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18-04-2020, 06:38 AM

Daily Thread, Saturday, 18th April, 2020

Good morning everyone, I trust you and your four legged friends are all well, Have a good day take care and stay well God bless.
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18-04-2020, 08:18 AM
Morning Moyra and all to follow..

Yuk it's wet here so a day of tidying and tele methinks.
Our friend Don as of last night not doing well. Dillon developed a bad limp on his back right leg, not sure if it is the crack in his paw which seemed to be getting better with care, or his hip or joint e he has the distal rotation is breaking down. We will keep him calm for the rest of the day no walk tomorrow and possibly none Tuesday and maybe inbetween a phone call to the vet for advice depending on how it goes.
He was fine this morning wanted a walk and a longish one and it started about halfway home. Which ever one of us tried to move ahead faster to get the car to pick him up agitated him and he just moved faster so we slowed right down once on the park, grass he seemed better back on the tarmac it started again so seems like friction through the joint is aggravating it.

Hope everyone and all four legged friends are well today.
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Sue L
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18-04-2020, 08:26 AM
Good Morning Moyra, Lynn nd all who follow

Hugs to poor Dillon and hope it soon resolves with rest and tic from you both.

Heavy rain over night so I do not have to water the turf. Teazle walked and have also broken up some of the lumps on the veg plot ready for the runner beans and also planted some penstemons that I have grown from cuttings but can't remember the colour. Also some of my Dalia tubers are doing well so have put them out to harden off. Now for a coffee

Hope all are well

Have a good day and stay safe.
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18-04-2020, 09:07 AM
Good no watering to be done Sue, our plants have loved the rain.
Dillon seemed easier walking up the garden to get his breakfast a short while ago.
Have cleaned it dried it, the crack on his paw and sprayed some colloidal silver on it, plus he is eating well so will monitor and hopefully it's one of many blips we have had and still to come.
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18-04-2020, 09:58 AM
Morning peeps. So much easier to weed in between cracks of paving when it has been raining. Lynn it could be a slight crack in a claw that smarts occasionally. Hope he is alright. I still say goodnight and good morning to my Tyto. Bfn all.sun is trying to come out.
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18-04-2020, 10:14 AM
No cracks in claws brenda. He does have a crack on the big middle pad it is getting better, but watching him walk we think the hip is worse possibly although that isn't the worst one the left one is, or the joint equivalent to our wrist joint is breaking down he has a distal rotation on the right joint.

Elbows, and distal rotation diagnosed at 3 yrs old so for things to start going wrong it's not surprising just not timing it very well because if it does result in a vet visit we will not be allowed in with him, and getting him to go in there with anyone else will be a challenge.
I will ring first if needed and see if they say up his Previcox and what else could we possibly give him there is always video and photos to that we could send.
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18-04-2020, 11:38 AM
Afternoon all, well all good here. Have had an Iceland delivery at 8am and also a Sainsburys delivery at 10.30am all normal delivery slots and booked both last night so slots opening up maybe more drivers or the initial panic over. Nothing missing from either delivery but have ordered for three of my nieces as well as my sister. So in effect 5 households staying in. Sophie was desperate as run out of caster sugar.....she is a baker and cooks from scratch woman. She is also making her Dad's 60th birthday cake. Kate her older sister is then going to ice it and decorate it.

Nice rain doing my garden brilliantly and nice and steady now, my geranium seeds have popped through thr compost and I am sure I can see something in the cosmos seeds. But may be my eyes. LOL

Have a good day all and Lynn hope your days stays level.
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18-04-2020, 11:51 AM
Good afternoon all.

Not so much rain as the occasional spitting session here. Lot colder today though so not so pleasant in the garden.

Dave is starting to become garden obsessed in this lockdown. It gives him something to do and keeps him out of my hair

Karen is finally fully better now thank heavens so one to tick off the worry list.
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18-04-2020, 12:30 PM
Lynn, we had to give Laney vitamin e oil when his paws were bad, we got the high strength liquid from Holland and Barrett as it's just a couple of drops on the food
Sue, you have been busy... again
Kazz, pleased you got your slots, our Tesco is coming today but we are limited to 80 items, we have a click and collect at Asda next Monday so aside from me needing to get crisps for myself..we should hopefully be o.k.
Brenda, I have had rain too but the sun just popped out for a second!!
Moyra, have you got yourself sorted for shopping now?
Chris, so pleased your daughter is better... and bless Dave being garden obsessed...if he starts cutting the lawn with nail scissors, he has a problem! My old neighbour did that... honestly! Told you that house always had weirdos lol. Dad used to come home from work and she would start on at him to cut the was only a few inches and he was going to do it but he wouldn't have her tell him to do it so left it deliberately!
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18-04-2020, 01:39 PM
I use to give him vit e griff maybe I should start again. Have some coconut oil in the bathroom cabinet may rub some of that in later while waiting for the paw balm I have ordered.
Managed to get an ocado delivery for tomorrow but between 11 and midnight, will mean Tuesday I can concentrate on Michaels and next doors shopping only. Plus have to put the cash accumulated from their shopping bills into our bank accounts as using the card a lot which I normally do but hard to use the cash instead as most shops only doing card transactions.
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