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Helena54 is offline  
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23-12-2010, 04:39 PM

I'm really suffering with my ear

The awful cold I've had for the past 10 days (which came right on top of the first cold!) has left me with a horrendous ear problem over the past week, I'm in absolute agony, haven't slept for the past 3 nights, spoken to 3 quacks, the drops never worked then I saw the nurse yesterday and she said she can't see my eardrum in that ear coz it's full of wax

Well, I've never suffered with anything like this all my life, never had wax problems, and this pain is like having a tooth abcess in your ear, it's pretty horrendous, so Christmas has been cancelled here Dave has come down with the flu that I had, so he's packed up work early, so we're sitting here feeling very sorry for ourselves, wishing Christmas was another week away!

Somebody mentioned garlic oil, so I've been doing that, to no effect, then I resorted to the hydrogen bit to speed things up, nothing, still the same, nothing has come out I got the Otex ear drops and I'm going to do the water blasting bit on Christmas day instead of enjoying myself with my bottle of Champers and cooking a turkey (oh joy ). I can't eat coz it hurts after a few mouthfuls, I'll be like a skeleton after Christmas at this rate, when everybody else will be on a diet It'll be paracetamols and Sinutabs for me on Christmas morning, so spare a thought for me when you're pouring yourself a nice glass of something won'tcha!

The nurse said they can't syringe it until next Thursday so they've just left me like this all over christmas now Throughout all of this though, I have managed to walk the dogs every single morning in the freezing cold, snow and ice, so the only one suffering is me Oh woe is me.......

Apart from sticking a pair of tweezers in there and yanking it out anybody got any tips to ease this horrendous pain please???

Other than that, have a great Christmas everybody...... I shall have mine in the New Year with my new size 6 figure NOT! I blame Sainsbury's!!! If I hadn't gone in there for my Christmas shopping last week I wouldn't be in this state now with all those people coughing and spluttering at me
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scorpio is offline  
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23-12-2010, 04:44 PM
Awww, I'm really sorry to hear how poorly you are feeling, and now Dave has come down with it you'll have to wait on him hand and foot cos you know it always effects men worse

I have no knowledge of any of the treatments that may help you so will just send you some cyber (((hugs))) to help you through it all, Henry sends some special settery kisses too.

I do hope you feel a lot better very soon xxx
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23-12-2010, 04:49 PM
Awww thanks Sheree, sympathy gratefully received, and slobbery Henry setter kisses even more gratefully received!!!

Yes, it's funny how when I had it (I've still sort of got it really, that cold), nobody helped me out, and yet when Dave caught it, out I went to Boots, got him every concoction under the sun and am duly administering it all every 4 hours, plus the constant sympathy which I never got any of either! Men! I'm soooooooo hoping his ends up in his ear too and then he'll really know what suffering is!!!!
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23-12-2010, 04:50 PM
Don't laugh but when I had really bad earache last year I took to sleeping with my ear on a hot water bottle which seemed to work quite well, that and lots of ibprofen.
Hope you feel better soon x
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23-12-2010, 04:52 PM
I hope you feel better real soon. Please be careful sticking things in your ear you can perforate the ear drum.

What about warm olive oil warm mind not hot test it before you pour it in. If not just get plastered and numb the pain that way. We did one year when Gorden and I had terrible colds we just sat and drank hot mulled wine and became oblivious.

(((Hugs))) for you and Dave.
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23-12-2010, 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Trouble View Post
Don't laugh but when I had really bad earache last year I took to sleeping with my ear on a hot water bottle which seemed to work quite well, that and lots of ibprofen.
Hope you feel better soon x
Yes, heat really is helping it. I'm pouring boiling water on a little cotton wool pad, cooling it slightly, then folding it over and sticking the pointy end in my ear, and ooooooooh the relief is wonderful, but it doesn't last long. I wish I had a hot water bottle, I might think of a substitute, thanks Trouble.What about my sympathy then????!!!!

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
I hope you feel better real soon. Please be careful sticking things in your ear you can perforate the ear drum.

What about warm olive oil warm mind not hot test it before you pour it in. If not just get plastered and numb the pain that way. We did one year when Gorden and I had terrible colds we just sat and drank hot mulled wine and became oblivious.

(((Hugs))) for you and Dave.
It was only the thought that crossed my mind Lynn about the tweezers, I know not to stick anything in there smaller than your elbow as the nurse told me The doctor told me if it does perforate at least the pain will go away, coz my problem is he said, the pressure behind the ear drum with the cattarh which has blocked up all my tiny tubes. Ikeep doing the steam thing which seems to help, although at first it causes even more pain in the ear! Yep, you could be right, my only answer might be to start on the alcohol lol! p.s. I'm doing the warm garlic olive oil coz the garlic will kill any bacteria and the oil is softening the wax this side ready for the syringe next week! OMG is that gonna hurt?????!!!!
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23-12-2010, 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Yes, heat really is helping it. I'm pouring boiling water on a little cotton wool pad, cooling it slightly, then folding it over and sticking the pointy end in my ear, and ooooooooh the relief is wonderful, but it doesn't last long. I wish I had a hot water bottle, I might think of a substitute, thanks Trouble.What about my sympathy then????!!!!

It was only the thought that crossed my mind Lynn about the tweezers, I know not to stick anything in there smaller than your elbow as the nurse told me The doctor told me if it does perforate at least the pain will go away, coz my problem is he said, the pressure behind the ear drum with the cattarh which has blocked up all my tiny tubes. Ikeep doing the steam thing which seems to help, although at first it causes even more pain in the ear! Yep, you could be right, my only answer might be to start on the alcohol lol! p.s. I'm doing the warm garlic olive oil coz the garlic will kill any bacteria and the oil is softening the wax this side ready for the syringe next week! OMG is that gonna hurt?????!!!!
Nothing smaller than your elbow.

Alcohol it needs to be then and for next Thursday when they syringe it. Seriously though I hope you find some relief ear ache and tooth ache must be two of the worst pains to experience.
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suecurrie is offline  
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23-12-2010, 05:27 PM
Are you sure you haven't got an infection. Even if ear is blocked with wax it shouldn't be that painful. I have a lot of problems with my ears/sinuses and always use warm olive oil when the need arises. Have been told by Doctor to avoid ear drops like the plague. Hope the pain subsides soon but if really bad tomorrow I would go to Doctor to ensure no infection and get some antibiotics before Christmas.
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Sal is offline  
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23-12-2010, 05:36 PM
Ouch,Helena it sounds awful.

O/H had this a few years ago and ended up having his ear syringed,It doesn't hurt according to hubby and he said it was a really weird sensation.He said when the blockage of wax is removed it's like everyone is shouting
The Dr told him off though because he had been using cotton wool buds and actually pushed the wax further in which was causing the pain due to the pressure on the ear drum.

Hope you get some relief soon x
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Hali is offline  
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23-12-2010, 05:38 PM
For the wax - hot bath. Stick your head (or at least your ears) under water for as long as you are able. Immediately afterwards go and lie down with your bad ear on a pillow (probably best with a towel or tissue underneath). If it works, you should be able to feel the wax running out (yuck!).

For the tube congestion - I've found that Sinutab/Sudafed really helps.
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