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Helena54 is offline  
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06-11-2013, 07:06 AM

Morning Dogsey Daily Thread - Wednesday

Good morning all Dogsey Peeps

We got let off very lightly last night with the fireworks, no massive bangs, just a few rockets whizzing around in the sky, but they all sounded like damp squids, and I'm so very lucky that Zena isn't bothered by those at all. I do hope your dogs weren't stressed out by what was going on around yours.

Jenny, hows little Flash this morning - I hope you both had a good night and he's eaten some little meals and is on the mend.

Pat, hope your shoulder let you have a good night's sleep last night, mine's bad again too this morning after that fall, can't life my left arm up.

Jen, I hope your little Pepsi is doing ok this morning with her upset tum problems.

Got hair at 9 am, just to run another vegi colour through it cos I can't stand this dull, drab colour she's given me after doing the roots last week, but it'll probably be the final time I visit this salon cos I've had it with them now. I won't tell them that though of course for fear of coming out of there bright orange or summat.

Zena hasn't been lame since Sunday lunchtime, so my quieter walks seem to be working so it can't be anything major, she's still running around like a loon, except I'm not throwing the ball at all, but she doesn't seem to mind and she spends a lot more time sniffing about which of course, tires her out just as much, but she does like a good run does Zena, but that'll have to wait a while now.

Hope everyone else is ok along with the doglets, and enjoy your day. Hopefully, Lynn will be back on the scene very soon.
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06-11-2013, 07:23 AM
Morning Helena,

Glad to hear Zena is doing well. Sounds like you've got it all under control. There were a few fireworks down the road from me last night but the youngsters aren't bothered and Scooby is too deaf to hear them these days. I'm pleased it wasn't too loud where you are either.

I'm hoping for good news from Jenny and Jen. Fingers crossed both have happier hounds this morning.

I'm off out to first aid training again today with Scooby in tow. Got to get there early so I can park where I want. I have to admit it was a bit odd going out without a dog yesterday so it will be nice having him around. I just hope the youngsters behave for my neighbour. I've had words with Malcolm but I don't think he listened!
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06-11-2013, 07:38 AM
Morning H and Jen, Morning anyone who follows.

Well that's my application in for the job I'm doing at the moment, fingers crossed. I applied online so bit worried in case it hasn't worked, even though I did get an acknowledgement.

I'm off to work this morning, should be a nice relaxing morning at least cause the lad I work with was doing an assessment yesterday and finished it, so today will hopefully be a quiet one.

Tonight, well better get on with some study and start hunting down sources on Mother Theresa (it's part of the assignment I have to do for next week). Today if I get a chance I'll be reading Othello in order to catch up with the Higher English.

Have a nice day everyone.
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06-11-2013, 09:09 AM
Morning Helena I'm pleased Zena's leg is improving, the gentle exercise is obviously working. Good luck at the hairdressers today
Pepsi £52 later, the little monkey is as right as rain!
Originally Posted by Jen View Post
I've had words with Malcolm but I don't think he listened!

Good luck with your on-line application Lore I'm just the same I still don't trust emails etc!

I hope Flash is well today and that it hasn't spread to Rucksack.

I've just been out in thick drizzle (we call it mizzle here!) and gale force winds to fill up the seed hangers for the birds. Two gardens away is our shop and they get their deliveries about this time. So I'm there happily minding my own business when I hear a mans voice saying "stand well clear, stand well clear" Well what do I do, I've got Red Adair but I still can't run away? Frozen to the spot I then hear "this vehicle is reversing"! Well how stooopid, why can't it just sound its horn like everyone else.
That is probably as exciting as my day will get
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06-11-2013, 09:24 AM
Where is everyone
Hugs to all poorly doggies and peeps
Busy day ahead Maybe we'll hear from LYNN today
Have a good one,see ya later
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06-11-2013, 09:36 AM
Morning all Bella was not brilliant last night but in the middle of it all I did think "what if she were not here - and petrified alone, an others who were not in a safe place " made it a lot more copeable. But a bit more upsetting.

