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Dogsey Junior
Bilclarie is offline  
Location: France
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24-03-2008, 09:36 PM

Dobermann (Merlin) full euro dog

General Appearance
Medium size, muscular and elegant, with well set body. Of proud carriage, compact and tough. Capable of great speed.

Intelligent and firm of character, loyal and obedient.

Bold and alert. Shyness or viciousness very highly undesirable.

Head and Skull
In proportion to body. Long, well filled out under eyes and clean cut, with good depth of muzzle. Seen from above and side, resembles an elongated blunt wedge. Upper part of head flat and free from wrinkle. Top of skull flat, slight stop; muzzle line extending parallel to top line of skull. Cheeks flat, lips tight. Nose solid black in black dogs, solid dark brown in brown dogs, solid dark grey in blue dogs and light brown in fawn dogs. Head out of balance in proportion to body, dish-faced, snipy or cheeky very highly undesirable.

Almond-shaped, not round, moderately deep set, not prominent, with lively, alert expression. Iris of uniform colour, ranging from medium to darkest brown in black dogs, the darker shade being more desirable. In browns, blues, or fawns, colour of iris blends with that of markings, but not of lighter hue than markings; light eyes in black dogs highly undesirable.

Small, neat, set high on head. Normally dropped, but may be erect.

Well developed, solid and strong with complete dentition and a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Evenly placed teeth. Undershot, overshot or badly arranged teeth highly undesirable.

Fairly long and lean, carried with considerable nobility; slightly convex and in proportion to shape of dog. Region of nape very muscular. Dewlap and loose skin undesirable.

Shoulder blade and upper arm meet at an angle of 90 degrees. Shoulder blade and upper arm approximately equal in length. Short upper arm relative to shoulder blade highly undesirable. Legs seen from front and side, perfectly straight and parallel to each other from elbow to pastern; muscled and sinewy, with round bone in proportion to body structure. Standing or gaiting, elbow lies close to brisket.

Square, height measured vertically from ground to highest point at withers equal to length from forechest to rear projection of upper thigh. Forechest well developed. Back short and firm, with strong, straight topline sloping slightly from withers to croup; bitches may be slightly longer to loin. Ribs deep and well sprung, reaching to elbow. Belly fairly well tucked up. Long, weak, or roach backs highly undesirable.

Legs parallel to each other and moderately wide apart. Pelvis falling away from spinal column at an angle of about 30 degrees. Croup well filled out. Hindquarters well developed and muscular; long, well bent stifle; hocks turning neither in nor out. When standing, hock to heel perpendicular to the ground.

Well arched, compact, and cat-like, turning neither in nor out. All dewclaws removed. Long, flat deviating feet and/or weak pasterns highly undesirable.

Previously customarily docked.
Docked: Docked at 1st or 2nd joint. Appears to be a continuation of spine without material drop.
Undocked: Appears to be a continuation of spine without material drop, or slightly raised when the dog is moving.

Elastic, free, balanced and vigorous, with good reach in forequarters and driving power in hindquarters. When trotting, should have strong rear drive, with apparent rotary motion of hindquarters. Rear and front legs thrown neither in nor out. Back remains strong and firm.

Smooth, short, hard, thick and close-lying. Imperceptible undercoat on neck permissible. Hair forming a ridge on back of neck and/or along spine highly undesirable.

Definite black, brown, blue or fawn (Isabella) only, with rust red markings. Markings to be sharply defined, appearing above each eye, on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below tail. White markings of any kind highly undesirable.

Ideal height at withers: dogs: 69 cms (27 ins); bitches: 65 cms (251/2 ins). Considerable deviation from this ideal undesirable.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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Borderdawn is offline  
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24-03-2008, 10:04 PM
WOW!! My type of Dobe!

Beautiful head, but want a bigger pic please!! like his overall type and balance, perhaps slightly upright in shoulder but may be the pic. Correct sloping topline, but drops away a little at the croup. lovely turn of stifle. Classy Dog!
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Bilclarie is offline  
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26-03-2008, 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
WOW!! My type of Dobe!

