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12-03-2016, 07:28 AM

Daily Thread, Saturday. March 12

Good Morning everyone,

I see it was musical chairs again last night with the girls, June. Perhaps it is to do with their coming into season.

Harvey, so glad the lad is to keep his manhood for now. It's not as if he needs calming down is it.

Amber is a registered pedigree and has a lineage, not that it matters did cost me extra when I got her but I was more interested in getting a pure Labrador retriever than the breeding of her as I know I could never have coped with her having a litter and after all the trouble I had with Chloe when she was in season, I decided to have Amber done at 6 months rather than have all the phantom pregnancies I had with Chloe, bless her heart.

Griff, your dad has a funny sense of humour, makes you want to kick him in the goolies, he is as bad as Steve.

Nippy Jen, hope you are feeling better today.

Hope everyone else including our four legged friends are all well now. Have a good day everyone, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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12-03-2016, 08:06 AM
Morning Moyra and all to come later. Not sure what to do today as thick fog out there and I have to drive to the training hall. I could walk if needs be so will wait until 9am to see what to do. The sun is trying to come out. Have a good day everyone. bfn.
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Sue L
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12-03-2016, 09:15 AM
Good morning Moyra, Brenda and all who follow

The sun is out Brenda this way so hopefully you will be able to drive to classes. Hope they go well.

Hope you have a peaceful day Moyra and can enjoy a walk with blue.

Your girls make me laugh June, musical beds. They obviously like being out so unless it is raining I doubt if they will come to harm. Nice puffed up beds obviously don't have the appeal of hard concrete! You are too soft with them

Hope you are ok Gordon and not lost under a pile of money whilst counting it

Its looks as though it will turn into a lovely day. Teazle walked and now having a coffee. Hope to get out this afternoon and give the lawn a light cut to tidy that up its too wet at the moment.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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12-03-2016, 09:24 AM
Morning Dogsey.
Moyra, the Greyhound/Saluki we had was never spayed. Mainly due to her bad heart. It was often difficult to manage and taught me that if at all possible to have females neutered, for the dogs sake as much as ours.
Brenda, wish we had fog I love fog
Sue my hubby is hoping to cut our grass today too. He thought about it yesterday but was tired and decided to leave it until today, now there has been such a heavy dew it is very wet again
I'm going to try and do some housework, I haven't done any all week, but I am still so sore. Easy does it I think!
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12-03-2016, 09:26 AM
Good morning Moyra ,brenda & all to come
Hope your feeling ok today Moyra
Enjoy training today brenda any room for another lol not looking at anyone in particular as a certain madam's just brought a hand trowel in from the garden haven't a clue where she's unearthed it from think I'll buy her a metal detector lol
Hope the girlies settled eventually TW
Lynn Mandy 1c dog LG hope you have a good weekend what ever you get up to
Nippy hope your feeling less battery &bruised take it easy though huggs
Griff my oh has a warped sense of humour keep telling him to pack it in as not everyone appreciates it never listens though lol
Sue hope you have a good day what's for dinner shhhhhi won't tell tweed
The boy did great at the vets yesterday didn't flinch to have the stitches out Colin was chuffed as 2other dogs that day had to be sedated he's had a ab jab just as a precaution incase any infection sets in now that the padding been removed No cone of shame YIPEEEEEEE
Dull and damp so it'll be same old same old
Right better get a move on or there'll be nothing done lol
Take care stay safe whatever you all get up to xxxxxx
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tawneywolf is offline  
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12-03-2016, 09:44 AM
Good boy, Fritz, having your stitches out, and I bet he feels ever so much better and less depressed now The Cone has been removed. LOL at Bumblesnout.
Well...I shot myself in the foot last night. I have been told by a few people to smear chilli paste where Zen keeps eating the kennel door and surrounding areas. Yesterday I remembered to buy some (red hot stuff) and smeared it on the areas. Soooo then they ALL clustered around, licking it off
This morning some of the loose rubber mats had been pulled out into the yard, so Madam could get at the NEW floor Alun put down a few months ago. Everywhere has now been sprayed with pine disinfectant in the hope of deterring her, one of my friends has suggested washing up liquid. I will try a cheap one, I think my pomegranite washing up liquid is going to be too tempting
Am going to tidy up the dead stuff in the pots now the rain has gone away for a while, would have done that this afternoon after walking the girls, Sharpe is on May do it if I have time before HE graces my life with HIS presence,not going to take long to make a start then I'll have a do at it all every day until I can make a start painting the decking and fence.
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12-03-2016, 11:24 AM
Morning all
Not well today, I have a cold
Nippy just you go steady please!!
Norma, Mr Fritz is a good boy isn't he? Hope he is much brighter soon
Brenda, hope you get to training OK
TW, I was told scotch bonnet peppers, cut in half and rub the cut pieces on what the dogs chew....worries me with eyes and noses though
Moyra, hope you have a nice day and have some nice dry weather
Made mum her new body cream for her skin...half killed me but better than using all those chemicals, I will hopefully be allowed back to bed in a bit...if I vanish I am keeping my germs to myself Lol
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12-03-2016, 01:06 PM
Poor you, Griff. Is it because your immune system is weak due to the chemo. Hoping you feel better later as the day goes on.
Had a really good walk with Mabs, Kesh and Zen. Lots of dogs about and Zen was amazing, came back (sometimes eventually) when asked and was really good. Mabs and Kesh absolutely fine, was even able to let Kesh off the line for a while when it went quiet, as we were walking up to the canal basin there was a lot of goings on because the old locks are being restored and wagons were arriving with materials, a guy coming down from the top canal had 2 dogs who were virtually under the wheels of one of the wagons as he had no control whatsoever. One of the drivers had to get out and grab the dog, thought it best if Kesh went on a line otherwise it would have been chased to Bolton probably.
Got these piccies, they have now broken through into the canal basin, got to be 80 or 90 years since there was any water flowing, by the looks of it things are really hotting up, been a slow process up till now
Here's how it looked last year

and here it is today

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12-03-2016, 02:00 PM
Hi peeps, got to training ok and they were very good. Just a little woof occasionally but all in all better than last week. Nippy try having more warm baths over the day/s and that should help with the bruising. Had some sad news from my daughter in america, her eldest doglet has congestive heart failure. On meds for it so hopefully that will help. Hope Casey is ok and any others that I haven't remembered. Off for a coffee. bfn.
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12-03-2016, 02:00 PM
Oh dear June, do hope they get to restore it as it was. Have just walked Amber on the green, I do not have the energy to get blue out through the gate and the ramp put in place. I am going to have to resolve the problem. Must phone Colin again for his advice. Either that or I should sell Blue while her batteries are good. I am so tired constantly and that is the problem, I want to go back to bed but am restless as soon as I do so not sure quite what is my problem. I miss my gardening, but the weather has not been kind to us here. I used to grow lots of veg and summer flowers but now that interest is going because himself says I should leave the lawn. He says I should start up my art again. I have all the paints and some boards so maybe but with art like life your heart has to be in it.
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