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01-11-2015, 07:35 AM

Daily Dogsey Thread (Sunday)

Good morning everyone,

Very thick fog out there this morning and I believe none too warm. I am about to take Amber out in it.

They say the fog may not lift all day

Hope Brians ops went ok yesterday Nippy and he was either allowed home or will be today fingers crossed.

Have a good day everyone, Take care, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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01-11-2015, 08:29 AM
Good morning Moyra and all that follow.
We haven't got the fog and it is really quite mild. It will seem a short winter if the temps stay like this

Brian got home about 7 last night. He had gone into retention and has come home with a catheter Tomorrow he has to go to the surgery for it's removal and a wound check.
We have had a bit of a broken night so it will be a nanny nap later !
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01-11-2015, 08:35 AM
Morning Moyra, Nippy Jen and all who follow.
So glad Brian was home last night. Good luck today with the follow up appointment.

Bit misty here too Moyra but mild. We are off to Brancaster today with Dillon birthday treat while Gorden is home he is 4 tomorrow. Who would of believed it the 4 years have gone very quickly. Plus at times I wonder he has survived to 4.
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Sue L
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01-11-2015, 08:51 AM
Good morning

Hope you have a good day Moyra

Enjoy ur trip out Lynn and Happy Birthday to Dillon.

Pleased Brian was homeliest night and hope all goes well with the follow up appointment today.

Very misty here but quite warm. Teazle walked and now waiting for son to get up so we can go and finish his kitchen today. It was quite quiet here last night. A few fireworks but no trick or treaters. There are children in the road and a couple of the houses are decorated with pumpkins to witches

Have a good day and stay safe.
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01-11-2015, 09:53 AM
Pleased to hear Brian is home nippy. Good morning by the way to everyone. Misty here but clearing now. Not cold though. Oh June one of my favourite breeds the German Shepherd. I grew up with them but I agree with you entirely about the breeding of them. Which is why I haven't had one for sometime. Of course I love my Border Collies too. Have a good day all.
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gordon mac
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01-11-2015, 10:18 AM
Morning All,
Glad to hear Brian is home and that all so far is going well hope he is soon back to full vigour. Must be a load off your minds!
Happy Birthday to Dillon and hope both he and you have a fine day out.
Sue - try to enjoy your day on the brushes - you have my admiration for I'd sooner have my nails pulled out with pliers than tackle any decorating. For me it is a hateful pastime! lol !
Brenda - I too am an admirer of GSDs we lost our Remus two and a half years ago. He was just coming up to 13 yrs old and was picked from a litter that had been bred for police service. He was what I would describe as an "old fashioned sort" big with huge amount of bone and a straight back (no exaggerated bend of stifle) he was black and gold and had the densest coat I've ever seen on a dog. Could have been an entirely different breed to those crippled looking thin things you see staggering round a show ring nowadays. Although extremely bold and a very good guard (he once held three poachers in a corner for nearly half an hour whilst the police came) he was the easiest animal I have ever trained. He picked up new instruction like blotting paper and never seemed to forget or need a refresher on anything. I miss him.
Off out again now see you all later. G.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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01-11-2015, 10:23 AM
So glad Brian is home safe and more or less sound. Hoping the catheter removal is quick and pain free. Must have been a very long day for you Nippy waiting on the news.
Brenda GSD's seem to have changed since they were 'Alsatians' I find the constant barking extremely irritating and they all seem to do it, not keen on the banana and camel back 'look' either. I like a nice straight back, a leg at each corner and no constant barking, loved my dobies, but sadly lost them all to the 'wobbles' and thats how I found Tawney and what became Utonagan dogs
Many Happy Returns to Dillon, Lynn, and yes you did make it despite all the ups and downs.Have a lovely day at Brancaster.
Foggy here too, but you can see quite far, being sandwiched between a river and a canal, mists and fogs are quite common here, and the minute you come out of the village and climb the hill, it is clear as a bell.
Stay warm Moyra and get wrapped up if it is cold there,its saying 10 or 11 today which isn't bad for this time of year
Just read your post, LG.He sounds like a proper dog and as you say not like the poor things you see nowadays, hate the cow hocks I see as well.
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01-11-2015, 10:53 AM
So glad Nippy that Brian is home and hope his catheter removal later goes without concern. Steve is working this morning. I need the peace! Have a good day all. xxxx
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01-11-2015, 12:07 PM
I totally agree and I find the border collie too small for me to and a bit like clones. Prefer larger collies. My last shepherd I brought back from a show that I was at doing obedience with a collie. The owners didn't want her and had also abused her. She was only 9 months lived till 12 years. I loved her very much and temperament to die for.
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01-11-2015, 02:47 PM
Well.....the Utonagan part of her took over during the 1 minute stay and she started doing zoomies, so she is 'Not Ready' (an understatement). Was speaking to Joe, who takes the Silver and I was saying she needed time in the Bronze to settle a bit and he said he thought she'd do well in the Silver because she'd have to start thinking and at the moment boredom was setting in quickly as she has taken it all in and needs more. She was a little star in the rest of the lesson, we did the tunnel for the first time. Will concentrate on the stays, although she does do it for me, I can walk away and walk around her in a circle, her recall in the test was great, no one else's dog did a recall they charged off and went deaf, but they did a good stay. Hey you can't have it all can you
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