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View Poll Results: Is CM improving as a TV trainer & offering more apt advice
Yes 45 52.33%
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07-06-2009, 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
In the past Essex Police used this as a training method until they killed a dog and an enquiry was set up.
I was advised by a `behaviourist` to hold my dog up by her collar in order to make her give up a ball. I didn`t. I turned away and ignored her - then she gave me the ball.
The reason I don`t use confrontation is that there are more productive and intelligent methods.
I used to work for our local Police as a member of support staff, and one of our dog handlers told me that sometimes they had to resort to beating the dogs with chains to try and make what potentially looked like it was going to make a really good police dog be aggressive enough. I was absolutely appalled, and he laughed. I don't know to this day whether he was joking or not, but personally I did not find it all funny, whether it was true or not.
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07-06-2009, 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Wysiwyg View Post
Re the chasing - vet check may be necessary as some dogs will chase due to problems in the neurological department for example - not common but I know of a dog who had a tumour which had him chasing sheep.

Secondly, it is a welfare issue - any dog hardwired to chase literally has to chase something somehow, to deny it that is unfair and a welfare issue.

So any dog that is stopped from chasing one thing needs to be redirected to a new target (even if it's only chasing toys thrown by the owner in quality games).

Just stopping a dog with no redirection isn't good for the dog ...

That's interesting Wys. We had a dog here in the village who was a rottweiler crossed something else, collie I think it was, but i can't remember. He attacked Hal really badly, scalped him. It turned out the poor dog had a brain tumour. He was put down.
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07-06-2009, 05:45 PM
CM can never improve until he ditches the whole philosophy he has about the way dogs function and I can't see him doing this.
Sorry but I can't take seriously the people who say ''oh I used CMs methods and they worked for me '' but can't say exactly which methods specific to CM they used .

Being calm and confident with a dog and giving regular and frequent exercise (and for some of us who allow dog to stop and sniff mental stimulation too )are universal common sense training methods used by most trainers.

Asserting that dominance is the route of all problems/pulling a lead so tightly it is possible the supply of oxygen to the dogs brain is reduced so forcing a dog into submission/kicking a dog between the legs/ forcing a dog into submission by alpha rolling it /lifting a dog off its feet by its throat until its legs dangle are not normal methods of training for most civilised people who understand dogs but are all methods I have seen used by Cesar Milan .
Which of these methods do his followers here use?
(NB I can provide examples of the above)
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07-06-2009, 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by mishflynn View Post
Im bowing out of this thread & the equally dull ecollar one.

Its cruel & inhumane & shows no respect for dogs,

Im unsubscribing from them so i will not comment on any more comments made to me on them.

I think I have hit this point as head hurts from the brick wall it seems to keep running into.

I have not seen or heard of any changes is this mans methods which make me feel he is worth any of my time.

Hopefully more people will begin to see the light and he will be taken away from our screens - I live in hope.
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07-06-2009, 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Out of the mouths of babes !!!!!!!!

And Pidge, I dont mean that in a negative way..

But from the prospective of someone who has no preconceived ideas on him.

Listening to all the fours and against... yet you have watched his programme with a un biased view... and come to your own conclusion ..

Well done, you have seem for yourself , what he is capable off.

And you conclusion of his methods is spot on!!!

No one could have put it better

Well observed
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I'll second that. I have a lot of respect for Pidge anyway, but in particular I agree wholeheartedly with what you have said Jackbox. Despite the fact that Pidge has come to a different conclusion than myself, she has reached this in an unbiased and clear thinking way.
Sorry, only just seen these posts (well the thread is very hard to keep up with!!)

Thanks for the reps guys. I think, in a way it's easier for me to see him for what he is now I've had first hand experience. We, like most thought his methods were the right ones. I never really loved nor hated him but did listen to his comments and thoughts.

I've never tried to copy any of them but I always had the ''dominance'' thing in my head because of him. Unfortunately this understanding lead to some potentially serious issues that could have been quite bad. Thank God we realised soon how wrong he is and how damaging his ideas can be.

Someone on here once said if you want to see the real CM watch his show with the sound off. I challenge any ''fan'' to do this and tell me they do not see utter fear in his ''patients''!!

I would love to see him with a really challenging dog and try to earn it's trust in him rather than scaring it into the dog!!
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08-06-2009, 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
No one is trying to sway you into anything, your thoughts are your own, just like others have their own..and like you will form opinions on what they read or see on the TV.

If you dont want to join the debate dont, no one is forcing you

See if I thought it was a debate and stayed on topic I might have a chance to follow it It's a bit rambling and random for me tbh

Isn`t that the truth have to keep checking which one is which
Exactly, I have to keep checking the title against the content, no wonder me ed aches
Never mind, I'll pop back later and try to catch up
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08-06-2009, 03:23 PM
Please note:
The posts relating to Cesar Milan and e collars /snakes/walking in the hills have been moved here..
Please do not post the same post in more than one thread at the same time, this is spamming.

Thank you.
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08-06-2009, 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
In the past Essex Police used this as a training method until they killed a dog and an enquiry was set up.I was advised by a `behaviourist` to hold my dog up by her collar in order to make her give up a ball. I didn`t. I turned away and ignored her - then she gave me the ball.
The reason I don`t use confrontation is that there are more productive and intelligent methods.
And absolutely appalling and abhorrent as it was, this incident was over ten years ago and police dog training has moved on greatly since that time - thank god!
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08-06-2009, 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I used to work for our local Police as a member of support staff, and one of our dog handlers told me that sometimes they had to resort to beating the dogs with chains to try and make what potentially looked like it was going to make a really good police dog be aggressive enough. I was absolutely appalled, and he laughed. I don't know to this day whether he was joking or not, but personally I did not find it all funny, whether it was true or not.
I hope you reported him!
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08-06-2009, 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Moobli View Post
I hope you reported him!
I didn't because I was so sure he had to be joking (funny ha ha, NOT). I don't work for them any more, not that that would have stopped me from reporting cruelty.
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