Location: Co. Durham, UK
Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 11,213
I hate smoking and am all for the ban! My Dad and Brother smoke in the house and it really gets to me that I have no control over my health when they're sat there puffing away!
Surprisingly I think a lot of the smokers are in favour of it to help them quit (minus Inca of course!
). My Bro gave up for 8 months once and then slipped cos he went out for drink and lit up!
So in that sense I think he'll be glad of a ban to help him quit!
Here's a bizarre conversation I had with my Dad yesterday (I was complaining about him smoking again!
) I said "I hate the fact that you smoke it's so bad for our health, it should be banned". And then he said, "Well alcohols bad for your health so lets ban that!. So I said "Yeah, but every time I have a pint I don't force one down your throat!" And that is how I feel about passive smoking!