Location: South Wales, UK
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 18,577
WeQ4u (Dragon's Den) (and good alternative to saynoto0870.com)
Anyone watch Vulture's Den?
www.weq4u.co.uk pitch made me laugh - they just weren't interested because he was playing them at their own game by offering them a low 1% as the starting point!
Anyway, WeQ4u is a phone app that queues on your behalf so you don't have to wait (and pay for!) the time in the queue to UK call centres (ie those numbers normally starting in 08 )
However what's really interesting is
it works for landlines too! But the best thing about that, is that if you have a landline package that gives you free calls to landline numbers (but not 0845 type numbers - which is what most of these packages do thesedays), then you can use Weq4u and get the call as part of your normal inclusive calls (because it is a normal landline number)
When I look at the phone bill, almost all of our charges are connections charges and.... 0845 and 0870 type numbers!! So I'll definitely be using this service in future
We'll stay in the queue for you, and once we've found you an agent, your phone will ring twice. As soon as it's stopped ringing, just hit Last Number Redial on your phone, or dial us on 0121 667 5969, and we'll connect you to the agent straight away.
(I used to use
http://www.saynoto0870.com/search.php but it's a pain having to search for the number you want)