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10-10-2005, 09:18 AM


Why are some teachers such bullies, they make me so angry Last Thursday night Laura came home and said that her form had all got 1/2 hr detention because some lads had been messing about. Laura wasn't even there at the time. They are meant to bring a detention slip home and the parent is meant to sign it but it was sort of an unofficial detention which I think is absolutely ridiculous. Why do teachers still pick on all the class when they know who the culprits are - its about time they had the guts to stand up to the culprits instead of making all the class stay behind.

How would they like to have to be punished for something they hadn't done Anyway Laura did the detention with her class which ended up being 5-10 mins - just long enough for her to miss her bus home and have to stand around for at least another 45 mins waiting for another one because all the school buses go about 3.05 so they can get the children out of the village quickly

Another thing that made me very angry last night was when Laura said that she was late by a few minutes one day last week because she has to rely on a bus to get to school and the buses are not reliable and turn up when they feel like it, so if the bus is late then the children are. Well she said that the teacher says that if she is late again that week that her mum and dad will be fined Has anyone else heard of this rule I have heard of fining for truancy but not being late twice in one week.

Laura and Daniel set off every morning at 7.50 a.m to catch the bus at 8 o'clock and if they are late its because the stupid bus service is crap and not because they have had a lie-in in bed and are being lazy. It really winds me up when teachers get at kids for something they can't help.

They would be better putting their energies into stopping pupils going into the local park and smoking canabis in the toilets than picking on kids that haven't done anything wrong in my opinion. They should know that not all mothers are rich enough to have a car and drop their kids at the school gates and some have to 'rough' it on buses.

Okay rant over now
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10-10-2005, 09:24 AM
Quite agree I was always having rows with Teachers over one thing or another when my boys were at school,and my Husband was then a Teacher himself,one day something happened and this Teacher who was also my sons Teacher didn't get on and I told her if my Husband spoke to children and parents the way you do I would tell him to find another job. Have you rung the school and told them of the situation with the buses and asked to make note of it and make sure the Teacher knows it is the bus service not you or your children.
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10-10-2005, 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Zantababy
Quite agree I was always having rows with Teachers over one thing or another when my boys were at school,and my Husband was then a Teacher himself,one day something happened and this Teacher who was also my sons Teacher didn't get on and I told her if my Husband spoke to children and parents the way you do I would tell him to find another job. Have you rung the school and told them of the situation with the buses and asked to make note of it and make sure the Teacher knows it is the bus service not you or your children.

Yes I did ring but it was a few months ago when the buses were constantly late and they only put one single decker bus on for all the children, which was a very stupid thing to do because there is easily enough to fill a double decker and its a service bus that ordinary people catch too not just school children so it soon fills up. There was another girl who was also late and had caught the same bus so the teacher should have known instead of threatening her with fines. I wonder how she would like being threatened with the sack for the number of times that she is late - which is quite often apparently
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10-10-2005, 09:41 AM
It makes you soooo mad.I think some Teachers get great delight in being able to manipulate young children.Not all though,some are good but there definitely are a few who are bullies.
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10-10-2005, 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Zantababy
It makes you soooo mad.I think some Teachers get great delight in being able to manipulate young children.Not all though,some are good but there definitely are a few who are bullies.

Yes I would definitely agree there Zantababy - I think some teachers actually go into teaching because they hate kids
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10-10-2005, 10:11 AM
foxy my lad came home with a class detention slip the other week.
i sent it back along with a letter stating he is not allowed to stay behind.... which he didn't.
the education act states its has to be justifed and if your child didn't do any thing wrong then its not so therefore the punishment should not have been given.
louis was late 1 morning he got there when assembly was still going on because he was late for register they gave him a 10 min detention at break, i wouldn't mind but hubby drove him down to school and the teachers where only just turning up for the day as well.
i can understand if a child is constantly late etc but not once or twice in the term.
as for teachers being bullys yes they are or some of them the power they have as a member of staff goes to their heads!
some are too old or old school methods of teaching and the kids pay the price, how can parents work hand in hand as you should for the childs benefit when they think nothing of punishing a child and breaking their own school policys and regulations set by the depart of educ.
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10-10-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by leo
foxy my lad came home with a class detention slip the other week.
i sent it back along with a letter stating he is not allowed to stay behind.... which he didn't.
the education act states its has to be justifed and if your child didn't do any thing wrong then its not so therefore the punishment should not have been given.
louis was late 1 morning he got there when assembly was still going on because he was late for register they gave him a 10 min detention at break, i wouldn't mind but hubby drove him down to school and the teachers where only just turning up for the day as well.
i can understand if a child is constantly late etc but not once or twice in the term.
as for teachers being bullys yes they are or some of them the power they have as a member of staff goes to their heads!
some are too old or old school methods of teaching and the kids pay the price, how can parents work hand in hand as you should for the childs benefit when they think nothing of punishing a child and breaking their own school policys and regulations set by the depart of educ.
Yes exactly Leo They make all these silly rules and have you signing things to say you will keep to your side of the bargain but they don't stick to theirs. If the bus is late (and the bus company here is absolutely rubbish and everyone who lives locally knows this) then there is nothing the kids can do whether they are late once, twice or 3 times a week unless that lovely teacher would like to come and give Laura a lift everyday. Its bad enough waiting for buses anyway in the freezing cold (and it is very cold because we live very high up) without getting told off by some snotty teacher when you get there.

