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Electric shock collars to be banned in England

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18-09-2018, 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Chris View Post
I too think choke chains are awful and also prong collars. Simply no need for them

It is way to easy to turn up the dial, yank too hard on tools designed to inflict pain and discomfort.

Also, it should be remembered that if the dog doesn't find the tool painful/very unpleasant it would have not effect whatsoever. The dog has to actively want to avoid the shock, yank etc for it to work. Does that smack of not being painful?
I agree Chris, all these 'tools' are for those who can't be bothered to learn how to train a dog using positive reinforcement.
Would anyone use such things on a child in order to teach them the required behaviour, I think not .
So why is it acceptable to use them on our best friends.
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18-09-2018, 01:40 PM
No Myra. I've reached a valid conclusion after a lot of research, observation and seeing the damage.

I'm certainly not the only one to reach this conclusion otherwise a ban wouldn't be imminent
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18-09-2018, 08:09 PM
Would anyone use such tools on their kids? You think not? I think so! Belts, switches, wet washcloths and the like are used for kids discipline. They're not as harsh as prongs because dogs are WAY TOUGHER than people but they're still tools used for discipline.

It's just that people in that "positive only" bubble won't acknowledge that in other cultures, there are different ways people do things. And it isn't always bad just because it's different.
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18-09-2018, 08:35 PM
"Belts, switches, wet washcloths and the like are used for kids discipline"

Blimey, Myra. That is a throwback to medieval times. You have my sincere sympathy if you live in a culture that approves of such methods of disciplining kids
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18-09-2018, 09:33 PM
I don't want or need your sympathy. Thank you though. And yes my culture absolutely does approve of such methods. I don't have children myself so I've never done this, but spare the rod and spoil the child is a real thing here.
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20-09-2018, 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Meg View Post
I agree Chris, all these 'tools' are for those who can't be bothered to learn how to train a dog using positive reinforcement.
Would anyone use such things on a child in order to teach them the required behaviour, I think not .
So why is it acceptable to use them on our best friends.
Totally agree. In fact I don't even like to put ours on a lead. I do in traffic and he has no problem with it. In fact, in some ways, I think it gives him comfort in some situations.
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21-09-2018, 09:46 AM
I doubt you could find a more dog-obsessed person than me. Dogs are attracted to me like magnets ... not because I have a pocket full of treats but because they just like me ... they seem to know that I truly understand them ... I wish I could! Seriously, there does seem to be a very real hidden communication going on. Call me weird, illusional, I care not a fig. Facts are facts.

Do I sound like a person who would inflict pain on a dog deliberately and cruelly? We used our e collar once on Ben and once on Tai. Both wolf crosses ... very sensitive dogs, picked up on bad vibes immediately. There was no way you could have ever truly hurt those dogs and for them to have not reacted in a very negative way. Tai never wore the collar again, Ben wore it for several years after his first experience just as a precaution but after a while OH left the controller at home and it just went flat.

Ben would NEVER have allowed the collar to go round his neck if he was frightened of it in any way. He weighed 48 kilos in his prime. In the correct hands in the correct situation the e collar is a very quick and kind training tool.
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21-09-2018, 03:37 PM
It can also cause irreperable damage to a dog. Dreadful things and I hope they ban it very soon. And no I am not getting into a slanging match with anyone over it.
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21-09-2018, 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by brenda1 View Post
It can also cause irreperable damage to a dog. Dreadful things and I hope they ban it very soon. And no I am not getting into a slanging match with anyone over it.
Can you quote me some incidents of this happening Brenda? I don't know many people who used e collars, but those I personally know of who have achieved a 100% successful result with no exceptions.
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21-09-2018, 09:05 PM
A student (wanting to go on to be a dog trainer) tried it for her lurcher who was fence running to get to the cat next door.

Set low, she put the collar on and let the dog out. Dog went at fence, collar zapped, took three months to get the dog to go back into the garden as he associated the shock with the environment rather than the barking at the fence. Within four months, he was back to fence running to get to next doors cat.

Needless to say, she wasn't popular when news got out

Beautiful German Shepherd who had the collar put on him because he used to go for the postman. Collar zapped when postman got to fence. Dog went crazy and badly mauled the postman (who he had only previously barked at) and was PTS. I met the owner when she brought her next dog to puppy classes.

Do you want more?

I can add as, I am sure can Brenda
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