Well few bits to do today Mom wants to go to get some new shoes and trousers. But she is not feeling 100% so we will see got to drop and collect my BIL from dropping his car in.
And would like to get the the funeral directors and sort out my Aunts prepaid/pre arranged funeral today too. Need to get my hair trimmed or cut. And get the emulsion for the toilet I wallpapered yesterday.
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06-11-2013, 09:36 AM
Good Morning Ladies, Not very nice out there this morning. I think it is a day for getting wet walks with the dogs. The fireworks were very heavy here last night but Amber wasn't too bothered by them until one very close one and very loud went off but still she just lifted her head looked at me to say is it ok and went back sleep again.

Helena glad Zena's leg seems to be better. I hope your hair comes out the way you like it.

Jen, Good luck with the First Aid training today. I hope the dogs behave better for you today than they did yesterday.

Lore, good luck with your application, shouldn't be a problem should it?

Nippy jen that's a lot of money to find out he is right as rain.

Have a good day all and stay dry! God bless.
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06-11-2013, 09:37 AM
Morning Eileen, morning Kazz you both slipped in while I was typing. Have a good day each.
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06-11-2013, 09:41 AM
Kazz do you ever have time to draw breath
Moyra, Pepsi's bill was for her boosters and a months of tablets too so not so bad I suppose
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Helena54 is offline  
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06-11-2013, 09:43 AM
Morning again everyone
Jen, hope Scooby will be a lot happier going to work with you today and I hope all the others behave themselves.
Jen, glad to her Pepsi is fine today even though it hit your purse pretty hard to get her like this.
Lorraine, nice quiet day at work? Let's hope so!
Eileen, hope you've got big plans for today, maybe involving a few power tools.

Well, I can't believe how my day is going so far, it's one of those days when you should just go back to bed and start all over again.

I met up with my friend's wife this morning, the ones who had just lost their lovely boy yesterday, and of course, she only had 4 in tow, so I waited for her to come down the slope, held open my arms and she fell into them and had a big hug and a huuuuge cry which lasted 5 mins, and of course, it set me off too I know it did her good, cos it's somebody who understands and not the other person who is grieving so badly such as her hubby. We walked together, I let her talk and cry, the dogs were very quiet, but Zena enjoyed their company as we walked along.

Got home, noticed I have a flat tyre, so rang Dave with instructions on how to use his compressor in the garage to get to the tyre shop. Turns out he had to go home, he had one of his bad headaches (not the migraine but the other one with his neck problems), and they said he was in a really bad way, shaking all over, his hands clasped in front of him and he couldn't move them Oh Lordy gimme strength.

I rang the AA, told them of my plight and the fact that I didn't have the home start, but could they help me at all. They could, but of course, it would cost me, but I need the home start anyway what with Dave being all the way over on the other side of the county all week. They're coming at 10.15 to put my spare on. Rang the nice garage up the road, told him what had happened and because they had done the back one 3 months ago, they knew which tyre to get in, so that'll be in later on today and I can zoom up there to get it changed.

I'm supposed to be going to the meeting in the town hall tonight with that neighbour cos the planning is going to committee, but I've now told him it's unlikely unless I can speak with Dave later on today, as I'm very worried about him and I hope to God I don't have to drive over there tonight on top of everything else.

Of course, I had to cancel my hair, but maybe that's a good thing, maybe that was fate stepping in, to stop me going cos the way my day's been so far, I'm sure that would have ended in disaster along with everything else lol.

So, I'm now going to make myself a well earned cuppa, wait for the AA man, and take it all from there. No nanny nap today of course cos I'll be at the garage this afternoon.

I might just flop out in the chair and put telly on, cos I know if I start doing something it'll all go pete tong. I blew the toaster up night before last, I missed my toast last night because I forgot to buy a new one yesterday and it doesn't look like I'll be getting one today either does it. Hey ho, there's always soup.

I hope your day is going better than mine, but maybe the planets are all wrong for us all today

ETA. Morning Moyra and Kazz you snuck in whilst I was typing.

Oh, and by the way, Zena was lame before we even WENT on our walk this morning, but she soon loosened up and seems fine again now.
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