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07-03-2024, 07:04 AM

Thursday 7th March 2024

Morning all.Suns up, I am up and soon will be out walking as it looks lovely out there. Mind you the forecast for the weekend is for wet and windy yet again. Margaret did make it over yesterday so that was good. Even though it is only for a short visit as the buses don't run back to hers after 6pm ish. Even then yesterday it was running late so she still didn't get back home till 7ish. Anyway have a good day everyone.Word for today:Taiga
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07-03-2024, 09:17 AM
Morning brenda and all to follow.
Overcast here today. We are popping into Kings Lynn to find something for Joel's Birthday to take over Sunday his Birthday is tomorrow he will be 22.
His card and money is with Mark and Lauren to give him but we like to give a little gift to if we can find one.
We are combining Mothers day and family celebration of his Birthday Sunday and Mark is cooking as it's Lauren's day too.
I was in a down mood yesterday no idea why hence my absence, later that day I knew why.
I messaged Pam wishing her a nice day today with her daughter watching videos of holidays etc., with her daughter.
Her daughter is poorly so probably won't make it, Dessa her eldest bernese has a wound possibly a bed sore she lies down nearly all the time now except to venture to the garden for toileting and the skin is going necrotic so the vet was called and Pam has to dress it daily.
Dessa will be 13 in October.
Vonny is much younger and full of life and Pam isn't coping well her diabetic reminder was going off as her glucose levels were low Vonny needed/wanted feeding and Pam was overwhelmed.
She said she was thinking of letting Dessa go and rehoming Vonny.
We were and are a bit worried about her and know this is most likely a knee jerk reaction or hoping so.
She didn't want to chat last night so will call today or tomorrow and if not both of us I may well be putting my big girls pants on and driving to North Yorkshire Monday. Gorden will have Freya and see if we can get her through this.
We will be on standby for having Vonny if needed, Dessa will be better at home with Pam and she will likely cope with Dessa if she only has her to worry about.
So I knew by the evening why my mood was down I must have had a premonition of the evening. Very worrying.

Chris I hope Gary is in a better mood and the carers are in place very soon. I also hope the morning has been nice enough for breakfast in your favourite place.
Sue I hope you get coffee time today and a nice stroll with Teazle weather permitting.
griff I hope all is well with you and that Steve is finding life easier.
brenda glad Margaret got over and hope you have the weather for a nice stroll out today.
Kazz as always enjoy your day.
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Sue L
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07-03-2024, 10:55 AM
Good morning Brenda and Lynn

Have a good day Brenda nd pleased Margaret made it to yours yesterday. I don't know why bus companies think our lives end early in the evening so unless you have a car you can go no where.

Hugs Lynn and hope your friend is feeling. bit more positive today.

It was lovely early this morning so I hung my washing out. It has now clouded over so brought it in and ironed what was dry enough and the rest is in the airing cupboard. Teazle and I had a nice stroll and I have also tidied up a couple of edges of the lawn along two paths. Will do the rest another day. Hoping the grass will be dry enough Saturday to give it a much needed hair cut.

Take care everyone
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07-03-2024, 11:05 AM
Morning all
Lynn, so sorry to hear about your friend, maybe taking Vinny for a little while would be the break that she needs??
Brenda, glad Margaret made it over
Steve is plodding on, he hadn't taken his antidepressant the night before last and I knew he hadn't as he wasn't yawning his head off....I hope that he isn't doing his usual of just stopping them.
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07-03-2024, 11:07 AM
Morning Sue, dad cut our lawn Tuesday it's the second cut so far but he didn't make the best job of it
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07-03-2024, 12:39 PM
Good afternoon all

Murky and blooming cold with the easterly that's blowing

Buggarlugs isn't talking to me so I've has a quiet couple of days

The bed sores are a nightmare Lynn. Sam had a nasty one on his elbow and we must have re-dressed ten times a day. It was just starting to close when his hips gave out altogether and we made the heartbreaking decision to let him go
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07-03-2024, 01:53 PM
Thank you Sue, griff and Chris.
She hasn't called yet but she did say today or tomorrow. I sincerely hope she has woken up a little more positive than last night.

I will drop a message later just a sending hugs message.
She has Dessa's breeder 1/2 hour away and they have taken both when needed while Pete was ill. They may do it again if they feel it's needed.
Her other friend who walked Vonny when Pete was ill may step up again too.
Dessa's breeder may offer to rehome Vonny if Pam really feels she cannot cope.

I do fear this is the beginning of the end for Dessa she has reached such a good age for a Berner.
I wonder if Pam saying letting her go is her way of readying herself ?

We got Joel a nice tee shirt and hoodie and had a cuppa and cake out and picked up the few bits needed so I can finish making the Yorkshire tea bread now home and I will start cooking.
Tomorrow we have Boo and I will be making meringues for Sunday we offered to sort dessert.

I will be trialling both in the air fryers.
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