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Fudgeley is offline  
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20-10-2010, 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by jols View Post
& your employer is breaking the law by not paying you SSP(Statutory Sick Pay)

When was the last time someone doing your job was raped & murdered ? Stabbed/shot/blown up verbally or physically attacked ??

I earn £2 under the ssp limit...i get nothing.

and yes one of our managers was murdered last year in a robbery that went wrong.

Hmm.....with all the extra paperwork/marking out of hours stuff teachers have to do, you really think they have it easy?

My sons teacher does not teach for one day a week to do planning and marking!
Every teacher is entitled to 10% non contact time to plan and assess and decide what is the next best step for Your child! This is 10% of total teaching time which will work out at about 2.5 hours.A newly qualified teacher is also entitled to a morning to meet with mentors and further training and complete their qualifying year.All of this is to improve the children's education.
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20-10-2010, 04:05 PM
Some comments form Teachers about so called pen pushers.

These are the sort of people and skills that are being made redundant in the education sector. Sensible I think not.
These comments are about my Husbands work. Something to be proud of I would say. He has just given his permission for me to post these off his web site for you to see and make you realise they are not lazy good for nothing waste of spaces.

Reassuring, informative and constructive. Very well presented. - Primary teacher

Informative and useful. - Secondary teacher

Invaluable for my work with schools. - AST

A very well balanced and appropriately delivered programme. - Leading Teacher

Informative and useful. - Secondary teacher

Invaluable for my work with schools. - AST

A very well balanced and appropriately delivered programme. - Leading Teacher

Gorden’s delivery was excellent and the material was very relevant. There was plenty of interaction. - Cluster Co-ordinator

Clear and specific ideas explained in a relevant way. - Leading Teacher

This course has had great impact on my own practice and will continue to impact on the school in future. - Deputy Headteacher

An enlightening course with inspiring ideas. - Literacy Co-ordinator

Mr Pope facilitated the discussion between teachers and co-ordinators without lecturing us and I think we all left feeling enthusiastic and eager. - Teacher

Best course I have been on for a long time. - Teacher

Areas where the session could have been improved: Are you kidding? - Teacher

Areas where the session was particularly successful: All of it, also being able to ask questions and not feel like an idiot. - Teacher

Excellent speaker. Intelligent, witty, wry. Asked interesting open questions. - Teacher

A thought provoking course with inspiring ideas. - Teacher

Very informative - enabled me to develop professionally. - Teacher

We appreciated the chance to pose our own questions at the start of the day. - Assessment co-ordinator

A fantastic experience which has really had a positive impact on my teaching. - Teacher

An enlightening course with inspiring ideas. - Literacy Co-ordinator

Mr Pope facilitated the discussion between teachers and co-ordinators without lecturing us and I think we all left feeling enthusiastic and eager. - Teacher
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20-10-2010, 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Snorri the Priest View Post
Also for the record (only), since I was old enough, I have voted for every political party except conservative. I could never swallow the greed.


LOL to that ----Blair and Cherie have to be THE greediest for a good few years.

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Fudgeley is offline  
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20-10-2010, 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Some comments form Teachers about so called pen pushers.

These are the sort of people and skills that are being made redundant in the education sector. Sensible I think not.
These comments are about my Husbands work. Something to be proud of I would say. He has just given his permission for me to post these off his web site for you to see and make you realise they are not lazy good for nothing waste of spaces.

Reassuring, informative and constructive. Very well presented. - Primary teacher

Informative and useful. - Secondary teacher

Invaluable for my work with schools. - AST

A very well balanced and appropriately delivered programme. - Leading Teacher

Reassuring, informative and constructive. Very well presented. - Primary teacher

Informative and useful. - Secondary teacher

Invaluable for my work with schools. - AST

A very well balanced and appropriately delivered programme. - Leading Teacher

Gorden’s delivery was excellent and the material was very relevant. There was plenty of interaction. - Cluster Co-ordinator

Clear and specific ideas explained in a relevant way. - Leading Teacher

This course has had great impact on my own practice and will continue to impact on the school in future. - Deputy Headteacher

An enlightening course with inspiring ideas. - Literacy Co-ordinator

Mr Pope facilitated the discussion between teachers and co-ordinators without lecturing us and I think we all left feeling enthusiastic and eager. - Teacher

