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Head teacher sentenced for neglecting dog

This is awful

A primary school head teacher who neglected her pet dog so badly that it smelt like "rotting flesh" has been given a suspended jail sentence.

Susan Horncastle, 60, from Wallasey, admitted failing to care for her 17-year-old West Highland terrier, Snowy.

The dog had a large untreated tumour and was so ill that it had to be put down, Wirral magistrates heard.

Horncastle, of Brookthorpe Close, was sentenced to three-months in prison, suspended for two years.

She has resigned from her job as head of Our Lady of Good Help Catholic School in Liverpool.

When an RSPCA inspector called at her home, he noticed a foul smell as he opened the letterbox and at first thought the dog was dead.
Story and photos here (please note they may be upsetting for some):

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gordon mac
Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 4,011
01-12-2015, 10:45 PM
Beggars belief - what an evil uncaring woman. To make matters worse this individual was responsible for the supervision and education of children. My other thoughts on this matter are unprintable!
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 9,062
01-12-2015, 11:39 PM
Three months suspended prison sentence for untold suffering - justice - NOT
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