen's English"
I'm assuming (although may be incorrect) that you are aiming this at me as I stated I work at a CofE school. Most of our children are from atheist families. We have at most 3 children per class who actually attend church outside of school for Christian celebrations and only 3 set of siblings who go to church every Sunday with both parents. We have a Jewish family as well, who due to their beliefs do not come into church with is. Is this a problem? Not at all, as long as they can speak the language and all the children can progress and get equal attention from the teachers.
I am not Christian, I only go to church with the school and previous to that for a wedding. When my OH and I get married it will not be at a church. I have no issue with any religion, just as long as it is not forced onto others but our children are all made aware of what they entail and to respect them.
My comparison just works because it is a CofE school and in one of the very few areas that have a very low % of other religions/nationalities so the ones who are here HAVE to mix in. There are not enough of them to speak their 1st language past their own family.
10 minutes away from this area there is another area that anyone who is white is lucky to go a week without having their car scratched, windows smashed, physically or verbally abused. I have had friends (of various races) who have lived here and all have felt the need to move away. The downside is their houses, because of the area, are only worth a fraction of what they paid for them 20 years ago. My friends as I said, have included different religions, cultures and counties of origin but have all moved away or trying to because of the violence and none acceptance of others.

Any then there are the 'little' things like the number of places that only serve halal meat in schools, restaurants and takeaways. Even places like mcdonalds, burger kind and subway (to name a few) are serving only halal meat and cutting any pork items out of their menu.
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Dogsey Senior
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01-06-2014, 12:55 PM
"If you want to talk about roots, the Native Americans have the true roots here yet they have absolutely no power and almost don't exist"

"Native Americans", who coined that phrase? Historically most of the various tribes didn't claim any land, they were nomadic and were originally Europeans, they just walked over from Siberia and Mongolia and put up their wickiups where they pleased.

The Declaration of Independence had nothing at all to do with Native Americans, merely independence from England, pfftt.
They are regarded by most Americans as the founding fathers of The USA.

Most of the Native American tribes who have modernized are now doing very well. And I speak from having visited many of their tribal lands where they now run Casinos, tourist excursions, arts and crafts, etc.
My forum name is after all Apache, having spent many years visiting their lands.

Re. Nations - Who gets to chose about who gets to live in a place?
Well that's called a nation state, the people who live there decide to elect a government, the government recruit armed forces to protect the state from invaders. They also, as representatives of the people, decide which incomers are allowed to live there and preserve the values and way of life of the people who elected them. Unfortunately because our government signed away our rights, we can no longer choose who lives here.
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Dogsey Veteran
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01-06-2014, 01:02 PM
I have NOT aimed my post at you SarahJade, if it was I would have mentioned you by name.

I presume that I must be very naïve to think that the people I took to court successfully for benefit fraud are typical across the country & the cities I worked in were atypical of the rest of the country. The cities must have been isolated from the rest of the UK. Strange that as they all had a high minority of non Caucasian residents, some of whom were 5th/6th generation immigrants & who spoke with a decided local accent.

What evidence does anyone have that the majority of benefit fraudsters are Muslim/Immigrants ? Must have changed drastically over the last couple years

As for McDonald's etc cutting pork from their menu's really ?? I'm a vegan so I would like to see ALL animal products removed from ALL menus does that make me wrong as well ?? Probably as I'm wrong about everything else
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Almost a Veteran
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01-06-2014, 01:02 PM
Sarah Jade, that is mostly a cultural thing though, not a religious! In 'ghettos' you will get plenty of christian people who don't speak English, for example if they are Polish. They're white people with a christian background, but the same problem can happen in regards to integration etc.

On the other hand, it's important to see that whenever a country is in turmoil and unstable, people tend to cling on to their religion because it's the only thing they can still have faith in. It's also something the government can use to unite people or to separate people. Same thing is happening in western countries if you look closely.

Look at Iran, for example. A secular state during the Pahlavi Dynasty, it became an Islamic state after the Iranian Revolution and Khomeini took over, imposing the mandatory hijab to be worn by women (the veil most of the time mistakenly called a burqa, the burqa is actually the full veil with a 'net' in front of the eyes, which is rarely seen over here).
Women in Iran were mostly outraged at that, but anyone saying anything was simply killed, or tortured, or both. This is how you infiltrate a country and start brainwashing people.
Not unlike Hitler during the second world war, who managed to get people to hate and kill jewish people, black people, homosexuals, handicapped people etc.

Anyway, the Iranian Revolution stirred something in the world, a mistrust form westerners towards Islam and a new found link to each other of other countries where the main religion was Islam. It perhaps made them feel like they can stand up together against the invading West.
Because, eternal conquerers, the main reason why western countries have an interest in the happenings in middle eastern countries, is oil.

So it is easy to look at the people coming over here, having certain views etc. But spreading hatred isn't a solution. It's important to look at the big picture and get an idea about why things like these are happening in the world.
There are STILL missing pieces in the puzzle of 9/11 and there is evidence out there that suggests it was staged by the US. Wether that's true or not, we'll probably never know.
But the fact is, that none of this fighting and hating is of any benefit to anyone, apart from some powerful people and the small percentage of people who get economic profits from it.

Why do you think that muslim women don't talk to English people? It could be because them and their husbands live accorting to an extreme and probably incorrect interpretation of the Qu'ran (interpreted by some powerful people who know how to exploit and stir politics)... or because they've received so much hostility from westerners that they've given up trying to communicate.
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Almost a Veteran
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01-06-2014, 01:14 PM
@ Joedee: good point about the meat!
I'm a strict vegetarian (tending towards vegan) and there are lots of things I can't eat or that I disagree being on a menu or being ABSENT from a menu.
If I got offended every time I saw meat on a menu.. or every time there aren't enough vegan options on a menu... I simply wouldn't stop being offended, ever.

Also, in regards to benefit fraudsters: any of you ever been on benefits? And have any of you ever been on benefits here, being foreign?? I tell you, it's such a hassle and you're made to feel like a total numbnut. It's not nice and it's not liveable.
Plus, go out in the evening and take a taxi, who is driving that taxi? Most likely a muslim.
So most of them work, and they work hard. They do the jobs that other people don't want to do, even though they might have been to university and be doctors, professors, teachers etc. but can't do those jobs over here as their qualifications are worthless.

If you want to find benefit fraudsters, look among british people. That's were you will find most.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Apr 2012
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01-06-2014, 05:18 PM
[QUOTEWhy do you think that muslim women don't talk to English people? [QUOTE]
I have been a guest in a Muslim household many times, my friend Mohammed gave instructions to his wife because she couldn't speak English. He was forced to marry her by his father, in an arranged marriage at 24.
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