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06-06-2016, 06:24 AM

Daily Thread, Monday, June 06

Good Morning everyone, My landlady has given me a month and then she will instruct the builder to go ahead with the kitchen. Wish I could get out before.

LG, well done with little Tess, what a clever girl she must be really special.

Had another bad night, think this will go on until I have had the operation. I had cramp and am not allowed to take my Quinine Sulphate until after the op so all I could do was get up and walk.

Harvey, know what you mean we have had a week almost of June and nothing to write home about the weather yet. My friend in Vancouver is having wonderful weather and she assures me we will get in a couple of weeks, lets hope she is right.

Griff, glad you managed to have a bath in the end, better than nothing. Hopefully, you will soon have the shower up and you will be happy as Larry. Hope Dex is ok now.

Lynn, hope you and Gorden had a good weekend and were able to get out and about with Dillon who I hope is doing ok.

TW, June hope you managed to rest your back ok. I am not allowed to take any ibuprofen now until after the op, that and my blood pressure table Lisinipril also Metformin for my Diabetes. I shall be glad when Wednesday has come and gone.

Mandy hope you enjoy some good weather while you are on holiday from work.

Brenda, ready for the next training to start, as you say a lot may well be on holiday themselves. Good luck.

Jenny, I hope you and Brian had a good weekend and that you are getting used to your new neighbours who I hope to be as wonderful as Celia was.

Norma and cd1 hope you weather continues to be lovely up there.

Have a good day all, take care, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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06-06-2016, 07:20 AM
Morning all. Sooo hot I had trouble sleeping, I couldn't wait to get in the shower!
Moyra, have you tried Tonic water for your cramps? Or aren't you allowed that either. I find it works.
Next doors dog, Poppy came to meet Pepsi yesterday. They wagged their tails, sniffed each others tails then ignored each other Oh and Poppy ate Pepsi breakfast and Pepsi let her
My patio furniture comes today, can't wait!
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tumbleweed is offline  
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06-06-2016, 08:12 AM
Thought for the day

What actually is a hormone? Well a horemoan is a cry from a brothel. Now you know
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Sue L
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06-06-2016, 08:18 AM
Good morning

Oh Moyra the landlady's timing count be worse after all these years of promises. Hopefully after the op you will feel a hundred times better than now and will be able to cope better.

How lovely Pepsie has a new friend - she must like her to let her eat her breakfast Hope the patio set comes on time it would seem we have a few more days of good weather for you to enjoy it.

Well done to Tess Gordon you must be very proud of her you have done wonders with her.

At least you have now managed to have a bath Griff and defuse your legs ready for lazying in the sun this week.

Hope your back is ok today June and that Lona is better and everything is put back into place.

Hoping you had a good weekend with Gorden Lynn. Has he had to go back today ?

Lovely sunny and warm here. Washing done and out but other than the ironing nothing planned so a laze in the sun is called for.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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06-06-2016, 08:31 AM
Another lovely hot day here, its weird you're not getting any sunshine down there Moyra, I thought it was now warming up for you with the bad weather moving away. I am pretty sure you can appeal against the rent Moyra, you must be in a state over Wednesday, may be easier for you to get your head around everything once that's over with.
Taking the furries out early because its already hot, then Lona and Mabs will have a swim and splash on the river, wish I could get that wire mesh fencing shifted then they could all go on, trying to find a solution but not come up with anything workable as yet
LOL at Pepsi sharing, what a good neighbour she is. Glad to hear you're getting some sun now Nippy, the patio furniture is just the thing for you to entertain the new neighbours with your gorgeous cakes
Katherine says she'll be here about 3.30, but will expect her when I see her, she's bound to be delayed
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Gnasher is offline  
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06-06-2016, 08:46 AM
lovely day here guys! Got a very important meeting at my house this afternoon which hopefully will result in me keeping my job. I have been signed off work for the last 5 weeks because of my hip - my replacement is in a month's time so hopefully I will be back at work 6 weeks after that! And back on a horse 6 weeks after that!

Unfortunately will be frantically hoovering up Ben fluff so not much time to loll like Lady Muck in the garden!!
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06-06-2016, 08:46 AM
Moyra, i think that when the kitchen is due to be done you should book a few days away for you and Amber...leave steve to look after the builders and you and amber go an recuperate somewhere...then you go home when all the sh*t is done with.Dex is doing o.k at the moment thanks, i put him on te shed roof the other day and he climbed into my neighbours garden so i had to go and save him Lol...18 years old and he is still being naughty
Haahaha at poppy nicking Pepsis brekkie Lol...lucky you having a
TW, good luck for Lona today
Sue..plenty of ironing here for you to do Lol
Lol Tumbleweed, you get worse!!
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Moyra is offline  
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06-06-2016, 09:26 AM
Griff, I did think of going away but not sure I will be able to drive for a few days. I am scared. I do not want this Kitchen up set while I am unwell.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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06-06-2016, 09:42 AM
You can get the train and get a taxi to and from the station, Brenda has just had a week away with Tyto without driving, so it must be doable. Only thing I would be concerned about is what she comes back to after what Brenda was faced with on her return
Forgot it is a Babies Birthday today, Cariad and Storms first babies are 6 today
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06-06-2016, 09:53 AM
Moyra, could Steve not drop you off and fetch you? i know he can be quite selfish but surely even he must understand that after an operation the last thing you need is strangers in the house hammering banging dust etc....if my place wasn't such a tip you would have been most welcome here and i bet i know a man who would have come down and fetched you...i really hope you can find a way around deserve a bit of peace and quiet
Oh, Happy Birthday Doggies!!!!
just had my pair out, wanted to go before it got too hot...they have had 5 minutes pelting round the field together...i then got worried that they would overheat so we came back home...they will make up for it in the back garden Lol
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