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Fudgeley is offline  
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06-08-2008, 12:58 PM

Upset and angry about walk.Stand up Shouting Match...

I am so mad. I have just taken Fudge down the canal for her normal daily walk. I had my mum and my youngest two kids with me. The canal has houses that back onto the canal path and have gates to them. There is one house that always has its gate open and there the Yorkshire terrier in question lives. This day as on many others we start to pass and it comes out flying all yappy and snappy. Fudge is scared of this dog and it is hard to get her to go past. Normally I put myself between the two dogs and just keep walking. Today though Fudge had gone on ahead and I was too late to get there. I shouted at the dog to get away and managed to get Fudge past.

Then the owner appeared at the gate and started shouting at me.I am not someone who does conflict but when she said her dog only wanted to play and that it was only a Yorkshire terrier and look at the size of my dog I got cross. Fudge is a very submissive dog and to have a dog, any dog, snapping round her heels is not an enjoyable experience. I told her that she should not have her dog loose on the tow path if it reacts like that to other dogs. She told me I could walk elsewhere!! I then told her that if her dog was out of control and aggressive I could report her to the Dog warden under the dangerous dogs act.

This carried on for a while and in the end she did admit that I had behaved appropriately.As I told her, I had used my voice as a tool to pre-empt a situation.I just can't believe that because she has a small dog she thought it was acceptable. If that had been a larger breed there is no way she would have said those things or ineed allowed her dog to do it to every passing dog.

I am so angry and upset that I had to resort to an argument. I would have been mortified if Fudge behaved like that and would apologise straight away. It does not help as the house is about 5 minutes walk away and is on the route that we take as our daily walk.

Comments and views welcome.
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MissE is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:05 PM
as the owner of a smaller dog, it does annoy me to hear of other terrier owners excusing bad behaviour on grounds of size.
And that's what it was - bad behaviour, unthinking owner.

I know lots of large dogs scared of small ones that would have bitten her yorkie out of fear. If she used her brain she'd know not every dog will play and she should ask first.

Glad Fudge is ok. x
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Razcox is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:07 PM
I hate the way people who own small dogs think its ok to let them do what ever they want! Most seem to think its funny when a toy breed gets nasty to another larger dog or even people. Wouldn't be so funny if it was a rottie though would it!!

IMO no matter what size the dog the same rules should apply to everyone.
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Hali is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:11 PM
You were in the right and although you may have temporarily 'lost it', I am guessing by the fact that she ended up agreeing with you that you conducted yourself better than you think - even if your voice was raised, you must have put your point across in a reasonable manner.

Sadly so many (but not all) people with small dogs think its funny when their dogs are aggressive to larger ones.
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ClaireandDaisy is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:13 PM
I think there`s a water-pistol that might prove useful- think it`s called the Super Squirter. That`d shift the little sweetie. I`m sorry you were upset - I always find a good stand-up knock-down out and out slanging match quite ennervating, so I`m happy to come with you next time! Please remember None of this was your fault If she can`t control her dog it`s down to her to sort it out, not down to the rest of us to avoid her. Hope you feel better soon.
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mse2ponder is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:13 PM
That's awful Fudgely, and I'm sure if I'd have been brave enough, I would have handled this exactly the same. I too hate conflict and things like this really stress me out, so I know how you must be feeling. I just hope Fudge is OK and that this idiot has taken notice.
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Lynn is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:17 PM
I think you did the right thing, firstly IMO if you are going to leave your gate open, make sure your dog can not get out onto a public footpath. If your dog does get out and starts terrorising other dogs and people then expect to get shouted at.
Ollie would of had a real go he is really grumpy of late with dogs what ever their size getting in his face.
This person obviously knew they were in the wrong if when you mentioned the dog warden they backed down.
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Fudgeley is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:21 PM
We had to walk back again on our return home. The gate was still open and the dog was nowhere to be seen. I was more than a little anxious to say the least but did not want to go back a different way as I wanted Fudge to have a positive experience on that part of the canal.

Thanks for the kind comments guys.
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boobah is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:27 PM
Have had this happen to my Kizzy only recently.Sorry hun but if you know the address and this dogs a pest you have to report it.Any dog thats a nuisance should be dealt with large or small,good luck with it all hun xxxxxxxx
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youngstevie is offline  
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06-08-2008, 01:33 PM
So sorry Hun that you had a bad walk. It's not nice is it.

But the owner should also think that one day her little yorkie may got out there with that attitude and someones dog maybe a lot more aggressive and rip it to pieces. So maybe your 'having a go' at her might make her think. I hope so xx
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