Best course I have been on for a long time. - Teacher

Areas where the session could have been improved: Are you kidding? - Teacher

Areas where the session was particularly successful: All of it, also being able to ask questions and not feel like an idiot. - Teacher

Excellent speaker. Intelligent, witty, wry. Asked interesting open questions. - Teacher

A thought provoking course with inspiring ideas. - Teacher

Very informative - enabled me to develop professionally. - Teacher

We appreciated the chance to pose our own questions at the start of the day. - Assessment co-ordinator

A fantastic experience which has really had a positive impact on my teaching. - Teacher

An enlightening course with inspiring ideas. - Literacy Co-ordinator

Mr Pope facilitated the discussion between teachers and co-ordinators without lecturing us and I think we all left feeling enthusiastic and eager. - Teacher

Best course I have been on for a long time. - Teacher

Areas where the session could have been improved: Are you kidding? - Teacher

Areas where the session was particularly successful: All of it, also being able to ask questions and not feel like an idiot. - Teacher

Excellent speaker. Intelligent, witty, wry. Asked interesting open questions. - Teacher

A thought provoking course with inspiring ideas. - Teacher

Very informative - enabled me to develop professionally. - Teacher

We appreciated the chance to pose our own questions at the start of the day. - Assessment co-ordinator

A fantastic experience which has really had a positive impact on my teaching. - Teacher

And every one of those teachers will have gone back to their school, passed on the learning, helped to implement the strategy within their school with perhaps another dozen teachers and then this will have impacted on every child those teachers taught!!! Do the maths!

Take away a resource like this and it is the children who miss out!

Jols, maybe to save money we could just educate children part-time, that way we would only need half as many teachers.........
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20-10-2010, 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by jols View Post
I only have comments for what I know and my sons teacher as the rest of the school its lights out at 3.30pm and no one is there.
Which school is that please---it needs reporting and looking into as that should not be happening.

I am more than happy to do it for you if you are worried about repucussions against your son. As an ex teacher it is something I feel very strongly about!

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20-10-2010, 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Ang3l View Post
Now he needs to say if you weren't born here and are claiming benefits here's a plane ticket home thanks for visiting and goodbye!! No ifs buts or maybes.
I think the overwhelming majority of people would agree with you but sadly there is a 'but'

Allegedly we have a law that states that if a person is arrested as an illegal immigrant, but posses no papers or passport, he can't be sent home, thus the word has gone around the underworld that the very first thing you do when you get into Britain is burn your passport and all papers that link you back to your home country.

What b****y MP's voted for that

So once parliment has sorted out these financial cuts everyone should be lobbying their MP to change the law, then all the money that is paid out to these people will be saved.
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20-10-2010, 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Fudgeley View Post
And every one of those teachers will have gone back to their school, passed on the learning, helped to implement the strategy within their school with perhaps another dozen teachers and then this will have impacted on every child those teachers taught!!! Do the maths!

Take away a resource like this and it is the children who miss out!

Jols, maybe to save money we could just educate children part-time, that way we would only need half as many teachers.........
Spot on and this is what is worrying schools and Heads in his borough he is the first to go along with 6 others on Friday all with exceptional skills and then there is another lot in April. There will be more by the January and then eventually there will be none of these people with these skills let to deliver them where needed. Gorden has already had worried Heads asking what they are meant to do when he is no longer there and his answer you will have to buy consultants in hence why he now has web site and is having to set up his own business. Once again the future of our country suffer any wonder why we are in the state we are in.
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20-10-2010, 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by alexandra View Post
But even though its the banks that caused this mess and MY TAX bailed them out i may suffer a job loss...
Sorry Aexandra, it wasn't just the banks. What happened was that millions of people borrowed more on their credit cards, overdrafts, and mortgages, than they should have done, most of them never thought about paying it back, if they could, if they should, what might happen if they did not.

Even now Wonga are advertising £120 loans at 2,168% APR I just can't get my head around the fact that millions of people in the past were borrowing money on their credit cards and never paying it off, just paying the minimum £5 a month.

