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10-06-2010, 05:54 PM

My new Agility Club (pictures of our course)

I just found a website for my new agility club, and they have some lovely pictures on there of dogs having great fun, and you can see how high that A-frame is and how loooong that tunnel is but you can also see how brilliantly, organised it is, all enclosed, either on a one to one basis or a group lesson, but I'm opting for the one to one to start with as I did yesterday.

Take a lookey, these dogs are loving it!

Plus the trainer is more than well qualified, she has shepherds herself and horses, and knows her stuff which is imperative!

I'm addicted already can yer tell! You'll be seeing a lot of me in this section from now on, and some piccies on Sunday when I next go!
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10-06-2010, 05:57 PM
Looks great fun H, I bet Zena is going to love it.
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10-06-2010, 06:05 PM
Yay, another convert

Jack is well impressed
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10-06-2010, 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Looks great fun H, I bet Zena is going to love it.
Lol, she's already done it yesterday Jen (I put up a thread!), she absolutely adored it, and wasn't scared, apart from when she got to the top of that very high A-frame, she backed off, but we had her on two leads and after that she was fine! I think she thought she had to jump off the top lol! This wouldn't be a sport for Mo I'm afraid, you need an "active" type dog! PMSL!!!!! No offence, but Mo does like her home comforts doesn't she, especially that garden in the sunshine!

Originally Posted by CLMG View Post
Yay, another convert

Jack is well impressed
Of course Christine, you're well involved with this aren't you!!! I'm addicted, really addicted, we're off again on Sunday morning, armed with the camera this time!!!

Don't you think that A-frame is a tad high though??? I could hardly reach Zena at the top when she backed off first time, and I'm 5ft7"!!!! Oh this is going to be such great fun, and now that she's fully trained up, she knows what I'm asking of her, unlike dog training with all those other dog lungeing at her to play! I'm sticking with the one to one's for the moment until she gets the hang of it and can be offlead, I think that's best!
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10-06-2010, 06:13 PM
Looking good H, i'd be a little concerned about putting her straight over a full height A-frame would it be worth asking them to lower it for a couple of weeks first? Ours do six weeks or more (depending on age) over the lower height first cos it takes alot of muscles to pull themselves up... just a friendly suggestion
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akitagirl is offline  
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10-06-2010, 06:18 PM
Awe, looks great, loving the purple thing going on!

We do ours in an indoor arena, can't wait to move out to the field soon
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10-06-2010, 06:20 PM
It might also help to calm MY nerves, coz I really felt that was too demanding for little Zena at that height first time. This trainer is very on the ball, and the fact that she took a good 5 minutes explaining to me what we were going to do up there and how far away we must be to start off blah, blah, blah and the fact that she was one side, I was the other, with Zena on TWO leads, and she said she's never had an accident yet and she's been doing this for donkey's years, so I put my trust in her

I knew I was right though when you say about it, coz my gut instinct was that it was a bit high. I think I'll suggest lowering it on Sunday, even if it's for MY benefit to get used to seeing Zena going straight up and over without that bit of hesitation at the very top.

Can I just ask please whilst you're on, I know I'm saying up, up, up on the way up there, what am I supposed to say on the way down, coz I think I just said go on, go on, go oooooon! Lol!

She also said Zena is a young dog and she's very well muscled up, so I sort of left it to her?! Don't forget our daily walks are always uphill, so that will muscle her back end up nicely won't it. I'm with you on this one though so I'm going to say something Sunday.
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10-06-2010, 06:49 PM
Yeah it probably won't take long for both of your confidence to come up, Indy moved upto full height pretty quickly, Oliver is taking longer as he's not 100% confident yet and I don't want to put it up until he is, same with the dog walk.

It's good that your trainers very experienced but don't forget you know Zena and your partnership better than anyone. I wouldn't have thought there'd be any problem in lowering it for a little while if you ask.

When she gets used to going up and over you can introduce a stop at the end on the contact. Most people train a two on two off position, so she would keep her back feet on the the contact point and her front feet on the floor.

