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Dogsey Veteran
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Female  Diamond Supporter 
07-10-2015, 01:57 PM
You hear it all the time, I'd never buy from a breeder, I'll always go to rescue, very commendable , each to their own, but when it's expanded to.... Pedigrees are unhealthy, interbred and so on and on, how do you know that that little cute rescue you took on is not the product of interbreeding, you have no knowledge of health issues inherited from parents, but you convieniently forget that whilst you bash breeders.

Your rescue was bred by a breeder who probably took no thought in allowing their mut to breed with someone else's mut, or worse their own mut, who very well may be related.

Suggesting breeders should stop breeding suggests you have no idea what goes behind good breeding.
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Dogsey Veteran
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07-10-2015, 04:52 PM
Street dogs and strays fill the shelters. They breed at will, many people let their dogs run away etc and then these things happen. It's not always done, or even often done on someone's property etc. There is NO NEED for any kind of breeder to exist at this point for me to ever own a dog for the rest of my life. Dogs die daily because there are no homes for them. Perhaps ages ago there weren't enough dogs and there was a need to breed, but last I checked this isn't ages ago and sometimes things need to change for something good to happen. I stand by my statement, with the dog population the way it is currently, there is NO NEED for more dogs being deliberately brought into the world. Again, people who own pure bred dogs will argue this day and night... but it's the way I feel and there isn't any changing that or the facts around it.
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Dogsey Veteran
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07-10-2015, 04:54 PM
Suggesting breeders should stop breeding suggests nothing other than I don't see the REAL "ethics" behind adding dogs ON PURPOSE to an already crowded dog world regardless of how "ethical" the breeder is. Supply and demand... but I'm not going to sit here and say the same things over and over. Oh and I could have SWORN I said I don't support any breeders, so the scenario about how a rescue could have maybe been bred by accident doesn't really apply. Again, strays and dogs owned by nobody at all could supply all the dogs I need for the rest of my life and for many, MANY generations to come. I don't let my dogs breed so yeah...
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Dogsey Veteran
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Female  Gold Supporter 
07-10-2015, 05:20 PM
Breeders good ones breed when they have a waiting list for their breed. Sometimes litters are small and the later added prospective owners are disappointed and remain on a waiting list till that breeder breeds again. Good breeders not very often. Or they may be recommended to a breeder whose bitch has produced a larger litter than expected but normally there are more than enough people waiting sometimes a year or more.
I have no issue with people wanting to do rescue only dogs but you seem Myra to refuse to see the other side of the coin for those that do their research on a breed they have maybe wanted to own for many years and it is their dream to own the breed of their choice.
If they do the correct research re: health lines longevity the breeder giving a contract stating that at any stage of the dogs life they have to be returned to that breeder whatever the circumstance then what is the problem ?
I know people in my breed who own a well bred dog for showing or carting or just as a pet but also own a rescue mostly of the same breed sometimes from rescue and a cross breed.

Do you feel there should be no rescue organisations either ?

At the end of the day dogs will be bred we will individually choose how we wish to acquire a dog both ways are acceptable if done in the right way.
It is a shame you cannot be gracious to people like Jackie and myself about how we wish to acquire our dogs and do but we are gracious to you and accept that you prefer to rescue.
Neither way is wrong if done correctly.
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Dogsey Veteran
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07-10-2015, 06:04 PM
I respect that point of view Lynn, and I'm forced to respect that people will pay a ton for a dog they deem to be worth it for WHATEVER reason, such as the dogs in this article. If nobody ever bred another dog, the strays and street dogs would still keep shelters full at this point. I just hate seeing people pay all this money when nearly free dogs die in shelters all the time. There isn't a ton of evidence that pure bred health tested dogs are better than or even healthier than mixed dogs, it's all down to chance.

If the type of dog I like disappeared, I'd just pick another kind of dog... I'd rather give a dog on death row a home WAY before I'd pay a breeder to custom breed me some kind of dog. I don't truly understand people who can't see that. That's just how I feel.

If I had the money and space for a dog and was looking, I'd get a Yorkie mix if I knew he'd die before a Labrador if I knew he wouldn't even though I prefer Labradors to tiny breeds WAY MORE. Sure if they were both on the same level and no dog had the chance of dying more than the other I'd pick the Labrador because we do have our preferences, but at what cost?

