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16 fox cubs held near hunt kennels

Campaigner says "they are being kept to ensure there are plenty of foxes to hunt this coming season" and that it "demonstrates that hunting is nothing to do with fox control or wildlife management - it's just a cruel sport people partake in for pleasure"

Police in North Yorkshire are investigating after video footage showed 16 fox cubs being held in a barn near hunt kennels.

The images were filmed by the League Against Cruel Sports, which alleges that the cubs were being raised to be hunted.

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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Mar 2015
Posts: 372
11-06-2015, 11:20 PM
It would be safe to say that MOST hunts in the UK have ignored the hunting ban and do go after foxes. The police seem to ignore it and you NEVER see them following a hunt to make sure they are drag hunting and not going after foxes.

There are some hunts where the Chief Constable is actually a member of the hunt - it's a disgrace and one of the few areas of country life that make me feel ashamed.

Also our so called Prime Minister, David Cameron, is a supporter of Fox Hunting and belongs to a hunt himself.

The whole thing stinks.
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Dogsey Veteran
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12-06-2015, 06:06 AM
I hope that it turns out to be unfounded. The sport is cruel in the first place to capture to make sure they have the means to carry on with the blood sport is disgusting.
It is not a fair fight for the poor foxes and there are surely more humane ways to keep any form of wildlife under control.
I hate the phrase the horse enjoys it because it is nonsense the horse does not know what its chasing drag chasing is just as enjoyable for the horse but not so for the riders who take enjoyment out of seeing a poor defenceless animal torn to shreds.
I understand wildlife has to be managed but shooting would be a far better way. If they were a good enough shot I am sure it would not be a problem. The excuses for not shooting are poor in my opinion as said either they are a useless shot.
I feel this so called sport is up there with dog baiting.
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Almost a Veteran
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12-06-2015, 10:46 AM
a captive raised fox will have no knowledge of the country into which it is released and it will not be able to fend for itself.

a bit like a carp fisherman fishing in a fish tank

I dont doubt that dubious practices do occur in some areas but LACs arent above 'planting' to cause trouble from what I gather
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Dogsey Veteran
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13-06-2015, 07:19 AM
And I thought England was free of this unlike Ireland.. ah well..even if exaggerated, still real. And wise to be vigilant always.
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Dogsey Veteran
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Female  Gold Supporter 
13-06-2015, 07:28 AM
It was banned Rose but now the Tories are back in Government it looks like it will be overturned and become legal again. As always I do think there were hunts even though it was banned still did hunt with dogs.
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Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 18,574
16-01-2017, 06:44 PM
Well it looks like they haven't stopped!

Police investigate fox 'killing' footage

A hunt saboteurs group has released footage it claims shows them trying to save a fox from hounds, though it died soon after.
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