Indy runs down to a 'stop' command, but with Oliver we're teaching him to run into the two on two off position without a command and then he gets a release word 'ok' to leave the contact and run onto his toy - which takes longer to teach but already is giving him a more solid contact position when i'm not actually with him, so I can be off to the sides, infront or behind to position myself for the next bit.... cos speedy I ain't!
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10-06-2010, 07:01 PM
Chris is training to be a trainer know, and when the new dogs come in, the A-Frame is on it's lowest setting, and we have a mini dog walk as well, the jumps are either at small or medium level, until the dogs know what's expected of them, as we feel that it would be to easy for the dogs to run under the jumps, thus making a very bad habit that's very hard to break when they start with the tunnel it's usually pushed as close together as it'll go to start with, then gradually expanded to it's full extent

I love it when the dogs stop at the top of the A-Frame and just have a look around, it's as if they're saying 'na na nananaa, you can't get me' but it also scares the cr*p out of you when they jump right over the top part

It wont be long until you're getting up at silly o'clock to get to a show by 7.30am, we said we'd never do it and it was just a bit of fun for Jack, but...........................
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10-06-2010, 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Kicks View Post
Yeah it probably won't take long for both of your confidence to come up, Indy moved upto full height pretty quickly, Oliver is taking longer as he's not 100% confident yet and I don't want to put it up until he is, same with the dog walk.

It's good that your trainers very experienced but don't forget you know Zena and your partnership better than anyone. I wouldn't have thought there'd be any problem in lowering it for a little while if you ask.

When she gets used to going up and over you can introduce a stop at the end on the contact. Most people train a two on two off position, so she would keep her back feet on the the contact point and her front feet on the floor.

Indy runs down to a 'stop' command, but with Oliver we're teaching him to run into the two on two off position without a command and then he gets a release word 'ok' to leave the contact and run onto his toy - which takes longer to teach but already is giving him a more solid contact position when i'm not actually with him, so I can be off to the sides, infront or behind to position myself for the next bit.... cos speedy I ain't!
Lol, no speedy I aint either!!! I'll be glad when we get to the bit where Zena is doing all the running around and I'm just standing there finger pointing, I'm good at that!!! The trainer was well impressed when she pointed her finger at Zena and she immediately sat down, coz that's what I've taught her! That won't work of course in agility will it!!!

I'm taking your advice and asking her to lower it on Sunday For MY benefit more than Zena's! Can you please tell me what you say to your Oliver when he gets to the top to get him down the other side please? Well, what you USED to say, coz now he knows it all doesn't he! Thanks again Kicks much appreciated

Originally Posted by CLMG View Post
Chris is training to be a trainer know, and when the new dogs come in, the A-Frame is on it's lowest setting, and we have a mini dog walk as well, the jumps are either at small or medium level, until the dogs know what's expected of them, as we feel that it would be to easy for the dogs to run under the jumps, thus making a very bad habit that's very hard to break when they start with the tunnel it's usually pushed as close together as it'll go to start with, then gradually expanded to it's full extent

I love it when the dogs stop at the top of the A-Frame and just have a look around, it's as if they're saying 'na na nananaa, you can't get me' but it also scares the cr*p out of you when they jump right over the top part

It wont be long until you're getting up at silly o'clock to get to a show by 7.30am, we said we'd never do it and it was just a bit of fun for Jack, but...........................
Lol, silly o'clock is what I used to do when I had the horse, and I didn't want to go there again, but.......

We did have the jumps at their very lowest to start off with, but Zena just clonked them, so she put them up, and then up again when we finished and Zena flew them! The tunnel she wouldn't do at first, so the lady went and got out the smaller one, we practiced with that, then she stuck it on the end of the looooong one and Zena just went through no problems!

OMG, do you mean Zena will eventually be racing up there and just leaping over to the other side then??? I must watch some video stuff on this agility I think to get more of a hang of it! This has started off fun, but I'm sure once I get addicted, I'll be going for it with Zena!!! Thanks Christine, all valuable information there.
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