If you ring the head of year you don't get anywhere, they aren't interested so its just a waste of time.
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10-10-2005, 11:45 AM
simple go higher.
tell them if she is to be punished for some thing she has no control over when she arrives at school then you will keep her off for the day.

its a shame most teachers don't understand how their actions affect kids, not just in the education but the manners,respect,etc.
i have got to the stage now with 1 of his teachers next parents eve if he steps out of line i will tell him he is in the wrong job..he enjoys giving out punishments more than educating the kids. must be a power freak but hes messing with the wrong kid.
it is a shame if the teacher encourages them to learn, praise etc how much the child wants to learn or please that teacher it makes a big difference in the education.
it seems to me that most are to quick to punish and to slow to praise we all want our kids to grow up into a nice mature person.
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10-10-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by leo
simple go higher.
tell them if she is to be punished for some thing she has no control over when she arrives at school then you will keep her off for the day.

its a shame most teachers don't understand how their actions affect kids, not just in the education but the manners,respect,etc.
i have got to the stage now with 1 of his teachers next parents eve if he steps out of line i will tell him he is in the wrong job..he enjoys giving out punishments more than educating the kids. must be a power freak but hes messing with the wrong kid.
it is a shame if the teacher encourages them to learn, praise etc how much the child wants to learn or please that teacher it makes a big difference in the education.
it seems to me that most are to quick to punish and to slow to praise we all want our kids to grow up into a nice mature person.
Yes it is a shame isn't it. I know Laura is well-behaved and quiet at school because a lot of her teachers told me on parents night earlier this year - they must know which kids are the trouble makers and which ones aren't it's just easier to say everyone stay behind than to actually tackle the people that are breaking the rules. I think this is just plain silly because the trouble makers think they are even more important if the whole class gets kept behind and the irony of it is is that they are probably the ones who don't have to catch a bus home and live locally so the punishment is nothing to them, just to the ones that have a bus to catch and then have to wait for the next one nearly an hour later.

The teacher in question was quite a nice teacher at first until she left to have a baby and then came back again but she seems to have changed since she has come back - perhaps the baby keeps her awake or something or perhaps she resents having to come back to work so takes it out of the kids there.

There was one teacher there until recently that used to be there when I was at that school and he made life an absolute misery for some pupils (he had two special girls who sat at the front of the class and they were his favourites because they were very outspoken which he liked - both were pregnant just after they left school ) by showing them up and having them standing on the chair or desk if they got a spelling wrong he was a real nasty piece of work and I always vowed when I left school I would go back and tell him what a B*****D he is Anyway think he has gone now because he has some serious illness (can't say I'm sorry ) and I have heard that he actually hit a pupil but it was covered up somehow so that might be why

Bullies like this should be kicked out of school and put on the dole or given a job sweeping the streets which they are far better suited to in my opinion. I had this teacher for two years at that school and my English was very good before I had him but it went downhill afterwards because of his attitude and the stupid way he taught English. His favourite word was diarrhoea - that says it all really doesn't it
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10-10-2005, 12:07 PM
yep that he spoke it!
the thing is these class detentions are supposed to make the class get onto the kids involved but like you said they ain't bothered.
it is so the peers put pressure of them which in turn is a type of bullying so the teachers are encouraging pupils to bully each other?
maybe i should
i am glad there is some good teachers about but it seems like few and far between nowdays.
they expect kids to act like grown ups then they beat them down with punishments like it makes sense.
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