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24-12-2017, 03:55 AM

New Puppy Problems

Hi. I recently adopted a cute little Schnoodle (minnpoodle, minshnauzer). He is 8 weeks old. My poodle Rocky passed two years ago. My husband, kids and I were devastated when he died. He was a gentle, calm & beautiful dog. We swore we would never get another dog after his passing.
Our old dog gave us so much love and joy that we felt we needed to give that back again.
I researched different breeds and decided on a Schnoodle. I bought a bunch of books on raising a puppy to educate myself again. When we picked our new dog he was so beautiful, active, healthy, very cuddly and calm. We fell in love with him. My kids were beyond esthatic when we brought him home.
It’s been almost a week now since he has been us. I took the week off of work to be with him. I have spent most of my week trying to train him, waking early, giving a lot of treats and positive reinforcement.
This little guy has been a terror! I have to say he is sleeping alotnat night in a crate by our bed. Usually settles easily. During the day we have a large kennel with a smaller crate inside, toys, blankets, treats and pee pads. He is out often though so I can spend time with him, play and train. He’s having a difficult time with housetraining. I know that will take time. I have my eyes on him 24/7. My kids help out as well. I have taught him how to sit and come. He is very intelligent. He whines when I crate him but usually stops eventually as we ignore it & he falls asleep. We have stuffed kings in his crate but he doesn’t bother with them in there.
It seem s though, that things are getting worse and it’s day 6. Extreme nipping, lunging, esp at the kids. We can’t hold him, always trying to get out of our arms. He runs away from us in the house, jumping up and down the couch, chewing our carpets, lunging at everthing in site, acting extremely hyper and frantic. He chews our pants and jumps on us. My daughter started crying and said she wanted our old dog back .I realize most of this is puppy behaviour, but he has moments where he is out of control and needs to be crated to give us a break (and him as well). When in his crate in the evening he seems to lose it - knocking over his water, biting the crate, chewing the pad. He is getting plenty of exercise, water, treats and positive reinforcement during the day..he is not bored and getting attention when he needs it. He seems pretty confident, already going up and down a few stairs! I know I shouldn’t compare him to my old dog but I am. We have mourned him & we were ready for another dog. My old dog was just so easy, even as a puppy. I secretly regret my decision & I just need to vent. My husband works a lot & doesn’t see this. I can’t even enjoy my new puppy right now & even my kids are tired and want to get away from him. I love dogs, and would never give up on him but I’m exhausted. I’m reading about ways to deal with this but it’s not working...I can’t even hold him sometimes without him squiggling around, jumping everywhere, growling. I’m not used to these behaviour in a dog. Any advice? Is he overtired? Am I doing something wrong? Please help!
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24-12-2017, 09:29 AM
I have asked this of so many of my puppy owners that have come to me for training. What food are you feeding? Answer that and I can probably tell you why he is being like he is.
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24-12-2017, 09:47 AM
I have a very strong willed pup who is very intelligent and has learned sit, shake, high five, lay, attention, and doing really well with wait bit only if I have a treat or food in my hand. I'm also having issues with potty training and I've had her 11 weeks. She is really good at telling me when she needs to go out to poop, but will pee on my floor without warning or fear. She also jumps on everyone and barks or whines when I'm out of her sight. She has stopped nipping us but will sometimes attack my pant legs but will stop when I tell her no firmly. Its a lot of work and takes time.
The new puppy will learn try not to get to frustrated or expect him to be just like your old dog there all different. You seem to know what your doing the only advice I have is just keep doing what your doing and be patient you'll see improvement soon.
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24-12-2017, 10:44 AM
Thanks for the replies!
My puppy is eating puppy chow that I got from the breeder. He is also chewing his paws a lot ? Could he have allergies?
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25-12-2017, 05:07 PM
From the advice that I have always given to puppy owners that came for early training and know that it works I would suggest changing the food to something much lower in protein. This is for owners feeding dry complete food. Doesn't apply to natural food. Tinned food is to high in protein when the moisture has been removed. So, find a food with no more than 24% or less than 20% protein dry complete food. You may need to add a bit of warm water to help the aroma to come out for the puppy to like it. Hope this helps.
