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30-07-2007, 08:40 AM
Here is Barney's rainbow.
Im sure Cassie has passed over there and is as young and carefree as the day she came into your life.

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30-07-2007, 09:39 AM
Hiya Helen - Just popping in to check up on you. I have been away for the weekend so haven't had a chance to read any emails.

That photo of Cassie is lovely - she was such a beautiful girl.

Glad to hear you are coping and I am sure as each day passes things will get slightly easier.

Give Georgie a huge hug from me.
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30-07-2007, 09:47 AM
Hi Helena,
I'm so pleased to hear that things are getting a little easier for you.
I've been getting goose bumps about the 'I'm ok Mum' signs that Cassie has been sending you.
I know when we lost our last cat that he kept popping back to see us & check on us - how? Cos I kept falling over him he would always be under your feet when he was alive & I knew he was there afterwards cos I'd turn round to go in a different direction and stumble over a big black shape that wasn't there when I looked again!!

Hope that you enjoy your day out with Mum today xx
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30-07-2007, 12:31 PM
Hi toni, I hope you're feeling better today?? I had to give the card a good airing in all the shops coz it hasn't been let out for 4 months! I didn't enjoy it as much as usual though, too many things going round in my mind at the moment. Take care, hope you're heaps better today.
Awww thanks for sharing Barney's beautiful rainbow with me Luz, and I see you too have a glorious view from your window just like I do now from upstairs! Yes, I've kept the feather with the rose, so I can touch it now and again and I will keep them forever. I wonder what she'll send me next!!!
Thanks Lynn, she really was a lovely looking dog especially in her younger years, coz she was 10 going on 11 in that pic, it's from last year. Her fur was very soft and silky,totally different to Georgie's, and much longer. Awwww, maybe one day!!! Mum's not been very chatty today, I don't think she's very well, she's very quiet and shaky, so I came home early and got her some nice lunch and hopefully she'll be better after her little nap.

Thanks for popping in Kirsty, and I hope you had a good week-end. Yes, she was beautiful, but then they all are, both inside and out too! Not that I'm biased or anything and nor are you!!!! Take care.

Hi Nicky - never fail to make me laugh!!! You won't need those tissues today though, I'm much better, over the very worst, but I know it will carry on creeping up on me, but all the time she's sending me these little messages it will keep me happy that she made it to run around free with all the Dogsey gang we've got up there now. I bet they're having a whale of a time without us to boss them around too!!

Georgie hadn't chewed himself and he greeted me at the door like I'd been away for a week! I'm going to take him out again in a mo coz he's been such a good boy. I'd left a box of chocolates on the coffee table in the lounge (!!!!! ) but thankfully he never touched them!!! He would have done 2 years ago when I first got him, but Cassie must have laid down the rules of this house, so he left them alone. She taught him a lot in such a short time with him, and I couldn't wish for better if I had brought him up from a puppy,bless him, he's my cuddly bear that boy!xxx
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zoeybeau1 is offline  
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30-07-2007, 01:21 PM
glad you had time to air your head so to say,i think the dogsey gang are indeed having a whale of a time,and i wonder it they would have left youre choclates alone,glad youre a wee bit better
and these are for you to cheer you up that wee bit more
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dollyknockers is offline  
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30-07-2007, 03:13 PM

I hope that you are feeling a little better today helena xxdk
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30-07-2007, 03:58 PM
Glad to hear things are a little easier for you Helen. One day you'll be able to look back and smile at her memory and not feel like crying all the time.
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30-07-2007, 04:23 PM
Awwww more pink roses, thanks toni!!!! Why aren't you in bed??!!!!!!!!!! Hope that means you're much better today.xxxx

Awwww, that has touched my heart Jackie, that's so true isn't it, I love that - thanks!!!

Georgie's had a nice long sleep, and when I bent down to give him a cuddle, he woke up with his tail slamming down on the floor, he half rolled over so he could put his paw around my neck, and he's licking my eyes again. I'm sure that dog knows how upset I am, he has never licked my face before in the two years I've had him, it was almost as if he's been taught not to lick faces!! Unless of course it was my little Princess who told him he wasn't allowed to do that, it was specially reserved for her!! Awww aren't dogs the best thing in the whole world - they always bring a smile to your face somehow don't they!

It's just all so strange, the total opposite of what I've been used to for 11 years. He's gone back to bed, he's quite happy sleeping away the days, whereas Cassie would be pestering the life out of me again now to go out, especially if I dared go out the back to get the washing in where the car is! Maybe this happened now for a reason, time to slow down for me perhaps, take life a bit easier - I've been like a whirlwind for the past 4 months with all that's been going on here with the building works and my vertigo has come back with avengeance. That's when you can't stand up without falling over after lying down, you walk like you're drunk, and I thought it had gone 2 years ago when I had Georgie, but sadly it's come back, not quite as bad, but I know I've got it. Last time it lasted for a whole year and I was actually hospitalised for a week when it first came on coz the ceiling was spinning at 90 mph at the same time and they thought I had a brain problem! Me??? A brain problem??? Never!!!!

They say everything happens for a reason don't they That's probably why Cassie was a very hyper and active dog, because I'm kinda that way, always rushing about, doing everything at double quick time (but perfectly of course I'm a Virgo!!!!)and seeing as how she'd lived with that (I just had to change that to past tense there!!! )all her long happy life, she couldn't help but end up the same as me, always bouncing around with a big smile on her face and that's what I miss most, her bubbly personality, everything seems to have gone into slow motion now especially with the way Georgie behaves. I can muster him into play mode, but it takes sooooo long, by the time he gets motivated, I'm either worn out or fed up!!! I only had to call her over to me, and she'd be there, instantly for a bum scratch or a face rub where she'd end up pushing her face under me making silly noises and then roll upside down and nibble the bottom of my ear, with her front paws round my neck, making the same strange noises, I couldn't possibly put them into words for you though! Funny how they say dogs are like their owners, well she certainly was the spitting image of me in the dog equivalent, whereas Georgie and me are total opposites, but then again so are Dave and myself, so maybe it will also be a match made in Heaven hey!!! I'll liven him up a bit don't you worry!

Thanks for listening, this could be a long one!!!! Take care all of you who've popped in again.xxxxxxx
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30-07-2007, 04:46 PM
Awww....Aitch, I'm so pleased to hear a little bit of the old Aitch in your posts today. Welcome back sweetie. It's going to take some time and for goodness sake, be careful with that vertigo. We'll always be here for you. xxxxx
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30-07-2007, 06:24 PM
Thanks Lucky, it's going to be a long old process, but maybe you're right. At the moment, it's also brought back memories of all the other little darlings I've lost too. Never mind, I'll get there, slowly!xx

Thanks Jackie I'm sounding a bit more normal now then!!!

Georgie's just had a mad moment on the new rugs again in the lounge! He seems to love rolling on them, and they're very thick and fluffy, you'd think they'd irritate his itchy skin but he loves them! Now he's sitting at the open front door on guard, ready to terrorise anyone who's above 6ft walking past the front trellis, at least it's keeping him occupied and he's not sleeping!! He's getting very close with Dave too, he goes and sits alongside his chair for a stroke and he turns his head and rests it on Dave's cushion, just staring up at him, he loves his Dad, he's a man's dog that one (maybe coz he's gay, which he definitely is!!!)whereas Cassie was definitely mummy's girl. I feel all left out!!!!
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