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cava14una is offline  
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30-06-2007, 09:36 AM
To be honest looking at the video of the Lab I'd want more than that if I was parting with my money Not that I'd let anyone else train my dog

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JoedeeUK is offline  
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30-06-2007, 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by elmac13 View Post
I am thinking of hiring a dog trainer to train Sam. What he does is take him out in your local environment every day for 30mins mon-fri for approx 5 weeks and the last week he takes me out and makes sure I am trained to get Sam to obey. He also goes into any specific problems you might have and advises you accordingly. I have been trying to train Sam for a while now by myself and although I have made some headway he is still not 100% on things like recall or stay. Basically he comes if he wants to. We get by, but he has some serious problems with going for other dogs and I don't think it is due to lack of socialization as he was running about with all kinds of dogs from puppyhood. I think he thinks he's the boss.

Any opinions on this guy would be appreciated. His website is
Well the fact that he cannot spell rings a warning bell with me before I actually looked at any of his stuff. He has used copyrighted photos of dogs/animals trained by other people(The cat & The GSDs is from a Police Dog(as in real police dogs)site)

A quick read through leaves me not able to write what I really think of him but what comes to mind is the place the first dog I trained for someone else went to. She came back terrified & it took me a full year of positive reinforcement training to get her confidence back

Having someone else you do not know train your dog is a big no no All the dogs I have trained for people have been with me starting the training & them joining in and being present all the time & doing the same training with one of my dogs so they learnt the techniques before trying them with their dog

If your dog runs off use a long training line to keep him safe & teach him that returning is very rewarding by use of extra tasty titbits he only gets for returning

It does work the first dog I trained was a GSD who legged it home if let off lead because of the"training"she had received. She ended up a very confident girl who returned instantly & did well in competitive obedience too
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Missysmum is offline  
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30-06-2007, 10:53 AM
Just a thought , have you taken Sam to training classes ? That would be my first approach. Or have a trainer come to you for 1 to 1 training for you and your dog. I'd never let anyone go off with my dog to train her. You don't know what training methods they would use when you are not there to see for yourself . I can give you contact details for someone who runs classes and private tuition in the Edinburgh area if you like.
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30-06-2007, 08:38 PM
Haven't watched the videos which I presume are on his site. I did read his CV:

Trained with Captain Haggarty
Police trainer
Security trainer

Interesting with these on his CV that he says no coercion - or is that just when he trains chimpanzees for circuses?

I think I'd want to know much more before I'd trust my dog alone with someone with these on his CV.
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30-06-2007, 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Haven't watched the videos which I presume are on his site. I did read his CV:

Trained with Captain Haggarty
Police trainer
Security trainer

Interesting with these on his CV that he says no coercion - or is that just when he trains chimpanzees for circuses?

I think I'd want to know much more before I'd trust my dog alone with someone with these on his CV.
If he trained with Captain Haggerty, he can`t have listened very well for house training class

The bloke says on his site :

"when a dog urinates inside the house or in any other inappropriate place the command "NO!" accompanied by a swat with a rolled up newspaper imprints on the dog a conditioned reflex associating the word "NO!" with a disagreeable consequence. Later the dog will scratch the outside door to alert the owner that he needs to go outside to the appropriate area to urinate. "

[ Oh yeah sure, `just like that` - not !!!!! ]

CH says : We are opposed to hitting a dog with a newspaper or sticking its nose in its mess


Mind you, the CH `school` is now run by his daughter...

Haggerty was not a `kind` trainer imo nor one with any real understanding of dogs [ also imo ]. In an article he said :

“Take the dog who barks and barks relentlessly. The desperate renter will have to get rid of the dog if the problem isn't fixed. Here's what I do. I wait with the owner in the hallway. Sure enough, the dog starts barking and I explode into the house and scare the living” daylights out of the dog. (Mr. Haggerty did not use the word “daylights.”)"

Just looked some more at the K9 site, every puppy no matter how young and small is wearing a choker.
Wrong wrong wrong :smt021
No one can convince me that a tiny young puppy can only be `controlled` by a choker, [ or any other dog for that matter ], but putting the things on little pups for whom throat damage on tender young tissues is incredibly high risk ?
Good grief

My advice now based on what I`ve seen on his site after further reading of it ?
Run a mile, and fast. I would`nt want any dog near that kind of thinking.
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30-06-2007, 10:39 PM
You like the Captain's style then, Patch

Seriously, I would be wary of any trainer that wants to take your dog out of your sight to train him.
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30-06-2007, 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
You like the Captain's style then, Patch
I`d have liked to have seen him try to scare the doo dah out of my Willow with that stoopid `technique` - it would`nt have got CH anywhere in the dog training stakes but it would of taught Ch how to be an Olympic class sprinter in one easy lesson :smt043
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01-07-2007, 08:22 AM
Patch said: I realised then that I should never train a dog for someone else but should train the owner and teach them how to work with their dog.

amen to that!
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01-07-2007, 12:24 PM
I know someone who paid to have a dog trained in this way. When the dog first came back all was well but within 3 months the dog was as bad as he had ever been. As soon as he realised the consequences of an action were different with his owner from the trainer he ceased to obey unless he felt like it. Personally if you can afford one to one training with you always involved I'd say that's the way to go.
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01-07-2007, 02:02 PM
Thank you very much everyone for your thought and time. I think I will give him a miss. There is another trainer who I was in contact with before I saw this guy advertised and she trains in a more conventional way so I think I will get in touch with her again. Thanks again.
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