So yes, you are right that the banks lent to all the wrong people, but all the wrong people also grabbed what they could when the going was easy, without giving a moments thought to when or if they could pay it back. A bad loan has two parts, the bad borrower and the bad bank. So IMO they are equally responsible for the mess we are in now.

BTW you are also right that it's YOUR TAX money which bailed out the bad banks and it's YOUR TAX money which has bailed out the bad borrowers.
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20-10-2010, 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
Sorry Aexandra, it wasn't just the banks. What happened was that millions of people borrowed more on their credit cards, overdrafts, and mortgages, than they should have done, most of them never thought about paying it back, if they could, if they should, what might happen if they did not.

Even now Wonga are advertising £120 loans at 2,168% APR I just can't get my head around the fact that millions of people in the past were borrowing money on their credit cards and never paying it off, just paying the minimum £5 a month.

So yes, you are right that the banks lent to all the wrong people, but all the wrong people also grabbed what they could when the going was easy, without giving a moments thought to when or if they could pay it back. A bad loan has two parts, the bad borrower and the bad bank. So IMO they are equally responsible for the mess we are in now.

BTW you are also right that it's YOUR TAX money which bailed out the bad banks and it's YOUR TAX money which has bailed out the bad borrowers.
Exactly!!! The good times are over, it's pay-back time now. Look at all those buy to let people who've fallen on rough times coz they got too greedy and now they're stuck with their houses/flats worth half the value and they can't pay back the banks! Same with people maxing on their credit cards, not ever thinking about how they're ever going to pay them back, that's what's got us into this mess. It pains me to say it, but if we didn't have all these big banks we'd be in a worse state than we are now, we would probably go bankrupt and that means we're all of us in the sh*te, so don't be too hard on those banks, they're the ones keeping us floating! We have nothing else left in this country, we can't make anything anymore, we're not the country we used to be nothing like it, it's all big business now in the city they have the finger on the pulse and they call the tune we're one of the world leaders in this sphere, so if they go, we're sunk!

Why are we banging on about teachers when Cameron has in fact increased the education budget, I don't quite understand that?? He's looking to the future, so whatever decisions he makes now, however hard it is for us, I'm actually suffering for YOUR kids here!! Same with the NHS that's not going to suffer either, again the budget has in fact increased.

I'm all for sorting through all the UNNECESSARY jobs that Gordon Brown created to make himself look good and make the unemployment figure stay low, some of those quangoes are quite unbelievable, do we really need people sitting in an office telling us something we already know just by living in the real world? No, they've got to go in my book! Along with half the mp's who think they're sitting comfortably on £75K a year!!! My husband works a 14 hour day, EVERY day and he's earning nowhere near that!!
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20-10-2010, 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Exactly!!! The good times are over, it's pay-back time now. Look at all those buy to let people who've fallen on rough times coz they got too greedy and now they're stuck with their houses/flats worth half the value and they can't pay back the banks! Same with people maxing on their credit cards, not ever thinking about how they're ever going to pay them back, that's what's got us into this mess. It pains me to say it, but if we didn't have all these big banks we'd be in a worse state than we are now, we would probably go bankrupt and that means we're all of us in the sh*te, so don't be too hard on those banks, they're the ones keeping us floating! We have nothing else left in this country, we can't make anything anymore, we're not the country we used to be nothing like it, it's all big business now in the city they have the finger on the pulse and they call the tune we're one of the world leaders in this sphere, so if they go, we're sunk!

Why are we banging on about teachers when Cameron has in fact increased the education budget, I don't quite understand that?? He's looking to the future, so whatever decisions he makes now, however hard it is for us, I'm actually suffering for YOUR kids here!! Same with the NHS that's not going to suffer either, again the budget has in fact increased.

I'm all for sorting through all the UNNECESSARY jobs that Gordon Brown created to make himself look good and make the unemployment figure stay low, some of those quangoes are quite unbelievable, do we really need people sitting in an office telling us something we already know just by living in the real world? No, they've got to go in my book! Along with half the mp's who think they're sitting comfortably on £75K a year!!! My husband works a 14 hour day, EVERY day and he's earning nowhere near that!!
Education budget has increased but the essential support systems that schools use to develop and run are being cut so schools will be forced to spend portions of budgets on using outside private agencies......this then impacts on resources etc in schools for the children. Hidden cuts!
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