But that's how I look at buying dogs from breeders. Perhaps it's biased or skewered, but it's the way I feel and will always feel. Apologies if it offends people as I realize that it will, but I mean that's my stance on it regardless.
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Dogsey Veteran
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07-10-2015, 06:10 PM
And also unless you two are breeders... I really did not disrespect you either but my bad.
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Dogsey Senior
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04-12-2015, 04:00 PM
Ridiculously over priced. Even if I imported a rare breed to introduce into a country I would not charge a this much. I would be reasonable finding appropriate homes or places with like minded people who had the interest of the breed at heart.

I don't know about this particular breeder being quality breeder or not but I'm unsure how one could deem them bad for breeding a foreign breed. Or calling them an "unknown" breed. They are recognized in Vietnam and I'm sure they are a very old breed. Probably older than many European or American breeds. Importing and establishing them in either area is no different than many breeds in the breed.

Originally Posted by mjfromga View Post
Street dogs and strays fill the shelters. They breed at will, many people let their dogs run away etc and then these things happen. It's not always done, or even often done on someone's property etc. There is NO NEED for any kind of breeder to exist at this point for me to ever own a dog for the rest of my life. Dogs die daily because there are no homes for them. Perhaps ages ago there weren't enough dogs and there was a need to breed, but last I checked this isn't ages ago and sometimes things need to change for something good to happen. I stand by my statement, with the dog population the way it is currently, there is NO NEED for more dogs being deliberately brought into the world. Again, people who own pure bred dogs will argue this day and night... but it's the way I feel and there isn't any changing that or the facts around it.
Yes stray dogs are going to breed but overall they are not the most common. Most dogs in shelters are from owned dogs. Whether that is oops breeding (as in oops I'm too cheap or lazy to s/n or contain my dog) or all the bybs who fill the classifieds with 1000s of puppies. So I'd wager dogs often procreate on someone's property.

I understand there is no need for breeders for you personally to own a dog but what about other people? What works for you might not for someone else. This is true for many things in life. Some people don't see a reason to ever own a truck but understand other people have need for them.
If you just want a pet and are open to different types then a shelter dog will work perfect for you. Yet what about people who need a certain breed / type? That means there is very well a need for breeders. It's not about number of dogs or population size. Dogs are not manufacturered in a plant somewhere, identical one to the next. There could be 100 billion dogs in ones area but only a few that are what you want and need so the rest are irrelevant. I am not saying they are irrelevant as a living being but to the person looking for a specific dog because all those dogs won't meet their requirements no matter how high the population.
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Dogsey Veteran
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10-12-2015, 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Breeders good ones breed when they have a waiting list for their breed. Sometimes litters are small and the later added prospective owners are disappointed and remain on a waiting list till that breeder breeds again. Good breeders not very often. Or they may be recommended to a breeder whose bitch has produced a larger litter than expected but normally there are more than enough people waiting sometimes a year or more.
I have no issue with people wanting to do rescue only dogs but you seem Myra to refuse to see the other side of the coin for those that do their research on a breed they have maybe wanted to own for many years and it is their dream to own the breed of their choice.
If they do the correct research re: health lines longevity the breeder giving a contract stating that at any stage of the dogs life they have to be returned to that breeder whatever the circumstance then what is the problem ?
I know people in my breed who own a well bred dog for showing or carting or just as a pet but also own a rescue mostly of the same breed sometimes from rescue and a cross breed.

Do you feel there should be no rescue organisations either ?

At the end of the day dogs will be bred we will individually choose how we wish to acquire a dog both ways are acceptable if done in the right way.
It is a shame you cannot be gracious to people like Jackie and myself about how we wish to acquire our dogs and do but we are gracious to you and accept that you prefer to rescue.
Neither way is wrong if done correctly.
A dignified and well balanced post, Lynn... But then we are older and that makes a great difference to how we see these things; gives us a wider view. I love seeing the different breeds at my market stall, but the thing that makes me cringe and bite my tongue HARD is when the owners say, well, I will let her have a litter just to see what they turn out like, especially when they are eg a labradoodle or other odd mix. No thought or experience. For me? "The best things in life are free".. as with my five cats ( SOKAY: I have stopped gathering now! See my tale of tails post) I take critters not for me but for their neediness. All 6 previously 7 are rescues and I would not , indeed could not, buy. When I see that figure all I can think of is how many desperately needy babies we could feed with that.. ay me!
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