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02-01-2018, 11:35 PM
Thanks for the reply. As the weeks are going on my puppy seems to be getting worse. He is whining in his crate if he can’t be directly beside me. He was fine last week. The nipping is getting worse despite doing everything I have read to cease it down a bit. He bit my lip hard (bleeding a lot) when I tried yonremove his collar to put the tag on. I now have a fat lip. I am so frustrated I started crying. He nipped when I took a piece of cotton (that he found) out of his mouth yesterday or when I take a toy away. I can’t enjoy him at all. I noticed both my kids avoiding him even more. I really want to love this little guy. I instantly fell in love my old pup and I love dogs. He is exhausting me. He is not housetrained yet either. Partly because the weather has been extremely cold in my part of the world and he won’t go out. I don’t blame him. We are working with the pee pads. What worries me then most is the constant growling, biting and lunging without any notice. I tried changing his dog food but that has not helped. We are not trying to get him too excited & avoided any tug of war games. He is being exercised. I return to work next week from holidays so I won’t be around the pup much & responsibility shared with the hubby and kids and worried he will hurt them. Any help would be appreciated. Is the lunging, growling and biting (breaking skin?) normal? I don’t remember my old pup doing this!!
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03-01-2018, 12:05 AM
I forgot to add, he has every treat, toy, available to him. I have bought books, researched the breed, and nothing seems to work. We are trying to use positive reinforcement with a lot of treats, he has chew toys and a bulk stick. He just wants to lunge and bite at us, and when he doesn’t want to be handled, when something is taken away and for no reason at all.
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CaroleC is offline  
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03-01-2018, 12:11 AM
Where did you buy your puppy? Your breeder should be the first port of call if you have a problem. Buying a puppy should be the start of a relationship, nor a one-off deal, and any breeder worth their salt should be prepared to provide advice for the lifetime of any puppy that they have bred.
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03-01-2018, 12:56 AM
I travelled quite a ways to get the puppy. He was bred by a vets wife. I signed a contract when I bought him that If
there were any problems with the puppy it was my responsibility to deal with it. There was a money back guarantee if he has health problems within the year. She was very knowledgeable about the puppy and breed.
When I purchased my first dog over 17 years ago my hubby and I just went with it and the pup was fabulous. This time I researched the breed, the breedwr, read puppy and dog books, food, you name it! I was totally prepared. I taught the children how to handle the new pup. I have also been socializing him, introduced him to another dog (that growled at him the whole evening) and have been handling him as much as I can. And so seems like it's not working like I hoped. The lunging, snapping is pretty bad. He bit my daughter on her ear and she is afraid of him now. I am so fearful it's getting worse and in turn I'm getting more frustrated. I am not going to give up, I could never give up on a pup but I have never been so frustrated with a dog before. I feel like I can't handle him and I like when he is sleeping or crated. I called a puppy training class but it doesn't start for another month, and we don't have any other trainers in the area.
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03-01-2018, 02:11 PM
No two puppies are the same, some are easy and some as you're finding out are damn hard work.
He's not house trained yet, well he's a baby and you can't expect him to be until around twenty weeks whatever any book might tell you. Lower your expectations.
He doesn't like the cold so he's being taught to toilet indoors. Unless you have very deep snow take him outside, take him further than a step or two, take him a fair distance from the house, have him on a long line if necessary. Get him used to going outside, play with him out there, let him run around and chase you etc. He'll soon go to the toilet outside, exercise increases the urge to go. Your dog is hyperactive but you can teach him to control that, with enough exercise and rewarding him when he plays gently. Apart from crating him you don't say what you do to stop his bad behaviour. Lots of dogs become very hyper of an evening I redirected that with a game of find it by playing in the lounge with a soft foam ball for him to retrieve and making a fuss of him when he gets it right.
He doesn't like being held, he'll use his teeth as his first line of defence, dogs that don't like being held often do. My black Pug goes mental if held but likes to cuddle up to me, it has to be the pups decision unless it's a life or death situation.
Relax nobody gets it right all the time, even people that have has multiple dogs of various breeds for years still get stuff wrong sometimes. You don't have to be perfect, dogs are very forgiving.
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