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03-06-2016, 06:23 AM

Daily Thread, Friday, June 03

Good Morning everyone,

Well come on June you are supposed to be busting out all over. No not you TW. Lol, that would never do. Do hope you get to the bottom of why these painkillers are leaving the shelves.

Lynn, lovely for the boys to go to the footie. I believe the result was well worth the visit too!

June you would never cope now with a dog twice the size of your girls. Little or not so little Zen would soon have it round her fingers. You sound well stocked up now for the dogs if only it were with your painkillers.

1cd and Norma, so glad you are having some good weather up there, wont ask you to send it down here as I hope to drag some up from the continent. Spain and Italy perhaps not the flooding they are having in Germany and France.

Harvey how is the Bat Cave coming on, hope you are not over doing things.

LG is the Mem back or are you still loose on Saddleworth Moor with the dogs?

Brenda, so sorry you haven't had a good time with the weather hope it hasn't spoilt your holiday all together though.
Sometimes they, whoever they are, say that a change is as good as a rest.

Nippy Jen, Jenny thanks so much for that reassurance re spinal tap surgery, I must admit I was so scared of the thought but your wise words have reassured me somewhat, Thanks, hope you are feeling better.

Griff, so you now have a bath installed albeit a leaking outlet, but it is in and you will soon progress. Hope you tummy and back are standing up to it.

Eileen, hope your lovely weather continues but you will need some rain once that lawn is laid. Hope Mum is ok now.

Mandy, hope all is well with you and yours.

Have a good day now, not very bright here but maybe later, fingers crossed. Stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless.
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03-06-2016, 07:50 AM
Morning Moyra and all to follow.
Not so windy here today but dull. Hoping it is going to be a tad warmer than it has been.
Moyra the boys had a lovely time but I think Mark will be cream crackered today. He let me know when they got home it was around midnight and he had an early shift at work today.
Hope your feeling ok today.

Safe journeys home from holidays.
Hope everyone is well today and all our four legged friends.
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03-06-2016, 08:53 AM
Good morning everyone. The sun is shining again up here, not sure how warm it is as yesterday was quite cold out of the sun, bitter cold east wind blowing. Little stubborn guts aka Sammy likes to be out of the sun under the trees and I was pretty cold there yesterday. I swear I feel the bugs biting as we go along haha.

Pretty sure it's not fleas but admit to feeling a bit doubful I don't see fleas and I don't have 3 bites in a row but will bath Sammy tonight and have another good look. I used to go through this every year thinking my dog might have fleas but it was always just me having been out in the garden. In all the years of owning dogs I've never had one with fleas yet and I don't flea treat them so maybe it would serve me right if we had them now hahahaha

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Sue L
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03-06-2016, 08:56 AM
Good morning

I am pleased Mark and Owen enjoyed the match that was very nice of your neighbour to give them the tickets.

Hope bathroom leak is fixed today Griff and a little more work is completed.

Safe journey home Brenda and hope the trains are behaving

Still overcast but only a light breezed. Still not warm enough to walk without a jacket When you lot up north have had enough of the sun could you please send a little the way.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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03-06-2016, 09:20 AM
After the winter we've had there'll NEVER be enough sun
Lovely morning, blue sky with high cloud, girls so umbrella is up and they are sleeping off breakfast. Off out with them very soon
Moyra hope you're a bit better today, rest up as much as you can, what about Blue, can you get out for a ride round maybe. Are the new tablets he!ping at all.
Everywhere had a good watering last night and the slug stuff should be working. Going to do some planting later, got the shopping to get in as well, no idea where that will go as even my freezer is full to bursting
1cd, put a garlic tablet in Sammy's food everyday, keeps unwanted guests away. I've been adding Billy No Mates to the girls breakfast this year, Griff uses it and so does LG
Back later, need to get out and about earlier than usual with all thats on The Agenda today
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03-06-2016, 09:47 AM
Morning all
Well no work on bathroom today, dad has been suffering with dizziness...he has been to the Dr and has to go back this afternoon, they think he may have labrynthitis?
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03-06-2016, 10:46 AM
Morning all, a bit bleak here today.
I'm late on parade because along with 2 old work colleagues I am arranging a work reunion and we have just had a meeting to get everything together. Our numbers have swollen from a handful to 34 and there are still some that we are waiting to confirm. Good old "social media"
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03-06-2016, 12:27 PM
Good God Griff, unbelievable, my friend rang yesterday and guess what she keeled over at work the other day after feeling unwell all morning, and thats what she's got, never heard of it before yesterday, and now another one. Really weird that She's got tablets, its a virus in the inner ear, but not guaranteed it will go, which is extremely scary for her workwise
Girls all been out and been pretty horrendous really, there is a pretty busy through road when you come out of the village, on the opposite side are some old cottages, one of these the garden runs alongside the road, and they have 2 dogs, a collie and westie, they are ancient, as are the owners, who sit there and watch their dogs tear up and down the fence barking, which is so irritating I can't tell you I have got to the stage where I shout at them to control their dogs, they sit and carry on watching them
Today as it is pretty hot, I took the rough coats onto the field and back as it is cooler there and an earlier walk, so I've got 3 and of course those bluddy dogs kick off, Kesh near ran into the road with it all, lucky I had her on a short lead and was aware because we would have been under a car, driver probably had a near heart attack as it was. On the way back after a bit of ball playing, we passed again, Kesh was still carrying the ball, mistake on my part, because dogs were still at it, Kesh lept into the air and the ball flew out of her mouth into the road, where it rolled across the road and ended up by the kerb where the dogs were. I had to wait for the traffic to clear, still with the dogs barking, by that time mine knew I was blazing and had calmed down, I shouted at the bloke, look at the bluddy trouble you cause, crossed the road, threatened the girls with a certain and painful death if they even breathed out of place, picked up the ball and crossed the road and went back home. Girls never breathed I don't think.
THEN was on the country park with Lona and Mabs and honest it was like the M6, people I've never seen in my life, standing in the midde of narrow tracks and not budging even though they could see me waiting to pass, no manners whatsoever. Was thankful to get home today Girls all lay under the umbrella with a cold bone each and I'm trying to calm down.River this weekend, definitely, no way will I venture onto the streets or anywhere else where the general public roam free
I've made a start on getting my pots and baskets, got the compost in them, on the decking awaiting plants now, and more compost. Have put water with miracle grow liquid on those with compost and scattered some more slug stuff on top, will plant when its not so hot, sun is practically overhead now and as the front faces west it'll be full on till well past tea time
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03-06-2016, 12:45 PM
That sounds fun Jenny, hope you have a lovely time.
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03-06-2016, 02:12 PM
Hello all,
Busy this morning as Tony is painting his mums bedroom for her. I came home to get some dinner before work, and for Rosie too, taking longer than he thought.
NJ reunion sounds like fun,
Oh wow TW, what a crappy morning you've had, hope you've managed to calm down, stupid owners poor Keshi, hope she's ok too
Moyra hope you ok too.
Griff, oh no hope your dad is ok and some mess work for him
Right going to grab a cuppa before work, last shift for a week
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