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View Poll Results: Are you happy with our new Govt?
Yes - it seems to have turned out much better than I originally thought possible 13 16.88%
Yes - I'm fairly happy with how it's turned out 12 15.58%
Yes - I'm moderately happy 6 7.79%
Neutral - not bothered either way 2 2.60%
No - I'm slightly disappointed 3 3.90%
No - I'm a fair bit unhappy 11 14.29%
No - I'm very upset at how it turned out 30 38.96%
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13-10-2010, 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by rune View Post
A lot of people who voted have never worked---so can't be considered 'working class'.

What is 'working class' Is it how much you earn or your attitude to life----how 'working class is Preston the peer? Tony Blair whose kids went to the best schools---not the most local----- and who managed to gert a load of people killed in an unpopular and unjustified war. Playing soldiers and going for glory.

This government have been in 5 mths and have said they will target benefits---and everyone is up in arms despite previously moaning about benefit cheats. Then saying that 40,000 a year is not enough to live on!!

Its ridiculous.

i agree
everyone winged about benefits during the TORY era of thatcher and BLiar, but funny how the well off didnt mind their universal child benefits, winter fuel allowance and free tv licences and multi national corporate welfare tax breaks.
thats why they and thatch/bliar were hypocrites with alll ther benefit abuse spouting

for decades, as a social welfare minded progressive person i despised these double standards and always wondered what was socialist about giving welfare to the rich.

at least some politicians have worked this out.
nu labour were way more tory, even tony bliar has just said so!
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13-10-2010, 12:41 PM
I think they're doing ok and I am actually happy with the coalition even though I voted conservative. I don't think they've got everything right so far which is a worry as there is so much more to come but I think they're trying.

I've lived through labour and conservative governments and have always voted conservative. I was born into a working class family but have never considered myself to belong to any class, it's irrelevant to me. I have had to work for a living but that isn't what defines you as working class, Doctors, Barristers etc. work for a living but are certainly not working class and I could have trained to be either had I wanted to. I was certainly better off back in the 80's even with 15% mortgage rates than I have been with the low interest of recent times, which affect my savings etc. life changes, that's a fact it's not necessarily down to the government, but the country is in the mire and it really wouldn't make much difference who was currently in power the cuts would still need to made, tax would still need to rise and what we actually need is a fairer society. The benefits issue seriously needs to be addressed, no one should have a higher income on benefits than the average working family brings home working a 40 hours week, it's just wrong. We are higher rate tax payers and have been under successive governments but we're certainly not rich, we probably will suffer under this government but as long as we suffer in a fair way that's life tough sh*t and we wouldn't expect anything else.
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13-10-2010, 05:31 PM
i admire your attitude trouble.

most people just vote according to their own self interest.

its a refreshing attitude to take trouble, pity more people (labour and conservative) dont think the same way.
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13-10-2010, 05:56 PM
Agree with Westie N and others, not happy with it at all, and I think their making a lot of hearsay and promises when penultimately will conform to the conservative stereotype and end up looking after their own and making the rich richer and the poor poorer. I'm from a very working class background, and a very working class city and already can see things starting to slant slightly. Some of the prospective policies, the idea of pensions depending on earnings, raising uni fees, the child benefit situation where they haven't thought it through for allowance of individual circumstances at all, it's all cobblers! Going to be like a stubborn troll on a debate now aswell, don't quote me trying to explain or justify! I have my opinion on this one and it won't be swayed!
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14-04-2011, 12:30 AM
i hate the new goverment infact i hate them all i think the powers that be ie banks and big corpirations have the say and polititions are all puppets.
i dont like the way the new goverment look down on the poorer side of people with almost discust.

i mean all these jobs going under and the benifits being stoped in so many years wont work the econemy needs to grow fair enough but tell that to the fammilys that have been working for years to pay off a mortgage and cant because of all the cuts they then loose the property to the banks and the banks win again.

game of chess theyre playing and were the pawns!

my 2p worth
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14-04-2011, 06:13 AM
Hate it.
Baby due in July and money has been cut for that.
Student nurse... job going and the change in the NHs is a bad thing increase in fees my Uni is going to the full amount.
I think the job seeker for my OH is the same as under labour but he gets £3/week because if my student loan which I have to pay back anyway.
All in all hate this government.
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14-04-2011, 07:49 AM
I did'nt vote for either party. I am lucky I have a job that appears reasonably secure and so far I have not been effected by anything they have done. Time will tell though. IMO politicians are all untrustworthy. I did vote but, knew the party would not win.
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14-04-2011, 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by ATD View Post
Hate it.
Baby due in July and money has been cut for that.
Student nurse... job going and the change in the NHs is a bad thing increase in fees my Uni is going to the full amount.
I think the job seeker for my OH is the same as under labour but he gets £3/week because if my student loan which I have to pay back anyway.
All in all hate this government.
I'm so sorry to hear that.

I hate the fuel increases (being self employed it makes it hard)
...However - I still currently hate the last Government more for getting us in this mess in the first place!!

I guess it may change as I forget about them!
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14-04-2011, 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by Tassle View Post
I'm so sorry to hear that.

I hate the fuel increases (being self employed it makes it hard)
...However - I still currently hate the last Government more for getting us in this mess in the first place!!

I guess it may change as I forget about them!
How can you hold a Government responsible for the bankers loaning money to people/firms that could not afford to repay it ??? Then coming to the Government to bail them out & the Government having to do so to protect the public ???

The very same bankers that fund the Conservatives !

We would not be in this situation if Thatcher had not sold off the nationalized utilities & spend all the money from North Sea oil on funding privatization & the "loads of money"style of living

I've worked under Governments of all shades & see the results close up & personal & the only people that the Conservatives look after is their own & never the people who do the work
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14-04-2011, 08:43 AM
almost a year in and some major cock-ups, u-turns and, what's turning out to be, the murder/suicide of one of the leading players as Clegg (and possibly the Liberal Party as a whole) has lost all credibility in the eyes of many.

Although I firmly believe the welfare system needed a good shake-up, I don't believe it needed it at the expense of the genuine people who through no fault of their own need extra help.

I strongly don't believe that the most vulnerable (those with handicaps) should have been made to fear that they will lose their homes and benefits and whether or not this is the intention of the Government, the message put across has put many of those least able to understand and speak out for themselves in a position of uncertainty - something they can well do without.

Although I believe the education system needed a good shake-up, I don't believe it should be at the expense of the less well off rather than on educational standards.

The sooner this Government, with it's hit the least well off and back off the tax dodgers etc, either gets in touch with the people it represents or is kicked into touch the better in my opinion.
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