Beautiful head, but want a bigger pic please!! like his overall type and balance, perhaps slightly upright in shoulder but may be the pic. Correct sloping topline, but drops away a little at the croup. lovely turn of stifle. Classy Dog!
Thanks for that the only thing you didn't mention was his dark chest he only has smudge marks which is the only bad
comment Merlin ever gets, The rest you have comented on is just the photo and position he's in I think its a natural photo he wasn't stood for it He was given excellent 1 for his confirmation which is a class that Dobes go in from 15 months old to see if there fit for breeding here in France.

Mo and the Gang xx
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26-03-2008, 09:02 PM
Thats great! I did see his markings were faint but because his coat looked so shiny, I did wonder if it was the light. he's a lovely Dog, post some pics of his head when you can.
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Bilclarie is offline  
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26-03-2008, 09:33 PM
Haven't really got any of his head but have cropped a few pictures so hopefully these will do for you to look at, I'm trying to get to england in the summer to have a sitting for photos with Dean Sawyer.

Mo and the Gang xx

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Borderdawn is offline  
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26-03-2008, 09:55 PM
Beautiful! Super head planes, good underjaw, shallow stop, classic blunt wedge!! Superb head!
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Ripsnorterthe2nd is offline  
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27-03-2008, 12:26 AM
I have to say he is really stunning, but nothing like the Dobes in the UK (that I have seen, no offence intended!).

What is it that the English Dobes are missing and why?
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Borderdawn is offline  
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27-03-2008, 02:32 AM
Many English bred Dobes lack strength of muzzle, and have weak underjaws. Round eyes are also a problem. Continental bred Dobes excel in head.
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Bilclarie is offline  
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27-03-2008, 08:59 AM
I will try to answer your question!!!!!

Firstly unlike England, in most of Europe dogs of all breeds have to go through a fit for breeding test with a breed judge so if you have a good dog it will pass, now when you by a pedigree dog (LOF) in France you are only given a peddigree provisionare which basically means you can't do anything with the dog until you have had a confirmation test done, once your dog has passed its confirmation test the judge fills in the back of the peddigree and it gets sent of with the dogs critique and the judges score,when your peddigree comes back it's a different peddigree and has been offically stamped by the kennel club, now in England if you have a registered dog regardless of it's type health and condition you can breed from and register the litter, that probably answers your question!!!!!! now those dogs that have been bred may not in the eyes of a breed judge be fit for breeding but hey what does that matter!!!!!!!!!!To gain a French champions tittle a Dobermann for example will have to go through a working test and pass and also to become a show champion as you have to have both to hold the tittle of French champion, they will also need to have an excellent hip score. Also in France (I'm staying with France as thats where I live) you can own as many males as you like, but you pay a tax per breeding age female and per litter so theres no point in breeding inferior dogs because you don't make any money the tax man takes 50% of what you earn here, depending on the department you live in as to how much you pay per female a year it can be anything from 300euros per female per year, I know a breeder who lives in Paris and he pay's 1000euros per year per female, so you have to do the job of breeding properly,So because people are breeding willy nilly shall we say in England any dog is being bred from hence poor heads etc etc etc etc because to them a Dobe is a Dobe, only responsable breeders are doing right by this breed, so you have a passable dog put to a reasonable dog it has 10 puppys and if your lucky you may get 1 or 2 that are what they should be, so they go on to enter shows etc then there bred from and again you may have 10 puppys and 2/3 may be good, so it has a knock on affect to the breed, and because there are no rules re breeding people are breeding poor quality dogs which in turn are being bred from, so you are loosing what the Dobe is suppose to be and thats where your difference comes in, lots of UK breeders are now using Euro dogs to get the strength of head jaw body etc back into the UK Dobes, only joe bloggs who don't give a flying **** and only see's pound signs will continue to breed from sub standard stock again this is just my opinion.
I have seen a lot of English show dogs made up to UK champions and my thoughts are, I best get my youngest male there because if they can become UK champions I'm pretty sure he could Raven with Merlin at 10months old

Sorry for going on a bit
Mo and the Gang xx
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horses01466 is offline  
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27-03-2008, 11:08 AM
stunning dogs, loved the photos
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